Archives for

Roman Catholicism

November 2003

Articles from the November 2003 edition.

“Wounded” Trimble faces electoral defeat!

Ailing Pope seeks to perpetuate his influence on earth and gain a little favour in heaven

Bishop with guns under his coat and McGuinness throwing bricks and bottles

A ‘United Nations of Religions’

Former pupil of Clogher Valley Christian school is best in UK

“Bearing reproach for Christ”

Anglicanism tears itself apart but draws nearer to Rome

“Departure from God — its cause, character & consequences”

October 2003

Articles from the October 2003 edition.

If its WMD you’re looking for Mr. Blair, try your IRA friends  in Ulster

Sinn Fein/IRA feast and dance while their victims weep and grieve

IRA death threats forcing resignations amongst members of new police body

Church will survive sodomite crisis, says Eames

Reaping the harvest of immorality

“Smoking (incense) may injure your health!!”

Rome still looks for favoured place within new EU constitution

Archbishop Williams plans Walsingham visit in 2004

Colin Maxwell’s challenge to the Church of Ireland Gazette

Shortage of recruits to the priesthood threatens Roman Catholicism in Ireland

“The Bible-Believer’s response to the deepening apostasy”