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Why we must fight the battle of the Reformation again today

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church November 12th, 2017, Sabbath Services.

Preacher: Rev. Michael Patrick Retd. (Former minister of Clogher Valley, Moneyslane and Perth (Australia) Free Presbyterian Congregations)

Evening Service: “Why we must fight the battle of the Reformation again today”

Stream or download Why we must fight the battle of the Reformation again today

KICS 38th Annual Prize-giving service

Sermon preached at the 38th Annual Prize-giving service  of Kilskeery Independent Christian School, Friday evening, 10th November, by 4th year Theological student of the Whitefield College of the Bible, Mr Daniel Henderson.

Stream or download Message – prize giving 2017.

Below are some pictures taken at the service.

Rev Larry Power, Interim Moderator, led the meeting.

Mrs Pamela Foster, School Principal, gave a most encouraging report of the work of the past year.

Some of the pupils providing some stirring hymns with a Protestant Reformation theme

Mr Daniel Henderson, who comes from our Bridlington Congregation on the north east coast of England, preached from Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” Proverbs 22:6.