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The Parables #11

The opposition of thorns. Verse 18-19. 

What happens after the sowing of the seed is the vital matter. When I finished preaching what you do with God’s and what becomes of it will decide your eternity.

Thorns stopped the seed becoming fruitful. Where did thorns come from?

There were no thorns in God’s original creation. “And unto Adam he (God) said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field,” Genesis 3:17-18.

Man’s sin was followed by God’s judgment and the growth of thorns. These thorns represent “the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things,” Mark 4:19. “Cares” means distractions. Notice riches are “deceitful.” These are the things which kill of that which springs up in shallow soil. Such soil will support thorns!

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Nicodemus in the Dark, in the Dawn and in the Daylight

Scripture: John 3, 7, 19.

(Preached in the Lisbellaw 50th Anniversary Mission, Thursday evening, 4th October, 2017, by Rev Ivan Foster)

Apart from the band of disciples, male and female, which followed the Lord Jesus during His earthly ministry, few individuals have more than one mention in the gospel records.

Nicodemus is one exception. What makes the record concerning this man even more special is that it traces his journey from unbelief to faith in the Saviour.

We will look at the references to the man and trace his journey from Darkness to Daylight.

Stream or download Nicodemus in the Dark, the Dawn and the Daylight

The Parables #10

We come to the Saviour’s teaching regarding the soil in the parable of the Sower.

1. There were 4 kinds of soil. Verses 4-8. Not every heart is the same!

2. The majority of people do not benefit from the gospel. 3 out of 4 came to nothing! No fruit but there were different reasons why that was so.

A. The work of the devil. Verses 4, 15.
How active he is! Wonderful fact that the birds are very quick to spot seed being sown. The devil would rob us of the Seed of Life and so rob us of Heaven!

B. The shallowness of soil. Verses 16-17. There is a superficial hearing of the Word. No deep consideration of what God is saying. Shallow soil may produce some growth above ground but no root beneath the ground!! So it fails when it faces any difficulty or opposition.

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