Archives for

Sinn Fein/IRA

August 2012

Carrying the torch for burning spiritual beliefs

This report appeared in the “Irish Times” on August 6th and is of the Free Presbyterian young people’s witness in London during the Olympic games. The Dublin newspaper has given a very fair report only it will be recognised that Dr Pollock is not in the habit of referring to “luck” as having any place in the outworking of God’s sovereign purpose!!

Some thoughts on an inter-church musical event in Penticton.

Rev. Andy Foster was invited to participate in an inter-church musical outreach event in Penticton. His refusal to join in was not well received by the representative of the local Pentecostal church who gave the invitation. This short article comments on some of the arguments commonly used in defence of such ecumenical events.

Samson: Ulster Protestantism’s plight illustrated

This sermon was preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on August 2nd 1998 and published in this printed form in “The Burning Bush” that same month. Fourteen years have passed by since then but what was said back then is still very relevant today. If anything, it is even more relevant!

Selected news stories

Maginnis claims ‘vast support’

Former mayor is back in party fold

‘Shameful disrespect for Maginnins exposes Nesbitt’s flaws’

Fall of Maginnis leaves UUP leader Nesbitt exposed

Victims’ group to meet Taoiseach over Republic’s role in Troubles

Police ‘could have solved Narrow Water’

Ken Maginnis quits Ulster Unionists in row over gay marriage comments

Maginnis quits UUP, tells Nesbitt to resign

Allister Challenges Parades Commission on Sinn Fein Parade

Warning over Boston tapes; Testimonies could be used to destabilise peace process: McGuinness

DUP’s Jim Wells: Abortion should be ruled out for rape victims

Call for clarity after DUP man’s ‘make homosexuality illegal’ comments

New legal bid to block release of Boston tapes

Task force call as Church of Ireland funds drop £9.5m

Papal Nuncio calls for ‘authentic’ faith in Ireland (Faithful must embrace even more tightly the religion which has blighted the lives of tens of thousands of children !!!)

Ireland’s papal nuncio calls for the adoption of ‘authentic’ Catholicism

NI bucks the national trend in GCSE exam results

Irish RC bishops may be planning ‘priestless parishes’

US ruling means Vatican not liable over paedophile priest

‘Violent’ preacher refused visa ahead of Portadown talk

‘Hate campaign’ against Protestant boxers

Jim Allister Welcomes Belated Investigation into Sandy Row Boxing Club Concerns

Ulster Unionist Councillor regrets gay ‘disease’ term

A reading from the gospel according to Gerry Adams

Church of Ireland cleric defies God and backs sodomite marriage

Gay marriage costs Tories support in the pews, poll shows

No member of Sinn Fein makes a public statement until the contents has been approved by the leadership

How truth is still a casualty in dirty war

Why Gerry, or Martin, can’t admit to having been in the IRA

So, is it true that the IRA has not really gone away?

Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams absent from one in four Dail days

The case against Europe: MEP Daniel Hannan reveals the disturbing contempt for democracy at the heart of the EU

New rogue garda claim is hammer blow to inquiry

Ulster abortion figures concern

Kids dressed as IRA terrorists

If England and Wales had 143 abortions to save the Mum’s life in 43 years how has NI managed 79 per annum over the past 5 years?

The end of Catholic Ireland

Downing St: longer Sunday opening hours could stay

‘We feel let down by our politicians’ – IRA victims speak out

George Galloway brands Iris Robinson and DUP hypocrites

Unionism ‘forced’ to share power – McDonnell -SDLP Leader

Is Irish Catholicism dead?

The divide in Ireland is not one between various faiths — but between religion itself and secularism

Top expert warns Northern Ireland economy is facing meltdown – (The DUP promised an economic utopia as a result of their deal with Sinn Fein/IRA and the “peace” that would follow. What fools Ulster Protestants were to believe them !!)

SDLP scorn for ‘Soviet-style’ SF

Republic of Ireland abandoning religion faster than almost every other country

Survey finds Ireland second only to Vietnam in loss of religious sentiment

Goodbye Team UK: Is Northern Ireland too awkward to be included formally?

Sinn Fein finds new Northern Ireland border signs hard to welcome

Quinn case ‘shows SF opportunism’

Maginnis blasts UUP colleague in gay row

Sinn Fein are wealthiest party and biggest spenders

Peace process could unravel over tapes fight

Equal marriage fuels Gay Pride protest

Irish law would ‘disadvantage Protestants’

SDLP spat over stance on same-sex marriages

Sinn Feiner John O’Dowd denies infiltrating schools with Sinn Fein governors

Sinn Fein divisions on Sean Quinn support reopened

Irish Roman Catholic Church facing ‘Eucharistic famine’ due to shortage of priests

Jim Allister stirs pot in job bias ruling row

‘IRA’ graffiti appears in Derry

Mid-Ulster MP should ‘tell all’ about Claudy – Allister

Families remember Claudy victims

New Bloody Sunday probe to include ‘terrorist activity’

Gavin Robinson is first DUP representative to attend a gay pride event – “The DUP are on a learning curve . . . ” Sinn Fein.

July 2012

Separation – A doctrine in need of reiteration

Leviticus 20:1-8. This is the substance of a message preached by Rev Ivan Foster on a recent visit to the Czech Republic and Romania.

Separation is no new doctrine. It is not the invention of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster or any other separated denomination.

You are not necessarily living a separated life just because you attend a separated church. There are many who attend services in a denomination which espouses a proper Biblical and separated position regarding the ecumenical movement and the worldly music that increasingly pervades the worship of many churches and yet they themselves do not embrace a holy separated walk with God. They are no more separated unto the Lord than was Judas Iscariot who was associated with the Lord Jesus during the most of His earthly ministry. Read article…

The Second Advent

by Bishop J. C. Ryle.

In language that is both uncomplicated and unambiguous, Bishop Ryle deals with a subject that is so relevant for the Church of Christ today. The indifference of many toward the Bible’s teaching on the Second Advent, the slumbering and sleeping of many regarding the Saviour’s return and the inconsistencies of those who reject a literal interpretation of Scripture prophecies are all dealt ably and graciously by the great man.

“Exclusive Psalmody” — is it commanded of God?

The substance of a submission by Rev. Ivan Foster in his debate with Rev. Angus Stewart of Covenant Protestant Reformed Fellowship, Ballymena, on 14th January 2005. (reprinted from 2005) Click here to read.

Report of Rev. Ivan Foster’s visit to Czech Republic and Romania

Below is an audio report of Rev. Foster’s recent preaching trip to the Czech Republic and Romania. This report was originally broadcast as part of a Heart of the matter programme.

Some photographs from the trip.

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Selected news stories