Archives for

Sinn Fein/IRA

February 2005

Articles from the February 2005 edition.

Protest at Ecumenical unity meeting

Priest pays compensation to accuser but keeps his post

Education Secretary defends membership of secret Roman Catholic society

“Mild smacking” – only legal chastisement

Sinn Fein masks slips further

Re-trial for IRA man in Omagh bomb case

“Exclusive Psalmody” – Is it commanded of God?

An examination of the Greek terms psalmos, humnos, and ode as they are used in the Septuagint Version of the Scriptures (LXX) to see if the practice of the LXX lends support to the concept of exclusive Psalmody

The Burning Bush 2005 subscription rates

January 2005

Articles from the January 2005 edition.

Sinn Fein—totally unfitted for government in N. Ireland

Peaceful Christian protest ignored and riotous Sikh protest placated—WHY?

IRA’s “Columbia Three” escape after being sentenced to long jail terms

Parents go on strike!

Dr. Paisley given the freedom of Ballymena

The threat of a tsunami!!

Ahern apologizes to Dr. Paisley over remark on photographs

Is there a right way to celebrate Christmas?

The Burning Bush 2005 subscription rates

December 2004

Articles from the December 2004 edition.

The spiritual bankruptcy of Irish Methodism

Priest acknowledges himself to be “an evil, sick, cunning and sneaky man”

Garda officer was the IRA mole responsible for the murder of two senior RUC men

DUP councillor vows to fight Irish language school

Blair deal will allow IRA to retain some weapons

The apostacy in North America

Faith Mission bookshop challenged on its sale of The Passion of Christ

Honouring the Father by hearing the Son

The Burning Bush subscription list