Archives for


September 2010

Articles from the September 2010 e-edition.

Biblical Protest and Witness Await Pope’s UK Visit By Richard Bennett

Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster opposition to the Pope’s visit to Great Britain

  • The papal visit: Why we oppose it. A booklet explaining our opposition to the state visit of the Pope to Great Britain. Click on the link to read or download and print.

Free Church of Scotland welcomes Pope to Scotland and eulogises his writings.

To listen to a recording of Rev. David Robertson welcoming the Pope, use the player below:

Video of protest against the Pope.

The following video clip of the Protest against the Pope’s visit to Westminster Abbey is during the very stage when the pope drives past the protesters in his Popemobile and gets out of the car and walks into Westminster Abbey. The Protest gets a bit lively at this key moment with Protesters shouting “Anti-Christ” at the Pope and a large number of Roman Catholics who had by this stage mingled with the protest group were shouting or cheering for the pope. None of this large protest was shown on the main media news about the visit despite the protest being directly in front of the media stage.

Welcome to the new site of the “Burning Bush”.

November 2009

Articles from the November 2009 e-edition.

Ulster Crisis - 2006-2008: An account, given at the recent Congress of Fundamentalists at Foundations Bible College, of the distress felt amongst believers in Ulster during the controversy aroused by the decision of Dr Paisley and the DUP in 2006 to enter a power-sharing government with Sinn Fein/IRA, a party which openly condoned murder and terrorism.

A timely consideration for God’s people in the light of more recent revelations in the political realm!