Archives for


June-July 2000

Articles from the June-July 2000 edition.

Loyalist feud brings death to streets of Belfast

Church of Ireland involved in making Pope head of united church

Free Presbyterians in Toronto protest against “Reunion with Rome” plans

Church of Ireland rector denounces the politics of surrender in church and state

Church of Ireland evangelicals seek reforms within church

“British Israelism” examined and its errors exposed, Part 1.

Alleged Garda spy named

Following in father’s footsteps!

“Young People’s Formal Dinners” acceptable behaviour or symptomatic of a deeper problem? Part 4

The alternative to surrender to terror

New minister for Newtownabbey

May 2000

Articles from the May 2000 edition.

Methodist minister endorses Rome’s errors

The Stations of the Cross explained — by Rev. Larry Power

Martin McGuinness sparked ‘Bloody Sunday’ shooting — Claim

Britain sensitive to Irish feeling on UK 200th anniversary

The Pope’s empty apology

A sham gospel shabbily presented

Lying in the arms of God or in the jaws of the devil — Which??

“Young People’s Formal Dinners” – acceptable behaviour or symptomatic
of a deeper problem? Part 3

Orangemen forced to cancel Dublin parade because of intimidation