April 2018

New audio sermons

  • KICS talks updated. Two new talks are added weekly.
  • All recently added audio sermons can be seen here.

IRA bomber abstains from vote on memorial to his victims

Read the Newsletter report here.

Seventeen murders in seven years but not one conviction

Read the Irish News report here.

Sisters of Nazareth: Nuns held to account for decades of CHILD ABUSE

Read the news report here.


Scripture: Acts 11:26

Preached in Penticton FPC, April 22nd, 2018.

Here in our text is the origin of the title which all true believers wear with honour. It can be seen immediately that the name Christian is that used of those who before were referred to as disciples. A disciple is one under instruction, a learner. A disciple of Christ is one who, having met with and obeyed Christ is now under His direction and tutelage.

While that may explain the meaning of the terms what we want to discover is what is a Christian? There is no title more abused and misused today. I believe that it is likely that 99% of those in this world who claim to be Christians are very sadly mistaken! Read more...

Could be more Catholics than Protestants in NI by 2021

Rather a telling argument against the ongoing lie of Republicans that Roman Catholics suffered persecution and discrimination in Northern Ireland.

The Protestant population in the south of Ireland has dwindled from some 10% prior to partition to 4% today!!!! Read more

The benefits of having the Bible

“The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple,” Psalm 119:130.

As a people we revere the Bible. It is given a prominent place in our services and in our lives. We preach its doctrines and contend for its truths. We seek to live by its precepts.
The word BIBLE comes from a Greek word BIBLOS = The BOOK. This is the BOOK for us.

My text is one suited to this subject. Please consider its teaching. Read more...

Watch a video of this message here.

“Fermanagh cleric moves up the ladder that is leading down!!”

Read the report on the Protestant Revival website here.

Vigilantes ‘planning roadblock’ to stop Hither Green burglar’s funeral procession from passing victim’s house

This was bound to happen as a result of the spineless police reaction to the shameless arrogance of the dead criminal’s family and supporters! Read more

Jim Wells speaks about DUP betrayal

Below is a recording of a radio interview on BBC Ulster Radio on 9th April in which Jim Wells explains why he feels betrayed by the DUP over the matter of a promise to reinstate him as Minister of Health after he was forced to resign from that office, following a false allegation made against him by a person who was later convicted of falsehood.

He alleges that the DUP leadership has refused to honour the promise he was given. He believes that he has been treated in this manner because he holds to the moral standards once professed by the DUP.

TUV has published a leaflet to mark the 20th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement.

Highlighting the failures of the Agreement it pulls no punches in contrasting what it promised with what it delivered.

The promise versus the reality

Anyone in 1998 who dared to question the hype and promise of the Belfast Agreement was treated as a pariah. This new dawn, we were told, would bring stability and normality to Northern Ireland. So, how has it worked out? Badly: Northern Ireland is more divided than ever, and as for political normality, the parties can’t even form a government. The fact that the Belfast Agreement itself is the cause and source of such failure is an uncomfortable reality many try to avoid. Facing up to the need for radical change to the core institutional structures of the 1998 Agreement is the path to progress.  Read the full document here.

The deceptions of Anglican cleric, Sam Allberry and the dupes who believe his lie

By Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

A certain Anglican ‘cleric’, named Sam Allbery, introduced himself to the 2017 Anglican Church’s Synod as one who is “same-sex attracted” and further stated that he had been so all his life. He then declared just what that meant. “I have sexual, romantic and deep emotional attractions to people of the same sex”!!

Please note that he uses the plural, ‘people’ rather than ‘a person’, singular. Sodomy is the essence of base promiscuity and debauchery!!!

He betrays his heart and unveils his sinfulness in his words of introduction. Read more

Josiah’s reaction to the reading of the Law: A lesson for today

“And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the law, that he rent his clothes. And the king commanded Hilkiah, and Ahikam the son of  Shaphan, and Abdon the son of Micah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah a servant of the king’s, saying, Go, enquire of the LORD for me, and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that is found: for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do after all that is written in this book,”
2 Chronicles 34:19-21.

The events of this chapter took place just a few years after the beginning of Jeremiah’s ministry. I have no doubt that what Josiah initiated by way of reforms was a direct result of the early preaching of Jeremiah. “For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young, he began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images,” 2 Chronicles 34:3.

It was the influence of Jeremiah’s early preaching that prompted this desire to launch a programme of reforms. Read more...

DUP’s Jim Wells launches attack on Arlene Foster

Read the BBC News article here

DUP reneged on an agreement to bring me back as Health Minister, says Wells

Underhand and deceitful scheming: this is the reality regarding loyalty and honour in politics. Maybe Free Presbyterian members will yet waken up to what the DUP has become!

We profoundly disagree with Mr Well’s views on sodomy, which appear at the end of the Belfast Telegraph interview, when he says: “There’s nothing wrong with being gay.” We have communicated our opinion to him on this matter. Read more

Sinn Fein must be called out at all times for its breathtaking double standards

Such articles have no effect upon Sinn Fein since it is a party utterly without a conscience! Read more

When (Irish) ministers and the State bowed to the Church

The Irish Republic has begun to throw off the yoke of the Roman Catholic Church but sadly it is binding itself to ungodly ‘secularism’! Read more

Gerry Adams: Violence still legitimate way to achieve aims

Nothing new there! Adams and his ilk have long sought to justified murder and terror by spurious claims of discrimination against a community that had benefits, as an appeasement, which the majority were denied!! Read more

Michelle O’Neill: Kingsmill tweet row won’t affect Sinn Fein vote in by-election

Of course it won’t for all the supposed sorrow at the deliberate attempt to offend and insult the victims of the IRA Kingsmill massacre were but mere crocodile tears, totally insincere. Sinn Fein voters have always supported and rejoiced in the murderous actions of the IRA. Read more

Brave little Co Fermanagh group punching above its weight in the fight for victims’ rights

Read the Belfast Telegraph report.

Report of the ordination of Rev. Ivan Foster

Reproduced from the Revivalist, May 1968

Saturday 20th April (1968) was an important day for the Free Presbyterian Church and for County Fermanagh. On that day, Rev. Ivan Foster was ordained as the first minister of the first Free Presbyterian Church in the county.

For many years apostates, fearful of the effects of a strong Gospel preaching church upon their iniquitous intrigues, sought to keep us out of Fermanagh. However the Lord opened up the way, and what God opens no man can shut. As a result Lisbellaw Free Presbyterian Church was opened. Since this work commenced the devil and his agents have been busy, but their desires to bring to nought this gospel witness have miserably failed. Read more

The Preacher with an admirable reputation

“All things that John spake of this man were true,” John 10:41.

Based upon a sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on Lord’s Day evening, March 12th, 2000 by Rev. Ivan Foster

It was some three years since the death of John but the people of the area still remember his preaching. The presence of Christ in their midst brings back to their minds the words and ministry of John, and of his ministry they utter the words of our text: All things that John spake of this man were true. John wrought no miracle but he told the truth about Christ. Here is a reputation to be more desired than the working of miracles. In today’s religious world, the working of miracles would be deemed a most marvellous sign of a preacher’s divine calling. But in truth it would be no such thing. Miracles are no evidence of a man’s godliness. The magicians of Egypt worked miracles. That is recorded for us in Exodus 7:11. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. (See also 7:22, 8:7.) The Antichrist’s companion, the false Prophet, will also work miracles. “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live”, Revelation 13:13-14.

The true test of a preacher’s genuineness is whether he speaks well of Christ or not. “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them,” Isaiah 8:20. Read more

Lying in the arms of God or in the jaws of the devil — Which??

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness,” 1 John 5:19.

The whole world is truly referred to in this text. It refers first of all to the people of God. And we know that we are of God. It then refers to the rest of the world in the remainder of the verse. And the whole world lieth in wickedness. That is all this world consists of –those who are in Christ and those who are not; those who are of God and those who are of the devil. Read more

March 2018

New audio sermons

  • KICS talks updated. Two new talks are added weekly.
  • All recently added audio sermons can be seen here.

The Church of Christ — an unchanging institution

“I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” Matthew 16:18.

A message preached in Penticton Free Presbyterian Church,

March 25th, 2018 by Rev Ivan Foster.

Watch this message on video here.

Notes accompanying this message are available here.

Ireland’s abortion referendum to be held on 25 May

That the Irish Government, once so aligned with the Roman Catholic Church, should be seeking to liberalise its abortion laws is a further indication of the widespread disaffection with Roman Catholicism amongst the Irish people as a direct result of the ongoing controversy concerning ‘child abuse’ by priests and the shameful attempts to cover up the wickedness by its hierarchy. Read more

We have given our views on abortion and the attempts to remove present restrictions in a 2014 article on the subject. Click here to read.

World’s CHRISTIANS in turmoil as Pope ‘admits HELL DOES NOT EXIST’

RUBBISH! True Christians are totally unmoved by any of the pontifications of the one described in the Westminster Confession of Faith as “ . . . . that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself, in the Church. against Christ and all that is called God.”

The Bible is the sole rule of faith and practice. The Lord Jesus spoke of hell on many occasions. On one occasion he said this to some scribes and Pharisees: “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Matthew 23:33.

It is a most appropriate verse for the pope to contemplate!! Read the news report.

Former priest expresses ‘disgust’ at appointment of Bishop Boyce in Dromore

A Belfast Telegraph report.

Former priest ‘disgusted’ at Bishop Boyce appointment

Listen the BBC news interview here.

Listening to this old priest and his expressions of doubt and questionings engenders pity for him and his like.

It is time for ALL Roman Catholics to realise that the institution to which they belong is riddled with child-abusers and those who are prepared to constantly conceal, cover-up and engage in chicanery!! Read the BBC News report.

Chieftain’s Walk: Thousands walk to remember McGuinness

What about the ‘thousands’ who were murdered or unable to walk because of the murderous actions of McGuinness and his evil cronies?? Read the BBC news report here.

Rev. Foster’s LTBS messages on Q FM.

Let the Bible Speak radio messages are broadcast on Q FM 101, a local radio in the Omagh/Enniskillen area, each Lord’s Day morning at 9.00 am.

Rev Ivan Foster is the speaker during the month of March. His text for the series of messages is Galatians 1:4.

“Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:”

He has entitled the series: “Paul countering the counterfeiters.” The audio file of each message will be made available here following the weekly radio broadcast.

Ex-soldiers to stand trial over the death of Joe McCann

Joe McCann was a ‘celebrated’ terrorist killer. He told me personally when only 18 years old that he would happily kill me were he told to do so. Was he ‘murdered’ or was he duly put to death while engaged in terrorist activity as he lived to terrorise?

“Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man,” Genesis 9:6. Read the BBC News report here.

EU draft deal could radically undermine integrity of UK: Allister

Read the Newsletter report.

DUP attack SF but seek to woo it back to govt

Read the Newsletter report.

Pope “will not” be coming to Northern Ireland

If this is indeed so, then it is an answer to prayer.Read the Belfast Telegraph article.

Listen to a sermon preached by Rev Ivan Foster on February 18th, 2018, on the subject: “Why every Christian should pray against a visit by the Pope to Ireland.”

Sinn Féin’s Conor Murphy ‘beaten and groomed’ by paedophile priest

Maybe that helps us to understand the path Murphy chose in life!! Read the BBC news report.

Paedophile priest Finnegan beat and tried to groom me, says Sinn Fein’s Murphy as he calls for answers for cleric’s victims.

Read the report here.

Why Pope’s ‘cordial’ condolences on the death of disgraced cardinal tells you everything you need to know about the Church’s attitude to abuse victims

Yes it does BUT how many Protestants never mind Roman Catholics are listening and noting??!! Read more.

Unionists must wake up to the EU’s support for Irish nationalism

Read the Newsletter report

Provisional IRA had a safe haven in Republic of Ireland

Read the Newsletter report.

McGuinness anniversary: ‘The IRA killed Clive but we kept things to ourselves. Who would listen?’

Read the Newsletter article.

Eileen Paisley: McGuinness and I the same in eyes of God

For anyone to say that God sees them as He does a man guilty of numerous terrorist murders and bombings is a most serious self-condemnation!!! Read the Newsletter article

The following letter was submitted to the “Belfast Newsletter”  at their request on the day it published the article entitled: “Eileen Paisley: McGuinness and I the same in eyes of God!!!”

We print the letter here for to our knowledge the letter has not been published on the newspaper’s website.


I could not take in the headline: Eileen Paisley: McGuinness and I the same in eyes of God!!!

“For anyone to say that God sees them as He does a man guilty of numerous terrorist murders and bombings is a most serious self-condemnation!!!” 

I really cannot believe that Mrs Paisley said such a thing! I cannot understand how a professing Christian could ever equate themselves with such an iniquitous man. 
As it was with Israel on the night of the Passover: “And there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it any more. But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel,” (Exodus 11:6-7) so there is ever a difference, an eternal difference between those redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and those who are not!

When Mrs Paisley made this observation she was a professing Christian of many years standing whereas McGuinness was a terrorist with a record of blood-shedding and terror. While all have a common sinful birth, faith in Christ puts an immeasurable difference between the believer and the unbeliever! 
As the Saviour said: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him,” John 3:36.
Martin McGuinness lived to trample underfoot the law of Christ and was celebrated by millions for his ‘exploits’.  
Christ commanded: “Thou shalt do no murder,” Matthew 19:18. McGuinness has a record of repeatedly implicating himself in the defying of that command!

Mrs Paisley’s observation either exonerates McGuinness or, sadly, calls in question her own standing before God. 

Rev Ivan Foster. (Rtd)
21st March 2018.

GAA event honouring Gibraltar Three angers DUP – club got £1.5m lottery cash

A further example of popery’s two-facedness! It trumpets ‘equality’ in order to obtain money and then, having received it, shows its true colours by celebrating terrorism!!!! Read more

EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier: We have agreed ‘back stop position’ over Irish border

Read more

Brexit: Border could move to Irish Sea as EU backstop plan that angered May remains in place

‘The pigeons coming home to roost’!!! Years of compromise and placating of Dublin and republican demands by London has brought us to the place where the Dublin government believes and speaks as if it had a place in the British Government!!! Read more

Billy Kennedy: Mainstream Protestants left alienated by Hibernian politicisation of St Patrick’s Day

Newsletter article.

Read the full story of Patrick as recorded in his own testimony here.

Please listen to the message: “Patrick - victim of identity theft” preached by Rev Ivan Foster in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on March 20th, 2005.

New York Mayor slammed by IRA victim after declaring ‘Gerry Adams Day’

What a short memory this mayor has! Was not his city bombed by those of the ilk of Gerry Adams, those who were part of the worldwide terrorist brotherhood??

Sinn Fein/IRA leader Gerry Adams headed an organisation that aligns itself constantly with the PLO and was trained and armed by Muslim terrorist organisations.

One might be forgiven for believing that American politicians must be amongst the most ignorant and ill-informed in the world!!!! Newsletter article

‘Only God will judge her killers’

One of the many!! Newsletter article

The incredible story of Edward and Dorothy Jones and their 102 descendants

Mr Jones was a senior officer in Crumlin Road Prison during the 1966 imprisonment of the late Dr Ian Paisley, Rev John Wylie and me and also during the further spell in prison of Dr Paisley and me in 1969. My memories of the man are that he was a very decent person and a gentleman. Newsletter article

Silence from policitcal leaders over calls for public inquiry into clerical abuse is `deafening’ – Amnesty

“The SDLP said it “believes there should be a full and transparent public inquiry into clerical abuse”.

Alliance did not commit itself to supporting an inquiry.

There was no response by 6pm yesterday from Sinn Féin, the DUP and UUP.”

Such ‘silence’, akin to that found in Mafia-controlled communities, is an indication of the diabolical control exercised by Popery and the fear that grips some of its adherence and the perverse loyalty of others.

That Unionist parties should be silent is utterly shameful and a disgrace!!

Irish News article

Belfast City Council Sunday opening consultation

Belfast City Council is again consulting on plans to overturn restrictions on Sunday trading hours. It is less than a year since the last proposal was overwhelmingly rejected.

If approved this will increase pressure on people to work on Sundays, harming family life and undermining Sunday as a day of rest. More Christians will be forced to choose between their faith and their job.

The deadline for the consultation is Easter Monday, 2 April.

Christian, you can leave your comments and thoughts on this attempt to violate God’s Law online here.

“Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them,” Ezekiel 22:26.

Redeployed staff have cost Assembly more than £150,000

This has to be an unparalleled lunacy!!! Newsletter report

(Scottish Roman Catholic) Priest guilty of child sex abuse

The litany of unmasking these evil ecclesiastics continues!! BBC News report

Varadkar Comments Dangerous and Irresponsible – Jim Allister

Read the TUV statement here.

Foster slams taoiseach over Stormont talks intervention

The Irish Republic has overstepped the line to a very great degree in the matter of interference in Northern Ireland affairs and its seems that Westminster is not in the least inclined to push back! The whole ‘Brexit’ confusion is being used by Dublin to push its claim upon Northern Ireland.  Newsletter report

Catholic Church ‘an empire of misogyny’ – Mary McAleese

“Mary, I think we would need to add a few more adjectives, such as ‘blasphemous’, ‘vainly inventive’, ‘repugnant to the Word of God’ and ‘dangerously deceitful’ (see Traditional 39 Articles of the Church of Ireland) to adequately describe Popery!” Read the BBC news report here.

…We must further say to Mrs McAleese: If, as you claim, the Roman Catholic Church is ‘an empire of misogyny’ then it cannot be the Church of Jesus Christ! If that is the case then why does she and tens of thousands intelligent people continue to revere it and submit to its dogmas and trust its teachings for the bringing of them safely to heaven??

We will not quarrel with Mrs McAleese’s definition of the Roman Catholic Church. What we would wish to stress is that her description does not in the least depict the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read the rest of Rev. Foster’s article

Related news…

Mary McAleese brother physically abused (by paedophile priest Malachy Finnegan) at Newry school

This but give Mrs McAleese but further cause to examine the church to which she belongs and of which she has been critical!

The Roman Catholic Church is not the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ! Read the BBC news report here.

Academic finds evidence rogue US servicemen tried to assist IRA

An uncovering of more of the tangled web of lies and deceit woven by the IRA and its supporters. Read more

New search for body of Disappeared monk who joined the IRA

Read the Newsletter report here.

New search in Co Meath for Disappeared victim Joe Lynskey shot dead by IRA in 1972

The IRA is a cruel taskmaster!! Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Dublin-funded Protestant Londonderry migration report ‘ignores facts’

Read the Newsletter article here.

Church (of England) may have ‘conspired to enable child sex abuse’

Read the BBC news report here.

DUP leader ‘handed over draft Stormont deal in person’

Read the BBC news report here.

No draft deal was handed to Sinn Fein: Foster

Read the Newsletter story here.

Arlene Foster denies giving powersharing draft deal to Michelle O’Neill

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Sinn Féin ‘meeting of minds’ with EU chief

It says something about EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, that he should be of the same mind as Sinn Fein given that it is a party that has come to power on account of the murderous activities of its terrorist wing, the IRA, and it has within its ranks, even amongst its elected representatives, those who were convicted of terrorist activities!!!

You are among your own crowd Mr Barnier!

As my old Granny used to say: “Show me your company and I will tell you who you are!” Read the BBC news report here.

Shadow chancellor’s hunger strike plaque ‘a betrayal of Labour traditions’

Those you admire are often those you desire to be like! It says something about the British Labour party when such a senior member admires some of the most notorious murderers amongst the terrorists of the IRA!!! Read the Newsletter report here.

Sinn Fein’s Anderson hails ‘inspiring’ Provo Mairead Farrell, shot in Gibraltar

Unchanging, unchanged, unchangeable Sinn Fein!

All that it was and continues to be is embodied in the savage barbarism of those who planned and sought the death of the innocent.

It is before the shrine of such that Sinn Fein, from its leader downwards, bow in constant homage!! Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

William Matchett: SAS Gibraltar operation against IRA looks increasingly justified in post-9/11 terrorism era

“The Provos were better at terrorism than loyalists and far better at propaganda. They were inveterate liars; (Popery is the great system of lies. It is not surprising therefore that its adherents resort to lies and excel at lying! – Editor) otherwise what they really did would be exposed. Rarely did the mask slip so spectacularly than at the funeral of one of Stone’s victims.Two soldiers in civilian clothes in a car, unfamiliar with Belfast, took a fateful wrong turn. By the time they realised the mistake it was too late. A hate-filled republican horde like a hungry pack of wolves set upon them. Although armed, neither shot at their assailants. It was remarkable restraint.” Read more

Bishop who said Mass at sex abuser’s funeral resigning with ‘heavy heart’

When are Roman Catholics going to realise that it is not just individuals within the system that are guilty of the dreadful offences that take place and then the cover-up that inevitably follows, but the system itself that is to blame for the unstoppable flow of iniquity?

Bible religion produces purity not impurity, deceit and chicanery. Here is what the Bible says:

  • “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word,” Psalm 119:9.
  • The prayer of Christ to His Father for His people. “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth,” John 17:17.
  • “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
  • “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27, KJV.
  • “Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh,” James 3:11-12.

Read the Irish Times  report here.

See also Australia’s highest-ranking Catholic in court to face sex charges

Bible Separation

by Dr. Charles Woodbridge

This is a copy of a booklet reprinted in its entirety, with permission, in March-April 1995 issue of FOUNDATION Magazine, published by the Fundamental Evangelistic Association in Los Osos, California.

The following article was written by Dr. Charles J. Woodbridge in 1970. We are printing it for several reasons.

First, it forthrightly deals with vitally important issues such as: How important is Bible separation? Are there different degrees of separation, i.e., first degree, second degree, etc. which must be applied only in certain situations ? Is it unloving or unwise to mention the names of men and institutions which refuse to practice Bible separation?

Second, with the passage of time, it is obvious that continuing compromises on the part of major evangelical leaders have left most believers today at the mercy of the “wolves in sheeps’ clothing” which are welcomed into the flock. Instead of warnings concerning these false teachers, most believers are hearing only words of praise.

Third, the failure to practice and teach Bible separation has robbed most believers of the spiritual discernment which is essential for spiritual growth.

Fourth, those leaders who are willing to obey God’s command to “reprove, rebuke and exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine” are few and far between. Read more

(RC) Bishop McAreavey resigns after paedophile priest outrage

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Birmingham Pub bomb families denied legal aid again angry at funds award to rapist Worboys

“We were refused legal aid twice (but) John Worboys, the convicted criminal rapist, gets legal aid. It has been reported he has assets worth £1million – but he didn’t have to fight for legal aid, while they keep refusing us. All we are looking for is truth, justice and accountability, but they are fighting us tooth and nail.” Read more

EU’s attempt to annex Northern Ireland needs actions, not words, from PM

Read the TUV statement here.

February 2018

New audio sermons

  • KICS talks updated. Two new talks are added weekly.
  • All recently added audio sermons can be seen here.

Council unable to refute disadvantage towards Protestants.

Read the TUV statement here.


Her Majesty’s Government’s metal will be tested by EU sophistry

Some light on the on the bewildering tangle of arguments surrounding the ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland’ debate!!!

“Tying NI into the EU so that it is effectively treated as part of Ireland, rather than part of a UK that has departed the EU, is the Brussels plan. Constitutional sabotage is its aim.” Read more

DUP fury over EU plan for Northern Ireland to stay in customs union

Read the Belfast Telegraph article.

Fr Malachy Finnegan abuse victims to complain to Police Ombudsman

Guess which community and church leaders would have protested loudly against any such investigation????!!!!! Read more

Orangeman defies Order for gay daughter’s wedding

Read the BBC news story here.

No comment from Orange Order as county grand master walks lesbian daughter down aisle

Such action is the norm today and displays a total lack of any sense of shame!
Oaths and biblical principles may casually be cast aside in favour of the utterly ungodly views and practices of those who have chosen a path of defiance of God and His holy law. Failure by the Orange Order to act in this case provides Christians in it with yet another reason to separate from it.

Paul the apostle say of such perverts as these women:
“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves . . . . . And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient (fit and proper),” Romans 1:24, 28.

Read the Newsletter report here.

“Billy Graham is dead”

Billy Graham was a figure of controversy amongst believers who were anxious to remain faithful to God and His Word in the midst of the betrayals of Ecumenists and Liberals. Billy Graham was consumed with a desire to maximise his audience and to do that he lowered the standards which govern just who it is that God’s people may fellowship with.

Consequently, he cosied up to Roman Catholicism unashamedly to the consternation of earnest Christians.

Some information on his sad departure from Biblical Christianity is detailed here.

President of Bob Jones University reacts to the death of Billy Graham

Steve Pettit, president of Bob Jones University, speaks on the late Rev. Billy Graham and, in saying what he did, utterly repudiated all that Dr Bob Jones Senior and Dr Bob Junior ever stood for and contended against!!

This a prime example of the spirit of betrayal that is spreading through the professing Church of Christ in these last days.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron,” 1 Timothy 4:1-2.

Watch the video of Dr. Pettit speaking here.

Missionary in Liberia Stands Up for Truth in Context of Billy Graham Passing

MONROVIA—Rev. David DiCanio, a missionary under the Free Presbyterian Church of North America, produced and aired, on Liberia’s largest Christian radio station, a special program shortly after the death of Evangelist Billy Graham on Wednesday, hoping to inform people about concerns many have had with Graham’s ministry.

“When I heard that Dr. Graham died, and saw online all the positive comments about his ministry, I felt that I had to put something together to show people in Liberia the truth about his compromise,” Mr. DiCanio said. “On numerous occasions, Billy Graham clearly stated that people could be saved without the Bible or Christ.”

Mr. DiCanio used his already purchased time slot on ELWA, the largest Christian radio station in Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia, to air the 15-minute special program which contained audio clips of Graham’s statements to both Larry King during a CNN interview, and the late Dr. Robert Schuller, pastor of the Crystal Cathedral in California, who interviewed Graham on his international television program.

Mr. DiCanio also included an interview that he did with Dr. Schuller in 2004 for a documentary, where Schuller stated that he agreed with Graham’s view that God might have other ways of salvation beside Christ. Read more….

Listen to Rev. DiCanio’s 15 minute broadcast here, or use the player below.

Statement on the Death of Billy Graham by the American Council of Christian Churches

…the American Council of Christian Churches, while joining in expressing sympathy to Dr. Graham’s family on the occasion of his death, must remain steadfast in defense of the faith by urging the rejection of Billy Graham’s compromising strategy and the repudiation of his legacy of vacillation that has provided encouragement to those who despise the truth of the gospel as we find it in the Scriptures. We resolve to remain true to the position to which our Lord has called us—to come out from among those who refuse the truth and to be separated unto Jesus Christ.

Read the full statement on the ACCC website here.

Parents don’t want bishop confirming kids after he said funeral Mass for pervert priest

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Former Sussex (Anglican) priest jailed for sex abuse against boy

Read the BBC News report here.

£190m spent on Irish language in just seven years

Further proof of the baseless campaign waged by Republicans against ‘discrimination’!!! Read more

Allister: draft text could impose Irish road signs and staff quotas

Read the Belfast Newsletter report here.

Sinn Fein ‘respect’ agenda queried with MP’s office named after IRA pair

Sinn Fein will ever glory in the deeds of the terrorist murderers of the IRA for it owes its political success to them!!!

The use of the ‘Armalite’ put votes in the ‘ballot box’!!!

How wrong it is to reward these miscreants for their murder campaign by entering a power-sharing alliance with them??!! Read the Newsletter report.

DUP must now come clean over draft accord, says TUV’s Allister

Read the Belfast Telegraph article here.

Don’t curry the yoghurt… learn the Irish language and beat cultural sectarianism

The information on the abilities, or lack thereof, of Sinn Fein’s leadership to speak ‘Irish’ makes this article a worthwhile read! Read more

Does man have a soul and is there a hell?

Blasphemous denials by the Archbishop of York Dr John Habgood, answered by the Bible.

The synopsis of a sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on 13th November, 1994, by Rev. Ivan Foster, minister.

The great apostasy edges closer to its final and ultimate denial. That denial is given us in II Thess 2:3-4: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. The same truth is found in Peter’s writings. But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction, II Peter 2:1.

The present apostasy will culminate in man’s outright denial of the Lord Himself and the Antichrist setting himself up as God.

The Christ-rejecting ecclesiastical world took a step nearer to that final apostasy recently with the denials voiced by Dr. John Habgood, the Archbishop of York, on 7th November, 1994. He is reported in The Times newspaper as saying that there was nothing in the human body that departs when we die. He claimed that the individual’s identity was “held in the mind of God”. He also said that hell was not regarded as a serious option these days.  Read more

A new internet witness of interest to Ulster protestants

Visit “Protestant Revival” here or on Facebook.

Sinn Fein reveals details of ‘draft agreement’ with DUP to dispel ‘mistruths’

“It is a sad fact of political life in Ulster that while we instinctively disbelieve what Sinn Fein says, we now must hesitate to accept what the DUP says because its dishonesty and deceit at the time of the setting up of its power-sharing alliance with Sinn Fein.

The DUP’s word cannot be trusted any more!!” Read the Belfast Telegraph report.

Calls grow for direct rule as Stormont talks end in tatters

Read more

No deal and Mrs Arlene Foster says: we will not be held to ransom


“But Mrs Foster, you will always be ‘held to ransom’ if you persist in having dealings with those who are long-skilled in kidnapping, robbery, murder and terrorism.
The whole process of seeking a partnership with Sin Fein/IRA was utterly wrong from the beginning. Nothing can be built in partnership with those intent only on demolition and destruction!”

Let us all learn from Ezra 4:1-5:

“Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the children of the captivity builded the temple unto the LORD God of Israel; then they came to Zerubbabel, and to the chief of the fathers, and said unto them, Let us build with you: for we seek your God, as ye do; and we do sacrifice unto him since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assur, which brought us up hither. But Zerubbabel, and Jeshua, and the rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel, said unto them, Ye have nothing to do with us to build an house unto our God; but we ourselves together will build unto the LORD God of Israel, as king Cyrus the king of Persia hath commanded us. Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building, and hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia.”

The underlying principle is the same. Read more

Arlene Foster: ‘No stand-alone Irish language act’

Read the BBC news article

Grassroots Pressure Telling but Still Dodging Key Questions on Irish

In the light of Jim Allister’s questions, Mrs Arlene Foster’s assurances, intended to pacify her troubled DUP members, do not appear so reassuring!! Read more

Séamus Mallon: Adams legitimised killing of members of other community

This may well be the first time I have agreed with Seamus Mallon!!!! Read the Irish Times article

Sinn Fein’s new president ‘off on wrong foot’ with unionists as Mary Lou ends speech with IRA slogan

When Mary Lou McDonald ended her Sinn Fein leadership acceptance speech with “Up the rebels” and “Tiocfaidh ar la”, (Our day will come), she was clearly signalling a camaraderie and affinity with the bloody terrorism of the IRA. Her gloating in the activities of the IRA should signal the end to any “power-sharing” talks between Sinn Fein and the DUP. Sinn Fein is the unchanged and unchangeable fount of murder and terror that it has always been!

How can Unionists ignore this unveiling of the true face of this monstrous organisation with which they are seeking a political coalition at Stormont?

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.


An article which appeared in The Burning Bush, February 1998.

IRA planning terrorism before civil rights marches.

It is part of the myth accepted by the world regarding the present troubles in Ulster that they arose from the demands of equality by the minority.  Read more

Presbyterian Moderator wants to meet Pope during Ireland visit

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has indeed abandoned the Westminster Confession of Faith article which deems the pope that “Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself, in the Church. against Christ and all that is called God,” Chapter 25:6. Read more

Free Presbyterian minister: ‘Presbyterian Moderator designate is wrong to relish papal meeting’

This is an excellent response to the utterly repugnant comment by the Irish Presbyterian Moderator designate who stated that he would relish “the opportunity of meeting the pope.” Read more

Unionists have warned the DUP against signing up to a mooted culture act in a bid to appease Sinn Fein, amid suggestions that a breakthrough in the Stormont talks could be imminent.

The DUP’s path of “progress” has ever been one of compromise and appeasement of Sinn Fein/IRA!! Read more

Prime Minister May could visit Northern Ireland as power-sharing deal ‘edges closer’

Given her record of surrender to the EU, her arrival would spell disaster for Ulster!!! Read more

Stormont deal imminent: Foster to be First Minister, progress on Irish language, same-sex marriage on cards

‘Arlene Foster as First Minister’ – that’s makes everything ok then!!!!! Read more

Gerry Adams sold defeat as victory in a career based on illusion… he’s no nearer to achieving a united Ireland than he was at the start of his journey

His “illusion” cost 1000s of deaths!!! Read more

A Catholic diocese has settled a claim for sex abuse by a priest accused of abusing pupils at a County Down school, it has emerged.

Read more

Dromore Diocese settles case involving ‘paedophile priest’

Read more

The abuse victim who has protested in the same spot for 20 years

Yet another example of the suffering brought upon Roman Catholics by their own church!!! Read more

Jim Allister: Kelly regrets boltcutters but what about the past?

Read more

Sinn Fein failing utterly to convince critics party can ever change its spots

Read more

Gospel hall damaged in arson attack

Read more

Sinn Féin councillor Reilly quits in bullying row

If that is what they do on their own you can guess what they do on their opponents!!!! Read more

DUP: Gerry Kelly’s car clamp removal ‘another significant test for the Sinn Fein leadership’

Read more

Other parties should quit (Sormont) talks if Kelly is an SF negotiator

Read more

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly facing calls to quit after cutting off wheel clamp

He who believes that he has the right to take away a person’s life because he does not like their political views will think little of removing a wheel clamp!!!!! Read more

Gerry Adams backs Jeremy Corbyn as next PM

What a revelation of the true character of Jeremy Corbyn!!!!! Read more


It has been announced in the Irish Republic that a referendum on abortion reform is to be held by the end of May this year. The Taoiseach, Mr Leo Varadkar confirmed that a national plebiscite will take place on abolishing the eighth amendment and allowing terminations up to 12 weeks which will require a reforming of the country’s strict anti-abortion laws. The Irish cabinet agreed to give voters in the republic the chance to repeal the eighth amendment to the country’s constitution.

Doubtless, a very public debate will take place in which abortion will be justified, rationalised, defended and legitimised.

The eighth amendment was added to the republic’s constitution following a referendum in 1983. It recognises the equal rights to life of a foetus and the mother during pregnancy. Pro-choice campaigners say the amendment creates a “chill factor” in the health system preventing medical teams from carrying out abortions even in cases where a woman’s life may be at risk. They say physicians fear they could be prosecuted and sent to prison if they carry out terminations even in extreme cases such as when women are suicidal or become pregnant through sexual violence. Read more

January 2018

New audio sermons

  • KICS talks updated. Two new talks are added weekly.
  • All recently added audio sermons can be seen here.


What is justice? Supergrass Gary Haggarty sentence leaves UVF victim’s son ‘gutted’ – six years for five murders

Since the British government began doing deals with terrorists, republican and loyalist, shameful decisions like that reported here in this article have taken place.

It must be remembered that British policy resulted in members of the terrorist IRA, guilty of the slaughter of hundreds of innocents, being granted immunity in all but name and exalted to power in the Stormont power-sharing regime, with the aid of the DUP.
That is a scandal that casts into the shade today’s court ruling regarding UVF man Haggarty. At least he was sent to jail, if only for six years.

It is more like justice than did making former IRA terrorists Stormont’s rulers! Read more

Unionist fury after new Sinn Fein leader ‘glorifies’ IRA bomber

As has been noted before, Mary Lou had to become the ‘servant’ of the IRA before she could become the ‘supremo’ of Sinn Fein. Let the DUP note that this is the Mob they still wish to enter a coalition with!!

Read a Newsletter report here

Read the Belfast Telegraph article here.

Belfast men left seriously injured in ‘brutal and barbaric’ paramilitary shootings

Rarely do the news reports ever identify the areas in which such attacks take place when they are Roman Catholic Irish Republican strongholds!! Read more

No role for Dublin in Stormont talks: TUV

Time will tell just how much the Irish Government was involved in the talks! By then, of course, it will be too late to do anything! Read more

Criticism grows over school’s SF role model

Like McElduff’s ‘loaf on his head’, this is another insight in to the true disposition of the Roman Catholic community regarding the IRA! They were heroes and role models for their children to emulate!!! Read more

Muslims are as much a part of community as I am, says DUP MP

Jim Shannon, the DUP MP, is something of an ‘eejit’, to use an Ulsterism!

Nothing demonstrates that more than his participating in “an inter-faith celebration in Omagh for greater understanding towards religious minorities”, back at the beginning of January. He is, I understand, a Baptist but to take part in a gathering which would equate Roman Catholicism, the Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Baha’i faiths with the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ is a wicked blasphemy for which he ought to be ashamed.

However, I suspect that Mr Shannon is utterly ignorant of any error on his part in this enterprise!! Read more

Allow gay marriage and Irish rights in NI: Varadkar

This is not a campaign for ‘ Rights’ but rather a promotion of ‘Rebellion’ against God and His Law in which, Northern Ireland with its Protestant history, is a prime target!! Read more

Dissident group Óglaigh na hÉireann calls ceasefire

The ceasing of violence and terror, which is as a religion to Irish Republicans, is an indication how close that community believes a united Ireland is!! Read more

Dissidents ONH carried out ‘extreme violence’ against own communities: PSNI

An often  buried truth!!! Read more

Smyllum resident wants church held responsible for abuse

Despite the mountain of data documenting the Roman Catholic Church’s condoning and covering up the abuse of children in its care IT HAS NEVER BEEN CONDEMNED FOR ITS WICKEDNESS WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN THE CASE WERE THE LIKE COMITTED BY A PROTESTANT DENOMINATION!! Read more

‘Doubtful Mary Lou can gain trust of unionists’: Cahill

A good point is made when the writer states: “Mary Lou needed to gain the trust of the IRA Belfast Brigade in order to reach the top of Sinn Fein –  she ‘needed to go from being her own woman, to being theirs.” Read more

Violence, gross immorality and defiance of all that is godly: The marks of a world on the verge of judgement

By Rev Ivan Foster (Rtr)

It is said that the human heart and mind can become used to just about anything!

Looking back on the horrendous bombing raids on London by the German Luftwaffe in the early part of the Second World War, it is impossible for this generation to understand how the citizens were able to carry on with life with a remarkable degree of normality! Yet the men, women and children did so most heroically. After a time, they later said, ‘one became used to the nightly raids, the noise, the destruction, the chaos and the tragic deaths of neighbours and family members and struggled on with life.’

Such stoicism is to be considered as uncomplaining courage.

However, there is a tolerance within today’s society which is anything but admirable. I am referring to the remarkable lack of response to the increasingly widespread violence, immorality and perversity abounding in every layer of society.  Read more

Theresa May’s deputy says Britain may rejoin the EU

The Bible clearly teaches that England, as part of the old Roman Empire, will be part of the end-time anti-christian politic-religious coalition referred to in Revelation 6:12-17 & chapters 13, 17-19. The UK may well withdraw from the present EU but England will become part of a future amalgam of nations opposed to Christ and His Truth which will be judged by Him upon His return. Read the report

Enoch – An illustration of the importance of watching for the return of Christ as an incentive to holiness.

The most remarkable thing recorded in the Bible about Enoch, a man of the seventh generation from Adam and whose life span would have been overlapped by that of Adam by some 308 years, according to calculations based upon figures given in Genesis 5, was his avoidance of death. Genesis 5:24 says, “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” This truth is further stated in Hebrews 11:5. “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”

That makes him, along with Elijah the prophet, unique amongst humanity.

But there are two other facts about Enoch which are especially worth noting. He walked with God and he had the coming again of Christ ever before him. Read more

Northern Ireland Secretary of State Karen Bradley: I back same-sex marriage but I won’t impose it

What arrogance these idiots display!! It was said of British soldiers in WW 1 that they were “lions led by donkeys”. In the political realm today we have “donkeys led by bigger donkeys”. Read more

Secretary of State Karen Bradley retracts claim about DUP’s £1bn deal

As already noted – Donkeys or ‘headless chicken’ might be nearer the mark! Read more

‘Evil’ ex-monk (89) is jailed over horrific abuse of three children

The headline says it all!! Read more

If Kingsmill was sectarian, as Sinn Fein now admit, what about Tullyvallen and all the other IRA atrocities?

The recent Provisional IRA campaign was utterly without justification, despite the claims of Adams and McGuinness, rather it was but the recommencement of the centuries old terror campaign mounted by Roman Catholicism against Protestants.

1641, 1798, 1920, 1956-62 and 1968 until the present day are some of the significant dates in the history Roman Catholic terror in Ireland. Read more

IRA murder victim’s mum hits out over republican ‘hypocrisy’

Such hypocrisy abounds since murderers who seek to pass themselves as ‘responsible citizens’ must engage in continual monumental hypocrisy. Read more

Aftermath of McElduff resignation – Over to You Mr O Muilleoir – Jim Allister TUV leader.

Sinn Fein MLA, M. O Muilleoir approvingly ‘retweeted’ McElduff’s mocking video. He too needs to resign!! Read more

Pressure piled onto Sinn Fein’s O Muilleoir in wake of McElduff resignation

Read more

Kingsmill video sectarian, says ex-IRA man Martin McAllister

There are details given here of this IRA terrorist attack by a former IRA man which should be noted by all!!! Read the BBC news report

Sinn Fein should have sacked McElduff insists former standards chief

Read more

Foster: Sinn Fein have to stop eulogising terrorists

It would help if the DUP were to stop seeking to have Sinn Fein/IRA re-enter power-sharing with them at Stormont! Read more

The ex-Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron regrets saying gay sex not a sin

Better late than never but it serves to illustrate the pressure from the “establishment” to silence Bible truth!!!! Read more

Kingsmills victim’s mum: My hurt over MP’s gag and prank calls

Read more

Kingsmills survivor: McElduff video done to create maximum hurt

As already noted on a previous news link, McElduff’s mocking taunts are not new! Protestants have endured the like from Sinn Fein supporters since the IRA murder campaign began 50 years ago. “The dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty,” Psalm 74:20.

None represent this cruel spirit more so than the callous and mendacious McElduff! Read the Newsletter article.

Ruth Dudley Edwards: Kilclooney’s tweeting can be tasteless, but McElduff has plumbed the depths

Sinn Fein’s reported criticism of McElduff must be treated for what it is: A self-servicing attempt to distance itself from his vile taunt.

McElduff is the true heart of Sinn Fein/IRA which party managers would like to keep under wraps and out of sight!

McElduff’s “apology” is an insult to the intelligence of those to whom he addresses it. Does he really expect them to believe him???

The truth is that Sinn Fein supporters throughout Ulster have often mocked the victims and their families of IRA attacks.

I always recall republican nurses in the old Erne hospital, Enniskillen, cheering at the news of a soldier being blown up in a border attack by the IRA!!!

For me, that incident encapsulates the depths of republican bitterness! Read the Belfast Telegraph article.

Sinn Féin MP apology over Kingsmill tweet on massacre anniversary

The mass murder of Protestants by the IRA is something to be publicly laughed at by Shinners like McElduff.

Furthermore, the families of the victims of such mass murder should not complain when McElduff and his compatriots mock them.

Such is the perverted, psychopathic mindset of this network terrorists masquerading as politicians!

Yet, still the DUP will seek to re-establish a power-sharing regime at Stormont with them!
Just who is worse??? Read more

Former IRA man rubbishes claims of ‘legitimate’ terror campaign

The world has so lost touch with truth and righteousness that the IRA’S claim to have conducted a ‘just war’ when it murdered and terrorist is given credence amongst many! Read more

IRA never played by any ‘rules’, so why should we allow them to be called prisoners of war?

Read the Belfast Telegraph article here.

DUP MPs back call for new National Lottery game

It is little wonder that Northern Ireland is in a moral and a political mess when MP, Jim Shannon’s response to a question regarding his support for gambling is examined. The man’s incredible denial of the obvious is nigh unto ‘squaring the circle’. He is, in John Bunyan’s famous words, a “Mr Facing-Both-ways”!

Truthfulness and integrity in public life is a rare jewel! Read more.

Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony Centenary

The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony was, under God, formed on the 1st November, 1918, which means that this year marks the centenary of the movement. During that time there have only been two secretaries. Mr George H Fromow was appointed at the inaugural meeting in 1918 and continued until his home-call in April, 1974. On his passing, Mr Stephen A Toms was appointed and, by God’s grace and help, has continued till the present time. Read more