May 2015

Index to this edition



Firebrand pastor blames Catholic church abuse for same sex referendum result

A surprising report in a Nationalist Newspaper with a readership which is predominantly Roman Catholic.

LOCAL firebrand preacher Ivan Foster has launched a scathing attack on Irish Catholicism after the South’s landslide yes vote to legalising gay marriage saying the historic vote was a direct result of the Catholic Church sexual abuse scandals.

Speaking after 62 per cent of people in the South voted in favour of changing the constitution to allow gay and lesbian couple to marry, the former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church went on to brand it as a “false religion” which has “cursed” Ireland.

In a statement sent to the Fermanagh Herald, the fundamentalist accused the South of defying God and “embracing sodomy”.


“This has been done in defiance of God’s Word. That, of course, is hardly surprising since the people of the land have been under the heel of Romanism for centuries and have thereby been taught to pay scant heed to what the Bible says, irrespective of the allegiance to the Word of God that the Church of Rome professes.

“Romanism is a false religion which masquerades as the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has indoctrinated the Irish people in its falsehoods for centuries. What a curse its dark shadow has been to Ireland.

“But Ireland has not only had to bear the burden of false doctrine instigated by Rome, but the Irish people have been plagued by the licentious vileness of her ‘bachelor’ priests, many of whom used their position to molest and violate hundreds of children within this generation and countless multitudes in the centuries of her past dominance.

“In reaction to that and as a direct result of it, the majority in the Irish Republic have supported the legalising of sodomite marriage.”

Referring to a picture of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams celebrating the yes vote with Ireland’s best known drag queen who is called Panti Bliss, he said: “The painted ‘female’ in the middle is Rory O’Neill, who performs as a ‘drag queen’.

“There you have it. The man who heads up Sinn Fein, the armed wing of which mounted a 30 year terror campaign in Northern Ireland, which resulted in hundreds of people, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, murdered and in thousands terrorised, robbed, injured, kidnapped and taken away and murdered and secretly buried, is at the heart of this “yes” vote.

“What an unholy caucus”

He appealed for prayer for the “Bible-believing minority” who he said would feel more isolated by the South’s decision to vote in favour of same-sex marriage.

He added: “Pray that many saddened, alarmed and troubled souls will seek out God’s Word and those who preach it and embrace the Truth of God in these evil times.”

Rev Ivan Foster is set to preach on the result of the Irish referendum at Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church this Sunday, 31, at 7pm. (See original article online here.)

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Irish Republic defies God and embraces sodomy!

The Irish Republic has become the first country in the world to embrace sodomite ‘marriage’!
This has been done in defiance of God’s Word. That, of course, is hardly surprising since the people of the land have been under the heel of Romanism for centuries and have thereby been taught to pay scant heed to what the Bible says, irrespective of the allegiance to the Word of God that the Church of Rome professes.

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The reason why?? – “There is sin in the camp!!

1280757771-free-presbyterian-protesters-demonstrate-against-belfast-gay-pride_400328A response by Rev Ivan Foster to the decision of the court on the Asher’s Bakery case.

“Up, sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: for thus saith the LORD God of Israel, There is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you,” Joshua 7:13.

‘Gay cake’ row: Judge rules against Asher’s bakery – so reads the BBC Northern Ireland news site article on the court decision on the case brought against Asher’s Bakery on behalf of an acknowledged sodomite, Mr. Gareth Lee. Mr. Lee wanted the bakery to provide a cake with the slogan “support gay marriage” along with a picture of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street, and the logo of the ‘Queerspace’ organisation.

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Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible omits any reference to children needing to be converted in the section entitled: “Raising children in the Lord”

In the ‘Christian Living Section’ of ‘The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible’, there is an article entitled: “Raising Children in the Lord”.

This article outlines five “means” which Christian parents are to employ in raising children in the Lord. There is first a reference to praying for children. This is expanded to mean labouring to bring our children to Jesus so that He might bless them. Matthew 19:13-15 is included as a reference at this point.

Subsequent “means” of raising children are outlined as: teaching the Bible to your children, disciplining them in love, offering wise counsel, and lastly, living as a godly example before them.

There is something seriously, and sadly, lacking in this section on “Raising Children in the Lord”. There is no clear and obvious mention of the children, of believers, needing to be evangelised and converted to Christ. What is the aim in praying, teaching, disciplining, counselling and setting a godly example before our children? It is that they might be converted to Christ and that at an early age.

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Membership of a church — is it necessary??

kilskeeryfpcA word to many who attend Free Presbyterian services. 

By Rev Ivan Foster

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers, Acts 2:42.

This is an important matter in a day of lawlessness when God’s order is defied, neglected and overthrown in many lives. In order to enjoy the fulness of God’s blessing we must be conformed to all His commandments and laws.

The persons referred to in our text are true converts to Christ. They were the product of Holy Ghost conviction in a day we can only call a day of mighty revival power as it has never been known since. These were a people, doubtless of all ages, who acted upon the Word of God that was preached to them by the apostles that wonderful day. “Then they that gladly received his word were baptized.” They were the glad receivers of the Word of God. They openly professed their faith by being baptised. Furthermore, they were added unto the church, verses 41, 47. That means they “joined the church”, took their place amongst the ranks of the ekklesia, the called-out gathering of people professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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“Impartial Reporter” editorial critical of Jim Wells MLA and those who share his views of sodomy

A response by Rev Ivan Foster

I have known Mr McDaniel for a long time. Given his background, I am disappointed that he propagates in the editorial of his newspaper on 30th April, the standard abuse of Christians who seek to obey God’s Word regarding sodomy and even seeks to endorse his comments by ending with a quote from the Word of God, albeit, not from the Authorised Version.

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roman_soldierAn outline study of Jude – an important little book for today. By Rev Ivan Foster.

Part 4 : Further illustrations of former manifestations of apostasy.

Examples of the spirit of apostasy at work throughout the ages, recorded within Holy Scripture, are myriad. We may conclude from that fact that the Lord is most desirous of us learning of the dangers of apostasy, the waywardness into which the ‘creepers’ which Jude warns of would have us go. The danger is thus highlighted for us to heed.

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KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ach day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here.

The Return of Christ, Pt 59
The Return of Christ, Pt 60
The Return of Christ, Pt 61
The Return of Christ, Pt 62
The Return of Christ, Pt 63
The Return of Christ, Pt 64
The Return of Christ, Pt 65

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More news

May 29

Portadown church split as controversial minister is moved

Maverick rector Alan Kilpatrick regrets modern style of sermon

Ashers Baking Company to mount appeal against court ruling

Ulster Unionists meet equality body over Newry playpark

Claim that hundreds of deaths in North happened due to collusion

PSNI boss questions claims on scale of Troubles collusion killings

Elderly face NHS discrimination under new UN death targets

Australian PM Tony Abbott paves way for same-sex marriage reform – despite his ultra-conservative credentials – (These so called “conservative convictions” are entirely subject to public opinion whipped up by “gay” lobby!!)

Magherafelt councillor will face calls to retract ‘homosexuality should not be legal’ comment

Same sex marriage: Churches must live with the new reality or wilt – (According to Clarke, public opinion/sodomite agenda must replace the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice!!)

Ireland’s media silenced over MP’s speech about Denis O’Brien

May 28

Northern Ireland welfare dispute: Westminster could take over powers

Stormont crisis: Finance Minister, Arlene Foster says it’s time for Westminster to take over and implement welfare reforms

Stormont Crisis – The Product of an Unworkable System

Unionists hit back at ‘Scrap NI’ remarks by Sinn Fein’s Barry McElduff – (This the true objective of the viper that Unionists embraced when they agreed to power-sharing!!!)

NI ‘collusion’ between UK authorities and paramilitaries

‘Gay cake’ case: Ashers bakery to appeal discrimination decision

UK Methodist Church apologises for abuse spanning decades

British arm of the Methodist Church apologises for decades of child sex abuse with almost 2,000 victims

Church split as Knocknamuckley minister Alan Kilpatrick moves on

Palestinian paramilitary group, Hamas ‘Killed And Tortured Palestinians’

Vicar refuses to baptise child because parents are not married, telling them: ‘It’s not a ticket into heaven’ – (Comments by mother shows she is a heathen rather than a ‘Christian’ as claimed!!)

Pope’s finance chief promises to appear at Australian child abuse inquiry – denied trying to bribe a victim of a paedophile priest to keep quiet

Equality law will change to protect gay teachers

May 27

Audio: Ulster Cleric says God is punishing Europe ‘with ISIS and homosexuality’

Church of Ireland ‘must honour’ parishioners in gay marriages – (What about obeying the Word of God??)

Vatican calls Irish referendum a ‘defeat for humanity’

Military Covenant: Nationalists reject DUP veterans call

Northern Ireland welfare reform bill fails to pass

Rejection of welfare bill an act of ‘political terrorism’: UUP

Northern Ireland power sharing in crisis as welfare bill fails

Stormont on brink of collapse: Uncharted waters after welfare cuts bill is sunk

Stormont in ‘disarray’ after Welfare Bill fails

Robinson’s absence will fuel pessimism over deal to break deadlock

IRA play park row commission wholly discredited: Stormont minister Danny Kennedy

Irish Government to consider slapping ban after European ruling

May 26

Methodist response to gay vote – (Typical wishy-washy tripe from an ecumenist!!)

Northern Ireland welfare reform debate expected to go ahead

DUP ready for welfare debate despite Peter Robinson’s heart attack

Captain Doug Beattie accuses government of ‘abandoning’ Northern Ireland military veterans

Robinson faces uncertain political future after heart attack

Kyle Paisley hints his twin is the man to tame DUP nest of vipers

Why the SDLP could waver as welfare reform D-Day looms in Northern Ireland

UUP councillor’s disquiet over Nesbitt’s softening opposition to same-sex marriage

Adams is a coward for refusing live debate, says Mairia

Same-sex marriage vote an ‘unmitigated disaster’ for Church – (This is a reference to the popish church which is wickedly called ‘the Church’!!)

Abuse Survivors Lose Faith In Goddard Inquiry – (The procrastination is all part of the plan to bury the whole matter!!)

All politicians lie, says ex-deputy Liberal Democrat leader

Wikipedia edits from inside Parliament removing scandals from MPs’ pages, investigation finds

May 25

NI First Minister Peter Robinson has suspected heart attack

Peter Robinson admitted to hospital

Peter Robinson taken to hospital with suspected heart attack

Same-sex marriage: Northern Ireland ‘last bastion of discrimination’ says Amnesty

Irish gay marriage referendum: Pressure to build on Northern Ireland’s politicians to allow vote on gay marriage

Ireland has said ‘yes’ to gay marriage and ‘no’ to Catholicism – (Better it had said ‘NO’ to both!!)

The striking thing about the Yes camp was its intolerance

RC Archbishop Diarmuid Martin: Catholic Church needs reality check – (‘Look, have we drifted away completely from young people?’ – No mention of the Bible)

Gay marriage vote: Presbyterian Church disappointed at result

SF and DUP at daggers drawn while SDLP hold balance of power

Arlene Foster hopes welfare impasse does not lead to collapse of the assembly

Equality Commission washes its hands of IRA play park name

The truth behind the Sinn Fein smiles

IRA killers may have been offered immunity

Secret files claim IRA terror suspects here were given amnesty

Mairia Cahill reacts furiously to claims by Gerry Adams that she was abused by her uncle

Mary Lou seeks to defend Adams over Mairia ‘uncle’ claims

Shoppers show their solidarity for beleaguered Ashers bakery

Scottish independence: Support grows for Yes

May 23

Rep. of Ireland same-sex referendum set to approve gay marriage – (The final count! – “But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all,” Luke 17:29)

Máiría Cahill says she is ‘vindicated’ by report

Prosecutor apology over IRA ‘abuse’

Sir Keir Starmer QC report: Mairia Cahill and other alleged IRA rape victims ‘let down’ by PPS

Máiría Cahill allegations: Sir Keir Starmer criticises handling of rape cover-up claims

Maíria Cahill calls on Sinn Féin to accept report and to apologise

Victim Mairia ‘gutted’ that PPS failings mean accused won’t face justice

Fianna Fáil claims Gerry Adams has serious questions to answers

Welfare reform: Peter Robinson in new assembly warning

SDLP tables petition of concern on welfare reform

Unionists call (challenge to nationalists) for welfare proposals as the final budget deadline looms

Prince Charles visits Corrymeela: ‘A model to all who strive for peace and reconciliation’ – (He follows in the steps of DUP minister, Mervyn Storey, who wished the Corrymeela Community well back in February)

Two faces of Sinn Fein: Gerry Kelly joins protest while Martin McGuinness shakes hands with Prince Charles

May 22

Same-sex referendum: Polls open in Republic of Ireland

Same sex marriage referendum: Four Northern Ireland Church of Ireland clerics back ‘No’ vote in Republic

Irish gay marriage referendum: Mary McAleese calls for ‘Yes’ vote after gay son’s secret suffering

Rep of Ireland’s deputy prime minister says extending marriage rights to gay people will prove equality is the cornerstone of the Republic – (Read ‘depravity’ rather than ‘equality’!!)

‘Gay cake row has given No campaign a massive boost’

Action begins against Drogheda printer in ‘gay invite row’

US Boy Scouts Chief In Plea To Allow Gay Leaders

Prince Charles and Camilla welcomed at Roman Catholic church in Belfast – (You can see who organised the details of the visit!!)

Prince Charles to visit NI peace centre Corrymeela – (The centre of ecumenism !!)

Amid forgiveness in Mullaghmore we should not forget the past

Donaldson praises Jenny Palmer’s contribution to local politics

DUP faces threat of extinction, says Ian Paisley’s son Kyle

Stormont in Crisis ….Again!

Casement Park: Paul Scott claims damning says Carál Ní Chuilín – (“It’s simply unthinkable that I’d want to put lives at risk,” – laughable coming from Sinn Fein that came to power through its terrorism and murder!!)

National Crime Agency will investigate child porn case the PSNI panned over

Ashers ‘gay cake’ case: Quoting Bible in 21st century is no argument say Liam Clarke – (It will prove to be a decisive argument at the Great Assizes, John 12:48!!)

May 21

Ashers bakery couple: Guilty by law, but we’re innocent in God’s eyes

Churches lament ‘loss of religious liberties’ after cake determination

Ashers ‘gay cake’ decision is a threat to our freedom of conscience – Butchers and candlestick-makers, regardless of their religious opinions, will also be forced to comply, or face prosecution, or give up their businesses entirely.

‘Bert and Ernie’ cake case in Northern Ireland sparks debate over human rights and religion

‘Gay cake’: US couple encourage Ashers Bakery to appeal ruling

Gerry Adams has no apology for Lord Mountbatten murder – earl ‘knew the dangers’ of coming to Ireland

Prince Charles has nothing to apologise for but is happy to forgive – it’s a pity Gerry Adams can’t do the same

Relatives of Bloody Sunday join Prince of Wales at service for peace

Bloody Sunday relative Bethany McLoughlin sings for Prince Charles in Sligo

Handshake ‘does not absolve republican terrorists’

OFMDFM blasted for funding body which took on cake case – (Yes, and they have funded the sodomite community for years!!)

Irish gay marriage referendum may be closer than polls predict

Coleen Nolan under fire as she appears to compare gay rights to ISIS in Ashers ‘gay cake’ case debate on Loose Women – (Sodomite lobbyists highly organised and deceitful!!)

Criticism for special DUP advisor Brimstone following investigation

May 20

Ashers owners’ ‘extreme disappointment’ at gay cake verdict – (See our comments inThe reason why?? – “There is sin in the camp!!)

Ashers Verdict – Dark Day for Justice and Religious Freedom – Jim Allister

The ‘gay cake’ ruling against a Christian bakery could lead to even more discrimination – it’s opened a very strange can of worms

Equality body that supported a gay man in his legal battle against Ashers Bakery has been vindicated, says Chief Commissioner Wardlow

Prince Charles meets Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams – (All the talk about reconciliation is utter nonsense – Sinn Fein remains the same murderous, thieving, lying organisation it always has been. Political advantage is all it seeks!!)

Prince Charles to visit scene of Lord Mountbatten’s murder and meet the mother of a boy murdered in same attack

Prince Charles shakes hands with Gerry Adams

‘Mountbatten knew dangers in coming here’, says Adams

National Crime Agency powers extended to Northern Ireland

DUP’s Jenny Palmer at centre of bullying claim resigns

Irish Presbyterian Church’s ‘profound concern’ over Ashers’ ruling

Irish Presbyterian’s ‘deep sorrow’ at Scottish gay vote

Victims query Bishop’s Easter Rising address – (Why not query her for usurping of an office God says should only be filled by a man!!)

Peter Robinson warns assembly could collapse over welfare powers

Move over Gerry Adams, Peter Robinson is the new king of Twitter – (DUP have been practising ‘twittering’ for quite some time now!!)

May 19

‘Gay cake’ row: Judge rules against Ashers bakery

Senior IRA man, Jock Davison murder suspect in hiding, crime baron goes to ground as police warn Copeland and Kelly they are under threat

IRA sex attacker could have fled Ireland, says abuse victim

Gerry Adams ‘pulls out’ of Willie Frazer debate

New rules to improve MLA conduct – (It says something about Stormont when it must receive lessons in courtesy from Sinn Fein!!)

Schoolgirl ‘raped by 60 members of Asian sex gang by the age of 16’

Prince Charles to begin four-day Ireland visit

Prince Charles to meet Gerry Adams and attend emotional meeting in Ireland at spot where great-uncle was killed by massive IRA bomb

Prince Charles to meet Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams

Queen insisted on Prince Charles meeting Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams during Ireland visit

No intelligence of a specific threat to Prince Charles ahead of Royal visit – gardai

Bloody Sunday victim’s sister slams SF over Prince Charles visit

For all the talk of pacts, it will get nasty as unionists target each other’s seats

Gay blood ban: New health minister Simon Hamilton vows to be ‘guided by science’

The scandal of foreign nurses with bogus papers

Isis seizes Ramadi: After Iraq’s worst defeat in the war with the Islamic militants, battle is on to defend the road to Baghdad

May 18

Christian faith ‘sustains’ bakery family ahead of ruling

RC Archbishop’s appeal to Irish voters ahead of the gay marriage referendum

Irish authorities ‘knew IRA terrorists who murdered Mountbatten’

Royal visit: Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams confirms party will attend visit of Prince Charles and Camilla

Security stepped up for Prince Charles visit to Ireland

The Irish road to peace cannot hide injustice

Dublin-Monaghan bombs: Wreaths laid on 41st anniversary

Westminster Speaker John Bercow ‘prepares to divorce wife Sally over affair’

SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell admits he could quit inside a year

DUP’s David Simpson pens astonishing 1,000-word letter to UUP leader Mike Nesbitt

The old leaders of Sinn Fein just won’t let go

‘Provos are hiding my abuser in safe house’ – Paudie

Institute of Directors NI says Westminster stability ‘in contrast to Stormont’

Marauding Scots put paid to Northern Ireland’s hopes of extra cash

Islamic State militants ‘smuggled to Europe’

May 16
Pro-sodomites complain about gospel open-air preachers and tract distributors

Church of Scotland votes to allow gay ministers in civil partnerships

Stornoway group of 250 quits the Church of Scotland

Nobody will be gagged in Casement Park inquiry: Nelson McCausland’s pledge – (No more Jenny Palmers then!!)

DUP hits back at Dublin over human rights act reforms

DUP ‘tried to scare voters with Sinn Fein claim’ – (In other words ‘told lies!!’)

Kelly says controversial Catholic-Protestant headcount leaflet should not have been published

Gerry Kelly now blames Royal Mail for his sectarian leaflets

Dour McDonnell’s more of a liability than he is a leader

Voters across Northern Ireland ‘expressed concerns about SDLP leadership’ says deputy leader, Dolores Kelly

Further calls for SDLP leader McDonnell to go

I know how Prince Charles will feel at Lord Mountbatten murder scene, says mum of Mullaghmore blast victim

Nesbitt and Ní Chuilín (Sports minister) clash over who is more ga ga for the GAA

Boston Marathon bomber sentenced to death

Boston bombing: It could be a decade before Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is executed

CPS confirms it will review decision not to charge Labour peer Lord Janner over allegations of historic child sex abuse

Lord Janner COULD still be prosecuted for child sex abuse claims – as CPS agrees to review

Tory MP Victor Montagu escaped child sex abuse trial in 1970s

May 15

Westminster ‘world’s most gay Parliament’

Stadium safety fears to be probed

Jean McConville murder: Judge orders final decision on whether to prosecute alleged former IRA commander Ivor Bell

Asian mother found dead with her twin daughters had ‘asked her husband for a divorce’

We must get rid of the dreadful Human Rights Act

Welfare row could sink Northern Ireland yet

Theresa Villiers warns budgets will be imposed if Stormont cannot solve welfare crisis

Senior trade unionist: bus all Northern Ireland Tory voters to England – (That has long been the thinking of Irish Romanists!!!)

SDLP ‘needs leadership change,’ says Mark Durkan – former leader

Dissidents planned to bomb British army base during visit of Charles

Dissidents’ arrests shows that killers have not gone away

‘Take us with you, Scotland’ say thousands in North of England

WW1 Battle of Festubert: Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers’ role recalled

700 ‘terror suspects’ have travelled to Syria, Scotland Yard says

May 14

Casement Park: Mike Nesbitt seeks inquiry into minister Carál Ní Chuilín over safety claims

Human Rights Act: Gerry Adams criticises ‘attack’ on NI peace deal – (‘NI peace deal’ was itself a denial of human rights when it put murderers into government!!)

Niece of Disappeared monk (murdered by the IRA) hopeful of finding body

Whistleblower Jenny Palmer isolated by DUP

Red Sky: DUP promotes Stephen Brimstone, the adviser at centre of scandal

Robinson’s three top advisers getting paid almost £92,000 a year (each)

Rising crime rates, a police force starved of cash, and victims like Betty Young (79) are left to pay the price

PSNI chief: If public disorder breaks out we couldn’t police it ‘comprehensively’

Police chief vows effort being made to tackle UDA

Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison: GAA and church step back from ‘tribute’ to murdered ex-IRA leader – (Happy to give support until exposed in media!!!)

RUC daughter’s revulsion over claims murder weapon was handed back to terrorists

‘Disgust’ at Assembly row over dead MLA David McClarty – (No depths too low to stoop to score points!!)

Plot to kill Prince Charles foiled as police seize bombs and guns ahead of royal visit

Vatican officially recognises ‘state of Palestine’

Vatican recognises Palestine as state in treaty

Netanyahu: Nuclear talks continue even as official says Iran has God’s approval to destroy Israel

Rush Limbaugh advises bakery owners who disapprove of homosexuality to blame ‘fear of a Muslim backlash’ for refusing gay wedding cakes

May 13

Human Rights Act: Tory pledge to scrap law ‘breaches NI peace deal’

‘Paramilitary’ attacks on the rise

Nesbitt fresh challenge to DUP – (The implications of this matter are very serious!)

Ex-minister McCausland under intense fire as Red Sky scandal debated

Red Sky: DUP accused of putting party before public interest during angry clash over Nelson McCausland probe

TUV’s Jim Allister denounces DUP’s despicable treatment of Jenny Palmer

Angry exchanges in Red Sky debate

Clonard Monastery group ‘did not back letter praising IRA man’

PPS urged to explain why it didn’t prosecute Gerry Adams for withholding paedophile brother information

Report on decision not to prosecute Adams over brother’s case ‘must be published quickly’

Church of Ireland Archbishops and leading RC theologian call for Yes vote in sodomite marriage vote in Irish Republic

Liberal leader, Jeremy Thorpe: Inquiry into claims police altered evidence – (Further indications of the corruption at the heart of British politics)

May 12

Much of today’s alleged austerity is self-inflicted – (Amen! to such sentiments)

Nepal hit by 7.4 earthquake as it struggles to recover from disaster just weeks ago that killed 8,000 people

NI Sec of State, TheresaVilliers: Sinn Féin should ‘stand by what they agreed’ on reform

Simon Hamilton appointed Health Minister in DUP reshuffle

Analysis: DUP reshuffle another move away from Paisleyism – (The DUP moved away from the first principles of Ian Paisley a long time ago!!!)

Irish republican dissident loses Strasbourg human rights case

Human rights court throws out Colin Duffy challenge

Robert McCartney’s sisters demand review of funding as community groups place ‘Jock’ Davison tribute in Irish News – (Why was he ever employed by them???)

Council to probe advert praising IRA man

Senior Sinn Féin members among hundreds at funeral of murdered IRA leader

McCartney sisters’ fury justified

Heroism of ‘Skins’ (Enniskillen regiments) to be commemorated at Waterloo event in Fermanagh

Jamie Bryson: I’m against the peace process…it’s peace with a gun to its head

Gay dad sets his sights on Peter Robinson – and wants meeting with DUP leader over equal rights – (The DUP have already adopted a “no stance” position on this wickedness)

Westminster Speaker’s wife, Sally Bercow affair: scorned wife slams ‘ego and narcissism’ of Speaker’s wife

Muslim man argues he cannot serve on jury as religion forbids him from judging others – (But cutting off heads and hands etc is ok!!!)

May 11

Jonathan Bell tipped to be named today as Health Minister

Inexorable rise of Sinn Fein comes to shuddering halt

North’s election results puncture SF myth of United Ireland’s inevitability

Analysis: Nationalism sweeps Scotland, but loses ground in Ulster

Brave stand that forced the IRA and Adams into corner

IRA rape claims: review into possible cover-up to be published after election

The nine-year silence that should have cost Gerry his political career

Adams ignores mother’s plea on IRA threat to son

Mike Nesbitt says NI needs ’liberal, progressive politicians’ – (That is what the DUP is trying to become with its new position on sodomy)

Simpson urged to provide evidence over UUP speech allegations

Nesbitt challenges Simpson to provide evidence of racist abuse

Church of Ireland faces shrinking congregations crisis

IRA commander’s funeral takes place in Belfast

Funeral of Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison takes place in Belfast’s Markets area

No funeral mass as Republican Belfast buries atheist IRA chief

Abortion issue cost Sinn Fein Fermanagh and South Tryone claim

North Antrim: Paisley dynasty sails towards 50th year

Vast loyalist parade sweeps through city in honour of WW1 dead

For the good of the Union, it’s time for England to stand up to the Scots

Islamists jailed for chopping of teacher’s hand ‘because exam paper insulted Prophet Mohamed’

US Student failed by atheist professor for refusing to condemn faith

Gardai monitoring Islamic radicals ahead of Prince Charles Irish visit

Scotland tops gay equality league – (This the true ‘spirit’ behind the SNP: a rejection of God’s Word!)

May 9

Australia PM advisor says climate change is ‘UN-led ruse to establish new world order’

Charles plans Lord Mountbatten trip

Three released without charge in former IRA man, Gerard Jock Davison murder probe

DUP’s hopes dashed at Westminister

Gavin Robinson: Acceptance speech ‘disgraceful’ says Kyle Paisley – (????????)

General election 2015: I leave with dignity, integrity and great pride – McCrea

Unionism did well but the North is still facing years of austerity

Nationalist vote falls but reasons for Sinn Féin slump run much deeper

Only 15% of Church of Ireland members attend services

Australian police arrest teenager planning to detonate 3 bombs in Melbourne

Liberia Declared Free Of Deadly Ebola Virus

May 8

UUP’s Tom Elliott ends Michelle Gildernew’s reign in Fermanagh/South Tyrone

William McCrea loses South Antrim seat – (It does not pay to turn your back upon God’s Word on the matter of sodomy for the sake of votes)

Round-up of NI election news

Conservatives on course for majority at Westminster

Ed Miliband resignation imminent as Conservatives win stunning majority

Clegg Expected To Quit After ‘Cruel’ Losses

‘Scottish Lion Roars’ In Historic SNP Landslide

Good job, Conservatives. Now let’s ditch that slippery Nick Clegg and court the DUP – (You’ll find they are just as slippery!!)

Fresh arrest in murder of former IRA commander in Belfast

Alliance Party defends Councillor Paula Bradshaw’s praise of murdered Jock Davison

May 7

Election 2015: NI electorate goes to the polls to select 18 MPs

Gay row could ‘cause Church of Ireland schism’

Divisions run deep on Lough Erne’s banks, in the UK’s most marginal seat

Jock Davison murder – man arrested

Man arrested over murder of former IRA leader Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison

Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison murder: Second arrest as man, 41, freed

Davison murder shows North’s criminal gangs no longer fear Provos

‘I don’t support the IRA’: Oldham Athletic manager – (No, just one of its most bloodthirsty leaders!!)

Ireland gay marriage referendum: Model couple ‘appalled’ their faces are used on ‘Vote No’ posters

Jamie Bryson gets suspended sentence for flag protests

SF says it is not behind ‘scurrilous’ anti-Dodds letter in North Belfast

Church of Ireland female bishop attends Easter Rising commemoration

Former NI Police Ombudsman Nuala O’Loan ‘appalled’ by call for gardaí to support same-sex marriage vote

May 6

William McCrea backs DUP decision not to take stance on homosexuality – (THIS IS POLITICS – ‘GO WITH THE CROWD’!! – The man does not deserve the votes of Christians)

Belfast shooting: Ex-IRA man Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison shot dead – Police do not believe dissident republicans shot him

PSNI rules out dissident role in ex-IRA chief’s murder

Belfast police raid home in connection with killing of Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison

Belfast murder: Who was ex-IRA man ‘Jock’ Davison?

Profile of Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison – the IRA boss who ordered the brutal killing of Robert McCartney

Liam Adams loses rape appeal conviction

Sinn Féin defends its refusal to take seats in the House of Commons

Gay couple win High Court battle over baby girl

Two of our bishops should repent – (So too should 43 other Church of Ireland clergy who intend voting Yes in the same sex marriage referendum)

May 5

Man shot near Belfast city centre republican area

Man shot dead in Markets area of Belfast

Rotherham abuse warning reports released – Police and council officials took no action when warned of abuse in 2003 and in 2006.

Sinn Fein hit by storm of anger in ‘sectarian headcount’ leaflet row

More pressure on Sinn Fein over ‘sectarian’ election literature

Election Diary: SF rising star savages Kelly’s sectarian leaflet – (Are the cracks appearing in the godless monolith of Sinn Fein??)

Bishop to lead Royal Black Knocknamuckley church service

Bishop overturns rector’s ban on loyal order’s church service

‘Bishop did not overrule rector on Royal Black service’: Church of Ireland – (Typical Church of Ireland chicanery, seeking to keep both sides happy!!)

Dissident republicans Paint bombers target home of Martin McGuinness

Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness ‘would consider meeting Prince on Ireland trip’

Crossmaglen mother fears IRA gangsters will murder her son

Election: Peter Robinson scornful of Sinn Fein appeal to unionist voters over austerity

Gay Ulster Unionist volunteer quits party in disgust till pact with DUP has run its course

In tears: Peter Robinson’s remarks leave children of Co Down gay couple fearful of jail sentence for dads – (The sodomy campaign has reached a laughable stage)

Syria’s ‘circle of hell’: Aleppo residents describe children without heads, streets filled with blood and injuries never before witnessed by surgeons – (All done in the name of ‘Allah’!!!)

May 3

Election: Peter Robinson scornful of Sinn Fein appeal to unionist voters over austerity

SDLP’s McKinney silent on Catholic ‘faith’ decisions – (As we said before the man is an idiot!!)

Election Diary: Crudely sectarian SF leaflet shameful, say SDLP

Paint daubed on memorial to soldier victims of The Troubles

Ligoniel soldiers’ memorial vandalised again

Alliance’s Naomi Long and Judith Cochrane attend same church – but hold opposing views on same-sex marriage

Abortion debate: ‘Our 33 days were full of joy’, says mother of fatal baby – (No one has the right to end a life that God has begun!!)

Sinn Fein minister ‘on the run’ over Casement claims

Police allowed abusers to go free in probe into paedophile, says judge

Mother tells of devastation at DUP’s ‘U-turn’ over abortion – (Ending the life of a child in the womb is more dreadful than being devastated!!!)

May 2

Kyle Paisley blasts call for gay criminalisation, it is “ignorant” to demand that gays should be criminalised – (There seems to be ignorance of God’s Word on Mr Paisley’s part!!!)

Creationism still taught in faith schools despite Government funding threat – (It is legal to discriminate against those who believe and teach the Bible!!)

Election: Gay marriage turns into key battleground as DUP and Alliance clash

Christian politicians should recuse themselves from decisions: SDLP MLA – (What an absolute idiot!! Are we to leave government to atheists??)

Gay man ‘couldn’t believe Wells’ response to question’ – left incredulous – (Wait until he hears God’s response on the day of judgment!!!)

Police probe Susan-Anne White anti-gay rant at Omagh election debate

Fury as Dawn Purvis runs for Victims Commissioner post

Bomb ‘targeting police’ in Belfast exploded safely after Catholic priest receives warning

Wilson: DUP right on whistleblower – (The DUP really have lost all moral awareness!!)

Love cheat minister urges people to vote yes in Ireland’s gay marriage referendum

Life in jail for RIRA gunman who murdered gang godfather Kelly

May 1

Francis Kelleher: Cork RC priest jailed over ‘Continuity IRA’ death threats

Former priest jailed for paying dissident republicans to intimidate a relative

National Crime Agency: We’ll smash criminal networks of paramilitaries – (About time!!!)

Police quiz Lord Bramall as part of paedophile sex abuse inquiry

UN accused of ‘reckless disregard’ for allegations of sex abuse by French peacekeeper forces

Garden Centre Prods wake up; terrorists are re-writing history

NI abortion law: Ford surprised at Robinson comments

Nelson McCausland ‘acted inappropriately’ in matter of Housing Executive contract, Stormont committee finds

Election: Gay marriage turns into key battleground as DUP and Alliance clash

No agreement between parties on change in definition of victim

NI parties Q&A: What is your definition of Troubles victim?

An English voter’s question to labour leader: “How can you stand there and say that you didn’t overspend and end up bankrupting this country? That is absoultely ludicrous. You’re frankly just lying.”

April 30

Candidate: Wells right to link child abuse to same-sex relationships

Gays ’40 times more likely to abuse children’, claims election candidate Susan-Anne White

Voters urged to question candidates on moral issues

Poll: Thousands add their name to petition calling for Northern Ireland referendum on gay marriage

UUP and DUP reject Sinn Féin’s gay marriage referendum proposal

Gay row unionist Jim Wells says his career was destroyed in just 30 seconds

Wells made a blunder, but the door should stay open for his return – (The mistake he made was apologising for uttering the truth!!)

Schoolchildren evacuated from Lisburn Pond Park Primary School amid bomb security alert

Heenan family to initiate retired General, Sir Frank Kitson and MoD legal case – (Murder was committed by loyalist paramilitaries!!!)

Teenager dies in stolen van, stolen in the Republic of Ireland, crash on M1

Loyalist Famine Song bandsmen convicted ‘outrageous’ sectarian behaviour outside Catholic church – (not a word spoken yet convicted while republican can make anti-Protestant statements with apparent impunity!!! (see this news report )

Double Standards on Display in Young Conway Volunteer Case

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April 2015

Index to this edition

FPC Missionary in Nepal Recounts Events

nepal_quakeRev. Wesley Graham is a missionary stationed in Nepal under the Free Presbyterian Church of Northern Ireland (FPCU). He has labored there since 2006 and is partially responsible for the care of the 120 Free Presbyterian Churches of Nepal (FPCN) along with Nepalese church moderator Rev. Paul Thapa.

Graham gave an exclusive interview to the Missionary News early this morning, recounting his experience during Saturday’s earthquake, and also describing conditions for himself, his wife, and the Nepalese church.

Read more…. (Link to FPCNA Missions website)

Was what Jim Wells said wrong??

Unscriptural home environments are a threat to the wellbeing of children

By Rev Ivan Foster

DUP MLA and former Heath Minister, Jim Wells
DUP MLA and former Heath Minister, Jim Wells

In the wake of the storm over the comments made by Mr Jim Wells, the DUP former Minister of Health who was forced out of office by the concerted campaign of opposition to his comments on sodomite unions and the danger posed to children by such unions, a few comments are required.

It is clear that it was not just what Mr Wells had said at a political gathering in Downpatrick last week that aroused the opposition of the sodomite lobby. No, it was his long-held views of sodomy and sodomite marriage that caused these critics to seize upon what he said in Downpatrick and make it the basis of a vigorous and vicious crusade against him with the objective of having him removed from office.

 Read more

The rejection of the Bible has opened the floodgates of hell!!

DUP MLA Jim Wells

The advocates of immorality and the perverted lifestyle of the sodomite community have become more vocal, more bold in their promoting of that which the Bible calls “an abomination” and in their denunciations of anyone who dares to contradict their views.

The Jim Wells incident has highlighted that!

At a recent political meeting in Downpatrick, a member of the audience videoed Mr Wells making some remarks about same sex marriages and the raising of children within such arrangements. In the video clip, Mr Wells says “the facts show you certainly don’t bring a child up in a homosexual relationship”. He went on to claim children were “far more likely to be abused or neglected” in “non-stable” marriages.

These words have caused a political uproar!

Read more….

The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible’s article on Regeneration contradicts the Perseverance of the Saints

Within The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible article on Regeneration, the following paragraph is found: The sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper reflect this twofold meaning of regeneration. The one is a rite of initiation, administered only once, as a sign of the new birth that happens only once. The other is a rite of nurture, signifying the way in which our souls are nourished and refreshed by feeding on Christ as the true food and drink of eternal life. It must be administered frequently, because the new life within us is still created, dependent life that will wane and die if not refueled and sustained.

The last sentence of this paragraph makes reference to the Believer’s ‘new life’ waning and dying and needing to be refueled and sustained by the Lord’s Supper to avoid this happening. The sentences states: It [ie. The Lord’s Supper] must be administered frequently, because the new life within us is still created, dependent life that will wane and die if not refueled and sustained. (Emphasis added)

Read the entire article posted on The sound of an alarm site here.

Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible employs a ‘somewhat vague’ and ‘confusing’ definition of the doctrine of ‘Regeneration’. Why?

In ‘The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible’ there is a full page article given over to an explanation of the important doctrine of ‘Regeneration’.

This full page article appears on page 1,774 of the Study Bible, in connection with the occurrence of the word ‘regeneration’ in Titus 3:5. This word translated ‘regeneration’ only appears twice in all the New Testament, and only in Titus 3:5 does it refer to the subject of individual salvation. The other place the word appears is Matthew 19:28, where it is used with respect to the coming restitution of all things.

Read all of the article on Rev. McClung’s Sound of an alarm blog, here.

Dr Beeke’s Bible venture begins to unravel

RHB_study_bible“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy,” Proverbs 28:13.

There is something worse than sinning. It is a denying of our sin and a seeking to cover it.

There is something worse than dishonesty. It is the covering-up of a lie and seeking to pass it off as a poorly-stated truth.

Both of these things the producers of the “Reformation Heritage Study Bible” (RHSB) and the editor, Dr Joel Beeke, in particular are guilty of.

Read more

The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible justifies drinking alcohol

wineIf Christians were to read the following statement justifying the drinking of alcohol, especially the words underlined, without knowing where they came from, I wonder what their first reaction would be?

This is especially applicable to Free Presbyterians, who hold to a Temperance position on the consumption of alcohol.

The statement reads: Beware of the danger of drunkenness. We personally need to be very careful with strong drink. It is a stumbling block to many. Alcoholic drink is not wrong per se, but the Bible does clearly teach that drunkenness makes one unaware of what is happening. We must not misuse our bodies. Drunkennes is often linked to immorality and unseemly behavior. Therefore, respect the civil laws limiting alcohol consumption and guard yourself against ever becoming intoxicated.

Rev. Brian McClung has posted a series of articles dealing with this important matter on his personal blog “The Sound of an alarm”. Use the links below to read his articles.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible Map Section endorses the liberal interpretation of the Bible, with no crossing of the Red Sea

RHB_KJV_mapEditor’s comment.

Yet again Rev Brian McClung has highlighted an example of ‘unorthodoxy’ manifesting itself in Dr. Joel Beeke’s ‘The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible’.

It contains in its maps’ section a blatant denial of the Exodus record of God leading Israel through the Red Sea, which He had miraculously divided for them so that they could escape Pharaoh and his host.

The record of God’s inspired Word states:

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptians. And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen. And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them,” Exodus 14:21-28.

That glorious event is wickedly and flagrantly denied in ‘The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible’.

May the Lord give grace to those ministers who were involved in this production and who by so doing have encouraged Free Presbyterians to purchase copies of this Bible now to speak out and warn the people of God about the corruptions and errors within this production.

I have no doubts that they do not share such modernistic and God-denying thinking but they must now disassociate themselves from this ’Study Bible’ and not become part of the deceitful cover-up of these wretched denials of God’s truth.

We commend this article to our readers and urge them to pray for those men who have unwittingly aided this unhappy venture that they might take the decisive action required by the Lord in this crucial issue.

“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin,” James 4:17.
“Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking (disregarding) the law dishonourest thou God?” Romans 2:23.

Ivan Foster.
2nd April, 2015.

Read the article here.


roman_soldierAn outline study of Jude – an important little book for today by Rev Ivan Foster.

Part 3: Remembering the lessons of former manifestations of apostasy.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t cannot be emphasised enough that “the thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun,” Ecclesiastes 1:9

The instigator of rebellion and apostasy, the devil, cannot change. He cannot change his tactics, his objectives or his methods.

Therefore, it is very easy to discover both his activities of former times repeated and, to a very large degree, anticipate the form and fashion of his next attack.

It is for this reason that the Saviour tells us, “As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed,” Luke 17:26-30. The ways of the heart and mind under the control of sin will not alter.

Read more

KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

Each day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here.

The Return of Christ, Pt 53
The Return of Christ, Pt 54
The Return of Christ, Pt 55
The Return of Christ, Pt 56
The Return of Christ, Pt 57
The Return of Christ, Pt 58

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Latest news stories

Candidate: Wells right to link child abuse to same-sex relationships

Gays ’40 times more likely to abuse children’, claims election candidate Susan-Anne White

Voters urged to question candidates on moral issues

Poll: Thousands add their name to petition calling for Northern Ireland referendum on gay marriage

UUP and DUP reject Sinn Féin’s gay marriage referendum proposal

Gay row unionist Jim Wells says his career was destroyed in just 30 seconds

Wells made a blunder, but the door should stay open for his return – (The mistake he made was apologising for uttering the truth!!)

Schoolchildren evacuated from Lisburn Pond Park Primary School amid bomb security alert

Heenan family to initiate retired General, Sir Frank Kitson and MoD legal case – (Murder was committed by loyalist paramilitaries!!!)

Teenager dies in stolen van, stolen in the Republic of Ireland, crash on M1

Loyalist Famine Song bandsmen convicted ‘outrageous’ sectarian behaviour outside Catholic church – (not a word spoken yet convicted while republican can make anti-Protestant statements with apparent impunity!!! (see this news report )

Double Standards on Display in Young Conway Volunteer Case


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More news

April 28

DUP strategy to avoid moral issues in disarray – (Their efforts to avoid upsetting sodomites will cost them the votes of Bible-believers!!)

Hold a Northern Ireland referendum on gay marriage, Martin McGuinness tells leaders’ TV debate – (I believe he would get a shock if it happened!!)

I will report online abuse to the police – Jim Wells

Former UUP mayor fights for No vote in Republic’s gay marriage poll

Tory coalition with DUP and Ukip could spell the end of the BBC as we know it

Lord Janner complainants to seek review of CPS decision

Lawyers make fresh bid for Lord Janner trial

Derry bombers’ ‘inadequate’ warning risked lives, say Northern Ireland police

Birmingham pub bombings: successive governments have ducked and dived to avoid the issue

Rip up the absurd laws which threaten our Armed Forces

Star Neeson ‘risks being seen as an IRA poster boy’ (He is that already!!!)

‘Bias’ in Ulster Museum books – (Ulster’s history obliterated!!)

April 27

Alert follows explosion at Crawford Square in Derry

Gay marriage rejected by Northern Ireland Stormont Assembly

Assembly rejects motion on same-sex marriage again

Gay marriage vote exposes deep divisions within Northern Ireland parties

Spare Wells the lynch mob treatment: Robinson

Jim Wells ‘deeply saddened’ by menacing online abuse

Martin McGuinness: ‘Jim Wells is a bigot’ – (This from the leader of the IRA’s 30 year murder and terror campaign!!!)

Disastrous timing of comments forced Jim Wells out

DUP going soft on homosexuality: Foster

Ukip offers Christians who object to gay marriage special legal protection

‘Charging of former soldier illustrates double standards’

The wooing of the DUP: how Paisley’s party may hold the keys to No 10

Everything you need to know about Nigel Dodds and the Democratic Unionist Party

Modernising Church of Ireland minister blocks Black Preceptory service in church

April 25

Lord Janner: More alleged victims come forward following decision not to prosecute

Lord Janner: How the Director of Public Prosecutions should have handled the Labour peer

Robinson defends Wells as police investigate minister’s comment

Wells’ position ‘no longer tenable’ – McGuinness – (He was a leader of the IRA’s campaign of murder and terrorism – What a wretched hypocrite!!)

Wells abuse row: Mask has slipped, says Clegg – (He is leader of the party that introduced legalised abortion resulting in the brutal death of millions of unborn children)

Police investigate minister’s gay abuse remarks

Sinn Féin see Adams as a ‘god’, claims Fianna Fail TD Dara Calleary at his party’s annual conference

Images of armed dissidents in Lurgan probed by PSNI

Attempted murder charge over 1974 fatal shooting

John Pat Cunningham death: 73-year-old man (understood to be a former soldier) charged over 1974 Army shooting

Former soldier charged over death of Tyrone man in 1974

Desmond Boal: Political colossus whose star truly shone in the courtroom

April 24

Alison Saunders: I was right not to charge Lord Janner with child sex abuse

Stormont reform should be your price, Allister tells DUP

Jim Wells defends South Down hustings’ comments on child abuse

Health Minister Jim Wells apologises for comments linking gay marriage and abuse

Health Minister Jim Wells apologises for gay ‘abuse’ remarks

Another crisis looming on Hill (Stormont) after election

Dissidents are blamed as bomb hurled at Belfast police explodes in air

No coroner for IRA massacre hearing

April 23

Greville Janner affair: Children’s homes inquiry evidence ‘must be released’

Police consider challenge to CPS ruling not to charge Janner over abuse allegations

Boris Johnson adds to MPs’ disapproval of DPP decision on Lord Janner

‘He’s not welcome’: Prince Charles faces protests on visit to Sligo

We’re friends now,’ say locals as Charles to visit Mountbatten spot

Election 2015: TUV calls for end to Stormont’s mandatory coalition

DUP manifesto launch leads to protocol row over Wrightbus

Pro-life campaigner ‘shocked’ by DUP free vote on abortion – had not anticipated this position change

Glengormley is a no go area for Protestants, claims Orange Order

IRA informer accuses police of abandoning him to die

War of words: Gerry Adams had a massive go at Micheál Martin tonight

David Cameron says he will never validate DUP policy on gay rights and LGTB issues – he “profoundly disagreed” with DUP policy on lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGTB) issues

Presbyterian Church in Ireland favours a ‘no’ vote in ROI gay marriage referendum

April 22

North Belfast: Police investigate attack on patrol

Bomb aimed at police in north Belfast missed target and exploded in mid-air

NI Paramedics to wear full riot gear and drive bulletproof vehicles

Retired British soldier, 73, to be quizzed by detectives over 1974 Northern Ireland shooting of man with learning difficulties

Tesco posts record £6.4bn annual loss – (So much for supporting sodomites!!)

DUP not to take stance on Ford’s abortion bill – (This is the party that used to have the scriptural motto “The Truth will set you free.”)

April 21

Lord Janner abuse case – DPP Alison Saunders took legal advice on Greville Janner from former colleague of his son – (Is there no decency left in Westminster??)

‘Anti-British Mid Ulster Council strengthening TUV’ election campaign

Sinn Fein’s trolls scored own goal with John Coyle attack

Sinn Fein tops the poll with Queen’s students

Hope voiced over future of ‘’ web names in Northern Ireland

Arrest over fatal Army shooting in 1974

Man arrested over comments made in Lurgan republican commemoration event speech

Irish republican detained for calling armed attacks ‘legitimate’

Man to appear in court charged with encouraging terrorism

Adams’s ‘we ended the war’ claim is laughable, says McConville family

Martin says Adams seeking to ‘legitimise’ McConville killing – (As he has every other IRA murder!!)

Sinn Fein Equally Unfit for Government in Northern Ireland

If Britain quits the EU, should we (Rep of Ireland) be next?

The battle for the Union is about to get nasty

Wake up, the Union is in jeopardy all over again (Scottish nationalism is of the same ilk as Irish nationalism!!!)

Greville Janner: Connection between DPP and Lord’s QC son raises questions over decision not to prosecute him over sex abuse allegations

Doubt grows over dementia claims made by alleged paedophile peer Greville Janner – (He wrote to the House of Lords a fortnight ago requesting membership be continued!!!)

April 20

TUV sore about hustings exclusion

Can Naomi hold East Belfast?

Refusing ‘’ web name is part of the erosion of Britishness

Outrage after republican urges people to join the IRA and gloats over Mountbatten murder

Fianna Fail leader Michael Martin to tell FF 1916 event: ‘SF unfit for democratic government’

‘Adams trying to distort the past’ – Michael Martin

SF Easter Rising claims a cynical lie: Fianna Fail

Fianna Fail is reaping a problem it helped to sow

Boy, 14, from Blackburn held over Australia ‘terror plot’

April 18

Abortion law ‘unlikely to be passed by the current Assembly’: Wells

Pressure growing on Jim Wells to publish new abortion guide

Battle for North Belfast: Getting vote out is key to Dodds’ re-election for DUP

Unionist Unity candidate accuses Mid Ulster councillor of ‘anti British bigotry’

Council defends SF chair attending republican parade

Border unionist urges Liam Neeson not to help glamorise IRA

Ex CPS chief Lord Macdonald ‘not told’ of Lord Janner allegations – (The holes through which the guilty are allowed to escape are big indeed!!!)

Former Director of Public Prosecutions was ‘never informed’ of Lord Janner child sex abuse allegations

Anzac Day terror plot: Five teenagers arrested in Australia for ‘planning Isis-inspired attack’

Australian PM urges defiance in wake of terror plot

April 17

Jeffrey Donaldson: Time coming when rift in unionism can mend – (When the DUP becomes as the UUP was!!!)

SF Minister proposes new school network created by Churches – (An ecumenical network is what is envisaged!!)

Justice minister ditches plans to allow abortion for rape victims

TUV Rejects Abortion Law Change – (“The unborn child should not be denied his or her fundamental human rights”)

Unionist Executive parties did not respond to abortion consultation

Ford ‘ignoring’ public opinion over abortion changes – (“99 per cent of people” consulted were opposed to any change in the law)

Police Ombudsman investigation will prove my son was shot to protect IRA spy, claims father

Fine Gael TD calls for IRA abusers probe

Alliance ‘would try to block EU referendum’

San Francisco Catholics beg Pope Francis to replace their ‘intolerant’ archbishop

Farage comes out fighting for Britain in debate with Left-wing party leaders

April 16

Sinn Fein Mayor who wore chain at Easter wreath-laying (in honour of terrorists) faces vote of no confidence

Mid Ulster: Election apathy a danger but Sinn Fein’s Molloy looks a certainty

SDLP leader won’t say how he’d pay for extra public spending

Strabane: Deadly bomb found by man walking on rural road

Sinn Fein’s Deputy leader, McDonald, caused real ‘hurt and damage’ in Dublin parliament – Deputy PM Joan Burton

Political funding rules (Ireland) seem strict but parties raise millions of euro ‘under the radar’

Dublin prime minister rules out ‘conscience clause’ in same-sex marriage vote

Conscience clause could be used as a licence to discriminate against others – (Those presently victimised by pro-sodomite laws must not be given a defence!!!)

April 15

Murders of alleged informers during the Troubles to be investigated

Police Ombudsman in major investigation into ‘IRA informer murders’

Alasdair McDonnell (SDLP) facing Sinn Fein’s slick electoral machine in South Belfast

Naomi Long and Gavin Robinson East Belfast face off in East Belfast election debate

SDLP election candidate John Coyle reduced to tears over online insults

Gregory Campbell can talk the talk all the way to keeping seat

Council chair slammed for attending IRA event

Police probe republican’s ‘armed struggle legitimate’ comments – (How ineffective and anodyne is that phrase ‘Police probe’!!)

PSNI probe republican activist Dee Fennell over speech

Strong reaction among unionists to ditching of ‘’ by councils

Police reveal significant increase in racist hate crime in Northern Ireland – (“And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him,” Leviticus 19:33)

Hundreds protest against racist arson attack in east Belfast

Police reveal significant increase in racist hate crime in Northern Ireland

East Belfast arson attack was ‘racially motivated’

Stormont leaders ‘not doing enough on racist attacks’

‘Conscience clause’ trading warning – (No such concern from Alliance about the absence of such a clause???!!!!

Crossmaglen explosion (by dissidents): Francis McCabe Jr ‘loses sight in one eye’

Assembly calls on Ford to compensate former UDR man

Gerry Adams yet to contact family of Jean McConville

Adams yet to contact family of murdered McConville

Family of IRA man shot dead by SAS lose legal bid

Jury saw sense over security force response to terror

Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald hits out at suggestions she faces censure over Ansbacher comments

Blair has used his political nous to pocket millions

Irish American Democrats back Hillary – (Birds of a feather etc, etc,!!)

April 14

‘Gerry Adams does not shock me anymore… I don’t know why people would vote for a man like that’ – Jean McConville daughter

Fermanagh/South Tyrone: Sinn Fein admits it will be a battle to see off unionist challenge in west

Bid to quash SAS Loughgall killings inquest verdicts thrown out

Sinn Féin shoo-in Paul Maskey walks high roads to build on majority

Election profile: Jim Allister, TUV leader

I have changed my mind about not voting. I’m going to spoil my vote

DUP’s Roberta McNally defiant in wake of ‘taigs’ and ‘tramps’ remarks

Elements within PSNI oppose training college relocation – McGuinness

Neighbours rally around Belfast Polish families after race hate attack

Ignore the hysteria and get justice for victims of Kincora

Dublin Government seeks motion of censure against Mary Lou McDonald

April 13

DUP rule out formal deal with SNP – (They sit in coalition with IRA murderers but rule out any arrangement with the SNP because it is “out to break up the United Kingdom”!!!!)

DUP Double Speak on Partnering Those Committed to Destruction of UK

East Belfast: Five-year election battle comes to a head

East Belfast: Nationalists call for no tactical voting – (Nod, nod, wink, wink!!)

Victims are being let down over access to information – survivor

Ukip’s porn star candidate ‘has done nothing illegal’, says Farage – (Immorality doesn’t come into it!!!!????)

Republicans accused of covering up deaths of IRA ‘child soldiers’

Gerry Adams has to change the record

Jean was not an accidental casualty, someone made a decision to kill her

I won’t rest until we get justice: McConville daughter

More police on streets after rioting in Derry

April 11

Stormont welfare row reignites over benefits

Sinn Fein: No pre-election welfare deal

DUP warning amid welfare reform row

Sylvia Hermon’s verdict on DUP bid for her seat: ‘Interesting, but I’ll win’

Naomi Long will need perfect storm to retain East Belfast seat in battle of popular Lord Mayors

CBS 60 Minutes on Gerry Adams: Rewriting history for prime time US viewers

Why my British Army relative killed in 1916 deserves respect

April 10

DUP launch two-pronged attack on Gildernew

DUP election hopeful Jonathan Bell denies ‘pulling fast one’ over nomination papers

Police attacked and ‘shots fired’ in Derry

DUP seeks ‘victim terrorist’ ban – “It is unacceptable that the terrorist pulling the trigger should be treated the same way as the innocent victim.” – (What about helping the ‘trigger-pullers’ into government, Willie? I’m surprised you don’t see the anomaly!!)

Eamonn McCann: Role of Catholic Church in Easter Rising should be remembered – (That would be a folly indeed!!)

No place for IRA glorification in commemoration of Easter Rising

Sinn Féin has broken Dáil rules on party political broadcasts… AGAIN

Radicalisation – ‘Third Of Muslims’ Blame Police

Church of England should be made to allow gay clergy to marry – bishop – (C of E slides further into the abyss!!)

UKIP porn star candidate John Langley ‘not ashamed’ of career – (This shows us the character of the UKIP!!!!)

Ulster University probe into academic’s anti-gay rant on Facebook – (Had it been anti-Bible it would have been a reasoned discourse!!)

Unionist pact boosts DUP hopes of recapturing East Belfast, says survey – (That should get the Nationalists voting for the Alliance Party!!)

April 9

DUP springs a surprise bid to unseat Lady Sylvia Hermon from North Down

Gildernew won’t tone down Sands link to attract voters

DUP could hold the keys to 10 Downing Street

Belfast postman ‘ringleader in five-man punishment gang’

Belfast racist hate crime figures up 43%

Germany reopens probe into 1989 IRA murder

Where Friends of Sinn Féin raises money in the US

Thousands of travellers entering Ireland from UK will not be included in new passport checks

Relatives of Britain’s 1916 soldiers call for Dublin memorial

Vatican rocked by gay orgies and ‘murder’

Obama: End gay ‘conversion’ therapy

April 8

Cross party support at Elliott campaign launch

Martin Smyth hits back: I do not back the DUP

How Adams has turned mastery of the ‘Big Lie’ technique into art form for SF

Illegal dissident republican march through Derry passes off peacefully

Polish dissident republican supporter arrested in Turkey

Police must investigate Continuity IRA gun salute

SF chief demands truth over past… but expects us to forgive and forget

Home secretary must include Kincora abuse in inquiry, says Belfast MP

April 7

Fermanagh/South Tyrone just one of several seats on a knife-edge

DUP man’s SF photograph refusal ‘protocol’ – (Or rank hypocrisy!!)

DUP MLA defends criticism of UUP counterpart over picture – (More DUP hypocrisy!!)

Police widow horrified at dissident ‘show of strength’ near scene of Stephen Carroll’s murder

Time for Sinn Féin to question Gerry Adams

Sinn Fein to call for referendum on Irish unity at 1916 commemoration event

How Republicans love to perpetuate the romantic myth

Victim links Kincora to alleged London VIP abuse ring

Kincora child sex abuse victim Richard Kerr: I was molested by powerful people at Dolphin Square and Elm Guest House in London

McDonnell ‘OK’ with SDLP backing IRA play park name

Nigel Farage on the NHS: Half of voters agrees that HIV patients cost UK too much money

April 6

Adams ‘trying to justify the unjustifiable’ on McConville murder

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald backs Adams over McConville remark

Once discarded like a dead stray, Jean McConville hasn’t gone away, you know

First signs of Adams’ trusty Teflon image wearing thin on public

Easter terror show of strength as shots fired during Continuity IRA march

Sinn Fein trapped in a time warp

Kelly praises IRA’s ‘bravery and commitment’ – (Known to Protestants as the “Irish Runaway Army”!!!)

SDLP admits taking pay hike three years after vowing to reject increase

Mid Ulster visit by Irish President Michael D. Higgins ‘opposed by unionists’

Country (Irish Republic) awash with bogus fuel but State carried out just 24 tanker tests

‘Promote gay relationships as positive in school,’ teachers say – (God have mercy on the nation that has school teachers such as these!!)

Paudie McGahon’s IRA rapist named in new abuse claim

A new exodus? The reality of being Jewish in Europe today

Christian NHS worker appeals ruling she ‘bullied’ Muslim colleague by praying for her – (Christians are backing away from their duty to witness (Matt 5:14) because of threats from Muslims etc.)

Boy, 14, and girl, 16, arrested by anti-terror police

April 4

Gerry Adams: ’I never pulled a trigger, ordered a murder or set off a bomb’ – (A real republican hero!!!)

Gerry Adams says making Jean McConville’s children orphans is ‘what happens in war’

Jean McConville’s family brands Gerry Adams ‘unbalanced’

Almost 30 discoveries of illegal fuel waste in just three months

Christianity on course to be minority religion in UK

Clashes at anti-Islamism rallies in Australia

A new chapter in the Sunni-Shi’ite war

‘Kenya’s cities will run with blood’ – Islamist al Shabaab militants – (Did someone say that Islam is a peaceful religion??!!)

American Way: The swift denunciation of the religious liberty law is nothing short of remarkable

British minister, Sajid Javid says Muslim communities in Britain have ‘cultural problem’ where women are viewed as commodities

Seized Briton who tried to join Islamic State is the SON of a Labour councillor

England fans ran riot: Retribution swift and brutal as Lansdowne thugs paid for sins – (Would Belfast telegraph print such if it were republican thugs and the PSNI, NOT LIKELY!!!!)

Why are we waiting to quit the EU? – Jim Allister

April 3

DUP and SF unite to give ratepayers’ cash to ex-terrorists – (This is the essence of their power-sharing deal!!)

1916 GPO rebels would hate IRA abuse controversy – Tánaiste

Girls’ Brigade taught homosexuality is a sin – equal to murder, stealing and adultery– (That is God’s view on the matter! Leviticus 20:13.)

Narrow margins in Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Anti-IRA chants are not illegal, says English football supporters’ organisation

Windsor park stand demolition: Is vast excavation pit a clue to cause of subsidence? – (Sabbath-breaking stadium’s troubles came from the pit alright!!)

147 Kenyan people killed by Islamist terrorists

April 2

Constable Ronan Kerr: PSNI say community ‘key to catching killers’ – (The trouble is that there is more sympathy with the murderers than with the family!!)

Police still confident of catching constable’s killers

SF urges anyone with information on ‘paedophile priest’ to speak out – (This is of course after his death!!)

Majority of UUP voters will back me, says DUP’s Gavin Robinson

Jim Allister: TUV only real alternative for unionist voters

Election 2015: SDLP pledges to back Miliband as next prime minister

Eamonn McCann: ‘On-the-runs’ issue could run and run in the North elections

Gregory Campbell warns against ‘Republican aggression’ in new Mid Ulster council

Minister’s decision to pull bands funding ‘perverse’ – (That is the party he and his party choose to go into partnership with!!))

‘Brutal and sectarian reality’ of IRA campaign highlighted

It’s a rotten society that extols gunmen and spurns victims – (It is even more rotten when it elevates one of the gunmen to Deputy First Minister!!)

April 1

Upper Bann set to be unionist grudge match after UUP turn down DUP’s trade-off deal

Fermanagh and Omagh unionists leave council chamber over Irish Presidential motion

Councillor ‘threatened to shove glass bottle down throat’ of TUV woman’s husband on night of loyalist flag protest, court hears

Paramilitary-style attacks convictions “virtually impossible” without victim support

Stormont Justice MinisterDavid Ford wary of all-island probe into IRA sex abuse

Windsor Park: Safety fears over West Stand after cracks spotted – (This is where the Sabbath was broken last weekend. Read our article)

Windsor Park West Stand safety fears after cracks spotted

March 31

“Active abstentionists” – Adams rubbishes talk of Sinn Féin sitting in Westminster

Tom Elliott: When I called Sinn Fein scum, it was directed at murderers – (What do you call those who support and vote for murdering scum, Tom??)

Alliance Party begins battle to hold East Belfast

Northern Ireland councils prepare for the biggest change in over 40 years

Paramilitary attacks ‘have no place’ in community – Sinn Fein – (A case of the pot calling the kettle black!!)

No hot exchanges in Belfast ‘gay cake’ case

Implications of case go beyond gay marriage, bakers and Christians

Gay cake battle: Ashers give thanks, Lee says little, and judge goes away to think

Sunday football objectors drowned out by thousands of Northern Ireland fans at Windsor Park – (“But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God,” Romans 2:5)

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March 2015

Index to this edition

Free Presbyterians Protest at Sabbath breaking by Irish Football Association

Sunday_football1Free Presbyterians and other Christians took part in a peaceful protest outside Tyndale Memorial Free Presbyterian Church on the Sabbath afternoon, March 29th, in opposition to Northern Ireland’s first ever Sabbath fixture on home soil. The protest took the form of an open-air service with the preaching of God’s Word.

[button link=”/pdf/March1502.pdf”]Read more[/button]

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Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible wrongly teaches that Justification brings about a “change of man’s moral nature”

Comment by the Editor:

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s well as teaching the popish doctrine that Peter is the rock upon which the Church is built, it is now evident that Joel Beeke’s “Reformation Heritage Study Bible” also teaches the popish doctrine that Justification brings about a “change of man’s moral nature.”

That is similar to saying that because Gerry Kelly, as was recently disclosed, received a Royal Pardon in the 1990s, he underwent a moral change as well!!

We who live in Ulster know that the man who was a prominent member of the IRA and a convicted murderer, is today the same apologist for the IRA’a campaign of terror and murder as he was when an active gunman/bomber.
A legal pardoning of his crimes did not alter his moral character.

So it is with the Bible’s teaching on “Justification.”

These errors in this most inappropriately named “Reformation Heritage Study Bible” must surely further embarrass those Free Presbyterian ministers, who despite many warnings about the dubious associations and behaviour of the man behind it, Joel Beeke, went ahead and put their name to this publication and those who are presently pushing its sales amongst their members.

We commend Rev Brian McClung’s much-needed exposure of this “Bible” and urge everyone to read and study his article.

[button link=”” size=”mini”]Read article[/button]

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Public meeting to show support for Ashers bakery

waterfront_hall[dropcap]A[/dropcap] meeting has been organized by the Christian Institute in The Waterfront Hall, Belfast, on Tuesday 24 March from 8.00pm – 9.30pm.

The following is a note from C. I. Director Colin Hart.

Dear supporter,

Christian bakers’ court case has far-reaching implications for Gospel freedom. In less than two weeks the McArthur family, owners of Ashers Baking Company, face trial at the hands of the taxpayer-funded Equality Commission because of their beliefs about marriage.

People from all over Northern Ireland have been talking about the case, and its far-reaching implications for religious liberty and Gospel freedom, ever since the McArthurs declined to decorate a cake with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’.

But people are not hearing the truth about the case from the BBC and many others in the media. That’s why we have included some Q & As below. I hope you will find these useful when discussing the McArthurs’ situation with your friends, perhaps especially with those who do not go to church.

We believe that the overwhelming majority of people in Northern Ireland think that the McArthur family should not be forced to endorse a cause with which they profoundly disagree. We are asking you to show your support for Ashers Baking Company in the week of their trial.

Please join us at The Waterfront Hall, Belfast, on Tuesday 24 March from 8.00pm – 9.30pm where you will hear first-hand from Daniel McArthur, General Manager of Ashers Baking Company. One of the family’s lawyers will speak about the alarming implications of this case for religious liberty and Gospel freedom.

In addition, Christian B&B owner Hazelmary Bull will share her experience of being pursued in the courts over her stand for marriage. We will also share the latest news on the McArthurs’ case and key matters for prayer.

Please bring this event to the attention of your church fellowship and friends, and encourage as many as possible to attend. Please also be remembering the McArthurs in your prayers.

What happened?
In May 2014, an LGBT activist asked Ashers Baking Company for a cake to be decorated with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’ – the order was declined by the owners. The firm is being taken to court by the Equality Commission; it claims Ashers has broken sexual orientation and political discrimination laws.

Did they discriminate?
No. The order was declined because it promoted a campaign with which the McArthur family fundamentally disagree. It was the message they objected to, not the customer.

General Manager Daniel McArthur has publicly stated that the firm is happy to serve any customer. The owners were not aware of the sexual orientation of the customer at the time he placed the order and therefore could not discriminate against him on that ground. Had he been a heterosexual the order would still have been declined because the message clashed with the ethos of the business.

Northern Ireland’s equality laws were intended to protect people, not attack them for their deeply-held religious convictions. We do not believe that Ashers Baking Company has broken any laws.

Has the bakery turned down any other requests?
Yes. It has refused other orders in the past, such as designs incorporating nudity or bad language.

What does the law say about same-sex marriage?
Same-sex marriage is not legal in Northern Ireland. MLAs in the NI Assembly have voted on three occasions to preserve the traditional definition of marriage – most recently in April 2014 by 51 votes to 43.

Does the Equality Commission have a position on same-sex marriage?
Yes. The Equality Commission is campaigning for the introduction of same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland. Its website states: “The Commission supports the introduction of legislation permitting same sex marriage…including sufficient safeguards for religious organisations.”

Are homosexuals united against the bakers?
Not at all. Leading gay rights campaigner Jeffrey Dudgeon, for example, has called for the court action to be dropped and accused the Commission of twisting discrimination law. Many others have also spoken out in support of free speech and united in their belief that, whilst they may disagree with the McArthurs on same-sex marriage, the family should not be forced to endorse a campaign with which they profoundly disagree.

What can I do?
Come to our meeting at The Waterfront Hall, Belfast, onTuesday 24 March from 8.00pm – 9.30pm where one of the family’s lawyers will speak about the alarming implications of this case for religious liberty and Gospel freedom. Daniel McArthur and B&B owner Hazelmary Bull will also be speaking, and we will share the latest news on the case and key matters for prayer.

Talk about the case to your friends, especially those who do not go to church, using some of the important points above.

Pray for the McArthurs and their legal team, and for a just outcome to the case.

Questions and answers

News stories about this case

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slemishA brief account of the work of God in Ireland over the last 1500 years

Rev. Ivan Foster.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Gospel of Christ came to Ireland over 1500 years ago. Despite many attempts by Satan and his agents God has been pleased to maintain His truth in this land. Following its first planting the Gospel was carried by men whose hearts the Lord had touched into many neighbouring countries: Scotland, England, Wales, France, Germany, Switzerland and further.

God has been pleased, in some measure, to do again in these latter days what He did in those distant days. May the land, now associated with terror and strife, become known again by the title it was then given, “The land of Saints and Scholars.”

[button link=”” size=”mini”]Read more[/button]

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Peter is the Rock upon which the Church is built…

RHB_study_bibleAccording to The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible!

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]trange to observe that the “Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible” teaches in its footnotes that Peter is the Rock upon which the church is built, in Matthew 16:18: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

This is most incredible indeed for this is Romish teaching. The Roman Catholic church teaches that Peter is the rock upon which the church is built and bases her doctrine of the papacy upon this teaching.
That this should be found in the “Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible” serves to show just where compromise will take us, no matter how innocuous that compromise may appear at first.

[button link=”” size=”mini”]Read more[/button] (Link to article by Rev. Brian McClung on his Sound of an Alarm blog)

Some of those brethren who have given their name to this production were warned that there was danger in this venture given Joel Beeke’s record of compromise.

Did they know that the Study Bible contained this footnote and if they did, why did they go along with it since it teaches that which has historically been rejected by Protestantism?
Furthermore, if they did not know about this footnote, is there not here evidence of treachery amongst those who promoted this work and are they now going to declare themselves opposed to the inclusion of this footnote?

Ivan Foster.
12th March 2015.

Dr Paisley on who was the ‘rock’ upon which the Church was built
This quote is taken from Dr Paisley’s Concise Guide to Bible Christianity and Romanism.

Question 27: What text in Matthew’s Gospel does the Church of Rome use to support her claims for St. Peter being the first Pope?

Answer – Matthew chapter 16 and verse 18: ‘And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ The meaning of this text is obvious. Jesus having heard from the disciples the various notions which were entertained of Him, asked them: ‘But whom say ye that I am?’ and Peter, always more forward than the rest, replied: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’

Jesus, having pronounced him blessed, as every believer is (Psalm 32:1), said: ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ Christ in addressing Peter said: ‘Thou art Peter,’ using the word ‘petros’, which signifies a stone, but in referring to the rock He used the word ‘petra’, which means properly ‘an immovable rock’. He does not say: ‘Thou art Peter, and upon thee I will build my church’, but ‘upon this Rock.’ The Rock he had confessed was Christ the Son of the living God, as though He said: ‘Thou art Peter, a living stone in this spiritual edifice, but upon this immovable foundation I will build my church.’

This is where the Free Presbyterian Church once stood united on this issue. However, Beeke’s Bible with its false and deceitful teaching on this matter sides with Rome.
Is this matter going to be silently ignored by the leadership of the Free Presbyterian Church???

It is time for men to be men and stand up for the truth of God in order to preserve the gospel heritage of our denomination.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” – Edmund Burke

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Please note: Audio recordings of each message will be published after each meeting. You can listen to the series of messages here.

Audio recordings of the previous series of messages preached in 2014 can be heard here.

Subjects considered:

  • Should we study prophecy?
  • What does Christ want us to watch for?
  • Will believers know of the approach of Christ’s advent?
  • How close is Christ’s return?
  • Events preceding Christ’s return

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Why Christ stopped the devils speaking the truth

Johnny_Cash1“And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ,” Luke 4:41.

Today, there is a brand of Christianity which would deem the Saviour’s action in this verse as both wrong and unwise!

I am referring to those who believe that they can further Christ’s cause by employing the “singing” of men such as Johnny Cash. His singing is deemed popular amongst many who would make no profession of religion and because his repertoire contains that which some would consider gospel “songs”, pushing his name and songs to the fore in a “gospel” gathering is considered a wonderful way of getting unconverted souls under the gospel.

Read more

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KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

Each day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here.

The Return of Christ, Pt 46
The Return of Christ, Pt 47
The Return of Christ, Pt 48
The Return of Christ, Pt 49
The Return of Christ, Pt 50
The Return of Christ, Pt 51
The Return of Christ, Pt 52

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Latest news stories

“Active abstentionists” – Adams rubbishes talk of Sinn Féin sitting in Westminster

Tom Elliott: When I called Sinn Fein scum, it was directed at murderers – (What do you call those who support and vote for murdering scum, Tom??)

Alliance Party begins battle to hold East Belfast

Northern Ireland councils prepare for the biggest change in over 40 years

Paramilitary attacks ‘have no place’ in community – Sinn Fein – (A case of the pot calling the kettle black!!)

No hot exchanges in Belfast ‘gay cake’ case

Implications of case go beyond gay marriage, bakers and Christians

Gay cake battle: Ashers give thanks, Lee says little, and judge goes away to think

Sunday football objectors drowned out by thousands of Northern Ireland fans at Windsor Park – (“But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God,” Romans 2:5)


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More news

March 30

‘Gay cake’ case: Judgement is reserved at Belfast court

Windsor Park fans greeted by hymns and Commandments

Christian protesters warn Northern Ireland fans of Sunday football ‘shame’

Jim Wells’ wife ‘making slow recovery’ from two strokes

Nesbitt, Allister slam failure to move on Stormont opposition

SF welfare U-turn ‘either bad faith or inept negotiating’ – DUP

Police probe Kingsmills links with Tullyvallen attack and McCreesh

Candlelit vigil in support of ‘Fr’ Dallat, priest who is alleged to have had an affair

Fermanagh-south Tyrone is ‘staying Sinn Fein green’

SDLP’s John Coyle ‘100 per cent confident’ of victory

Has the IRA gone away or not remains unanswered

Gardaí ‘probe 40 republican abusers’

Tory MP Enoch Powell investigated as alleged member of Westminster paedophile network

Reveal what you know about fuel laundering – EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan says to SF

Firearms, ammunition and explosives found in Dundalk

Guns found in dissident republican search in County Louth

IRA victims see hope of payout dashed

IRA victims ‘betrayed’ by UK in Libya legal battle

Gaddafi and the IRA: Trail of murder stretching back to ’68

March 28

Ashers cake case has profound implications for businesses: QC

Ashers: This case is about our key democratic freedoms

Ashers: McArthurs pressed on Halloween cakes

Ashers gay cake case: ‘Before God, it was something we could not do’

Political candidate’s comparison between Ashers supporters and Nazis under fire

Enda Kenny renews calls for Ballymurphy inquiry

Police watchdog to oversee inquiry into officers’ failure to act over pervert MP

March 27

DUP silent on ‘internal party business’ after MLA quits Stormont

UDA blamed for murder and beatings

Police chief condemns loyalist attacks

Files on Kingsmill ‘will be released’ – Enda Kenny, Dublin Prime Minister

Kenny vow on Kingsmill ‘worth wait’

Irish PM Enda Kenny to meet Ballymurphy families in Belfast

Will Sinn Féin overcome effect of bad publicity?

The law is clear, and Ashers broke it: QC

‘Gay cake’ row: Gareth Lee ‘felt unworthy’ over Ashers refusal – (It is nothing to what he will feel when he meets with God’s judgment!!)

Case prompted DUP conscience bill – but SF promise to veto it

Sabbath ban now mainly confined to history books – (Don’t forget the Bible, the Book by which all men will be judged one day!!

March 26

Landmark pro-gay marriage court case begins today

Alliance party members split on Ashers bakery legal action

Councillor Andrew Muir, the first openly gay mayor in Northern Ireland, calls for mediation in Asher ‘cake’ case

Northern Ireland v Finland: Christian protests expected at Sunday football match

DUP MLA quits after Robinson ‘idiots’ jibe – (The cracks widen!!!)

Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan refuses to rule out claims that the IRA is still operating in Ireland

RTÉ is ‘recruiting sergeant’ for Sinn Féin, says Dublin’s former communications minister Pat Rabbitte

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly: I got Queen’s pardon for IRA’s London bombings

Trimble: We never knew of any Royal Pardons at time of Good Friday – (What a deception the whole “power-sharing” deal has proved to be!!)

16 Irish republicans received royal pardons since 2000

On-the-runs: Victims are just pawns in the game of politics

On-the-runs: Clues and hints were there, but no one was looking – (The DUP’s hands are not clean!!)

DUP MLA clarifies criticism of Gregory Campbell’s Irish jibe – (There is a report that she supports same-sex marriage !!)

Belfast parishioners’ rally in support of affair claim priest

Cameron urged to publish OTR names

‘No cover up’ of historic abuse says Nick Clegg

MPs ‘monitored by Scotland Yard during 1990s’

Church of England appoints second woman bishop

March 25

Waterfront overflows with ‘gay cake’ bakery supporters

Hundreds at rally in support of Ashers in cake row – (They can’t bring themselves to write ‘thousands’!!)

Ashers Baking Company: Show of support for County Antrim firm’s stance in ‘gay cake’ row

Christians lament first ever NI home football game on a Sunday  (The excuse used makes the UEFA and not the Lord, the Judge in such matters!!)

Sinn Fein MLA Gerry Kelly given royal pardon during the Troubles

Jim Allister Exposes Gerry Kelly Royal Pardon – and Demands NIO Answers

Gerry Kelly: I was given Royal Pardon

Anger erupts after Gerry Kelly reveals his Royal pardon

‘Comfort letters’ giving IRA suspects immunity ‘may have been illegal’

OTR letters ‘add to our pain and hurt’

Paisley: OTR letters were Blair’s ‘dirty little deal’ – (Parallel to – “If we don’t have power-sharing with SF, we will have London/Dublin joint rule!!)

95 people with ‘On the Run’ letters are linked to 300 murders

OTR scheme used to ‘shore up’ peace process – (One of the many immoral props that were used to ‘shore up’ an evil scheme!!)

Villiers should concede OTR scheme was unlawful: victims

Peter Hain accused of ‘incomplete’ testimony in ‘on the run’ inquiry

On the runs report a ‘damning indictment’ of government

State ‘colluded over 80 murders’

IRA veteran: Republicans’ McConville jibes are shameful

March 24

RC Bishop facing backlash over handling of belfast priest accused of getting parishioner pregnant

RC & ‘Protestant’ Clergy will bless Ireland’s roads in bid to end carnage – (It’s not the roads that need the blessing!!!!)

DUP names its price for electoral deal with Tories or Labour: £1bn for Northern Ireland

Tug-of-war still goes on for ‘victims’

Mitchel McLaughlin has the perfect attributes for Speaker’s job – (Yes, he is a supporter and apologist for SF murder – that’s bound to help!!)

Gregory Campbell censured for ridiculing Irish language

Gregory Campbell barred from speaking in Assembly again after ‘yawning loudly’ when Sinn Fein MLA spoke in Irish

Hopes of new prosecutions for Brighton Bomb attack

No pardon for the guilty men of Northern Ireland

Woman’s shooting ‘barbaric’, say police

Newtownabbey: Loyalists suspected of shooting woman

‘IRA boss called us to his deathbed to apologise for our son Paul’s murder’ – Mr & Mrs Quinn.

Mairia Cahill: Gerry Adams’ credibility is at zero… he has no decency left – (He never had any to start with!!!)

UUP’s Dudgeon: I’ve experienced no DUP homophobia – (‘Silence gives consent’ they say. The DUP have also worked with their terrorist partners!!)

Robinson slams cost of Ashers gay cake case

‘Gay discrimination’ B&B owner to speak at Ashers support event

Ashers Bakery case: It’s a fundamental attack on our political and religious freedoms – (Just as sodomy is a fundamental attack on God’s order for mankind!!)

Royal family member was investigated as part of paedophile ring before cover-up, ex-cop says

Dublin’s Deputy Prime Minister rules out ‘conscience clause’ for firms opposed to marriage equality

Reports of anti-Semitic attacks ‘double in UK’

March 23

RC Church rocked by claim that Belfast priest got parishioner pregnant

Ex-Provo accuses Sinn Fein of covering up priest’s abuse – (What a cupboard full of skeletons {real and metaphorical} SF/IRA has!!)

Councillor Brendan Curran accuses Sinn Fein of abuse cover-up – (Will there ever be enough evidence of SF/IRA corruption for the DUP to withdraw from coalition with them??)

Gerry Adams accused by shot man’s sister in RTE documentary

Angry Protest Over Roman Catholic bishop, Juan Barros, becoming new Bishop in Chile – he is accused of complicity in a notorious case of clerical sexual abuse

‘The IRA have been protecting the man who shot my father for 30 years’

Police target six key IRA suspects

How the ‘On The Run’ letters left the IRA’s victims feeling betrayed

Above The Law: paramilitary ‘punishment’ attacks in Northern Ireland

Sinn Fein has shown it is not fit to govern – and here’s the reason why

Election debates: DUP says NI omission is ‘outrageous’

Traveller (gypsy) gang vows to get revenge after INLA thugs steal €28,000 worth of cocaine

Intolerance of the Ashers case won’t further tolerance – (Why doesn’t the Equality Commission take the Stormont Executive to court since it refuses to endorse same sex marriage!!)

Poll shows overwhelming support for ‘gay cake’ row bakery

Cake row is just a recipe for another legal disaster

March 21

DUP defends funding for republican and loyalist terrorist ex-paramilitary groups

The UUP’s Tom Elliott ‘confident’ of beating SF’s Gildernew in election

Concerns over PSNI ‘talks’ with Dublin on Kingsmills IRA suspects

War of words (between SF & DUP) erupts over Easter Rising centenary

Easter Rising 1916: DUP criticise plan for Belfast parade

Dire consequences if Tories win – McGuinness

McGuinness rejects Goldman Sachs claim that Sinn Féin is a threat to economy

This sends out the message that being on welfare pays

Dissidents ‘tried four times to detonate bomb at school’

Pagan priest hits back after Temple criticism

Diversity can enrich each of us – (This is the thinking of the buffoons who reject the Bible!!)

It’s the end of the road: the Irish language is coming to a full stop

Man arrested in Ardboe, Co Tyrone, as diesel plant found

March 20

US State Department refuses to be drawn on Adams criticism

Dublin’s deputy prime minister, Joan Burton: Handling of republican sex abuse claims of great concern in US

Sinn Fein in sex abuse crisis are just like the Catholic Church

DUP seeks Biden apology over ‘Orange’ St Patrick’s Day joke

DUP knows it holds aces in Westminster

Analysis: Great deal for the DUP, but Nesbitt could still be a winner

DUP: We’d rather sink pensions scheme than see terrorists get cash

Tunisia rampage raises new fears about reach of Islamic State groups

[hr] [/hr]

March 19

Unionist election pact: Winning a seat is not quite as simple as adding two sets of voters together

Gerry Adams is the ultimate OTR who’s fleeing from truth

Sinn Féin does not seem to see difference between truth and lies

Why Gerry Adams is reviled at home but revered abroad

Niece of German IRA victim pleads with Barack Obama to keep distance from Sinn Fein

Bryson guilty of unlawful public processions

Union flag protestor convicted for role in illegal public processions

St Patrick’s celebration now a true cross-community event – (Such deceit! Event was bedecked with republican symbols and the burning of the Union flag!!)

Burning of wooden Temple in Derry ‘a pagan practice’, says minister

March 18

Northern Ireland unionist parties agree pact as they seek more seats in May

Election 2015: DUP and UUP agree pact in four constituencies

DUP and UUP seal election pact for East Belfast, Fermanagh and South Tyrone, North Belfast Newry and Armagh

US Vice President Joe Biden to Enda Kenny: ‘If you’re wearing orange, you’re not welcome in here’ – (Ulster Protestants have sensed that for some time. The poor man, a Roman Catholic, is a bigot and an idiot!!)

Orange alert as gaffe-prone Joe Biden gets egg on his face (The orange yoke!)

Gerry Adams snubbed by US Government officials on St Patrick’s Day visit to Washington

US government U-turn on Adams meeting

St Patrick’s Day: Union flag burned by revellers at Belfast City Hall amid loyalist protest – (Indicative of the spirit of these ‘celebrations’ !!)

SF’s failure to back ISIS motion condemned – (Birds of a feather etc. . . . !!)

Gerry O’Carroll: Sex abuse scandal shows us how Sinn Fein would govern if (southern) voters elect them

Morally dead SF unfit for power – (North and South – take note DUP!!)

Some NI Catholics ‘questioning their nationalism and considering DUP’

Hundreds of punishment-style shootings – but not one conviction

Officer Who Questioned Cyril Smith Says He Could Have Brought Down Government

Judges dismissed after watching pornography on court computers

Benjamin Netanyahu celebrates surprise electoral landslide in Israel

March 17

Australian RC archbishop charged with concealing child abuse

Victims’ Dublin march off after Irish pledge on IRA files

London’s Metropolitan Police probed over child abuse ‘cover-up’ claims

Undercover elite child sex abuse investigation ‘scrapped by police commanders’

Cyril Smith child abuse inquiry ‘scrapped after his arrest’ – (What corruption there is at the heart of Westminster society!!)

Adams’ meeting with US Government cancelled over welfare impasse

Gerry Adams left red-faced after snub by US officials

Adams’ cancelled meeting ‘bizarre’

Adams criticises US State Department over refusal to meet him – (Despite SF’s denials, he has been snubbed!!)

US State Department official to meet Gerry Adams – (The Kennedy clique have been pulling strings for their Irish buddies no doubt!!!)

Sinn Fein double standards exposed

No more cash should go to appeasing Sinn Fein on welfare

Former UDA terrorist admits abusing girls

March 16

‘New Yorker’ claims Adams behind bombs

Gerry Adams dodges the real issues with his cryptic responses over IRA abuse claims?

‘Gerry Adams has more skeletons than the Titanic’

Obama signals he is unhappy with turmoil in the North

Prominent Dublin SF figure linked to fresh abuse claims, secret report says

Padraic Wilson (an IRA ‘judge’) held power ‘over life and death of IRA volunteers if they transgressed’

Paudie McGahon’s IRA abuser raped boy in Dublin – (May God bring down the network of evil that SF/IRA is!)

Sinn Féin are bringing in the lawyers over alleged abuse investigations

ANALYSIS: What did Gerry Adams know about multiple instances of child abuse?

Eoghan Harris: Paudie puts Spotlight on Sinn Fein’s cult side

SF more concerned with votes than the vulnerable: Ford

Ronan Fanning: Rooted in the North, SF isn’t fit for office in Republic – (Or anywhere else for that matter!!)

Sinn Fein ‘will ruin Ireland’ warns Fine Gael TD Simon Harris – (Given the support that Irish Roman Catholicism has given to SF from its outset, it is what it deserves!!)

‘Eucharistic famine’ fear over future of priesthood in Ireland

Welfare delays ‘cost £2m a week in fines’ off block grant

March 13

Where the Bodies Are Buried – (Revealing article on Gerry Adams in the ‘New Yorker’ magazine)

End mandatory coalition which ensures nationalist power: Ukip

DUP Committed to Failed Government at Stormont

Sinn Fein ‘shameless’ for backing massive anti-austerity protests

For governing parties to join this strike is a disgrace to democracy

Band resigns after speech to SF conference

Taoiseach calls on Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams to ‘present himself’ to gardai with IRA sex abuse information

Taoiseach Enda Kenny says Gerry Adams ‘well aware of abuse’

IRA sex abuse: Enda Kenny calls on Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams to “present himself” to police over party knowledge of IRA sex abuse

Sinn Fein member of Dublin parliament, Aengus Ó Snodaigh says abuse claims will ‘weigh heavily’ with voters

Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald insists she would have told gardaí of IRA rape allegations

Sinn Féin casts a dark shadow over Irish democracy

SF says it’s fit to govern but recent events suggest otherwise

Fintan O’Toole: On a wing and a prayer – how the IRA and the church banished abusers

March 12

Paedophile priest to be sentenced on new charges

Sinn Fein MP Molloy ‘must apologise in person to McGahon over offensive tweet’

Sinn Féin and IRA investigated 100 cases of abuse, Dublin Minister says

Child sex abuse victims must not be collateral damage

The gaps in Adams’ story

SF members are trying to blur the truth about cover-up – McGahon

Just how many more skeletons will emerge from the Sinn Féin closet?

Former loyalist paramilitary admits historic abuse charges – (Another gangster who felt himself above the law!)

Failure to resolve welfare reform row ‘will leave £500m Budget black hole’

Martin McGuinness: Key papers were withheld from us and welfare figures deliberately inflated

‘Sinn Fein wants to show Northern Ireland is a failed political entity by bringing chaos over welfare reform’

Eamonn McCann: Union protests pushed Sinn Féin to pull out of agreement – (Most of the unions are led by Romanists!)

‘Whitewash’ fears over MPs’ On The Run report

March 11

Top Irish American politicians slam Cardinal Dolan on IRA /ISIS linkage

Gerry Adams ‘knew about rape of Paudie McGahon but did not report it’, it is claimed

Ex-SF TD says McGahon told him of IRA inquiry on rape claim

Arthur Morgan releases letter he wrote to Paudie McGahon

Paudie McGahon: Police prepare ‘IRA rape’ claim file

At least 60 people were abused by Provos, claims Mairia Cahill – (You’re not counting those murdered, bombed, robbed and terrorised etc, Mairia!!!!)

Sinn Fein MP Francie Molloy apologises for tweet about ‘rubbish’ IRA abuse claims

Sinn Féin MP apologises after tweet describing abuse allegation as ‘rubbish’

Exclusive: ‘Sinn Fein describing my abuse as “rubbish” is very hurtful’ – Paudie McGahon – (This man’s family home was an IRA ‘safe house – Galatians 6:7)

Mairia Cahill calls on Sinn Fein MP to resign after ‘disgusting’ tweet – (Likely!!)

IRA rapist ‘from top Republican family’

Smuggling ignored to keep paramilitaries sweet: McCrea

Mass goers in Donegal walk out after priest criticises GAA star for backing ‘Yes’ on same sex marriage

Celtic statue row: TUV man blasts ‘false gods and pagans’

US envoy Gary Hart urges Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness to settle crisis

SF welfare dossier fails to prove its key claim – (Like all their claims from day one over 40 years ago!!!)

IRA killer’s day out of prison for St Patrick’s Day is a sick joke, says widow

Outrage over day release application by murderer

Police are not to blame for tiresome jihadi schoolgirls saga, says Leo McKinstry – (Few seem prepared to take responsibility for their wrongdoing today!!)

March 10

Stormont crisis: Why did Sinn Fein decide to vote against Welfare Bill?

DUP welfare reform plans handed over to Sinn Fein by mistake, claims Gerry Adams

Peter Robinson: This is a blatant U-turn, Sinn Fein have gone back on their word

Peter Robinson: Stop the lies, Sinn Fein. Time to prove your claims

Cuts to pay for SF’s welfare fund see disabled services axed

Sinn Fein U-turn on deal returns Stormont to the brink

A cynical change of heart pours scorn on their claims to be party of government

Sinn Féin once again deploys weapons of mass distraction

SF ‘orchestrated’ crisis in North as a distraction – Dublin Deputy Prime Minister Joan Burton

Roman Catholic bishop Kevin Doran claims gay couples with children ‘are not parents’

Dublin Prime Minister Enda Kenny vows action for IRA abuse victims

IRA abuse claims: There are many more sex victims like Paudie, Mairia Cahill tells Sinn Fein

Paudie McGahon: Gerry Adams says he believes ‘IRA rape victim’

‘I cannot investigate, I will not investigate’ – Gerry Adams refuses to say whether he could locate alleged McGahon abuser

Micheal Martin tells Dail: ‘Gerry Adams is a former chief of staff of the IRA’ – (Which makes him a liar and a murderer!!)

March 9

Sinn Féin blocks welfare bill in Northern Ireland Assembly

Last-minute Sinn Fein U-turn as party blocks welfare reform

Northern Ireland devolution could be derailed by row over welfare reform

Welfare reform: Westminster will not provide extra money says minister

Sinn Fein to oppose welfare bill: Peter Robinson slams Martin McGuinness’ statement as ‘dishonourable and ham-fisted’

Welfare reform: How did Sinn Féin lose faith in Stormont House deal?

Sinn Fein seems to have little interest in a stable Province – (Don’t you know that it is only interested in a DESTROYED Northern Ireland !!!????)

Sinn Fein can be biggest party in Ireland north and south of border by next year, says Gerry Adams – (“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall,” Proverbs 16:18.)

Unionists need to stop squabbling, and start taking Sinn Fein seriously

How I was raped by an IRA man and faced a kangaroo court

Niece cries out for justice for German woman killed by IRA

March 8

James Molyneaux: Former UUP leader dies

James Molyneaux: Former UUP leader dies age 94

Sinn Fein ard fheis: Presbyterian minister got standing ovation

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis: Party votes to allow limited abortion – (Please read an examination of this issue here)

Adams speech was a ‘clear attack’ on sex abuse victims: abuse victim Mairia Cahill

Sinn Féin received more than €5m from State since 2011

Money from America helps rewrite Sinn Fein story – (‘Whitewash’ would be a better word!!)

Niece of German IRA victim to speak at Stormont

Barney McGinley wedding killing: Second relative charged with murder

Warning bands will exit forum over address to Sinn Fein ard fheis – (These bandsmen ‘should catch themselves on’!!!)

Apologise for IRA/Isis comments, Cardinal Timothy Dolan told

DUP is divided by plans to discipline whistleblower Jenny Palmer

No more hugs and handshakes as DUP ‘family’ threatens to implode

Reported in the News Letter on March 7, 1957: Officer injured in gun battle as IRA attacks Fermanagh police station again

Sodomite man considers suing firm who refused to print wedding invites

Thatcher ‘Turned Blind Eye’ To Paedophile MPs

Margaret Thatcher ‘knew of Cyril Smith abuse and Cabinet Office covered up information’

Police search home of Lord Bramall (former chief of the defence staff) as part of paedophile sex abuse inquiry

Getting married before having children ‘boosts chances of staying together’ – study

March 7

Cardinal faces backlash after comparing IRA to Islamic State terrorist group – (Why was Adams, McGuinness & Co never excommunicated by Cardinal’s church???)

Islamic state and IRA terror differ only in scale, says DUP MP – (And yet he went into a coalition with them – what hypocrisy!)

‘There is no difference in beheading or shooting’

Parallels can’t be drawn in terms of their brutality between IS and IRA, says father of Warrington bomb – (Poor foolish man!)

Military man disagrees with cardinal on IRA-Catholic link

Sodomite considers suing firm who refused to print wedding invites

Gerry Adams ‘wrong about Paul Quinn murder’ say family – (A polite way of calling him a liar!)

Sinn Féin will not join in any Government it cannot fully dominate – (Stormont is proof of that!!)

Sinn Fein votes that no member of royal family should be invited to 1916 commemorations

DUP whistleblower Jenny Palmer was promised apology… now she faces party expulsion

Jim Allister Challenges £275K Golden Handshake for New Education and Skills Authority Chief

March 6

Travers welcomes IS and IRA comparison

‘Christian firm’ in Irish Republic refuses to print gay couple’s invitations

Printers stick by gay invite snub

Glenkeen shooting: Two men are shot in the legs in Poleglass

BBC Trust rejects DUP’s appeal to be included in TV election debates

Power-sharing critics should eat their words: Paisley – (The Lord will have the final say on power-sharing with murderers!!)

The movie stars who gave money to Sinn Féin

Sinn Fein face probe over $12m donations from USA

Party has more money flowing in than most other Northern parties combined

SF MPs ‘elected not to take seats’ – Adams

March 5

Mid Ulster SDLP councillors defend ban on selling poppies – (On such issues they stand beside Sinn Fein/IRA!)

Unionists oppose use of ‘Irish first’ on new Mid Ulster District Council logo – (Irish is not the ‘first’ language of 99% of Roman Catholics!!)

Young ‘targeted by paramilitaries’

Disadvantaged youths disillusioned with peace process being ‘targeted by paramilitaries’

Sinn Féin raised $12 million in the United States

What exactly is Sinn Féin’s policy on abortion?

Church of Ireland split over gay rights and DUP’s conscience clause Bill – (That’s because of the C of I ‘split’ from the Bible a long time ago!!)

No prosecutions in recent years over illegal dumping of fuel waste – (By republicans, let it be said!!!)

Islamic State are religious perverts, just like IRA: Catholic cardinal – (Stand back and wait for the explosion!!!)

Stormont to turn green and orange for St Patrick’s Day and 12 July – (The rest of the time it ought to be just plain ‘yellow’!!!)

March 4

UUP proposes law to prohibit tributes to terrorists

Councillors fail to resolve the issue of renaming of Newry play park

McCreesh name should stay – family – (Typical republican intransigence)

Remembrance Day poppy sales banned (by republicans) at new Mid Ulster super-council

Poppy ban by Mid Ulster council slammed by war veterans

Senior loyalists: We couldn’t have sold ’94 ceasefire if we knew what we know now – (Had you listened to the warnings you would have known!!!)

‘We’re being hunted like dogs while Provos get their letters of comfort’

Belfast council row over £300,00 for ex-prisoner (paramilitary) groups

Sinn Féin TD, Peadar Tóibín will not back abortion motion at Sinn Fein ardfheis

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald: I will be backing abortion motion – (Killing comes easy to Sinn Fein/IRA)

Sinn Fein deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald backs change to abortion law

‘I will parade in Dublin to protest at one-sided probes’ – daughter of Enniskillen poppy bomb victim

Amnesty International ‘fails to shine spotlight on Dublin’ – (It always was a pro-republican organisation!)

ENGLAND – Man admits mugging frail OAP Stanley Evans for £5

March 3

Loyalist Bands Forum to attend Sinn Fein Ard Fhéis – (No comment is possible!!!)

Naomi Long’s hold on East Belfast may be more secure than unionists expect

Beast in the East’ running enterprise of ‘protection’, drugs and fake cigarettes

Loyalists are just criminals, but republicanism is a cult of fascists

Belfast parade tribute to soldiers killed in IRA bombing – Fred Starrett and James Cummings honoured

VIDEO: SDLP supports consultation on banning terror names

Raymond McCreesh Park: Newry Sinn Féin councillors reject fresh vote

Birmingham bomb families to press Home Secretary Theresa May for new inquest

Birmingham pub bombings: Police condemned over delay in deciding what to do over book by former IRA intelligence chief

Tánaiste Joan Burton calls out Gerry Adams for one-to-one policy debate

SF Stormont Speaker McLaughlin accepts Commonwealth Parliamentary Association presidency

March 2

Discrimination against Christians ‘ignored’ across Europe – MPs

Dublin Government minister, Alan Kelly warns Northern Ireland over Provisional Republican fuel crooks

Newry and Armagh MLA Danny Kennedy rubbishes Adams’ denial of republican criminality

We are still counting the cost of €2bn price of peace – The Provisional IRA has one of the most lucrative terrorist funding operations ever seen

How Sinn Fein machine makes €4m-plus a year – (It is the Irish Mafia – Just how do Christians in the DUP justify such an alliance??)

Sinn Fein makes £3m a year for election machine

DUP retaining Brimstone to protect others, says ex-Spad

‘I probably would have been killed if I had spoken sooner’ – Mairia Cahill

They talk of youth, but old men still lead Sinn Fein

Tom Elliott calls for ban on naming facilities after people convicted of terror offences

Dublin Academic saw folly of teaching Irish in schools

300 victims groomed and assaulted by Oxfordshire gangs, report finds

February 28

‘Border regions losing faith in PSNI’ – Conor Murphy – (Since when did ‘Bandit Country’ ever have faith in the police????)

Booby-trap poster bomb victim Francis McCabe is stable in hospital – (Which is more than could be said for the hundreds of SF/IRA victims over the years!!)

Crossmaglen: Police appeal after Frank McCabe Jr injured in bomb

Alleged CIRA members were plotting policing board attacks, Belfast court hears

Don’t be fooled by the words, always judge Sinn Fein by their actions – (The same goes for the DUP!!!)

‘Jihadi John’ Emwazi’s Old Schoolmate: ‘He Was Like Any Of Us’ – (Really !!!!!!)

Gritter lorry driver attacked by masked gang after refusing to take suspected bomb to Derry police station

Northern Ireland police win latest round in battle to hear Boston College tapes

Victims demand SDLP leader, Alasdair McDonnell meeting over McCreesh play park

Sinn Féin government would involve ‘rule of fear’ – (Let the DUP take note!!)

40 million items a year under free prescriptions in Northern Ireland – (It wouldn’t be hard to guess where the majority of them went!!)

Boris Nemtsov: ‘I’m afraid Putin will kill me,’ politician said weeks before being shot dead


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February 2015

Index to this edition

Principles abandoned – God’s Truth Betrayed

storey_cross_3The Corrymeela Community objectives have been defined so: “The Corrymeela Community is a Christian community whose objective is the promotion of reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious, and political divisions in Northern Ireland. It runs programmes aimed at establishing a shared society defined by tolerance, where differences are resolved through dialogue in the public sphere and where there is equity, respect for diversity and recognition of interdependence.”

In one word CORRYMEELA means ECUMENISM with its old objective of REUNION with ROME.

Read more


bible_imageAn outline study of the Book of Jude by Rev. Ivan Foster

Part 2: The fight we must engage in

There never was a time when the ‘FAITH’, that is the doctrines of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, has not been under attack!

Every generation since Adam has witnessed the devil’s assault upon God’s truth. The assault has taken many forms and many strategies have been employed by that Master of Wiles, the devil. Paul said that “we are not ignorant of his devices,” 2 Corinthians 2:11. Of course this is perfectly true, since the wicked mind of Satan and his unceasing efforts to overthrow God’s Kingdom are fully revealed in the Holy Scriptures. We have no excuse for ignorance or unpreparedness but, sadly, such is our carelessness and slackness, our deafness and heedlessness of God’s Word that we fail to take due notice of the information given us.

Read more

The voice of betrayal from the past which warns us to be on guard against such happening again!!

BillyGraham_PopeAt the beginning of his preaching career, Dr Billy Graham had the endorsement and support of Fundamentalist leaders such as Dr Bob Jones and Dr John R Rice.

Indeed, he had the support and prayers of millions of Bible-believers around the world.

But then came departure on his part in the form of his entering into fellowship with those whose theology was deemed liberal. He incorporated such men into his organisation and they became a prominent part of his crusades.

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Below is a video detailing the course of compromise Billy Graham has followed.

Disclaimer: We cannot endorse everything produced by the source of this video

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SermonAudio amongst sponsors of ‘Gen2 Leadership Conference’ which has chosen a man clutching a crucifix as one of its promotional photos.

Gen2 logoDoes it really matter?

The following are matters of grave concern when it comes to the use of a crucifix, especially by professed Bible-believing Protestants.

1. The sign of the cross. While the sign of the cross has come to be almost universally accepted as a Christian symbol…

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Article updated with a response from Sermonaudio

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KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

Each day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here.

The Return of Christ, Pt 39
The Return of Christ, Pt 40
The Return of Christ, Pt 41
The Return of Christ, Pt 42
The Return of Christ, Pt 43
The Return of Christ, Pt 44
The Return of Christ, Pt 45

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Latest news stories

‘Border regions losing faith in PSNI’ – Conor Murphy – (Since when did ‘Bandit Country’ ever have faith in the police????)

Booby-trap poster bomb victim Francis McCabe is stable in hospital – (Which is more than could be said for the hundreds of SF/IRA victims over the years!!)

Crossmaglen: Police appeal after Frank McCabe Jr injured in bomb

Alleged CIRA members were plotting policing board attacks, Belfast court hears

Don’t be fooled by the words, always judge Sinn Fein by their actions – (The same goes for the DUP!!!)

‘Jihadi John’ Emwazi’s Old Schoolmate: ‘He Was Like Any Of Us’ – (Really !!!!!!)

Gritter lorry driver attacked by masked gang after refusing to take suspected bomb to Derry police station

Northern Ireland police win latest round in battle to hear Boston College tapes

Victims demand SDLP leader, Alasdair McDonnell meeting over McCreesh play park

Sinn Féin government would involve ‘rule of fear’ – (Let the DUP take note!!)

40 million items a year under free prescriptions in Northern Ireland – (It wouldn’t be hard to guess where the majority of them went!!)

Boris Nemtsov: ‘I’m afraid Putin will kill me,’ politician said weeks before being shot dead

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More news

February 26

NI secretary warns of ongoing ‘severe’ threat from dissidents

Sinn Fein ‘targeted by Crossmaglen poster bomb’ – (SF condemn the bombing yet it is the means by which they came to power!!!)

Man seriously hurt by blast ‘is the victim of a criminal campaign of intimidation’ – (Galatians 6:7, “Sow – Reap”)

SF attempts to explain how welfare figures didn’t add up – (Does anything about SF add up???)

The next time a politician squeals about ‘Tory cuts’ someone should point them towards poll – (Less than 16% in NI think Stormont is better than Direct Rule from London!!)

Time will tell if DUP-Catholic Church ‘alliance’ is vote winner

Just 16% of Belfast Catholics go to Mass, says diocese survey

Eoin Morgan DEFENDS right not to sing National Anthem before England (cricket) matches

Row after hospital boss said Savile ‘had no free access’

Jimmy Savile scandal: Anger as no one is blamed for allowing abuse in hospitals

Sinn Fein man Cathal O hOisin’s tears for his baby with fatal abnormality as he urges a ‘humane’ change to abortion law – (One has to gently ask would it have been better to have murdered the baby than let it die naturally?)

MI5 blunders that allowed Jihadi John to slip the net

February 25

‘Gay cake row’: Catholic Church supports DUP conscience clause

RC Church group meets DUP, SDLP on freedom of conscience Bill

Unlikely allies as the Catholic Church backs DUP Conscience Clause Bill

Christians ‘discriminated against’ says Catholic Bishop

Alasdair McDonnell ‘swore at Martin McGuinness’ in heated row

IRA burned people to death too – Letter.

This is no way to run democracy

‘Blind eye’ shown to fuel laundering due to peace process – Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin

We should have been there for Raymond McCreesh play park vote: SDLP

February 24

DUP’s William McCrea spent 30 hours a week as clergyman rather than an MP – (The moral dilemma!!)

Gay cake row’: RC Bishop to meet NI first minister on DUP clause

Accused priest weeps at porn hoard

Father of Down’s Syndrome child challenges ‘atheist’ Prof Dawkins

IRA murderer – Raymond McCreesh Park: SDLP unhappy with ‘no shows’ in Newry vote

Unionists vow new vote on McCreesh park name

SDLP showing courage and cowardice in equal measure

‘Twentieth attack’ on memorial to soldiers

Anti-democratic petitions of concern are a real cause for concern

UUP councillor quits, saying he sees no future for established parties

Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw have whip withdrawn over ‘sting’

Sir Malcolm Rifkind security committee role questioned

Islamic State Abducts 90 Christians In Syria – (Likely Greek Orthodox or a similar denomination)

Following beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Egypt, Islamic State kidnaps 90 Assyrian Christians in Syria

MPs reject backbench bid to amend abortion laws (to explicitly ban abortion on the grounds of gender)

Schoolboy Oisin McGrath death: File sent to prosecutors

File to be sent over Fermanagh schoolboy death

Call to ‘Probe police’ over Rotherham abuse

‘Blind eye’ turned to illegal border activity, claims Fine Gael TD in Irish Republic

Former terrorists still as powerful as ever

War With Ukraine ‘Unlikely’, Says Putin

February 23

Provos’ new ‘dirty war’ on 60,000 households

IRA fuel smugglers poison drinking water at Irish border by dumping lethal toxic waste

Provo criminals haven’t gone away

SDLP leader: My councillors were wrong on IRA park vote

I’m sorry, says ex-RUC officer at centre of Chelsea racist fans row – (He has got to save his job as director of a worldwide human rights organisation !!??)

Chelsea fan caught up in ‘racist incident’ is former policeman and now a human rights group director – (For how long??)

Ex-RUC man denies being racist following Paris train incident

Lessons in doublespeak from a looking-glass land

Conservatives suspend Sir Malcolm Rifkind after ‘sting’

Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw strongly deny wrongdoing

Welfare Reform: ‘DUP and Sinn Féin have sold out Northern Ireland’s most vulnerable’

Dublin still dragging its feet on Kingsmills massacre – Jim Allister

Irish Health Minister Leo Varadkar: Gerry Adams is a ‘self-serving phoney’

Taoiseach fails to rule out FG and SF in coalition

Taoiseach Enda Kenny backs same-sex marriage

Enda Kenny appeals for Yes to same sex marriage

Yoga and Indian head massages lead to Satanism, says Northern Irish priest

Pope Francis urged to discipline Catholic priest who called yoga ‘work of the devil’

MPs balk at banning practice of aborting babies for their gender – (Once started the downward spiral continues)

Pastor questions why UDR man wrongly accused of murder denied compensation

Islamic ‘radicals’ at the heart of Whitehall – What hope for the defeat of ISIS when government can’t safeguard itself!!)

Islamic State is still receiving significant financial support from Arab sympathisers

Russian bombers threatening Britain could hit passenger aircraft

Pope to mafia: repent and be saved – (What a joke!! Never was the mafia, like the IRA here, ever excluded from the fold of popery.)

Child sex scandal council hires ‘mentors’ linked to muslim hard-liners

February 21

Barney McGinley wedding killing: Man on murder charge

Scottish Kirk Moderator meets Pope Francis – (He tells ope told that Scotland would welcome him with “open arms” – different view from old John Knox!!)

USA – Gay pastor’s children refused entry to Christian school – (What bare-faced effrontery sodomites have!!)

Former Megachurch Pastor Rob Bell: A Church That Doesn’t Support Gay Marriage Is ‘Irrelevant’

Presbyterian Church (USA) Battles as it Votes on Whether to Redefine Marriage to Include Same-Sex Couples – (Christian, Remember the words of Christ: “But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed,” Luke 17:29-30.)

Southern Irish voters poised to back gay marriage: Opinion polls

Call for BBC and iTunes to shun song for PSNI murder duo

Pope Francis dismisses convicted Lisburn paedophile priest James Martin Donaghy from priesthood

Child abuser awarded £20,000 damages after being ‘named and shamed’ on Facebook paedophile page in first case of its kind

Internment in the ‘70s: Protestant internees to sue UK state

Alasdair McDonnell goes to ground over SDLP’s Newry park decision

Former soldier admits bomb charges

February 20

Alasdair McDonnell foetus comments criticised by Dr Samina Dornan – (The arrogance of this woman is sadly all too common – doctors do not know everything. They are not God!!)

SDLP councillor: Why I support naming park after IRA man – ( For ‘man’ read ‘mass murderer’!)

Third extension to produce Brimstone report

£700m Civil Service exit scheme not needed, says TUV – (Oh I’m sure that the DUP will find some Gaelic cause to spend it on!!)

Average of 20,000 Public Servants Leave Each Year – So Why is NI Borrowing £700m? – Jim Allister

‘This will be my last Traveller wedding’, says priest who married youngsters after fatal shooting

NI Sec. State, Theresa Villiers in fresh bid to resolve north Belfast parades issue

Ukraine: UK and EU ‘badly misread’ Russia

Britain cannot defend itself against Putin’s military might, top brass warn

Britain would ‘struggle’ in a war against Russia, former defence chiefs warn – (Where are you Winston Churchill?)

DUP pursuing judicial review over TV debate snub

Alerts end with two bombs found in Londonderry

Londonderry pipe bombs: Police investigating ‘loyalist groupings’

Birmingham pub bombings: David Cameron in pledge over secret documents

UDR soldier cleared of Catholic murder: ‘I’ve suffered far more than the guys who were found guilty and were then compensated’

Sinn Fein petition leaves DUP’s conscience clause dead in the water

DUP: Sinn Fein preventing open debate on conscience

SF TD insists IRA ‘not involved’ in cross-Border crime – (Same men, same set-up – just a name change!!)

Cold and calculating Gerry Adams is never a twit

Dublin premier, Enda Kenny rules out coalition with Fianna Fáil or Sinn Féin

Multi-faith school: A new way of sharing, rather than integrated education – (Basically unchristian and unbiblical, Ephesians 5:11 etc.)

February 19

Revealed in full: The Stormont Castle Agreement which preceded December’s deal

DUP’s Stephen Brimstone: DSD report recommends disciplinary investigation

Sinn Féin ‘will block conscience clause bill’ in assembly – (Not surprising for an utterly hypocritical party which backs murder – how can DUP continue as their partners??!!)

Castlederg Republican parade: DUP accuse police of ‘wilful blindness’ as court case is dismissed against organiser

Nottinghamshire care home abuse not investigated, claims social worker

Kate Carroll shocked at chart bid by song for husband’s killers

Irish to be made first language in Northern Ireland council

SDLP backs ‘Irish first’ policy days after missing IRA park vote – (The whole issue highlights the anti-Protestant campaign within Irish Nationalism)

Irish Language Used to Alienate Unionists

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’new logo launched but unionists want rid of bi-lingual wording

Protestant and Catholic church leaders plan Northern Ireland’s first multi-faith school – (The cancer of ecumenism is what is destroying Ulster)

Fugitive Brockwell ‘s flight from justice comes to bloody end on Belfast street

Pope Francis: Gay people get VIP seats at papal audience – (That which God calls an ‘abomination’, Leviticus 18:22, the pope glories in and honours)

Putin will target the Baltic next, Michael Fallon, British Defence Secretary warns

Ukraine crisis: Russia is a threat to other Baltic states, warns Defence Secretary Michael Fallon

February 18

Oisin McGrath: Youth, 17, rearrested over schoolboy death

Oisin McGrath death: Police re-arrest teenager on suspicion of manslaughter

Derry estate alert: Bomb was designed to kill say police

Stephen Brimstone: DSD deadline over DUP adviser report

Robinson denies document shows he negotiated on parades

All I want is justice, says Kincora victim

Orange Order says it uses land funds to ‘counter republicans’ illegal proceeds’

VIDEO: CCTV footage of IRA victims’ memorial garden being vandalised

Catholic church ‘scum’ graffiti doesn’t really bother us, says Belfast priest

Omagh bombing: trial of suspect Seamus Daly will go ahead

Rev David McIlveen: Dr Paisley wasn’t treated with respect and dignity he deserved

Gerry Adams refuses to rule out becoming Taoiseach after next General Election

February 17

Primary pupils need sex-and-relationships education, say MPs

Sex education ‘should be made compulsory in primary schools’ – (This can only lead to further moral decline as have such educational ventures in the past)

Executive didn’t want more debt – days before it agreed £1bn loan – (Obviously men of resolve!!)

Secret Stormont Castle Agreement Exposes DUP and UUP Bluster on Parading

Benefits cheat told to pay back £100,000 … at £10 per week – (Case follows SD Minister Mervyn Storey’s announcement of a push to tackle benefit fraud)

350 badly injured victims of Northern Ireland Troubles may get allowance – (Pension payments to be presided over by those who caused the injuries!!

Kincora children trafficked throughout UK, claims former resident Richard Kerr

MLA backs Ukip’s Farage on ‘peace process a loathsome surrender’ remark

Cork RC priest guilty of sex assault

February 16

Nigel Farage called Northern Ireland peace process ‘utterly loathsome’

‘Raymond McCreesh park name forces everyone in Northern Ireland to face hypocrisy of nationalists’

IRA man McCreesh ‘more worthy than Nobel winners’

Crisis-hit Tesco to axe up to 10,000 jobs – (Financial support for sodomite causes wasn’t such good idea then!!)

Kincora scandal: Abuse victim seeks Judicial Review over MI5 link to Belfast boys’ home

Woman left children aged 10 and 13 home alone for THREE WEEKS while she went to Nigeria

February 14

Victims campaigner, Ann Travers slams SDLP over IRA playground

Naming playground after IRA man “obscene” – victim

Unionists to fight ‘IRA playground’ decision by SF

Alasdair McDonnell has lost control of SDLP, claims Martin McGuinness

Sinn Fein MEP’s Cyprus comments ‘irony at its worst’: Campbell

St Mary’s Saved RC College , Enniskillen Collegiate Sacrificed

Behind the Lines: Hezbollah, Iran, Syria join forces near Golan ‘buffer zone’

February 13

Oisin McGrath: Condolences for family of Belcoo schoolboy

Tributes for Oisin McGrath as schoolboy (13) loses his fight for life

Frightening cost of welfare deal will hit services, warns Allister

Newtownbutler wedding: Police ‘know’ who carried out shooting

Wedding guest killers should turn themselves in, say police

Sinn Fein MP Michelle Gildernew: Unionist votes got me elected

SF under pressure to clarify abortion stance

Farry fury at slapdown as parties veto cuts to funding for teacher colleges St Mary and Stranmillis

TV election debates: DUP’s Peter Robinson confident on challenge

SF’s own figures show there will be benefit cuts

Play park honour to IRA hunger striker Raymond McCreesh stays, says council

Public support for bakery business at centre of ‘gay cake’ row

February 12

Sinn Fein’s Irish Language Bill is ‘lifted from PIRA aims’

Newtownbutler (Gypsy) wedding shooting: Man in 60s dies – (“I went on ahead with the wedding” says RC priestl!!)

Bride carries on with traveller wedding after guest shot dead – (It could only happen in Ireland!!)

Wedding guest dies in gun attack, teen couple marry 10 minutes later in Fermanagh (RC) church

St Michael’s College (RC), Enniskillen: Oisin McGrath critically injured (following incident at the grammar school)

Schoolboy Oisin fighting for life after incident at St Michael’s College

Details of how Stormont will ‘top up’ benefits remain sketchy

Rivals pile pressure on Sinn Fein over ‘U-turn’ on welfare reform

More than 6,000 families getting equivalent of £34k from benefits

Welfare reform: Penalties for benefits cheats to be more lenient in Northern Ireland

Muslim population in England and Wales rises by 1m

Number of ‘Muslim’ children in Britain doubles in a decade

Escape from Boko Haram: what the survivors saw

Let National Crime Agency off leash to catch fuel smugglers: UUP Minister, Danny Kennedy

February 11

HIA inquiry: Nun was ‘never prosecuted’ over complaints

Welfare reform: Assembly members due to resume debate on bill

West Belfast Tops List for Families on £26,000 in Benefits – (By far the most are Republicans!!)

DUP defends mass veto of attempts to change welfare bill

Unionists brand Irish language bill ‘pointless and dictatorial’

Ulster Unionist chief Nesbitt accuses Sinn Fein of ‘rolling over’ on welfare

Irish language act: Stormont business would be translated and courts heard in Irish

Irish abortion law: Fatal foetal abnormality bill rejected

Belfast man cleared of rioting during 1971 Ballymurphy unrest

Northern Ireland braced for more bomb alerts in run-up to general election

Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: I am not looking for fight with Obama over Congress speech

Grandfather’s body could be exhumed after relatives of Muslim buried alongside complain he was an unbeliever

Germany rejects Greece’s demands for $11 billion of Second World War reparations

Saudi Arabia executions ‘extraordinarily high’ as state executes 28 people in five weeks

Personal chauffeurs and episcopal mansions – life for Church of England’s good shepherds

Church of England questioned over ‘lavish’ spending on bishops’ homes

February 10

Martin McGuinness: ‘Group considered attack against me using a rocket launcher’ – (“ . . . whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” Galatians 6:7)

Martin McGuinness ‘warned of rocket attack death threat’ – (“ . . . all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword,” Matthew 26:52.)

Sinn Fein chief McGuinness defiant over dissidents’ rocket plot to kill him – (“Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed,” Genesis 9:6)

Self-important Gerry Adams detached from any reality

Sinn Feiner Michelle Gildernew: ‘It’d be hard to persuade me to take up my Westminster seat’

MLA urges Equality Commission cuts – (“ . . . because it is pursuing an anti-Christian agenda.”)

‘Shame on those who propped up Equality Commission’ – Jim Allister

Ulster victims to rally in Dublin

Kingsmill memorial vandals must be brought to justice

Plans for Eisenhower sign halted over bi-lingual policy

The DUP conscience clause is about fundamentalists, not Christians

John O’Dowd: Catholic primary teaching requirement ‘should go’

Teenage Islamist fanatic ‘caught on his way to behead a British soldier’

Councillor threatened with BEHEADING after organising counter-demonstration to anti-Islam march

Suicide bombers ‘defecting from Isis’ and fleeing to Turkey or rival militant groups

Ukraine crisis: Europe’s borders cannot be ‘redrawn with the barrel of a gun’ says Barack Obama

February 9

Gerry Kelly OTR story challenged by Lord Empey

SNP, Plaid Cymru and Ukip support DUP’s case for inclusion in TV poll debate

Alliance closing in on DUP lead in East Belfast, insists Naomi Long

East Belfast: Who can quash this overwhelming sense of disenchantment?

Kingsmills massacre: Police say attack on memorial is ‘hate crime’

Kingsmill memorial: Victim’s brother angry over paint attack

Kingsmills memorial attack ‘gratuitously offensive’

Why 1916 Relatives should shun Sinn Fein

Terror suspects arrested every day in UK as police call for extra funding to cope with Isil threat – (The price of unrestricted immigration??!!)

‘Russia’s growing threat’: After Ukraine, fears grow that Baltic states could be Vladimir Putin’s next targets

McAleese hits out at Pope over smacking of children – (Physical punishment of children has Bible not pope for its authority – Proverbs 22:15, 29:15!!)

Hunt: Sweeping reforms to end ‘NHS cover up culture’

Prince Charles tells British Muslims ‘if you live in our country, abide by our values’

February 7

‘Gay cake’ case: Allister bid to cut quango’s funding by £500,000

Pagan slams religion in political life – (It’s paganism in public life is the real problem!!)

‘More know Ulster-Scots than Irish’

Abortion: SDLP Outburst may be calculated move to wrest votes off SF

Abortion law: David Ford accuses SDLP of talking ‘nonsense’ – (Cases on record where doctors recommended abortion only for baby to be born perfect)

Asian PC under investigation over Rotherham sex abuse scandal dies in crash

Karak, Jordan: Where one pilot is mourned and another is praised for joining ISIL – (The Muslim chaos!!)

Obama considers release of secret sections of report on Saudi Arabia ties to al Qaeda

February 6

Bill to create a Stormont Opposition passes key hurdle

Fears over dissident drugs war after three pipe-bomb attacks in Belfast

Warning on conscience clause bill

Social Development Minister Mervyn Storey given courts warning

Stormont welfare ‘top-ups’ revealed ahead of Assembly debate – (Rightly called “a cheater’s charter”. The price the DUP is willing to pay to keep SF onboard)

Green Party councillor quits over its stance on terrorist groups

East Belfast: DUP leader Peter will join Robinson on campaign, vows candidate

Stephen Fry “astonished” by reaction to his tirade about God – (Refuse to ice a cake to his liking, and see his reaction!!!!)

February 5

1/3 of DUP MPs Miss Crucial Commons Vote on 3 Person Babies

Rotherham Council’s leadership resigns following damning child sex abuse report

Rotherham council ignored child abuse by Asian gangs because of ‘misplaced political correctness’, report concludes – (Whatever you do don’t mention RACE!!!)

Goddard inquiry: Northern Ireland will not be included in child abuse investigation

UK anti-Semitism hit record level in 2014, report says

Larne: TUV votes against ‘anti-God’ witch-hunt plaque

Presbyterian Church ‘will have a female moderator’ – (Irrespective of what God says in His Word – what an indication of its apostasy!!!)

DUP on course to win lost seat, but it’s no certainty

East Belfast: Disillusioned with Peter Robinson and benefits of peace

War with Isis: If Saudi Arabia isn’t fuelling the militant inferno, who is?

February 4

OFMDFM has as many special advisers as whole Welsh government

DUP will not seek to be part of Westminster coalition if it holds balance of power

Maghaberry dissident inmates told prison officers they’d be murdered, reveals Ford

Maghaberry death threats ‘should end concessions to republicans’

Willie Frazer pressing ahead with Dublin victims’ march

Gerry O’Carroll: ‘Love Ulster’ is coming back? Well, I predict another riot

‘Property of the UVF’: East Belfast caught in the grip of the racketeers

Analysis: Government likely to extend NCA, despite SF’s opposition

NCA must not have to pay heed to ‘community impact’

Presbyterian moderator elect Ian McNie ‘would have concerns about woman leader’ – (Why not state what the Bible says about women ministers – It’s WRONG!)

New moderator foresees woman leader – “I will be part of the church that is involved in that.” – (That’s consistency for you!!!)

February 3

Phil Flanagan, Sinn Féin, apologises over ‘provocative comment’ – (Well, one doesn’t defy the ‘powers that be’ within Sinn Fein!!)

Irish republican dissidents end standoff with prison staff in Northern Ireland

Colin Duffy behind the stand-off at Maghaberry Prison

First Minister Peter Robinson has said the DUP is consulting legal teams over the leaders’ debate controversy.

DUP ready for legal battle over TV election debates

National Crime Agency: Stormont stalemate over anti-gangster unit appears at an end

National Crime Agency: SDLP to support extension to Northern Ireland

IRA sex abuse allegations: Cross-border inquiry not ruled out

If residents say ‘no’ to Orange parades, what is there left to talk about?

Police defend low clear-up rate on Orange hall attacks, as only seven charged

Glenanne gang: Notorious death squad ‘fuelled by collusion’

Female Catholic claimed bias … after female Catholic got job she wanted

Hamilton’s department censured for refusal to answer FoI requests

Debating Chamber Not the Court Room Should Decide on Abortion Issue – (Read our article on the matter)

Secret halal slaughterhouse film reveals ‘horrific’ animal abuse – (We await the reaction of the ‘Animal Rights’ lobby to see if they will go up against the Muslims on this issue!!)

February 2

East Belfast: Peter Robinson’s DUP facing real grudge match to wrest control from hard-working Alliance MP Long

East Belfast: Battle lines drawn as DUP admits it was wrong on Union flag leaflets

Police on alert over Belfast feud fears after shooting is blamed on dissidents

Dublin Councillor warns that Loyalist Willie Fraser’s ‘Love Ulster’ march through Dublin will “probably” turn violent

Taoiseach Enda Kenny rules out Sinn Fein coalition – (Dublin insisted that SF be in a coalition in Northern Ireland – HYPOCRISY!!)

Date set for Ashers Bakery gay marriage cake case

Church of Ireland won’t take stance on gay marriage vote: (female) rector – (Not surprising given its liberal/ecumenical theology)

Like Pearse (a leader of 1916 Irish rebellion), McGuinness is misleading followers – He told a SF meeting that a united Ireland is imminent. He’s deluded

IRA smugglers behind Aussie cigarette racket

Language row: Let’s not waste cash on translations, but don’t lose these precious tongues

Ulster-Scots: Parents must be encouraged to speak it at home to their children

Gardai to question IRA sex abusers shielded by Provos

Time to break republican chains of omerta (code of silence) is now

Nationalists and unionists vote to save Malvern Primary school from axe

Grammar school supporters must resist SF onslaught

Remembering the Holocaust and recalling why we could never vote SF

Prince Charles the saviour of the nation? A new book highlights concerns about how political he will be when he eventually becomes king

January 31

Belfast shooting, Oldpark Road: Man is critically ill

Abortion: SDLP opposes changes to Northern Ireland law

Westminster ‘paedophile ring’: Sir Peter Hayman named in secret file – (He was “focus of a report into ‘unnatural’ sexual behaviour in the 1980s”)

Margaret Thatcher warned of paedophile scandal, secret documents reveal

Kincora: The man who wants to lift the lid off one of the darkest secrets in Ulster’s past

Hezbollah confirmed Israeli suspicions that it was establishing greater military presence near the Syrian-Israeli frontier on the Golan Heights

Jordan ‘could fast-track execution’ of Isis prisoners if hostage fighter pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh is killed

Raving Loonies next if DUP gets place in TV debates: Clegg

Sinn Fein’s abstentionism a relic of long-dead and buried republican past

Language row as Sinn Fein unveils policies on Irish and Ulster-Scots – (Just another way for Sinn Fein/IRA to squander tax-payers’ money!!)


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