September 2014

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or simply scroll down through all this month’s articles!


Life-long friend says Paisley had doubts about going into Government

impartial_Sept2014(Impartial Reporter, 21st September 2014.)

A life-long friend of Ian Paisley has claimed the former leader of the Democratic Unionist Party who died last week “had doubts” about going into government with Sinn Fein. The 88 year old, one of Northern Ireland’s most prominent and polarising political figures of the last 50 years, died last week following a long period of ill health.

There has been much said in recent days about Dr. Paisley’s life such as his decision to sit down with his former enemy Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams and agree to work together in a power-sharing executive following years of protests and hostility.

 Read more

New Church Hall Opened at Kilskeery, 17th August 1974

Report from September ‘74 “Revivalist”

The new Free Presbyterian Hall at Kilskeery, to which there was strong objection at the planning stage has been opened. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Ian Paisley, MP, Moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church, in the presence of several hundred people from many parts of Fermanagh and Tyrone and farther afield.

About half-a-dozen RUC men were on duty controlling traffic and a UDR patrol was in Kilskeery village. The new building, costing approximately £4,000, was built almost entirely by voluntary effort on the site given by Mr. Robert Edwards. It was designed, by Mr. Ivan Morrison, a committee member of Bethel Free Presbyterian, Church, Enniskillen. Read more….


Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster statement on the death of Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley

It is with deep sadness and regret that we have learned of the passing of Dr. Paisley, retired minister of our denomination and former moderator of the General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. Read more


Free Presbyterian Church Early History Video

Below is a video presentation of the history of the begining of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. Under God, Dr. Paisley played a leading role in these events.


Dr Ian Paisley has passed away

Dr. Paisley 2004“The death of Dr Ian Paisley has just been announced by His wife, Eileen.

In a statement, carried on the BBC Northern Ireland news site, Baroness Paisley said her “beloved husband” had “entered his eternal rest” on Friday morning. “Although ours is the grand hope of reunion, naturally as a family we are heartbroken,” she said. “We loved him and he adored us, and our earthly lives are forever changed. “Baroness Paisley said that his funeral would be private.

The memories of the man that I would wish to retain and cherish are those of his days as a mighty preacher when it was my privilege to sit under his ministry in gospel missions in tents and halls from one end of Northern Ireland to the other.

Those were days of conversions, of God’s people separating from the apostasy of the ecumenical churches and an exposing of the Romeward trend. Those days will receive scant mention in the profiles of Dr Paisley which will feature prominently in the Northern Ireland news media over the next few days.

But they will be the memories cherished by a very large, though diminishing, number of people in Ulster who supported and prayed for Dr Paisley over the years.”

To the family we offer our sincere condolences at this time.

For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, 2 Corinthians 5:1.

Ivan Foster.

Friday 12th September, 2014.

Memories of a protest 45 years ago

img019 - Version 2Some little time ago, a sister in Christ in the United States sent me a link to a recording on SermonAudio of a report I gave in Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church of my experiences during a protest in St Paul’s Cathedral, London, when Cardinal Heenan, head of the Roman Catholic church in England, became the first Roman Catholic prelate to preach in the cathedral.

It stirred memories as I listened to that recording, taking me back, as it did, some 45 years.

Dr Paisley was leading the protest and also the meeting in the Martyrs where various ministers gave a report of the protest. Sadly, only my report appears on the SermonAudio site.
As a result of the protest, I was taken to court under a very old ecclesiastical law, and fined. At least that is what I think happened to me. It is so long ago and court appearances for Free Presbyterians were so common back then, that I have no clear recollection of the outcome of the court proceedings. One thing I am sure of, the magistrate did not give me a medal!! Read more

Listen to Rev. Foster’s recorded report from 45 years ago.

Watch a video report of the protest below

Let the Bible Speak broadcasts

Bibledkblue-transparentDuring the month of September, Rev Ivan Foster will be speaking on the Let the Bible Speak broadcasts on Q101.2 FM, a local station in Northern Ireland located in Omagh, Co. Tyrone.

The programme goes out each Lord’s Day at 9.15 am. Recordings of the broadcasts will be available here on this site following the programme’s airing.

Listen to the September 7th broadcast

Text: Psalm 34:8 – O taste and see that the Lord is good…Part 1

Listen to the September 14th broadcast

Text: Psalm 34:8 – O taste and see that the Lord is good…Part 2

Listen to the September 21st broadcast

Text: Psalm 34:8 – O taste and see that the Lord is good…Part3

Listen to the September 28th broadcast

A decisive verse in the “Head Covering” controversy

“But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered,” 1 Corinthians 11:5-6.

There are many good articles on the issue of “Head Covering”, one of which may be read here.

What we wish to do is really just an exercise in simple logic and the understanding of God’s Word in a common sense manner. What Paul says here in verse 6 can have only one meaning. Read more

A Two-Fold Warning on “The Ice Bucket Challenge”.

1. It has been acknowledged by the charities benefiting from donations raised via the “The Ice Bucket Challenge” that Both ALS, and in the UK, MND, which are sister organisations aiming to raise awareness of the neurodegenerative disease, known as Motor Neurone Disease in the UK, support the legal use of research that uses embryonic stem cells, while recognising the “significant moral, ethical and religious concerns” that the research methods raise.

That being so, Bible Christians should surely avoid engagement in this exercise.

2. It has become a vain exercise in self promotion and seen to be such by many commentators.

Christian, please remember the words of the Lord Jesus. “Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly,” Matthew 6:1-4.

Surely it can be seen that the whole “The Ice Bucket Challenge” has become an exercise which flies in the face of these words.

Integrated Education – An unscriptural choice!

by Rev Brian McClung

Much comment has been made in many circles, in recent days, on the subject of Integrated Education. There is presently a growing lobby who desire this form of education and are becoming ever more public and vocal in their demands concerning it. An editorial in the Belfast Telegraph called for this form of education to be the mainstream. The First Minister Peter Robinson has also voiced his support for it.

Integrated Education is a choice that every evangelical Christian should recoil away instantly from. This is easily seen when those who support and desire this form of education are considered….Read more.

Criminal Justice Bill Consultation

The Justice Committee, Northern Ireland Assembly, Stormont, Belfast.

Mr Jim Wells, a brother in Christ and member of the Northern Ireland Assembly, has put forward a proposed amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill in July 2014.

Abortion in Northern Ireland is a criminal offence, and Mr Wells’ proposed amendment makes clear that a defence to the criminal charge of abortion would not be available to anyone who performed an abortion for fee or reward at a private medical centre.

In Northern Ireland, expectant mothers receive world-class medical care in our hospitals because both the unborn child and mother are treated as patients.

The purpose of this amendment is to ensure that private clinics, such as the Marie Stopes Centre which opened its doors in Belfast in October 2012, cannot legally carry out abortions in Northern Ireland.

Any proposed amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill requires full consultation to ensure all viewpoints are aired and considered. Therefore, the Justice Committee is currently running a public consultation, seeking the public’s views and comments on the proposed amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill.

We urge you to please sign our petition and thus state your support for the Mr Wells’ proposed amendment and register your opposition to the Marie Stopes Centre remaining open in Belfast. We ask you to promote this public consultation and the need for submissions amongst your friends and encourage them to support Mr Wells’ proposed amendment.

Recommended reading: Slaughter of the innocent taking place in Ulster today

Please note the following:

  • A petition form is available here for anyone who wishes to download it and print it out to use to collect signatures within their church. We would especially urge Free Presbyterians to make use this form.
  • All petition forms have to be with the clerk of the Justice Committee by Friday 12th September.
  • Send petitions to: The Justice Committee Clerk, Room 242, Parliament Buildings, Ballymiscaw, Stormont, Belfast, BT4 3XX

The return of Christ (KICS assembly talks)

Each day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”.

It is planned to record these studies and mount them on this site. Below you can listen to the recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Cannot access sermons at this time

Listen to all the posted audio files here.

Latest news stories

 Republic should have no say in Northern Ireland affairs

 Dublin should have no role in talks, says former DUP MLA

 Allister in talks warning to unionists

McGuinness denies North’s power-sharing government could collapse – (He always was the bearer of good news!!)

 It’s a crime to reject UK’s FBI: Latest example of how dysfunctional Stormont is

 Stormont finances ‘set to go into red’

 ‘There isn’t more money’ for NI – PM

 Strong majority of Northern Irish still favour link to the UK

 Dissidents admit Orange hall bomb

 Child abuse report criticises South Yorkshire Police

 More than 200 boys suffered harrowing abuse in Co Down home run by the Christian Brothers, inquiry told

School principal (a Christian Brother) preyed on children for two decades without ever being caught

More news

September 29

Husband threatens to sue Catholic Church for bishop’s affair with wife

HIA Inquiry told abuse at Rubane House was ‘as bad as Kincora’

Abuse ‘rampant’ at children’s home

Dublin to have role in major new talks process – (O yes, the Union is safe!!)

IRA victims remembered at south Armagh gathering

IRA man Sands’ bed ‘preserved inside Maze’

Northern Ireland says ‘yes’ to a border poll… but a firm ‘no’ to united Ireland

Robinson’s a vote loser for the DUP, it’s time to send for Sammy

It’s only pride that’s keeping thran Robinson in office

Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness make ‘massive political misjudgment’ by attending Ryder Cup during spending crisis

Prince Charles: PSNI and RUC owed immense debt of gratitude

‘Protestantism almost a crime’ says DUP man

Sinn Fein: We didn’t know about Robinson’s son’s link when we backed fight funds

Education in Northern Ireland: Integration the key to our future – (An article which highlights the ecumenical nature of Integrated Education!!)

Sinn Fein’s ‘ghoulish’ terror profits slammed by TD

September 27

Schools minister backs explicit sex education for children aged 11: Education Secretary Nicky Morgan gives green light to controversial resource providing schoolchildren with information about pornography and rape – (Attempting to extinguish the fire by pouring on petrol!!)

Mystery over identity of DUP ‘lemmings’

What spending crisis? Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness snub emergency budget talks to watch Ryder Cup

Ford hits out at leaders’ golf trip while budget crisis remains unresolved

Charge over IRA bombers’ Castlederg parade

Double murder case in which John Downey is a suspect reopened by police

Ex-IRA man: unionists are too stupid to see that we lost

Paisley memorial service guest list still private


September 26
DUP questions Martin McGuinness’ leadership – (DUP unable to discuss welfare reform in Executive because SF refused to allow it – just who is ‘First’ Minister!!??)

 Budget ‘barely discussed’ at key meeting, despite risk government could collapse

 Rev Paisley’s son hits out at ‘incredibly self-centred’ funeral critics

 British won the war on IRA, claims writer Peter Taylor

 Peter Robinson: Critics in DUP ‘puffed up lemmings’

 DUP leader and First Minister Peter Robinson blasts party critics as ‘puffed up lemmings’

 DUP debate: From Twitter reshuffle to power-play?

 Lord Morrow (NOW) backs DUP party leader

 DUP infighting emerges into full public view

 Eamon Collins murder: Two men arrested in Newry

 Lord Prior: Former NI secretary says IRA violence ‘did work’

 Ian Paisley: Memorial service to be held for DUP founder

 Memorial Service for Dr Paisley

Demanding justice for women and children abused by Irish nuns

September 25
 Gerry Adams says SF ready to let Executive fall over budget cuts

 Sinn Fein councillors state opposition to welfare reform

 Thousands of public sector jobs at risk in Northern Ireland as cuts deadline looms

 Ed Miliband urges Northern Ireland parties to press ahead on welfare reform

 Welfare reform: Alliance claim ‘last hope’ is gone for nationalist opponents

 First Minister and DUP leader Peter Robinson denies he will step down as leader before next election

 Poots disagreed with Robinson the day before he was removed

 Edwin Poots’ attack on father figure Peter Robinson has badly misfired

 DUP reshuffle: One of Robinson’s appointments can’t take up post

 Ex-DUP aide David McConaghie appears in court charged with voyeurism

 Only crazies believe a border poll would deliver Irish unity

 David Cameron has no business revealing the Queen’s private thoughts. This is the behaviour of a second-rater

Anjem Choudary among nine men arrested by counter-terror police – (Part of an investigation into Islamist terrorism)

Isis: Secret footage purports to show life under the Islamic State in Raqqa – (Armed women and men can be seen walking the streets)

Ofsted: an hour of teaching each day lost to bad behaviour – (Those now complaining pioneered and still support the modern notions of discipline!!)

September 24
Peter Robinson reshuffles DUP Stormont team – (Edwin Poots and Nelson McCausland out, Jim Wells and Mervyn Storey in!!)

 Robinson unveils surprise reshuffle of DUP ministers

 Edwin Poots: I do not object to being removed as health minister

 Edwin Poots and Nelson McCausland pay price as DUP announces shake-up

 Peter Robinson denies Poots’ claim he plans to stand down

 Peter Robinson dismisses Poots’ claim he will retire before next Assembly poll

 Northern Ireland parades: Nationalist anger at report of inquiry plan

 Union flag taken from Orange hall in Maghera and ripped up

Former Sinn Fein Ex-mayor ‘played Solitaire on iPad at key Policing Board meeting’

September 23
Children’s cardiac surgery review recommends Belfast move – (A creeping toward a united Ireland!!)

 Alex Salmond airs idea of unilateral declaration of independence for Scotland

 Bitter fall-out at Westminster from No vote

 Welfare row could collapse NI’s government: Robinson

Robinson warns on welfare reform – (This unworkable shambles they call ‘democracy!!’)

 Political process in ‘perilous and untenable position’ says Gildernew

Robinson urged Blair to ‘cultivate’ Paisley, says PM’s former chief of staff – (Dr Paisley was used as a pawn by those who wanted him to lead DUP into power-sharing with SF)

 Sinn Féin keeps up pressure for referendum on united Ireland

 Former education minister in the Republic of Ireland, Ruairi Quinn says border poll ‘a distraction’

Taoiseach Enda Kenny backs IRA murders probe call

September 22

Prince William in Malta: Mass marks 50 years of independence (What now the Coronation Oath? – to maintain “the true Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion Established by Law”)

Text of the oath taken by Elizabeth II at her coronation in 1953

 ‘Military exercise will anger local residents’: Sinn Fein

 Analysis: Constitutional implications of Scots’ vote for NI will last for years

 Welfare reform: A number of myths need to be buried once and for all before debate can continue

Former Northern Ireland secretary ‘backed’ paramilitary amnesties – (but which excluded members of the security forces)

 John Reid, former Northern Ireland secretary, backed selective amnesty scheme for paramilitaries

 Fresh BBC documentary charts rise of Ian Paisley

 Kate Hoey MP: Labour must do what is right for country

Call to build ‘new Scotland with Christian values at the heart’ (Evangelical Alliance is an ecumenical organisation led by some who hold positions in Ecumenical churches seeking reunion with Rome)

 English votes for English taxes is a recipe for revolution

 Ulster MPs ‘very likely’ to end in second tier

 Armed men involved in racist attacks in north Belfast

I’ll keep meeting terrorists: Orange chaplain Mervyn Gibson defends engaging with loyalist paramilitaries

September 20

TUV presses Prime Minister for Real Change at Stormont

Scottish referendum: Nesbitt wants PM meeting after pro-Union vote

Scottish referendum results: Outcome divides opinion in Northern Ireland – (“Union was no longer fixed” says McGuinness!!)

Scottish referendum: The Queen appeals for reconciliation

Scottish referendum: ‘Salmond will be a loss to Scottish politics’ – McGuinness

The Union as we know it is dead, says Welsh First Minister

No arguments about this vote, but another referendum will be unavoidable

Taoiseach Enda Kenny: Scotland’s No vote has enormous implications for Northern Ireland

Scottish nationalists show the futility of IRA violence, say SDLP

William Frazer pledge over Galloway comments

Willie Frazer admits George Galloway comments ‘went too far’

Ian Paisley: Conflict, confrontation, and eventual compromise

The Troubles gallery – 40 years of conflict in Northern Ireland from the Belfast Telegraph archives

September 19

Scottish independence: Scotland votes No

Scottish referendum VIDEO: Alex Salmond acknowledges defeat

Scotland votes No: what happens now?

Peter Robinson to talk to Welsh first minister on ‘No’ vote

Nelson McCausland ignored advice over Red Sky contracts meeting

Sinn Fein dismisses north Belfast parade inquiry

McCallister meets Robinson over creating Opposition

Paisley made peace after Catholic meeting – ‘Claim’

SF version of Troubles should not go unchallenged


September 18

Scottish independence: Voting under way in referendum

Scottish referendum: both sides project confident images as voters cast ballots

Scotland will reject independence but only just, says biggest poll so far

United unionists outline next phase of ‘graduated response’

IRA Kingsmills massacre: full inquest ordered into 1976 killings – (38 years ago!!)

Authorities seek to bury truth about Kingsmill say relatives of victim

Archbishop of Canterbury admits doubts about existence of God


September 17

Gerry Adams comment that republicans were always law abiding is quite astonishing

Rank proposes first Northern Ireland casino in Belfast – (Another step downward in our Province’s departure from God)

 George Galloway: High Court injunction against against prominent loyalist campaigner Willie Frazer and Google

 George Galloway sues Willie Frazer and Google over online diatribe

 News Letter turns 277: the world’s oldest English language newspaper

Sinn Fein told to apologise for row as Drew Harris appointed new PSNI Deputy Chief Constable – (That is hardly likely to happen!!)

Ian Paisley’s funeral: How different it might all have been if his rift with church and party hadn’t happened

“Sodomite” rector faces backlash in pews over ‘wedding’ plans


September 16

Thirty mourners as Ian Paisley buried in sight of spot where he addressed crowds

Ian Paisley: MP son says father’s critics ‘pygmies in his shadow’

Ian Paisley: Son brands critics of his father ‘pygmies in his shadow’

Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright resigns over Rotherham child abuse scandal

Rotherham child abuse scandal: Police commissioner Shaun Wright resigns but takes no responsibility

Kingsmills truth being buried by authorities, say victim’s relatives

Kingsmill – Major Questions for NIO, DOJ, PSNI and Dublin

Cancer doctor ‘could have abused up to 800 children’

September 15

 Ian Paisley: Private funeral for former DUP leader

 Ian Paisley: I’ll never forget his bear hug and prayers after IRA gun attack

 DUP shock at exclusion from Ian Paisley funeral

 Orange hall in Newtowncunningham, County Donegal, damaged in fire

 OPINION: Stormont needs real reform, not another quick fix

 Assembly to come together for tributes to its former leader

 Orange Order denounce Scottish nationalism as ‘divisive and evil enemy’

 Sean Brady furore sparks £40m Catholic Church pay out

The Muslim faith is not to blame for Islamic State’s ‘brutal’ murder of my brother, says Mike Haines – (What folly. The history of Islam is one of blood, murder and terror!)


September 13

 The Ian Paisley I knew

 British tributes flow in for Ian Paisley

 Ian Paisley: Politicians and religious leaders react to death

 Ian Paisley: Church leaders pay tribute

 Ian Paisley: Only ‘immediate family’ welcome at Paisley’s funeral

Video: First minister says he understands decision to have private funeral for Ian Paisley

 Peter Robinson hopeful of £87m bonus for striking welfare deal

 Paramilitary extortion rife in Belfast, court told

 Scotland heading for a ‘Great Depression’ after a Yes vote

Hamas Admits To Using Schools And Hospitals In Gaza As ‘Human Shields’


September 12

 Gerry Adams: Northern Ireland political process ‘in serious difficulty’

 Gerry Adams: Sinn Fein leader says political process in ‘serious difficulty’ following Peter Robinson comments

 Martin McGuinness and Peter Robinson ‘have not discussed newspaper article’

Loyalists can’t set agenda at new round of talks, says Sinn Fein – (DUP boasted in 2007 that they would keep SF under control – how false that was!!)

 How can First Minister Peter Robinson remain in office when he describes Stormont as ‘not fit for purpose’?

PLATFORM: Ulster Unionist leader Mike Nesbitt – (Peter Robinson now recognises that Stormont is not fit for purpose as a system of government)

 First Minister Peter Robinson putting his affairs in order before his planned exit

 David Trimble says Sinn Féin could push for Northern Ireland union poll

 Coney brothers jailed over Tyrone dissident republican camp

 Edwin Poots facing new legal battle over gay blood donations

 Basil McCrea: Complaints made to standards commissioner

Sisters of Nazareth ‘put hands up’ over child migrants – (It would have sounded a little more sincere had the acknowledgement been made before the Abuse Inquiry began!!)

 ‘All money in the world can’t make up for what we took…’ Nazareth children were wronged, admits nun

 MLA: I’m astonished by lack of convictions

 Even as a Catholic, I support the Orange Order’s march in defence of the Union

Battle for independence is replaying the struggles of Catholic Scotland – (“Rebellion” is the underlying current in the independence movement)


September 11

Interference by OFMDFM advisors ‘causing chaos for victims’ service’ -(The matters that the DUP & SF can agree on is significant!!)

 Iris Robinson broke Stormont cash rule but will not face sanction

 System a failure – Jim Allister

 Welfare logjam has shown limitations of catch-all coalition

 Stormont in crisis

 Stormont crisis: A day of anger and suspicion following Peter Robinson comments and few signs of consensus on how to rebuild

 ‘Shared process a shared out process’ – DUP “criticising the very structures which they boasted about” in their 2007 manifesto

 Dissident elected to council told to grow up by judge after he’s caught daubing slogans on Derry’s walls

 Cameron/Clegg Coalition ‘sent out at least 12 letters to OTRs’

 On the Run scheme: Owen Paterson criticised over OTR letters

 Alex Salmond’s independence bandwagon stalls on his ‘Black Wednesday’

 Shock poll shows big swing back to ‘No’ camp as momentum for Scottish independence stalls

Royal Bank of Scotland will leave Scotland if voters back independence


September 10

 Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness clash over Stormont

 Peter and Iris Robinson report: committee in closed meeting

 Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry: Boys painted black to look ‘like Aborigines’

 Alec Jamison murder: Man, 61, arrested in Crumlin, County Antrim

 Ex Rotherham police chief ‘failed’ abuse victims

 Peter Robinson: Political reaction after First Minister tells Belfast Telegraph ‘Stormont no longer fit for purpose’

 Children raised by married parents ‘are better behaved’

Man released over 1976 Shankill murder – (Widely publicised arrest-release sequence has to be an PR exercise to give the appearance of proficiency)


September 9

Peter Robinson says Stormont ‘no longer fit for purpose’ – (The only purpose that it was meant to serve was to get the DUP into power at any price!!)

 Peter Robinson: We need to change, or call an election

 Stormont in serious need of reform with St Andrew’s-style process: Robinson

 Stormont’s inadequate set-up and the welfare row… Northern Ireland’s First Minister writes exclusively for the Telegraph

 McGuinness responds to Robinson: We have a responsibility to work together

Slow learning First Minister – (For years hasn’t Peter Robinson boasted that at St Andrews he and his party fixed the Belfast Agreement. Now, it seems not)

DUP councillor Jenny Palmer claims DSD buried Nelson McCausland report – (The whole dirty dealing will yet come out!!)

 Nelson McCausland under fire as watchdog says MLAs were deliberately misled

 Stormont McCausland inquiry ‘would have made Pol Pot proud’

Disagreement at heart of Executive on ‘how to respond to top judge’s critique’ (on ‘gay blood donations’)

 Stanton Healthcare to open anti-abortion clinic in Belfast

East Belfast Mission’s Mark Houston dismissed for misconduct – (A highly publicised and publicly funded ecumenical enterprise)

 Residents’ fury after teen gang runs amok in Shantallow area of Derry

 SCOTTISH INDEPENDANCE – Shift towards Yes camp up by 38% as campaigns neck-and-neck according to TNS Scotland survey

Scottish independence: What happens if Scotland votes yes at the referendum?


September 8

Referendum moves in North ‘inevitable’ if Scots secede

Irish and British governments in effort to break political logjam in North

 Labour minister rules out alliance with ‘populist’ SF

 Scottish referendum: no campaign makes last stand to keep the union

 Queen’s deep concerns for Scotland as Yes enters lead

 Don’t let me be last Queen of Scotland: Monarch in talks with PM over UK break-up

 Vandal-hit north Belfast memorial to remain


September 5

 No more money for you, Edwin Poots is told by Peter Robinson

 OFMDFM runs up £2.6m credit card bill

 Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry: Man became prostitute after suffering sexual abuse

New inquests ‘could be held on Loughgall’ (1987 IRA attackers ambushed by SAS – 8 IRA men shot dead)

 Sinn Fein’s Anderson and other MEPs barred from Gaza

 Woman beheaded in a back garden in north London: ‘Attack not terrorist related’

 Forgive me if I don’t join in on the celebrations marking 20 years since the IRA’s 1994 ceasefire

 Vote (Scottish Referendum) highlights contradiction in Sinn Fein policy

Ardoyne Fleadh: police rethink on rebel band’s remarks

 1985 Papers – Bloomfield was furious at News Letter report claiming officials were mutinous

 Twin boys ‘murdered’ in Cork: Suspected murder suicide shocks small community

 Crazed knife attacker beheaded an 82-year-old London grandmother

 Woman beheaded ‘with machete’ in north London garden

 Police shoot knife-wielding man dead in north London

 Syria crisis: British jihadists becoming disillusioned at fighting rival rebels and want to come home

 Motorists travelling through Calais warned to ‘be vigilant’ after stowaway sneaks into car


September 4

 We must protect IRA suspects’ human rights, says Northern Ireland minister as she says list of names will not be published

 Memorial to murdered Scottish soldiers in Ligoniel attacked for 14th time

 Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry: Child abused in care of Presbyterian Church in Australia

 Ashya King’s parents reunited with son at Malaga hospital

 ‘On the Run’ scheme: Theresa Villiers issues warning to suspects

 On the run letters: ‘Immunity’ letters given to IRA members ‘should not be relied on’

 Ukraine crisis: France halts warship delivery to Russia

 Police charge former aide to DUP MP with voyeurism

 Ex-DUP aide David McConaghie charged with voyeurism: alleged offences involve hidden camera in David Simpson’s office toilet

 DUP Minister Nelson McCausland faces probe over donor meeting ‘cover-up’

 PSNI to Take “No Action” Following Disgraceful Ardoyne Comments

Gay people more likely to have mental health problems, survey says – (Romans 1:27.)

US ‘annoyed’ at claim it helped capture IRA arms shipment in 1984


September 3

Miracle triplets start school 4 years after mum ignored doctors’ calls to abort two of them

 1985 Government files: Confusion among 1980s civil servants over legal position on aborting disabled

 Garda allegations raise echoes of Superintendent Bob Buchanan murder

 Sinn Fein demands News Letter retract west Belfast editorial

 IRA terror suspects to lose immunity from prosecution

Ardoyne Fleadh row: DUP slams decision not to take legal action over sectarian comments – (Usual placatory attitude by police toward IRA and its supporters)

 Fleadh decision fury

 Ardoyne Fleadh row: DUP slams decision not to take legal action over sectarian comments

 DUP hits out at Sinn Fein claims of a crisis

 Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry: Child migrant ‘sexually abused’ in Australia

 Rotherham child abuse scandal: New victims come forward

 Rotherham child abuse scandal: Council could face government inspection

 Richhill doctor (originally from Malaysia) Tony Chee in court on sex assault charges

 Ashya King’s parents to face no action, says Crown Prosecution Service

 Ashya King: Parents ‘to be reunited with son suffering from brain tumour’ after prosecutors drop case

 Cliff Richard house search: MPs quiz police chief

Pupils at ‘Trojan Horse’ school were shown extremist jihadi promotional video, MPs told


September 2

 RC Nuns abuse – Mothers of children sent off to Australia were told they were dead, inquiry hears

 Children ‘exported like baby convicts’

 Rotherham child abuse scandal: South Yorkshire Police starts probe

 Ashya King’s parents banned from seeing him as part of ‘inhuman’ treatment

 IRA ceasefire anniversary: Gregory Campbell responds to Martin McGuinness statement

 The DUP may look strong, but it is also vulnerable

 Amnesiac Gerry Adams spins more yarns over the ceasefire

NIO unhappy that RUC lifted Gerry Adams without notice, files reveal – (Example of NIO’s molly-coddlying IRA murderers)

 IRA collusion with prison warders revealed

 Besieged Maghaberry warders warn they are ‘close to losing control’

 Pastor James McConnell retires from Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle

 Pastor McConnell announces immediate retirement

 Islam storm pastor James McConnell retires after 57 years, but insists it’s nothing to do with remarks

Some Royal Mail offices in Northern Ireland open on Sundays – (This further departure from God’s Word is to be condemned)

Third senior unionist: we should give back welfare


September 1

 Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry: NI hearings to examine Australian migration

 IRA ceasefire: McGuinness urges dissidents to end conflict

 IRA collusion with prison warders revealed

 Woman tells of toll of giving evidence to abuse probe

 Garda ‘dissident informer’ is woman

 The peace process has turned into an endless conveyor belt of concessions

 Belfast primary is no place for old-school sectarianism

 Conservatives claim Sinn Fein wants to keep its voters poor and on benefits

 The ceasefire represented an IRA loss, not a victory

 Peace process handed Adams a ticket to ‘his Republic’

August 2014

Fortieth Anniversary of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church first building.

On Sunday August 17th, 2014, the Kilskeery congregation celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the opening of the first building on the site. Below are pictures from the occasion and recordings of the messages preached by the retired minister of the congregation, Rev. Ivan Foster.



The character God requires in a Christian teacher

A lecture given by Rev. Foster at the Free Presbyterian Christian Education Seminar, August 13th, 2014.

“Jehoash did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all his days wherein Jehoiada the priest instructed him,” II Kings 12:2. Holiness is the result of instruction in righteousness. Man is, by nature, utterly void of all knowledge of holiness and how it is to be attained. Not only is he in utter ignorance of holiness, but he hates instruction in holiness. “Seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee,” Psalms 50:17. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction,” Proverbs 1:7. Read moreor listen to the lecture using the player below.


A tribute to one of the many – an uncle we never met.

worldwar1sommeUncle George was the fourth child of Leslie and Mary Jane Forster. He was born at the family farm at Ballymackilroy, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh.

He joined the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers while underage. He served in Dublin during the 1916 Easter Rising before going to France.

He was killed in action at Savy Wood, close to the village of Savy which was a few miles from St Quentin, in Picardy. Read more

Latest news stories


More news

August 29

 Former US senator Gary Hart meets Stormont parties

 No role for US in NI talks’ – Dodds

 Sammy Brush attacks: A welcoming, friendly village, but no one will go on the record

 MI5 and PSNI discover rogue garda leaking information to IRA man

Concerns over Thatcher’s commitment to Anglo Irish Agreement revealed – (Having swallowed the AIA, Unionists found it easier to swallow power-sharing with Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

Unionists kept in dark on Anglo-Irish talks in 1985 – (In truth they were kept in the dark in 2006/7, though this time by their own leaders!!!)

 Stormont a toothless bribery-machine, UUP leader claimed

IRA man who fled jail was pardoned (by Thatcher government)

 Rotherham child abusers ‘brazen’, says care home worker

 Former Rotherham police officer charged with child sex offence

IRA ceasefire still splits opinion


August 28

 Rotherham child sex scandal: chiefs who ignored abuse ‘must quit’

Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds – (It is encouraging to hear commentators coming out and naming the Asian community as the source of this abuse)

 Rotherham child sexual exploitation report: At a glance

 Rotherham child abuse scandal: The background to the report

Don’t give us more power at Stormont, says Sammy Wilson – (Has Sammy learned that power-sharing with Sinn Fein/IRA cannot work!!)

 Poots says he does not intend to resign over health cuts

 Dungannon: Masked men target police officers

 Narrow Water terror attack remembered

 ‘Statistically significant’ rise in net migration to UK

 Rotherham abuse scandal: David Cameron calls for under-fire police commissioner Shaun Wright to ‘resign and take responsibility’

 Officials ‘knew Rotherham children were at risk of abuse’ says colleague

 YouTube video posted by Isis militants shows ‘execution of 250 Syrian soldiers’

 Russian military troops ‘have been brought into Ukraine’, warns Poroshenko

Man reveals abuse he suffered at hands of former teacher and church deacon – (at a Christian Brothers’ Roman Catholic boys’ grammar school)

Rotherham child sex scandal: chiefs who ignored abuse ‘must quit’


August 27

 Complaints filed over Fleadh band’s remarks on British

 Kildare band say Ardoyne Fleadh comments taken ‘out of context’

 Warrants detaining Republicans who sought arms from Iraq are defective, court finds

 Family waits in hope as search begins for IRA victim

 Police attacked with petrol bombs in East Belfast

 British jihadists should be stripped of citizenship says top police officer

 James Foley killing: Father of murder suspect in jail for 1998 US embassy attacks

 Top cop refuses to quit after report into abuse of 1,400 youngsters in Rotherham


August 26

Time for parties to sort out mess – (There is only one way out of a mess created by coalescing with murderers!)

 Sex education should start at seven, Lib Dems say

 Primary school pupils aged 7 could get sex education lessons under proposed plans

 Ardoyne Fleadh event investigated over ‘hate speech’ complaint

 Ardoyne Festival of Hate Challenged

 Ardoyne Fleadh: ‘Irish rebel band’ accused of making ‘hate speech and glorifying IRA’ at event

IRA man’s elderly mother to sue over controversial killing – (His death was, in truth, a fulfillment of the Saviour’s prediction, Matthew 26:52)

 I know nothing about what is going on with health job, says Jim Wells

Sammy Brush: 40 attacks yet tormenters remain free – victimised councillor says thugs are shielded by a climate of fear – (This is what it is to live in the midst of republicans!!)

 DUBLIN – Cancer patient ‘kept on trolley in hospital storage room without food for THREE nights’


August 25

 WWII Coventry IRA bombing: The ‘forgotten’ attack on a British city

 British Army Maj Gen Robert Ross: The NI man who started the White House fire 200 years ago

 Sammy Brush: DUP councillor in Ballygawley ‘targeted for 40th time’

 Former attorney general, Dominic Grieve: ‘British Christians forced to hide belief’

 Multiculturalism has brought us honour killings and Sharia law, says Archbishop

 Call to strip British citizenship from ‘traitors’ who fight for Isil

 British jihadists ‘should be stripped of citizenship’, says David Davis

 Forensic archaeologists to use radar in attempt to find body of man killed by IRA

 George Galloway: Protest at Ulster Hall before speaking event

 George Galloway: I’m suing Willie Frazer over Ulster Hall Isis rant

 GAA player called for attacks on Jews

 Foyle Pride parade takes place in Londonderry – (With full backing of Sinn Fein)

UK border controls in chaos


August 22

 Stormont patently unfit to handle tax-raising powers

 Health cash ultimatum could topple Executive: Stormont teeters on the brink after Edwin Poots threatens to bust his budget

 Corporation tax: This could prove a high-risk move and biggest test to face Executive

 Hamas leader admits group kidnapped Israeli teens

 Irish Ebola suspected case: Dessie Quinn’s family ‘not informed’ about link

 Ebola reports: Dessie Quinn did not have Ebola say health authorities

 The Disappeared: Meath bog to be searched for Brendan Megraw

 New searches to start for one of the Disappeared

 UDA feud ratcheted up as rebel loyalist is shot and rival duo held over the attack

 Hamas kills 18 suspected Israel informants – (Little difference between them and ISIS)


August 21

Atheist Dawkins in Down’s Syndrome row – (Such is the morality of an atheist and evolutionist)

 Three Senior Hamas leaders killed in Gaza

 Former taoiseach Reynolds dies

30 jihadi fighters under surveillance in Republic of Ireland – (Doubtless they will find many friends amongst Sinn Fein supporters!)

 James Foley beheading: Hunt on for ‘British’ jihadist

 Foley killers ‘wanted £80m ransom’

 Nesbitt: Victims’ groups could close because of funding cuts

 Heroic driver took suspected bomb on board his lorry to a safe site away from houses

Sam Foster death: We didn’t always agree, but I admired my uncle greatly, says DUP minister Arlene


August 20

 Kennedy lashes OFMDFM over victims’ funding cuts

 Masked men order lorry driver to take ‘bomb’ in wheelie bin to Derry police station

 Bomb attempt on Strand Road police station condemned as security alert continues

 Four people arrested in Derry over New IRA plot to letter-bomb English targets

 ‘Oh my daddy, oh my daddy’ – children’s screams as father shot dead

My children have turned into monsters: and, says SHONA SIBARY, it’s all her fault for trying to be a nice liberal parent – (Proverbs 22:6 has the answer to such folly)

Sinn Féin criticises ‘no vote’ for Newry Pride viaduct lights – (Council made the decision on basis of money rather the immorality of sodomy!!)

 Sinn Fein lash SDLP over ‘homophobic’ council lights debate

 Britain is target for Islamic State warns former MI6 chief


August 19

 Man held over Tilbury Docks shipping container death

 Man from Co Londonderry held over container death

 Iraq crisis: Islamic State’s message to America – ‘We will drown you all in blood’

 Car crash kills Pope’s relatives

 Police recorded alleged dissidents interrogating suspected drug dealer

 Police and MI5 covert surveillance fuels paranoia of the dissident republicans

 Cllr Wilson questions Commission on Rasharkin Parade

 Unspoken problems of Irish unity

 Cars destroyed amid ‘loyalist feud’

 Fresh row over IRA paramilitary video as tribute to Tony Catney branded evil

 War memorial damaged in sectarian attack in Glenavy

 Gaddafi’s ex-spy chief ‘offers to reveal IRA secrets to victims’

 Loyalists plan Galloway protest

 Let the scoundrel George Galloway speak, but hold him to account

 Newry and Mourne Council backs SF mayor on Israeli boycott

 Stormont politicians’ Middle East views ‘predictable’

 Former Tyrone and Ardboe footballer (GAA) Tommy McGuigan apologises for ‘punch a Jew’ tweet

 Anti-Israel shop protests risk bringing Middle Eastern violence to High Streets – Jewish leaders

Police ‘may have acted corruptly’ over Sir Cliff Richard raid

 Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond condemns US journalist ‘beheading’

Islamic beheading video ‘appalling’

George Galloway MP questioned by police over Israel speech

 Council challenged on boycott call by hate-crime victim rabbi

Sexting and porn part of everyday life for teenagers


August 18

 Sammy Brush: DUP councillor in Ballygawley ‘targeted for 39th time’

 ‘Drunken hooligans’ attack DUP man Sammy Brush for the 39th time

 Paedophile Peter Righton advised Home Office on on changes to the residential child care system

Former SDLP leader, Margaret Ritchie in plea for British support for Iraqi Christians – (“Christians” of Iraq are either Roman Catholics or akin to Romanism-Wikipedia article)

 We can’t abandon Christians in Iraq, says MP Margaret Ritchie

 Cardinal Sean Brady’s resignation is too little, too late, says Brendan Smyth victim abuser

 David Ford: NI abortion consultation ‘ready by autumn


August 16

Tale of two Parades reveals Commission double standards: Allister

 Stormont urged to tell us how £50,000 a week is spent on hospitality

 Why all this splashing out on entertaining when Stormont can’t even govern?

 Stormont hospitality bill leaves bitter taste

 Row erupts over Ballymoney firefighters at WW1 parade

 Priest says sorry for praising IRA man Tony Catney at funeral

 Cardinal Brady offers resignation

 Cardinal confirms resignation offer

 FULL STATEMENT: Cardinal Brady resignation

 When Sinn Fein speaks about concern for the civilians and children of Gaza their hypocrisy insults our intelligence

(R C) Priest who’s become Cliff Richard’s rock: As he faces biggest crisis of his life, there’s one man he can rely on – Father John, who quit Church to be ‘Man Friday’ at his four homes

 Sir Cliff Richard investigation: police defend televised raid on singer’s home

 Cliff Richard case: police receive new information

 Travelodge motels removes all copies of the Bible from rooms to reflect ‘increasingly multicultural UK’

Asteroid that ‘could end human life’ defying gravity as it moves towards Earth, scientists say – (Revelation 8:10-11)


August 15

 ‘New’ type of restriction placed on Rasharkin parade

Priest’s funeral comments disgraceful: McCausland – (Priest’s eulogy of IRA murderer reveals the true heart of Romanism)

 Tony Catney funeral: DUP calls for prosecutions

 We will unmask dissidents at Tony Catney funeral, warn police

 High-tech method of identifying terrorism suspects

 Isis makes further advances in Syria while West dithers over Iraq

Why aren’t British Muslims condemning the maniacs killing in the name of Islam? From a leading Muslim voice, a troubling question…

 Cliff Richard: I’m totally innocent of child sex claim

 Sir Cliff Richard: Police to interview pop star who says sex offence allegations are ‘completely false’

Bieber and Gomez at Bible study – (Another example of ‘stars’ who wickedly misuse God and His Word for their own ends!)


August 14

Minister warns Stormont ‘susceptible to collapse’ over welfare reform

 Panic in IRA mobs after 37 phones seized in jail

 Paramilitary-style funeral parade for dissident

 Dissidents’ display is an affront

 Rasharkin parade: Unionist anger at ‘apartheid’ ruling

 Israeli embassy in Dublin ‘besieged’

 Belfast’s pro-Palestine (Republican) protesters remove ‘Israeli’ goods from shelves of Asda in protest over Gaza

 Pope likely to approve decision by Cardinal Sean Brady to step down

Christian rock star Vicky Beeching: I’m a lesbian. God loves me – (The perverted delusions of the last days of the great apostasy)


August 13

 Blue plaque marking Belfast birthplace of former Israeli president removed ‘due to anti-Semitic attacks’

 George Galloway says Belfast event will go ahead

 HET admits evidence mix-up on Kingsmills Massacre

 Stormont funding cuts for terror victims’ groups ‘atrocious’ – Jim Nicholson MEP

 Office of John O’Dowd a law unto themselves

 Sinn Fein’s John O’Dowd blasts DUP’s Simon Hamilton for ‘independent republic’ of education jibe

 Gravedigger ‘uncovers guns’ while preparing ground for a funeral in Roman Catholic cemetery

 Security alert in graveyard of Coleraine Catholic church ends

Stormont spending over £50,000 PER WEEK on wining and dining


August 12

 Belfast pro-Palestine republicans remove ‘Israeli’ goods from shelves of Asda in protest over Gaza

 DUP describe city’s republican march as a ‘parade of shame’

SF forced Executive to ring-fence education cash as price for spending deal, says Hamilton – (Power-sharing was sold to Unionists upon the DUP boast that they could control SF!!!)

 Another fine mess under Sinn Fein control

D-Day for school poised to blaze trail for integration– (The ‘blaze’ will be fuelled by public funds!!)

 Sick and tired of 1916 … even before 2016 begins

Environment Minister Mark H Durkan defends Belcoo borehole decision


August 11

Police to probe why arrest of Labour MP Lord Janner over child abuse accusations 20 years ago was ‘blocked’

Priest steps aside in Diocese of Dromore over complaint

 Republican march: Belfast city centre parade which sparked rioting last year passes off largely peacefully

 Why should we foot bill for Irish drug dealer?

 Time to end Stormont chicanery

 Humility is needed when ministers get it wrong

 ‘Maguinness to blame for Maze fiasco’

 Iraq crisis: Isis militants ‘buried alive Yazidi women and children in attack that killed 500’

 Attack on stone to honour soldiers


August 9

World attacks Israel but ‘just ignores’ terrifying rise of radical Islam

Peter Robinson says Sinn Féin in ‘denial’ over financial penalties – (“Could end devolution in Northern Ireland.” What a shame that would be !!!??)

 Warning of ‘nightmarish’ budget cuts as DUP-SF row over welfare reform deepens

 Budget cuts will get horrific if SF won’t agree to welfare reforms: Stephen Hamilton, Finance minister

William Hay: Assembly speaker elevated to Lords – (The reward for surrender to IRA in government. Coming from the Maiden city his should take the name of “Lord Lundy”!)

 Carey is wrong on assisted dying, says Archbishop

Let Republic foot bill for drugs mule Michaella’s Peru jail transfer: Ukip – (Irish Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs arranged and she carries an Irish passport!!)

Anger over PSNI poppy ‘ban’ during WWI events – (Further appeasement of Republican hatred)

Bonfires blaze as nationalists mark internment date – (Orange banners and Union flags were among the items that went up in flames)

 Belfast City Cemetery: ‘Hate crime’ attack on military memorials

Nelson McCausland must issue full apology to Housing Executive contractor


August 8

 Gaza ceasefire ends as Hamas fires 21 rockets towards Israel

 Gerry Adams says NI political process faces ‘greatest challenge’ since GFA

 Stormont rudderless and weak

 Church of Ireland primate speaks out on euthanasia

 OFMDFM’s deafening silence after two weeks of questions

 Republican Bonfires: police attacked as council staff dismantle internment pyre in west Belfast

DUP will use vote-blocking tactic to keep Nelson McCausland in his job – (This is disgraceful behaviour for a professing Christian!)


August 7

Dead IRA terrorists are not fitting role models for youngAnother aspect of the Stormont farce – ministerial immunity

War remembrance stark contrast to ‘IRA hunger strike march’ to celebrate organisation which bombed Enniskillen service in 1987

INLA in drugs cash showdown

Tributes to DUP president and party’s ‘father figure’ James McClure

West Yorkshire police chief questioned in PSNI bribery investigation

George Galloway under investigation over Israel remarks – (Calls for Bradford to reject all Israeli goods, services, academics and even tourists)

Council to probe Hezbollah flag at Dungannon demo


August 6

Bishop of Gloucester questioned over indecent assault claims days after stepping down

‘Father’ Troy’s blog helped to highlight Ardoyne absurdity

Six arrests over Somme parade disorder

Fresh calls for Nelson McCausland to go

Why is DSD minister (Nelson McCausland) not apologising to the contractors he vilified over £18m slur?

Calls for statue to be erected in memory of VC hero

Analysis: Robinson and McGuinness’s department undermining itself with its bad manners

Belfast demonstrators remove ‘Israeli’ goods from shelves of Sainsbury’s in protest over Gaza

Kincora: As this murky episode recedes ever further into the past, time is running out to shine a light on it

Israeli carrots removed from stores


August 5

In pictures: World War One anniversary

Ex-Ardoyne priest Fr Aidan Troy does a U-turn over call to let Orangemen parade

Disgraceful attacks on Protestant community says SDLP

Kincora’s sordid, depraved history needs to be exposed

Jeffrey Donaldson urges more war history in schools

A shameful surrender to Sinn Fein’s Sharia tactics

No Stormont permission for Ulster Aviation Society Maze open days

Foreign Office minister, Baroness Warsi quits as Foreign Office minister over Gaza

George Osborne: Baroness Warsi resignation over Gaza ‘disappointing and unnecessary’

Isis brings its war to Lebanon – and it could be key to a masterplan

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson: Britain will be great and glorious outside the EU

Drunk Elim pastor: I’ll get IRA to blow you up, said vicar who attacked paramedics and spat at police after crashing car in drunken stupor

Drunken pastor threatened to kill police

Half of the changes to Stormont’s victims service haven’t been made yet

Letter – The dark side of the Belfast gay Pride parade


August 4

Derrylin hunger strike parade: Thousands march to republican rally, as Sinn Fein say ‘it was never our intention to offend’

Derrylin hunger strike march ‘has re-traumatised IRA victims’

TUV slams Sinn Fein/IRA’s Terror-Fest in Derrylin

First World War centenary: Switch off the lights tonight, and remember the darkness that fell in 1914


August 2

Derrylin parade: Victim seething at SF ‘hypocrisy’ ‘Disgrace’ as UDA accused of hijacking memorial to war heroes

 Will Sinn Fein chief Martin McGuinness attend the Great War service?

 DUP and SF ministers attend Muslim festival

 Kincora: campaigners call for Official Secrets Act suspension to allow former intelligence officers to give evidence

Sinn Fein man sorry for ‘shell’ Israel call


August 1

Peter Robinson’s days are numbered say DUP veteransTerrorist outfits and emblems banned from Derrylin republican commemoration

Condemnation of Parades Commission WWI ruling

Republican march that sparked loyalist riot in Belfast last year is given the go-ahead

Alan McBride: Paramilitary events insensitive to victims

We (himself and Martin McGuinness) share same goal – father of IRA victim – (A sadly deceived Englishman)

Alliance MLA Anna Lo has called for a big turnout at Saturday’s Belfast Gay Pride parade

Kincora abuse investigation stopped by MI5 says ex-army officer

MI5 ‘stopped Kincora abuse probe’

New NIO man: bakery has to obey law – (No surprise there since he comes from the sodomy riddled Conservative Party)

Ministers feud after Stormont budget changes split Executive

SDLP leader, Dr Alasdair McDonnell’s patients’ sensitive medical files found in rubble of his surgery

Oswald Bradley who drowned while swimming to tricolours is laid to rest

Isis winning its war on two fronts: conquering Sunni regions of Iraq and consolidating their hold on north-eastern Syria – (Changes coming to that part of the world)

DUP Health Minister Edwin Poots blasted for poor budget control – by a minister from his own party

Remembering the Irish who fought with Britain in 1914

Two men held after remembrance service marred by hecklers

Letter – Israeli response to Gaza rockets wholly justified

Antisemitism is on the rise in Britain – and has been since before current Gaza conflict

Ebola outbreak: suspected case at British immigration centre

Mass immigration: Report warns of strain on Britain’s infrastructure caused by population growth


July 31

Shots fired at Northern Ireland police car in Derry cityDerry gun attack on PSNI ‘the work of maniacs’

Maze prison (prisoner control) regime must not return: Givan

‘No flag is worth a man’s life’ – Kingmills massacre victim in plea after friend Ossie Bradley drowns in lake

NI Housing Executive employee charged with terror offences

Woman ‘tried to identify’ PSNI protected witnesses

Palestine official invited to Fermanagh hunger strike event – (This shows where Irish Republicans sympathies lie in present middle-east troubles)

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

DUP and Sinn Fein in new war of words over welfare cuts

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

WW1 centenary commemoration taking place in Dublin

British ambassador praises spirit of first World War (Irish) commemoration

Ebola: UK border staff ‘unprepared’ says union leader

Border staff ‘unprepared’ to spot Ebola cases arriving in UK

Nato ‘unprepared’ for Russia threat, say MPs

Orange Order plans memorial to brethren killed during the Troubles

Prince Philip’s former aide charged with sex assault on girl aged 12


July 2014

The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and the wicked abuse of children.

“ . . . . instruments of cruelty are in their habitations,” Genesis 49:5.
“ . . . . the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty,” Psalm 74:20.

There can be no greater example of man’s cruelty than the abuse of children. Humanity universally has a natural affection for its young. Even the animal kingdom manifests such tenderness. Have we not all watched in wonder as the fearsome lion, the terrifying crocodile and many other savage creatures display a kindliness toward their young, so uncharacteristic of the reputation they have earned for themselves? Read more…. or use the player below to listen.

Euthanasia in the news….

Recently, some leading clerics have come out in favour of changing the law so that those terminally ill may choose to end their lives. We are remounting two printed sermons from May 2004 and another from May 2006. They deal with the vitally important issue of death. Both were preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster.

1. Death: a leap in the dark or a step of faith?

Click here to read more…or listen to the audio below.

2. Euthanasia: Is it really a good death?

Click here to read more…or listen to the audio below.


Rewarding the violent and punishing the lawful

“Unionists quit talks, warn of potential for violence, but urge peaceful protest after Ardoyne decision”

“Peter Robinson: Parades Commission ruling is threat to institutions”
These are but two of the local press headlines following the walk-out by loyalist politicians from talks with the Parades Commission on the issue of parades and flags. Read more


The importance of the prayer meeting

The enemy and the prayer meeting

“And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him,” Zechariah 3:1.
We can gauge the importance of prayer in many ways, none better than its impact upon the enemy and the enemy’s attitude toward it.
The enemy fears and resists most that which threatens and damages him. Read more


Latest news stories

Shots fired at Northern Ireland police car in Derry cityDerry gun attack on PSNI ‘the work of maniacs’

Maze prison (prisoner control) regime must not return: Givan

‘No flag is worth a man’s life’ – Kingmills massacre victim in plea after friend Ossie Bradley drowns in lake

NI Housing Executive employee charged with terror offences

Woman ‘tried to identify’ PSNI protected witnesses

Palestine official invited to Fermanagh hunger strike event – (This shows where Irish Republicans sympathies lie in present middle-east troubles)

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

DUP and Sinn Fein in new war of words over welfare cuts

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

WW1 centenary commemoration taking place in Dublin

British ambassador praises spirit of first World War (Irish) commemoration

Ebola: UK border staff ‘unprepared’ says union leader

Border staff ‘unprepared’ to spot Ebola cases arriving in UK

Nato ‘unprepared’ for Russia threat, say MPs

Orange Order plans memorial to brethren killed during the Troubles

Prince Philip’s former aide charged with sex assault on girl aged 12


More news

July 30

Watchdog acts over Stormont’s refusal to answer questions

Jim Allister: I’ll take advantage of OFMDFM ruling – (Information Commissioner’s Office dismissed attempt by Robinson and McGuinness to fob off questions they could not agree an answer on)

Stormont’s Duplicity Exposed

‘Kind-hearted Ossy was loyal, not sectarian’

 ‘Dignity of IRA victims in contrast to hunger strike march organisers’

East Belfast racist attacks ’orchestrated’ to spread fear

Racist attacks on Romanian immigrants blight East Belfast

Sinn Fein outspends political rivals while UUP makes £94k loss

First World War fallen to be remembered in Northern Ireland 100 years on

Stop Church sacking gay vicars who marry, says senior Tory

July 29

Answering Assembly questions would undermine Assembly, leaders claim

David Cameron’s migrant benefits crackdown to be investigated by European Commission

Man dies in Bessbrook lake at centre of tricolour row

Pensioner drowns trying to remove tricolours: Man thought Bessbrook pond flags were ‘insult to Kingmills massacre victims’

Scotch-Irish pioneer marked by Blue Plaque

Fury at Sinn Fein mayor’s ‘boycott Israel’ call

Newry mayor : Unionists call for apology over Gaza letter

Practising (Roman) Catholic Ruth Hunt heads gay rights group Stonewall

Sinn Fein and SDLP wrong to oppose National Crime Agency

Coleraine Mayor George Duddy’s home attacked

July 28

MH17 crash: Black boxes show plane suffered ‘massive explosive decompression’ following shrapnel hit

Thatcher’s bodyguard says he warned her about underage sex rumours about close aide amid claims senior ministers were named in dossier

Nicky Morgan appoints gay rights campaigner as special advisor

Thatcher ‘told of sex party claims’

Thousands scale Croagh Patrick in Irish holy mountain climb – (The old superstitions prevail)

Unionist Lord Kilclooney under fire as he attacks Israel’s blitz on Gaza

Hundreds join Belfast Gaza protest – (“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee,” Psalm 122:6)

Violence breaks out during Gaza protest march in Cardiff

Probe Dublin’s ‘secret IRA amnesty’: Victim’s solicitor

Blair urged to attend MPs’ probe into on the runs

Marie Stopes clinic head Dawn Purvis left frightened for her safety by pro-life charity chief, court told – (Strange how easily frightened are those engaged in the slaughter of the unborn!)

Unionists hit out as UN condemns crimebuster ban

July 26

Sinn Fein rails at Mike Nesbitt over victims’ body comments

Fears over OTR inquiry powers

Bobby Sands’ agent Owen Carron speaks at hunger strike event

Show compassion for IRA victims in Derrylin, urges MLA Tom Elliott

Decisions on Northern Ireland budget cuts may be put off until autumn

UN criticises Northern Ireland’s failure to sign up to National Crime Agency

Dana brother cleared on all sex abuse charges

A niece and a sister of Dana continue their civil legal action against her in Dublin’s High Court

Tory MP says astrology is good for the health

July 25

Dana’s brother John Brown found not guilty of two counts sex abuse – verdicts on three more charges yet to come

Call for return of 1916 Tricolour from Imperial War Museum

Simon Hamilton jumped gun on budget plan, says Sinn Fein

THREE republicans including Mountfield man Francis Mackey have been detained by authorities at a Canadian airport

‘Cover-up to protect politicians after abuse claims’

DUP minister Nelson McCausland has to quit, insist fellow unionists

Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister silence on ministerial code

Catholic Church defrocks 52 priests for sex abuse

Sudan ‘apostasy’ woman Meriam Yahia Ibrahim meets Pope

Plaque tribute to ‘Moses of the Scots-Irish’

UN attacks Irish abortion rules

July 24

Propaganda oblivious to Jewish tears as it stokes the fires of anti-Semitism

Vehemence of anger against Israel shocking

Loyalist paramilitary gang ‘shot man by appointment’ in Derry

The ‘Boston College Tapes’ Document Northern Ireland’s Murderous Past

McCausland goes to ground as calls for him to quit grow

Nelson McCausland: Minister denies misleading DSD committee

McCausland deliberately misled the Assembly, inquiry determines

Time and again, the DUP threatened to sue – but didn’t – (This does bring into questions their denials of guilt!!)

In an other democracy McCausland would have to resign, says Jim Allister

Public wants legal threat to bakery over gay marriage cake dropped, says poll – (Poll also reveals the impact of sodomite propaganda on younger generation)

Police officer faced punishment for ‘eating an ice cream as he drove’ – (The lunatics have taken over the asylum!!)

Haven’t they suffered enough? Now MH17 victim’s wife is forced to cancel his credit cards because they were being USED by thieving pro-Russian rebels

Sudanese mother who was put on death row for marrying a Christian arrives in Rome to meet the Pope – (This makes clear the character of the woman’s “Christianity”)

July 23

Unionists stand together in urging Theresa Villiers to back Belfast Telegraph plan to resolve parade crisis

Michael Martin (Fianna Fáil leader) and Leo Varadkar (Fine Gael spokesman) reject idea of coalition with Sinn Féin

Public cannot trust Sinn Féin until it starts telling the truth – Leo Varadkar, the Dublin health minister

I’m proud to be from Northern Ireland: Rory McIlroy – (Though he will represent the Republic of Ireland at the Olympics!!!)

Church of England to use positive discrimination to boost women bishops – (There is no question of them using the Bible !!!)

July 22

MH17: ‘You killed 298 people, Russia. We demand the truth’

Bodies of MH17 victims and black boxes handed over after deal struck with rebels

Israel hits hundreds of targets in Gaza as soldier is confirmed missing

Dana breaks down in dock as she denies being involved in a cover-up of brother’s sexual abuse

Parties need to tell the truth

Location for hunger strike commemoration confirmed

Victims reassured Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry won’t be axed after cash threat ‘nightmare’

Opinion: Hamas take lead from Hitler

July 21

DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson’s anger over (Dublin’s) IRA ‘amnesty’ claim

Answers demanded over ‘IRA amnesty’

DUP wants clarity over McDowell on-the-run remarks

First John Downey – now second IRA court case could collapse over OTR comfort note

Parliament was deliberately deceived on OTRs, says former Labour MP

Analysis: Dame Hallett undermined by her verdict on the misleading Peter Hain

‘My father was a sexual predator like Jimmy Savile’ says son of former Tory MP

Raid on a children’s home topples reputation of secular saint Mama Rosa

(Cardinal) Sean Brady among clerics who tried to blame me, says abuse victim

Police investigate historical sex abuse claims against Lord Tonypandy

Willie Frazer ‘threatened’ at Belfast pro-Palestinian rally

July 18

SF slammed for ‘wrong message’ in hunger strike parade debate – (This report highlights the inhumanity and cruelty of RC supporters of the IRA)

Outlaw terrorist memorials: Families of terror victims

Victims kept in dark over IRA comfort letters – report

Tony Blair and ministers lobbied for amnesty for IRA suspect

On the Runs scheme ‘not amnesty and lawful’ says judge

Inquiry blames ‘systemic failures’ after IRA suspects were wrongly told they were not wanted by police

Hallett report: Sinn Fein says amnesty claims ‘a unionist myth’

On-the-runs: A grubby deal and a shambles, but not a secret – (Then the DUP did know about the deal !!)

Report Fails the Robinson Test – Will he now go OTR on his Promise?

Russian rebel leader boasts shooting down Malaysia Airlines jet

Ireland confronts past treatment of unmarried mothers

Judge Yvonne Murphy to head mother and baby homes’ inquiry in Ireland

Dana’s brother John Brown testifies at Harrow Crown Court

July 17

Revealed: The secret ‘arrests’ of IRA fugitve on the runs

 IRA suspects handed ‘comfort letters’ to remain anonymous despite review

 Assisted suicide ‘death squad’ docs

 ‘It’s a very personal decision’ Care Minister backs change in law on assisted dying

 GAA referee jailed for child sex abuse

 Ex-aide to PM in court over images

 ‘Victim’ spoke out after Dana said on TV claims were lie

 Kincora abuse scandal: Now it’s no longer merely a Northern Ireland nightmare

 Kincora: ‘Highest profile people connected to abuse’ claim

 Cyril Smith: ‘evidence of sex abuse’ was overruled CPS report shows

 PSNI probes female teacher’s relationship with Antrim schoolboy at St Benedict’s College, Randalstown

 UDR memorial site desecrated

 Victims hit out at 10,000 strong hungerstrike parade

 IRA victim hits out at ‘sick’ hunger strike parade through Derrylin

Michelle Gildernew: ‘Unionists were considered in Derrylin parade’

July 16

IRA victim hits out at ‘sick’ hunger strike parade through Derrylin

On-the-Runs: Use of intelligence intercept evidence in UK courts would have enabled prosecutions against many Troubles murder suspects, says ex-minister

Irish priests and nuns are now ‘facing extinction’

Kincora victim: ‘NI home should be part of UK child abuse inquiry’

660 arrest over accessing online child abuse images

660 Paedophone suspects arrested

OTRs row: Lady Justice Hallett’s report to give clarity on who knew what about Sinn Fein deal

UUP leader calls for Kincora Boys Home to be included in abuse inquiry

Full story of Kincora Boys’ Home in east Belfast yet to be told, says child sex abuse victim

Kincora: MI5 knew about it but did nothing, that much is certain

Metropolitan Police officer was moved ‘from child abuse inquiry’

Scotland Yard detective ‘removed from paedophile probe after naming politicians’

Now it’s revealed Barbara Castle drew up dossier on VIP paedophiles: File seized by Special Branch ‘heavy mob’

Londonderry security alert: Bomb found in Enagh

Paisley Jnr pays tribute to ‘devout Christian’ businessman Dr Alistair Hanna – (This ‘devout Christian’ was behind the opening of Bushmills Dunes golf resort which will promote Sabbath-breaking and also was a chief promoter of the ecumenical “Alpha Course”)

Sinn Fein councillor: Return stolen Union flag now

Equality Commission gives Ashers Bakery extra time

Religious leaders unite to condemn assisted dying law

Syria conflict: Isis marches further into Syria tipping the balance of power in the civil war

July 15

Church of England General Synod backs women bishops – (Further step on road of apostasy)

Church of Ireland female bishop praises England for landmark vote

Baroness Butler-Sloss steps down from child abuse inquiry

Westminster child abuse inquiry: Theresa May under fire over appointment of Lady Butler-Sloss

Child abuse inquiry: Theresa May under fire over appointment of Lady Butler-Sloss

‘Nonsense’ to suggest Robinson about to retire, says Arlene Foster

Don’t fall in Sinn Fein’s web of spin

July 14

DUP minister Nelson McCausland slammed after he accuses MLAs of ‘a witch-hunt’

The Twelfth:Moral stance of Asher bakery applauded at Limavady

Unionist politicians pledge to step up political campaign against Parades Commission

Soldiers’ memorial damaged in Belfast

Tony Blair must explain IRA ‘comfort letter’ deals, say MPs

Paedophile inquiry could have second chairman following controversy over judge’s links to the establishment

Church of England braced for new sex abuse claims

More child abuse cases will emerge in Church, warns Archbishop of Canterbury

Women bishops: Archbishop Welby ‘hopeful’ on vote

Assisted dying: Desmond Tutu signals support

July 12

Abuse inquiry: Baroness Butler-Sloss criticism rejected

Child abuse inquiry boss ‘tells victim she won’t uncover church misconduct’

No major incidents as Orange Order holds Twelfth parades

Ardoyne parade: Police ready to act, but hope they won’t have to

One in three PSNI officers on duty to be in north Belfast

Unionist plans will only create uncertainty and fear, says SDLP

Orange Order’s country cousins can teach Belfast’s brethren a real lesson

Parade row began in 2012 when dissident riots were rewarded

Bonfires lit across Northern Ireland ahead of 12th marches

DUP claims statue on bonfire was a ‘social media spoof’

50,000 to go on the march at 18 Orange 12th parades

Ashers Baking Company: ‘Gay cake’ raised in House of Commons

UK imams condemn Isis in online video

Petition to leave bakery alone is gathering pace on the web

Cake Row Exposes Where Real Intolerance is Coming From

Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey: ‘I support assisted dying’

July 10

North Belfast: Unionists call for inquiry into ‘parades impasse’

Ardoyne parade: Unionist leaders including Peter Robinson call for legal inquiry into north Belfast march dispute

Parades row: details emerge on ‘graduated response’

North Belfast: Reaction to unionists’ parades inquiry call

Orange Order: We can’t guarantee parade protests will be peaceful

Senior TUV member calls for ‘evidence of graduated response’ – (in truth, it is likely that the Orange Order, riddled by Ecumenism as it is, will prove yet again that it is a ‘broken stick’!)

Councillor urges Rasharkin and Dunloy to be included in parading talks

After hours of critical Ardoyne parade talks, just 25 words from Stormont

MP slams PSNI over ‘IRA parade’

IRA comfort letters could fuel more killings, warns father of terror victim

Sister of bombing victim tells of her OTR letters anger

Law chief John Larkin blasts Theresa Villiers’ block on Loughgall inquest

RC Bishop seeking information from school on Bobby Sands awards

Dodds: Need for ‘conscience clause’ to protect Christians

Gay cake case is used to call for a change to the law

July 9

Pope says “a Christian without the Virgin is an orphan” – (God says: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” 1 Timothy 2:5)

Pope Francis Meets Evangelical Delegation – (James Robison and Kenneth Copeland plus others)

Sodomite Elton John praises ‘wonderful’ Pope – (Claims Christ would favour ‘gay marriage’ – He will learn soon how wrong he is!!)

Executive calls for ‘lawful’ Twelfth

Unionists need to show their gameplan

Dublin – Idea of alliance with SF makes Labour blood boil

Why we should be wary of Sinn Féin in government

Gay marriage cake row: Equality quango asked no questions before condemning bakery, says baker

Gay marriage cake row: Stand firm, gay rights storm Christian B&B proprietors urge bakery

Brother of paedophile inquiry judge was accused of ‘cover up’

July 8

Ashers Baking Company: ‘Gay cake’ row could end up in court

Asher’s Baking Company faces court for refusing order for gay marriage cake

Northern Ireland bakery refuses to make gay Bert and Ernie wedding cake

Child abuse claims: Evidence ’20 key people involved’

Home Secretary, Theresa May launches major new inquiry into child sex abuse allegations

Child abuse inquiry must look at Kincora Boys’ Home, says Amnesty International

 Abuse victim urges Pope to sack head of Catholic Church in Ireland Sean Brady over his handling of allegations

Compulsory Christian school assembly should be scrapped – Church of England education chief

Orange Order chiefs march to camp Twaddell in north Belfast, but keep ‘graduated response’ protest plans secret

Ardoyne determination by Parades Commission Totally Irrational

UUP formally request to discuss Ardoyne ruling at executive meeting

Kennedy pessimistic that Executive will discuss Ardoyne parade dispute – Sinn Fein ‘not open to talking with other parties’ on upcoming parade

Ardoyne (republican) protest threat dropped

Minority frontier communities stand by their culture

Human kindness and heroism shine out from North’s Kingsmill atrocity

July 7

DUP and Sinn Fein in new row over republican Speaker of the Assembly

Talks walkout wrong: McCallister – (A man to be heeded given his impeccable wisdom !!!????)

Orange Order vow to up the ante in protest at Ardoyne ban: We’ll have effect on Northern Ireland ‘governance’, says Grand Secretary Drew Nelson

Orange Order leader asks Higgins to attend parade

Significant drop in Irish numbers of priests and nuns

Jean McConville’s daughter: ‘If I give up fighting, they’ve won’

Lord Brittan says historical rape claim ‘wholly unfounded

July 5

SF accuses DUP of yielding to hardline elements over parade

Unionists stay tight-lipped on proposed plan of action

Ardoyne parade: ‘We are at boiling point… this sends out wrong message’

‘The parade takes five minutes to pass, five minutes of respect’

Peter Robinson and Mike Nesbitt agree decision to ban parade should be accepted and urge any protests to be legal

IRA charges after Robert McCartney family campaign

MP tells of fears over republican ceremony

PSNI blitz on ‘New IRA’ and east Belfast UVF thugs in full swing

Leading republican ‘told Robert McCartney’s sisters his killers should get a bullet in the head’

Republic’s Orangemen go on the march

Orangemen in Rossnowlagh, County Donegal for annual parade

New teaching (Dublin) institute sparks religious row

July 4

Rolf Harris jailed for five years and nine months

Iris Robinson probe challenge withdrawn

Parades Commission defend their determination

Pan-unionist boycott begins, with warning of more

Order in appeal for calm after ‘preposterous decision’

Unionists’ protest stance condemned

Donaldson says loyalist parade response ‘will be peaceful’

Commission ‘dragged migrants into arch dispute’ – Polish Consul

Fresh fears that Northern Ireland’s Stormont government could topple

TUV Comments on Parades Commission Decision and Unionist Response

TUV Challenge Terror Award to School Children

North-South meeting postponed in face of unionist boycott

Northern Ireland unionists urged to return to talks after parade ban walkout

Geoffrey Dickens ‘said paedophile dossier was explosive’

Fears terrorists will target planes with computer and human bombs

John McCallister on Basil McCrea: ‘We will never be friends again… this has been the most toxic experience of my life’

Basil McCrea’s ego was a problem: John McCallister

Sinn Fein defends mural depicting IRA hunger striker Kieran Doherty’s funeral in west Belfast

Sinn Féin slammed for failure to support WWI commemoration

July 3

Unionists in talks walkout protest over parade decision

Orange Order parade barred from part of Crumlin Road on 12 July

Unionists quit talks, warn of potential for violence, but urge peaceful protest after Ardoyne decision

Loyalists urged not to burn Pope effigies on Eleventh night bonfires

Parties unite to condemn IRA gunmen mural

Nelson McCausland: Committee votes that ‘deliberately misled’

John McCallister confirms NI21 exit

NI21 to lose half its public funding as deputy leader McCallister quits

Tighter security for flights to US

SF stance on welfare an ‘outrage’: Robinson – (Hardly surprising for a party which came to power via murder and terrorism!!)

Five unionist groups – including DUP and UUP – make united call to let north Belfast parade through

Backing for ex-Primate’s comments on victims

Derry family distraught as son joins Syria’s rebels

Rowan Williams: how Buddhism helps me pray – (“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking,” Matthew 6:7.)

Nick Clegg: allegations of Westminster paedophile ring are ‘police matter’

Pope Francis makes exorcisms official Catholic practice as demon-fighting priests recognised under canon law

July 2

Sinn Féin meeting David Cameron at Downing Street

Understaffed, lonely, checking under the car for bombs – what it’s like policing the Irish border

Thousands attend Somme Commemoration

More parades and more bands, but Order says ‘culture war’ is real

Fresh probe into fatal garda shooting of IRA raider

Change the definition of ‘victim’, says top CoI man

Former French president Sarkozy ‘faces charges’ amid probe

Islam in the light of Scripture


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