June 2014

Reasons why the binding of Satan in Revelation 20:1-4 cannot refer to his defeat at Calvary

I understand that it is generally believed among A-millennialists that the binding of Satan, in Revelation 20, is a reference to what happened to him at Calvary.
I have heard that stated myself in an exposition of these verses.
Now I find it hard to believe that anyone can be satisfied with such an explanation of this passage of God’s Holy Word. Such an interpretation leaves so many unexplained verses and generates so many contradictions and incredible implications that it cannot be seriously regarded as a proper exegesis of this passage. Read more

The deceit propagated by Enniskillen ecumenical ministers and priests

In Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, so-called Protestant ministers joined with Roman Catholic priests to issue a statement in response to the comments of Pastor James McConnell, with regards to Islam and its origins. Read more

A Sinister Development for Home Educators in Northern Ireland

by Rev. Brian McClung

There is presently a consultation running in all five Education & Library Boards in Northern Ireland regarding the issue of Home Education. Presently it is any parent’s legal right to educate their child[ren] outside the state system of education. This legal right permits independent schools to exist, such the Free Presbyterian schools, or a parent may desire to educate their child[ren] at home. Read more(link to article on The sound of an alarm)

Beginning of Emmaus Baptist Assembly of Oradea

by Florin Moţiu

At the end of 2003, a small number of young people started a Bible study group, meeting once a month, and, after a while, twice a month. All of us were Arminian in theology, most of us members in the Baptist Union, which is Arminian in creed. As the years passed, we became more and more interested in the Doctrines of Grace. We studied the five points of Calvinism, the theology of the Puritans, the lives of Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Spurgeon. Read more

Offending Without Apologising.

This article is prompted by the spectacle of First Minister, Peter Robinson and then Pastor James McConnell bowing to the media-based campaign that followed in the wake of Pastor McConnell’s widely publicised comments on the subject of the wickedness and unbiblical nature of Islam and Peter Robinson’s support of him.

“Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch,” Matthew 15:12-14.
Christians should not seek to offend gratuitously any with their declarations of the truth of God. We are exhorted to engage in “speaking the truth in love,” Ephesians 4:15. Read more



Below are a number of messages dealing with this issue. Please note the links to written material which can be read and/or downloaded.

Click here for notes to accompany this recording.

Click here for notes to accompany this recording.

Click here for notes to accompany this message.

Headcovering in Public Worship

Fashions change and tastes differ. Cultural variations abound among Christians of differing nationalities. The New Testament wisely makes allowance for such things and goes no further in matters of dress and appearance than to set down the principles of modesty (1 Tim. 2:9) and association-e.g., that we should be careful not to adopt any appearance that identifies us with grossly wicked people to whom a particular style or fashion is virtually a badge.

Paul devotes half a chapter to the subject of headcovering (1 Cor. 11:1-16). He gives no indication that he is establishing a rule merely for the local situation in Corinth.

Read more

Enoch – An illustration of the importance of watching for the return of Christ as an incentive to holiness.

The most remarkable thing recorded in the Bible about Enoch, a man of the seventh generation from Adam and whose life span would have been overlapped by that of Adam by some 308 years, according to calculations based upon figures given in Genesis 5, was his avoidance of death. Genesis 5:24 says, “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” This truth is further stated in Hebrews 11:5. “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Read more

Latest news stories


More news

July 1

Pan nationalist front at it again

Prison Officer David Black murder: Charges dropped against murder accused

Prison officer murder case dropped

Rolf Harris guilty: More alleged victims come forward

Court upholds French face veils ban

Hamas warns of ‘gates of hell’

Police confront loyalists over erection of flags in south Belfast

Electoral deal with the SDLP possible, says Mike Nesbitt

Alex Kane interviews Mike Nesbitt: Confident UUP leader offers olive branch to nationalism

Police from Britain on riot standby

Sinn Fein ally Richard Haass was a dumb choice to chair Northern Ireland peace talks

New Chief Constable hoping to see progress in party talks

(Irish) Government mulls inquiry into garda killing of Real IRA man

June 30

Chief Constable pressed on McGuinness’ gun claim

George Hamilton: New PSNI chief constable marks first day in job

Portadown’s Victoria Terrace Orange parade cancelled by Parkmount Arch Committee

Protest for restricted Newtownbutler parade

North Korea to try two US tourists after one ‘left a Bible behind in hotel room’

Northern Ireland: four men charged with IRA membership

Mayor of Belfast upset at quotes attributed to her over Queen visit

Why a visit from the Pope could bode well for all of us – (Why it would not – “ . . . the Pope of Rome . . . . is that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself, in the Church, against Christ and all that is called God.”)

Australia’s top military bishop resigns over sex abuse charge

Britain’s island story keeps ‘Europe’ at bay

June 28

Ardoyne protest group vows to bring thousands on to streets

Publication date set for report into North’s on-the-runs scheme

On The Run letters report to be published in July

Two NI21 branches dissolve in new blow to leader McCrea

Murdered Catholic RUC officer ‘could have been saved’

Ballymurphy shootings: 36 hours in Belfast that left 10 dead

Most of the Irish media failed to bring truth about Gerry Conlon’s innocence to light

EU set to snub UK over Juncker as Commission chief

DUP has rolled over on CAP reform

Elections round-up: Can the TUV turn Euro election performance into seats at Stormont?

Fears over Jean-Claude Juncker’s drinking

Angry Cameron warns European leaders of ‘consequences’ for giving ‘Cognac for breakfast’ Brussels fixer Jean-Claude Juncker the EU’s top job

Vatican considers historic easing stance on contraception and marriage as it concedes ordinary Catholics don’t follow the rules – (Public opinion, not God, is the arbitrator on morality within Romanism!!)

June 26

Unionist outrage over Garvaghy march U-turn

Parades Commission blasted over Garvaghy Road U-turn

Ham-fisted Garvaghy Road decision does not augur well

Taoiseach calls on SF leader to use IRA contacts to reveal Guilford bombers

Peace process issues: Martin McGuinness says agreement ‘difficult’

OTR letters scheme not secret: Reid

TUV men slam election of Sinn Fein Deputy Mayor of Craigavon

Prominent NI21 members resign from ailing party

MLA Anna Lo demands release of report into conduct of Peter and Iris Robinson after it is delayed by legal challenge

June 25

Judge rebukes David Cameron for comments on Coulson conviction

Campaigners lose ‘right to die’ case

Report into conduct of Peter and Iris Robinson delayed by legal challenge

Royal visit to Northern Ireland: The Queen lays wreath in memory of Irish soldiers who died in First World War

Loyalist parade allowed to march along contentious Garvaghy Road for first time in almost two decades

Residents ‘not told’ of Garvaghy Road march service plan

‘Garvaghy Road’ parade is reviewed after outcry – (Now, isn’t that a surprise!!)

Parades Commission bans Portadown march along ‘lower stretch of Garvaghy Road’ – (Parades Commission – Puppets on strings pulled by republicans)

Appeal by Christian airport worker – (The reverse is likely in Iran etc!!!!)

June 24

Queen in second day of NI engagements

Martin McGuinness hails encounter with Queen at Hillsborough Castle as ‘very nice’

McGuinness holds first private meeting with Queen Elizabeth

Adams: IRA not responsible for wrongful Troubles imprisonments

Richard Haass calls for Irish to be official language in Northern Ireland – (Somebody please take this ‘ejit’ home!!)

Tuam babies: How a small field in Ireland held big secret

Sudanese mother sentenced to death for ‘converting to Christianity’ freed after international outcry

Three American friends hospitalised after becoming ‘possessed’ following Ouija board game in Mexican village

Short life, and quick death, of NI21

June 23

David Cameron left furious by EU leaders’ ‘promises’ over Jean-Claude Juncker – (A taste of his own ‘broken promises’ medicine!!)

Father of British jihadist ‘prays he goes to hell’ – (“ . . . the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel,” Proverbs 12:10)

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh due in NI for three-day visit

Queen and Prince Philip set to jet in

Queen and McGuinness to meet at former jail during visit

Adams’s hypocrisy yet again knows no bounds

Sinn Féin need to be ready for government (in Rep. of Ireland), says Adams

Blood on the streets: Fears of war after notorious Continuity IRA group splits

Jim Dowson laughs off TV claims he is the ‘evil genius’ of British fascism

Only 15 per cent of Anglicans (Church of Ireland) typically attend church

The cumulative effect of scandals has a devastating impact on the Church (of Rome!)

Ghost of Mary Queen of Scots hovers over (Scottish) referendum issue

Guildford Four’s Gerry Conlon dies

Pope Francis I excommunicates Mafia for ‘adoration of evil’ in strongest attacks in 20 years

DUP MP Sammy Wilson says Gerry Adams compromise call ‘a bit rich’

DUP MP Sammy Wilson hits back after Adams comments

June 21

Residents insist protest not about race but about housing provision

Dublin Coroner warns family of slain ‘Fat Deccy’ of ‘distressing’ inquest report

Republicans should oppose Queen’s visit to jail, says ex-IRA commander

Unionist reports Telegraph journalist to PCC for ‘insult’ to Orange Order

Catholic and Protestant teachers to train together for the first time (In Dublin)

Iraq crisis: British student identified as recruiting Isis jihadists

Family ‘heartbroken’ after British man appears in jihadist film

Tracking jihadists ‘top priority’

Could the Archbishop and the Pope really reunify the Church? – (The Bible teaches that all ungodly ecclesiastical systems will unite at the end of this age!)

June 20

Northern Ireland’s First Minister Peter Robinson in u-turn over ‘locals only’ race row

Former police chief Duncan McCausland is released following fraud probe quiz

Gerry Kelly farce exposes undemocratic Stormont

Adams criticises report into his shooting as ‘incomplete’

British jihadist in Syria calls on his Isis comrades to kill in Britain

David Cameron: ‘ISIS and Syria jihadists are planning terror attacks on Britain’

June 18

Pope John Paul II’s blood goes on tour – (Rome is as heathen and barbaric as ever!!)

Roman Catholic and former Irish President, Mary McAleese: Pope Francis plan to consult ‘male celibate’ priests on family life is ‘bonkers’ – (Mary, have a a close look, in the light of the Bible, at all he teaches and you will see that it is all ‘bonkers’!!)

DUP can’t afford to bare teeth at rest of unionist pack

DUP accuse SDLP of ‘spineless’ response to Gerry Kelly debate

NI clergy (RC priests) hold meeting with Orange Order

Ann Travers: The online (republican) trolls won’t silence me

Martin McGuinness in ‘Disappeared’ storm

Rory McIlroy opts to play for Ireland at the 2016 Olympics – (The apple never falls far from the tree!!)

Police ‘firmly committed’ to catching killers (of Loughinisland)

New plea in hunt for fans’ killers

DUP minister Nelson McCausland’s posting led to death threats, says Alliance man Gary Spedding

NI21 is finished, says deputy leader John McCallister

Iraq crisis: Lying zealot Tony Blair is a fundamental danger to world peace – (What does that tell you about the Stormont “Power-sharing Regime” that he initiated???)

June 17

The boy jihadis: Sickening new images reveal gun-toting children as young as eight watching ISIS execution as Shia prison guards ‘slaughter 44 Sunni inmates north of Baghdad’ – (This is Islam!!!)

‘My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head’: How al-Shabaab militia went from door to door killing non-Muslims as Kenyan village watched World Cup

Speaker is right to make a stand on Sinn Fein

SDLP slammed for block on attempt to suspend Kelly – (Birds of a feather flock together!!)

Fury as moves to sanction Gerry Kelly are thwarted by SDLP

Seven high-profile people in Northern Ireland have won gagging orders… but we can’t tell you who they are

Tuam home, where almost 800 babies and toddlers are believed to be buried, survivors’ fight for justice

‘Yeah, you guys, your problem is you’ve no guns’: Tony Blair told SDLP

European Commission president election controversy could hasten British exit from the EU

Confusion on NI21 McCrea probe

NI21 mulls disciplinary action for McCallister

More NI21 turmoil as John McCallister is rapped

Political class ignore strength of feeling on immigration ‘at their peril’

June 16

Church division a scandal – Pope – (Pope takes up the old ecumenical chant!!)

SF’s abstentionism sees its MPs barred from Commons speaker’s residence

Local churches leaders unite against ‘regrettable’ tirade on Islam by pastor (See our article in response – ‘The deceit propagated by Enniskillen ecumenical ministers and priests’)

‘Not a word said after Waterside Islam sermon’

Iraq crisis: ISIS jihadists execute dozens of captives – (This is Islam!!!)

Kenya attack: ‘Islamists’ raid Mpeketoni near Lamu

Taliban slice off 11 people’s fingers as punishment for voting in Afghanistan’s presidential election

Iraq crisis: Isis forces kill dozens of soldiers in ‘mass execution’ as country slides towards sectarian war

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Iraqi ‘massacre’ as up to 1,000 feared dead

Dungiven SF protests: ‘Blatant sectarianism’ says UUP man

UUP hit back after McCusker slammed by DUP

IRA murder bid survivor’s MBE ‘recognition for victims in general’

Mid Ulster MLA Martin McGuinness’ ministerial car attacked outside his home

McGuinness acknowledges memory lapse on murder date

Adams: 1916 Proclamation is ‘unfinished business’

Joan Burton (Irish Labour Party) claims Sinn Fein is a long way from ‘true democracy’

Friends of Sinn Fein top $10million mark in American donations to party

SF children fall for fairy tales of North

Adams hits out at DUP ‘failure’

Lack of priests (in Ireland) puts masses in jeopardy

Petrol bombs and handguns found amid dissident republican searches

Stormont Ensures Bonnet Kelly Gets Off the Hook

June 14

Police ‘dancing to SF’s tune’ on Ormeau flags, claims TUV

Parties divided as police move to outlaw flags in mixed area

Basil McCrea allegations: Confusion over report into NI21 ‘sex claims

John McCallister hits out as NI21 halts party probe

UUP chief Nesbitt’s walkout marks a new low at dysfunctional Stormont

NI police ombudsman wins right to challenge over ‘obstruction

June 12

‘This is our football, it’s made of skin #World Cup’: After posting sickening beheading video of Iraqi policeman, ISIS boast of slaughtering 1,700 soldiers(This is “peace-loving” Islam in truth! The UK will yet regret its syncretistic folly of embracing all religions as equal and rejecting the gospel of Christ Jesus!)

Britons are heading to Iraq to join ISIS militants in their HUNDREDS amid fears ‘they could bring terror to the UK

Sinn Fein surge in opinion poll in Irish Republic

PSNI Dancing to SF Tune on Union Flags

Concerns raised over police Union Flag warning

Putting up flags in south Belfast ‘will be breach of peace’

Fermanagh witnesses say Blair should give OTR evidence

Row over top post votes by unionists

Evolving DUP still not afraid to say ‘no’

Would-be (DUP) mayor: ‘This wouldn’t have happened to a man’

Danger campaign will spark backlash

Shots fired over Birmingham pub bomber’s coffin in paramilitary-style funeral

Ecumenical history made in Dublin – (Church of Ireland archbishops take part in installation ceremony of Methodist president)

June 11

Martin McGuinness to meet the Queen again in Belfast

US Archbishop quizzed in sexual abuse lawsuit claims he didn’t know it was illegal for priests to have sex with children in the 1980s

Racists (in West Belfast) ‘threatened to run down a two-year-old child and set fire to her family’s house’

Now the EU wants even MORE money: Brussels demands £6bn hike to budget from UK

Pomeroy mother-of-three admits dissident terrorist training camp charge

Sharon Rafferty admits Tyrone dissident training camp charges

Haass talks return ‘hyped-up’ – Robinson

DUP fury as deal delivers Sinn Fein deputy mayor Catherine Seeley – (Power-sharing sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander scenario)

Welcome for review of UDR murders

I’m a scapegoat for Peter Robinson, says race row councillor Dineen Walker snubbed for top post

June 10

McGuinness: Executive ‘could help fund mosque for NI Muslims’

Tell us the truth about the children dumped in Galway’s mass graves

Sinn Fein: three OTRs told they were ‘cleared’ as recently as March

NIO denies new fugitive letters

Sinn Féin warns against ‘dangerous’ unravelling of on-the-runs deal

Ligoneil soldiers’ memorial vandalised – police treat paint damage as hate crime

Vacuum is being filled by bigots

Victims ‘forgotten about’ in peace deals

TUV message to DUP and UUP in new talks: Keep looking over your shoulder!

Bitter exchanges erupt over ‘double-sized’ Union flags

Eamon Dunphy defends Gerry Adams over Jean McConville murder by IRA

June 9

Nun admits care home children were involved in medical trials

Shared education plans in pipeline despite DUP/Sinn Féin tensions in government

It’s difficult to be a Christian in GB – ex-MP – (She is a convert to Romanism yet makes some relevant points in her interview)

Galway mass baby grave: All homes for unwed mothers to be part of inquiry

On the Runs: Gerry Kelly will not attend Westminster committee

Gerry Kelly ‘is a chicken’ for snub to OTR probe

Sinn Féin snubs Northern Ireland Affairs committee

On the Runs: DUP criticises Sinn Féin OTR hearing stance

NI Victims Commissioner Kathryn Stone says ‘secret deals eroding trust’

Tom Elliott MLA asks why Fermanagh misses out in latest PSNI recruitment drive
Does Gerry Adams deserve to be in Government when the time comes?

Illegal migrants pour into Britain: How we have lost control of the UK’s borders

How hard can it be? Electricty engineer ‘needed a course’ to climb a stepladder – (It is just beyond belief!!!)

June 7

Son of murdered RUC officer backs ombudsman in files row

Mass baby grave in Tuam, Galway: Irish president Michael D Higgins appalled at terrible reports

Tuam babies: Justice minister orders garda report

Conservative Catholics should be voting for DUP, says Edwin Poots (This places the modern DUP far away from its founding principles)

Sinn Fein urge Orange Order to enter talks over Dungiven

Thousands of Protestants without unionist choices

Pastor Islam row: James McConnell apologises for offence caused … but insists comments ‘not wrong’ (Christ never apologised for offence caused by His words, see Matthews 23:23-33)

Pastor sorry for calling Islam a ‘doctrine spawned in hell’

Muslims accept Northern Ireland preacher’s apologyMuslims accept Northern Ireland preacher’s apology

Muslim leaders urge pastor to attend Belfast anti-racism rally

Why Peter Robinson tried to tough it out over apology to Muslims (In truth, it was because even he recognised that an apology required a denial of Bible truth, as little as that matters to the modern DUP)

Sinn Féin secures Dublin Lord Mayor position for Easter 2016

BBC criticised for ‘obscene’ comedy making fun of the murder of Lord Mountbatten

Crucifix erected in Kerry County Council meeting chamber

June 6

Shot twice, stuffed in a sack and dumped in a canal… but Pakistani girl, 18, SURVIVES botched ‘honor killing’ carried out by her own family for marrying the man she lovedAppeal on Sudan ‘apostasy’ death sentence

‘Cover-up’ accusations at Policing Board

PSNI chief Matt Baggott: refusal to hand over files is not a cover-up

Catholic and Protestant schools to share facilities in North – (This not a matter of education, this is about expanding the ecumenical programme of church unity)

Police question Pastor James McConnell over Islam remarks

Islam row pastor apologises after one of his top churchmen quits – (That was a short-lived stand!! Where are the men of conviction who stand unapologetically for God’s truth??)

Over one-third of DUP want a curb on Orange march routes

June 5

Brother of Sudanese woman facing death penalty for ‘abandoning her Islamic faith’ by marrying a Christian says ‘she deserves to be executed’ – (“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be . . . . without natural affection,” 2 Tim 3:1, 3.)

Tuam children’s bodies: Roman Catholic Church ‘has no records’ – (RC Archbishop in the Republic of Ireland has said the church has no records of the burial of nearly 800 children!!!)

Ardoyne Orange Order parade decision not a surprise, but issue is republicans won’t tolerate a march of any kind or at any time

Inside the DUP: Domination by Free Presbyterian Church and Orange Order laid bare

Landmark court ruling means Department of Education ‘has to encourage’ integrated education, say campaigners – (Ecumenical education being foisted upon the Protestant population)

Trojan Horse leaked report says pupils ‘not protected from extremism’ in school

‘Pastor should apologise’ – McGuinness – (There can be no apology for Bible Truth!)

McGuinness: Pastor must apologise for hate-filled speech

McConnell due to speak to police for third time – (How many times have they interviewed Martin McGuinness, self-confessed IRA activist???)

Cleric labels Islam wicked

‘Why no public outcry when Christians are offended?’

On the Runs: former head of the Historical Enquiries Team, Dave Cox says John Downey ‘got away with murder’

RUC Widows Association: Justice Department ‘insulted’ police

‘Nothing new’ in review of IRA ‘comfort letter’ recipient

Louginisland victim’s niece furious over shooting collusion claims

Mass baby grave in Tuam, Galway: Bon Secours nuns told to assist investigation

Toomebridge man Sean Kelly admits six terror charges

June 4

First Minister Peter Robinson in public apology to Muslims

Robinson in public apology to Muslims

Islam row: Peter Robinson makes public apology for causing offence to Muslims after meeting in Belfast – (But the vile ‘Belfast Telegraph’ wants an apology for defending Pastor McConnell!)

Northern Ireland police chief faces legal action over unreleased Troubles files

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes, undergo sensitivity training, after losing lawsuit

Robinson: there is clear need for new Islamic centre – (Is this the price of forgiveness for the First Minister??)

Bitter DUP councillor Dineen Walker vents her anger – (And rightly so but that is the party she decided to support!)

New Girl Guide promise ‘a diminution of Christianity’ – (Anybody going to be required to apologise for the this?? – don’t hold your breath!!)

North Belfast residents dispute racism motive after home and men attacked – (Just a pity someone hasn’t the courage to come out and say why the presence of the two men was resented in a racially mixed area!!)

Mass grave of 796 babies found in septic tank at former Catholic Church orphanage in Tuam, Galway – (Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child neglect)

June 3

UUP calls for Peter Robinson public apology over Islam remarks

Robinson gives Muslim leader tour

Belfast pastor who criticised Islam denounces racist attack on Muslims

Islam row: Suspect package alert at Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle follows website attack by ‘Izzah Hackers’

Belfast mayor Mairtin O’ Muilleoir’s outgoing prayer shows solidarity with Muslims – (He prays to Allah, the imaginary god of Islam !! )

Racism row councillor Dineen Walker does not attend mayor election

DUP sidelines race slur councillor Dineen Walker – as Peter Robinson prepares to revisit Islam centre

Immigration big issue on Portadown doorsteps – David Jones UKIP

NI21’s Basil McCrea gets report of sex misconduct allegations

June 2

Preacher at Ian Paisley’s former church denounces Islam as a ‘wicked religion’

Defiant Pastor Colin Houston lashes Anna Lo

Police to quiz Belfast pastor over Islam comments

David Cameron warns Britain will quit the EU if federalist gets the top job – (Federalism won’t stop and Britain won’t come out says Bible prophecy)

Cameron accused of ‘blackmail’ over ‘threat to leave EU’

David Cameron winning major allies in battle to stop federalist leading Europe

If you recognise Palestinian government you support terrorism, Benjamin Netanyahu tells world leaders

Brussels Jewish Museum attack: Jihadist arrested in Marseille ‘claimed responsibility for shooting on video’ says investigators

EXCLUSIVE: Parliament plea for Muslim and Hindu bank holiday in UK calendar

Is the Sudanese government LYING about its promise to release Meriam Ibrahim? Family fear condemned Christian mother is still in danger of execution

May 31

New IRA allegedly responsible for Derry hotel bomb attack

Campbell calls on Donnelly to condemn Everglades bombing

Derry councillor (Donnelly): Police must bear some of the responsibility

Derry hotel bomb: Everglades Hotel left badly damaged in explosion ‘had hosted PSNI recruitment event’

Far from splitting unionist vote in elections, the TUV and Ukip helped maximise it

Family of Pakistani woman stoned to death to be tried in anti-terrorism court

Bartlett Park poster warns dog-walkers to stay out of ‘Islamic areas’

May 2014

Why no similar outcry when the Bible was recently mocked and Christians offended?

Recent days have witnessed an outpouring of condemnation directed towards Pastor James McConnell, minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast, over his comments in a sermon about Islam. We have had the ‘former’ IRA commander and Joint First Minister, Martin McGuinness, along with the moderator of the ecumenical Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Rev Dr Rob Craig, voicing their opposition. An assortment of others from the secular and ecumenical classes, including Alliance’s East Belfast MP Naomi Long; MLAs Anna Lo, Alex Attwood, John O’Dowd and Danny Kinahan; Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, Ivan Lewis, Northern Ireland Secretary, Theresa Villiers and Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore, have all come out to join in the chorus of condemnation as they castigate Paster McConnell for his comments. When you have these types of individuals arrayed against you, what you say must indeed be the truth. A man is known by those who oppose him, as much as by his friends! Read more

A ridulous outburst by Anna Lo and her cohorts

The media are conducting a witch-hunt in Ulster in the wake of the comments made by Pastor James McConnell about Islam and certain aspects of Muslim behaviour. Read more

Francis the Pontiff Speaks Against the Most High

By Richard Bennett and Robert Nicholson

In keeping with Pope Francis’s identity his upcoming visit to Israel is the perfect vehicle to move forward his objective. The unfolding of this religious drama is intended by the Papacy to present Pope Francis on the real world stage as a great reconciler in promoting peace in a land riven with racial conflict and ideological confusion. The May 24-26 trip to Amman, Jerusalem and Bethlehem will mark the 50th anniversary of a landmark trip there by Pope Paul VI in 1964, the first by a pope in modern times. Subsequently, Pope John Paul II visited in 2000 and Benedict XVI made a visit to the region in 2009.2 However, since Benedict XVI’s visit, considerable destabilizing changes in the region have added incentive to this latest opportunity for the Papacy. Read more

Speaking out against Islam and annoying its allies and sympathisers

There has been quite a stir in the Northern Ireland press, following the publicised statements by Pastor James McConnell of Metropolitan Tabernacle Church in Belfast. While having serious issues with Pastor McConnell’s theology in the past, what he has said in general about the faith of Islam is Biblical and correct. Read more

How British tax payers’ money is wickedly squandered on “Ne’er do wells”

Article by a Conservative MEP, Daniel Hannan. Read more

One in four people around the world are anti-Semitic and only half are aware of the Holocaust, warns survey.

Read more…

Will Jean EVER get justice? Gerry Adams goes free after four days of questioning over widow’s 1972 murder – but claims HE’S the victim of ‘sinister British forces’

Sinn Fein boss Gerry Adams warned the son of IRA victim Jean McConville that he faced a ‘backlash’ if he revealed who killed his mother, it was claimed this morning. Michael McConville said he took the Republican leader’s warning as a ‘threat’ and backed off. Mr Adam’s allegedly made the veiled warning as a report was being drawn up into claims Mrs McConville was an informer for the British government. Read more

Latest news stories


More news

Kyle Paisley: Peter Robinson’s Muslim comments ‘condescending’

Joint TUV – UKIP Statement – 100,000 Unionists Cannot Be Ignored

DUP: Dineen Walker apologises for calling Anna Lo racist

DUP councillor Dineen Walker calls Anna Lo a racist in bizarre Facebook outburst

FM in private apology over Islam remarks

Muslim leaders ‘accept Robinson apology’

First Minister Peter Robinson must go or Stormont will be a sham

Peter Robinson Islam row: Business leader fears long-term trade damage as First Minister’s remarks are broadcast all over the world

Peter Robinson Islam row: Doctors may quit health service – (SinnFein/Muslim windup – wait a week or two and count just how many left!!!???)

Let Evangelical Protestants be Evangelical Protestants

Anna Lo to quit NI politics over disillusionment – (Nothing to do with the hammering she received at the polls recently of course!!)

Woman sentenced to death for apostasy ‘forced to give birth in prison with her legs chained’ – (This is Islam under the light of International scrutiny – no compassion)

Bomb explodes in hotel lobby

Relief as appeal by killers of PC Stephen Carroll fails

FIANNA Fail leader Micheal Martin facing split in FF as TDs urge deal with Sinn Fein

Pope Francis’s unfriendly visit to Israel

Peter Robinson faces backlash after saying he ‘wouldn’t trust’ Muslims (First Minister says he wouldn’t trust Muslims guilty of terrorism, how come he entered a coalition with Sinn Fein!!??)

Clash over anti-Islamic preacher

Northern Ireland’s Peter Robinson caught in religious row after defending preacher’s ‘evil Islam’ sermon

First Minister does not ‘want to insult or cause distress to local Muslims’

Robinson ‘never meant to insult Muslims’

Robinson clarifies Islam remarks

Anna Lo ‘considering leaving Northern Ireland’ after Peter Robinson gives backing for ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon pastor – (What a loss that would be???)

Northern Ireland first minister defends pastor who described Islam as ‘satanic’

Robinson and McGuinness clash over Pastor’s Muslims remarks

Silence on Garda-IRA collusion ‘damning indictment’ on Dublin

Ukip branch chairman: ‘London is being ethnically cleansed of white people’

Pakistani woman stoned to death by her Muslim family for marrying the man she loved – (If they do this on their own . . . .?)

Pastor James McConnell: The other side of ecumenism – (Christian parents with children at state schools please take note!!!!)

Republic of Ireland has questions to answer over the IRA

ENGLAND – Controlling Muslim husband who forced wife to convert to Islam and before he killed her while she was pregnant is jailed for 17 years

I renounced Islam, so my family think I should die

Stormont TUV thorn ‘sharpened’

SF resumes march towards strength on both sides of border

Talkative Priest Goes Silent

Peter Robinson backs Pastor James McConnell over Islamic remarks

First Minister Peter Robinson backs controversial preacher Pastor James McConnell who denounced Islam as ‘spawn of the devil’

Family of Lord and Lady Gibson demand an inquiry

Solicitor, John McBurney calls for border killings to be re-investigated

“Silly wee man” – Archbishop of Canterbury to meet Pope in Rome next month

Forty years on: what has changed?

Police probe Basil McCrea sex claims

A History of the First World War in 100 Moments: Massacre of the innocents – the day 21,000 British men walked bravely to their deaths – (5,500 Ulster officers and men killed – see Wikipedia article here)

Lord Trimble calls for inquiry into Lord and Lady Gibson’s murders

Unionists burst into song at Dodds result – (It has to be remembered that in years gone by it was the verse of a hymn that was sung rather than a sadly outdated party song)

Alarm bells for the DUP as their vote is eclipsed by Sinn Fein

Euro result: DUP and SF win comfortably but strong vote for TUV and Ukip

Euro result: DUP and SF win comfortably but strong vote for TUV and Ukip

Comment: Nationalist politics is lacking ‘a Jim Allister’

Online petition launched as Banbridge council bans gay sex painting

Stunned (Dublin) Coalition gets rude awakening on risk of ignoring threat of Sinn Fein

NI21 leader Basil McCrea takes legal action

Divided we fall: NI21 chiefs Basil McCrea and John McCallister can’t bear to be in same room

Muslim school turned away new governors after the council launched a take-over following persistently poor teaching and management

Presbyterian moderator slams Pastor’s Islam comments

Pastor James McConnell: Powers of darkness won’t silence me

Alarm bells for the DUP as their vote is eclipsed by Sinn Fein

Three gay politicians on newly elected Belfast City council – (This the fruit of apostasy and compromise with ecumenism)

British jihadists make up the largest foreign contingent of one of the most violent terrorist groups in Syria

Pope Francis prays at Western Wall – (Muslims are his ‘dear brothers’!)

Why you cannot dismiss Islam as ‘spawned in hell’ – (Comments of an ecumenical nitwit)

Sinn Fein emerges as biggest party in Northern Ireland – DUP claims most seats

Sinn Féin tastes electoral success north and south of the Irish border

IRA moonshine operation smashed by Customs officers

Ukip storms European elections

Lib Dems call for Nick Clegg’s head

Five men held after suspected bomb found in County Louth

Possible dissident bomb plot foiled by gardai after cars searched in Co Louth

Slovak parents fail to block adoption by gay couple – (How sad that the failures of the parents should should bring such an affliction on the children. The Word of God stands true, Exodus 34:7)

NI21 European candidate Tina McKenzie quitting politics

NI21’s McKenzie refuses to answer News Letter questions

NI21 row: Call for McCrea to step aside after alleged sex victim goes public

NI21 boss Basil McCrea rocked by sex claims from up to nine women

NI21 split amid allegations against McCrea of inappropriate sexual conduct

TUV result ‘sends out a clear message to rest of the country’

Day One: NI Election As It Happened

Day Two: NI Election Results

Claudy blast compensation claim ‘hopelessly out of time’

 NI21 implodes amid allegations against Basil McCrea

 NI21 row: Basil McCrea denies allegations

NI21 leader denies sex allegations

 NI21 in turmoil as European candidate McKenzie quits party

 Sinn Fein upbeat as established parties brace for backlash in Irish Republic

 Ukip ‘earthquake’ rocks Labour and Tories in Elections 2014

 Nigel Farage: ‘The Ukip fox is in the Westminster hen-house’

Why Are the Irish (Roman Catholic republicans) Increasingly Siding With Palestine Over Israel?

NI21 party rejects ‘unionist’ label, will redesignate in Assembly

NI21 in chaos as deputy leader says party is dysfunctional

NI21: Basil McCrea challenges John McCallister on ‘dysfunctional’ claim

Unionists round on SF’s Anderson in Euro debate

By next week, the political landscape of this country will have changed forever

Gerry Adams: I’m very relaxed about most Sinn Féin supporters thinking I was in the IRA

Ballymurphy families: Were same soldiers involved on Bloody Sunday?

Public favours royal attendance at 1916 celebrations

Pastor James McConnell’s Islamic remarks investigated by police – (His reported comments are absolutely correct. God condemns ALL religions outside Biblical Christianity as wicked and will bring damnation upon their adherents.) “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8, KJV.

Firebombs on Bat Mitzva Girls’ Bus, Only Arutz Sheva Reports It – (other media silent!!)

Belfast Telegraph online vote puts TUV’s Jim Allister top of the poll

MyVote: Belfast Telegraph’s online survey ends with some surprising results

TUV Gives Unionists Opportunity to Give Their Verdict

Peter Robinson asks Sinn Fein to ‘hold hands up to IRA cowardice’

Jean McConville’s notorious IRA killing is just the thin end of a grisly wedge

Adams defends Sinn Féin’s McConville comments

Majority of (Rep of Ireland) voters believe Gerry Adams was in IRA

Could unionist turn-off from politics help the SDLP return to Europe?

One of ‘Colombia Three’ has weapons conviction quashed

Historical Abuse Inquiry: Sisters of Nazareth congregation admits abuse at homes

Bishop ‘took nuns for granted’

Same-sex marriage backed by Church of Ireland bishop

Church of Ireland bishop backs same sex marriages

Sex change drugs ‘to be offered to nine-year-olds’

Apostasy case: Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey calls on British Muslim leaders to back the right to convert from Islam

Shinners’ Stepford Wives can’t just plead ignorance

Despite SF’s claim that Adams is asset, poll shows it would do much better without him

IRA diesel smugglers fail to crack colourless marker

Hyde Park IRA bomb suspect John Downey probed over links to two murdered UDR soldiers

Election results may surprise and Jim Allister is the one to watch

McConvilles take heart from voters who doubt truth of Adams’s denial

Outrage at decision not to provide signs for war graves

Eisenhower remembered in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

Half of voters believe Adams was involved in McConville murder

Stop raising Maze debate, says Diane Dodds

Nesbitt: Maze showed that UUP can force DUP U-turns

Gardai on alert as RIRA plans fertiliser bomb

Climate change science has become ‘blind’ to green bias

Victims of loyalists and IRA sue UK and Dublin

Derry trio jailed for transporting bomb

Kevin McDaid murder: Beaten to death… five years on family still wait to see his killers in court

Gerry Adams to take legal action against Independent Newspapers

DUP’s justice fears over claim sex case police briefed Gerry Adams

‘Insensitive’ Gerry Kelly remark on Maze after Balmoral visit

Sinn Fein slow to slam racketeers in south Armagh

Why are DUP Still Dodging Victims Issues?

Allister Welcomes DUP Clarification on Vote-Splitting Scaremongers

Eisenhower’s visit to Enniskillen – 1944

David Trimble: Civil servants almost scuppered the peace process – (What “Peace Process”??)

Trimble denies knowledge of on-the-runs scheme

Jean McConville: The murder still haunting republicans after 42 years – (Liam C would not understand but it will haunt them for a lot longer than 42 years)

Adams’ arrogance may be his downfall – (Inevitably yes, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18, KJV.)

Bitter row within British Labour over Troubles amnesty

Sinn Féin on course to be big winner in elections – south of the border.

Key issue is whether voters still believe Adams

Brother’s sex abuse case comes back to haunt Gerry Adams – (Evidence of pro-Sinn Fein elements in the PSNI)

Police briefed Gerry Adams on paedophile brother Liam’s case before trial: claim

Jim Allister Reminds Public of Sinn Fein Euro Candidate’s IRA Pedigree

DUP set to dominate local government: Election forecast says Northern Ireland’s largest party to retain position

Personal morals do have a place in politics, says NI21 candidate – (That should bar the majority of candidates from standing!!)

Nigel Farage urged to explain Ukip candidacy of Orange Order man

Bitter bust-up in Assembly over Sinn Fein racist attack claims

Documentation obtained by the UUP after a protracted battle with OFMdFM is a timely reminder of what the DUP and Sinn Fein would have done with £18 million of EU funding at the Maze

Orange Order slam McGuinness’ claims as ‘ludicrous’

Nationalists closing in on overall majority as unionist vote splits

Jean McConville not big poll issue, says SF hopeful

Gerry Adams made a meal out of his arrest

Sinn Féin caught out making up the numbers

TUV man challenges DUP over Sinn Fein

‘Northern Irish’ ministers should be on Council of Ministers, say Sinn Fein

Probe into 1982 IRA murder of UDR man hailed

Irish police: Damning Guerin report published

Garda faces third major corruption probe in a decade

Some Catholic priests are still being allowed to continue ministry despite admissions of wrongdoing

Boston College’s dirty deal a slap in face to victims

Boston College to be sued over Belfast Project tapes

Time for Lord Bew to come clean on the Boston College tapes fiasco

Bloody Sunday soldiers could be prosecuted with anonymous witnesses

Provisional IRA activist linked to hotel bomb find

Dublin: Man charged in connection with Lucan bomb find

Adams can’t stay in character as a statesman for long

‘On-the-run’, Owen Carron, defends role as border school principal

Arrest galvanised Sinn Féin election campaign says Adams

Car bomb found at country retreat ‘made in Belfast’: Vehicle with Northern Ireland number plates containing milk churn

Martin McGuinness accuses Peter Robinson of ‘cowardice’

Martin McGuinness accuses Peter Robinson of ‘cowardice of the worst kind’ over loyalist attacks in east Belfast

DUP anger at DFM’s ‘cowardice’ allegation

Seamus Ruddy: Sister says family know names of killers

NI women not entitled to free NHS abortions in England says High Court

Ex-Fianna Fail mayor slams QUB poppy row

Officers linked to heroin dealing claims Independent TD, Luke “Ming” Flanagan

No Pensions for injured IRA terrorists

Protestant churches unite in call for new body to support controlled schools – (Why some of in the FPC believe in Christian Education)

Top cop Assistant Chief Constable Drew Harris faces wrath over Gerry Adams arrest – (What’s new? the same republicans spent their time trying to murder policemen of all ranks!!)

‘It is deeply damaging to single out distinguished officers like ACC Drew Harris’

Letters: Truth will out as a leopard cannot change its spots

IRA man’s brother disgusted at Sinn Fein treatment of McConvilles

On the Runs: 95 of 228 republicans linked to 295 murders

On-the-run letters men are linked to 200 deaths, says senior police officer

Irish Justice Minister Alan Shatter resign

‘Graft’ scandal claims third scalp

Former Co-op boss and suspend Methodist minister Paul Flowers admits drug possession

‘Crystal Methodist’ pleads guilty over drug charges

TUV launches its election manifesto

Vatican to beatify Pope Paul VI after recognising ‘miracle’ that he cured an unborn baby of an untreatable illness

Is this the lost citadel of the King David who beheaded Goliath? Or is it just another attempt to extend Jewish control in East Jerusalem?

IRA fugitives given ‘letters of comfort’ are linked to 300 killings

Five ‘On The Runs’ under investigation for Troubles killings

Revealed: 100 IRA terrorists who were told by police they will not be arrested are linked to THREE HUNDRED murders

PSNI chief Matt Baggott to face questions over ‘on-the’run letters

Jean McConville murder: Man, 56, arrested in Antrim – (Is this another police farce which only adds to family’s grief and torment?)

Prosecutors in Gerry Adams case may have to consider public interest – (It is always in the public interest to punish murderers)

Gerry Adams insists Sinn Féin fully committed to policing – (Yes, now when it is reasonable to assume he will not be prosecuted!!)

Gerry Adams’ arrest leaves Sinn Féin/PSNI relations strained – (How sad when they were such friends before hand!!!!)

DUP planned to seek Sinn Féin’s expulsion from Executive over police support warning – (If that were true, they would still have grounds to dissolve their union with Sinn Fein)

Bids to debate Adams’ arrest rejected – (This shows the true state of the DUP’s thinking)

Until Troubles-era crimes are dealt with in a co-ordinated way there will always be allegations of political policing

Bobby Storey: ‘Enforcer’ is a key ally of Gerry Adams

Boston tapes academic Anthony McIntyre: Adams not interested in dealing with past

Jean McConville’s daughter tells of fears over 40 years after IRA killing: I’m relieved my mother hasn’t been forgotten

Peter Robinson: a vote for TUV is a wasted unionist vote – (I would rather waste my vote than vοtε for deceit, power-sharing with murderers and treachery)

DUP leader Robinson has Adams and Allister on his mind

Assistant garda chief in shortlist for top job at PSNI – (Republicanising of Ulster continues)

Police tell Gerry Adams’ wife of death threat to Sinn Fein chief

‘Death threats for Adams and Storey’

Adams ‘will not face any charges’: Sinn Fein president set to escape trial over McConville murder ‘due to lack of evidence’

Matt Baggott rejects Sinn Féin police arrest claims

Omagh bombing activist to advise Jean McConville’s family over Gerry Adams

Michael McConville says Gerry Adams threatened a “backlash” if he named his mother’s murder suspects

We all sympathise with the McConville children now, but back in 1972 nobody cared

Mountbatten bomber key member of Sinn Fein candidate Carthy’s team

Comment: Outrage at Adams arrest? Most of west Belfast didn’t care

Gerry Adams release will not make fallout go away, you know

Peter Robinson: Sinn Fein’s nauseating conduct unacceptable

Key figures ‘upping the ante’ over Boston College tapes

Sinn Fein will not blackmail police, warns Peter Robinson

McConville son in ‘backlash’ claim – “Gerry Adams threatened him with a ‘backlash’ if he released the names of those he believed were responsible”

McConville case ‘interference’ concerns

Sinn Féin trying to blackmail police over Gerry Adams, says first minister – (Why then does he stay in a coalition with a blackmailer???)

Seven ex-DUP men pledge their support for TUV

Will Jean EVER get justice? Gerry Adams goes free after four days of questioning over widow’s 1972 murder – but claims HE’S the victim of ‘sinister British forces’

McConville fight for justice goes on as Adams freed

Jean McConville’s son urges independent murder probe

Adams alleges ‘malicious’ campaign against him

Adams returns to campaign trail

Freed Gerry Adams: the IRA has gone, the past is past

Video: Martin McGuinness blames anti-Sinn Fein police for Gerry Adams arrest

Gerry Adams arrested: Action ‘entirely appropriate’ says Stormont justice minister David Ford as police get more time to quiz Sinn Fein leader

Norman Tebbit – Gerry Adams arrested: the grim stories of the Troubles are still coming out

Sodomite bishop Gene Robinson to divorce

IRA’s omertà (code of silence) is not as watertight as it used to be…

Sinn Fein’s reaction to Adams arrest sending wrong message

Adams ‘supports PSNI’ after release – (Have you heard the one about Goldilocks and the three bears!!!)

Authorities bow to IRA/Sinn Fein pressure in Adams cop out

The secret royal pardons for IRA terrorists: MP attacks ‘cover-up’ after it’s revealed 365 people have been given amnesties in Northern Ireland since 1979

Mercy is the Very Thing Terrorists Didn’t Show


April 2014

Plant Worker: Aborted Babies Had Been Incinerated for Years, “There Was So Much Blood”

by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com

A former plant worker at the facility found to be burning aborted babies for energy says the practice had been going on for years and he believes plant officials and perhaps even county government officials should have known.

Local officials in Oregon are upset that an energy plant is reportedly burning aborted babies from Canada to generate electricity. As LifeNews reported on Thursday, they launched an investigation into how and why aborted babies were included along with medical waste shipped from Canada to Oregon to be incinerated for energy at a recycling plant. Read more

The first Free Presbyterian Church

crossgarfpcCrossgar Free Presbyterian Church is the first Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster and the congregation out of which the worldwide Free Presbyterian movement originated. It came into being on 17th March 1951 out of evangelistic fervour, which brought it into conflict with the liberal agenda that was gaining ground in many denominations. Early in 1950, the Committee of the Crossgar Mission Hall approached the 24 year old Rev. Ian Paisley to determine whether he would conduct a Gospel Campaign in the town. After careful consideration and prayer, the date was fixed for February 1951. The Campaign Committee, the majority of whom were office-bearers or members of Lissara Presbyterian Church, feeling that the Mission Hall would be too small, decided to ask their Kirk Session for the use of the local Presbyterian Church hall for the campaign. This was unanimously granted at a meeting of Session. Read more

Did Noah pray for revival???

The Saviour clearly tells us that “ . . as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be,” Matthew 24:37-39. Read more

Pastor Joel Beeke, through RHB, Promoting Modern Bible Translations, Corrupt Teachers, and the UBS

Once again those brethren who have clung to Dr Joel Beeke and refused to see any error in his ways or wrong in the company he keeps are challenged by this article by Pastor Ralph Ovadal to consider in the light of God’s Word the behaviour of this brother.

Here in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, the Authorised Version of the Bible and its use in our churches have been sacrosanct. The endorsement by Dr Beeke of two modern versions, which have been deemed inferior and untrustworthy by such as The Trinitarian Bible Society, is most alarming.

Surely we are seeing a repeat of the “Billy Graham saga” of some 60 years ago when there were those who blindly clung to his coat-tails and refused to see where his compromises were leading.

“And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother,” 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15. Read the article

A History of Ireland as It Relates to the Ulster Scots

or, Gospel mercy over the past 1500 years

The text of a series of lectures for “The Heart of the Matter”, March 2014 by Rev Ivan Foster

The Gospel of Christ came to Ireland over 1500 years ago. Despite many attempts by Satan and his agents God has been pleased to maintain His truth in this land. This is a brief overview of that period. Read more

From Patrick to the Rebellion of 1641

Sermon not found!

Sermon not found!

Featured news stories

Explosives accused had ‘biggest amount of Semtex seized in Northern Ireland for 10 years’

Police questioning Gerry Adams for a third day have NEW VIDEO evidence of who ordered Jean McConville’s execution

Gerry Adams arrested: Senior republicans Evelyn Gilroy and Peter Rodgers refuse to give statements to PSNI over Sinn Fein leader

Gerry Adams arrest: The day the rift at heart of Stormont grew deeper

Gardai ‘should question Adams on ex-IRA man’s bomb order claims’

David Cameron in bid to protect peace process over Gerry Adams arrest

Sinn Fein reconsiders police suppport ‘if Gerry Adams charged’

SDLP: McGuinness’ threat to withdraw support for PSNI ‘incredibly ill-judged’

Arrest of Gerry Adams ‘appropriate’, says Justice Minister David Ford

Kenny weighs in on North policing row – (He makes a point which should embarrass Sinn Fein – if that were possible!!)

McGuinness: SF will not allow these dark elements to succeed

Analysis: SF finding it harder to blame the system now that it’s in that system – (Sinn Fein only happy when law doesn’t apply to them!)

Martin McGuinness and Sinn Féin on the horns of a policing dilemma

Charging Gerry Adams with murder ‘will spark crisis in Ulster’

Gerry Adams arrest: Is it possible to have justice and peace?

Jean McConville and the IRA: let’s hope her daughter’s courage is contagious

Provos can’t wash Jean’s blood from their hands

Whatever Gerry Adams’ past, peace takes precedence over justice

Video: ‘Arrogant’ Max Clifford jailed for eight years

Police review new Max Clifford claims after he is sentenced to 8 years for indecent assaults


Previously featured news stories

Sinn Fein: McConville family should feel free to give information to police

Jean McConville’s daughter: I’ll name names over IRA killing

Gerry Adams, leader of Irish Republican Army’s Sinn Féin, still in custody over 1972 murder

Jean McConville’s son says mother’s murder is as bad as Bosnian or WWII atrocity

Gerry Adams arrested: ‘Malicious’ republicans caused arrest, Martin McGuinness claims

Sinn Féin claims of ‘political policing’ dismissed

Inconvenient truths in Gerry Adams case

Analysis: Arrest of Adams shows another face of SF to voters

How tapes made by U.S. library could solve N. Ireland murder

Sinn Fein Boss Gerry Adams Wanted This Murder Bust

DUP: No role for Sinn Fein in writing story of Troubles

Police in Belfast in ‘significant’ republican explosives find

Gerry Adams remains in custody over McConville murder

Family of IRA victim hope for ‘justice’ after arrest of Gerry Adams

Gerry Adams arrested over 1972 murder of Jean McConville

Gerry Adams arrested by police probing IRA murder of Jean McConville

Justice call as police quiz Adams

Just what is being covered up in La Mon atrocity?

HIA inquiry: Sister of Nazareth nun denies abuse claims

On the Run letters could be withdrawn, committee told

Ronnie Flanagan: on the run letters were not amnesties

DUP reacts strongly to McGuinness’ UVF comments

Assembly Speaker William Hay to probe DUP ‘insults’

Of all Catholic rituals, canonisation is nonsense

Spanish government to face court after policing award given to (a statue of) the Virgin Mary

Same-sex marriage: NI Assembly rejects motion for third time – (Northern Ireland is only part of the UK which has not passed a same-sex marriage law)

Gay (sodomite) marriage support motion fails once again

Same Sex Marriage Isn’t An Equality Issue

Northern Ireland MLAs reject same-sex marriage again … now issue may go to court – says Sinn Feiner

Northern Ireland’s block on gay marriage bill faces legal action

Ballymurphy massacre: Families furious as Theresa Villiers rules out inquiry

Decision not to hold La Mon inquiry ‘devastating’ for victims

Taoiseach disappointed with British refusal to hold Ballymurphy massacre investigation – (No disappointment expressed over La Mon refusal!!)

Cyril Smith admitted spanking and touching boys, but I let him stay, says Lord Steel – (The man who introduced the 1967 Abortion Act in UK)

McGuinness should be tried if involved in ‘criminal activity’

Martin McGuinness claims old: Peter Robinson

Immediate removal of IRA playpark name is rejected

Doctors who oppose morning-after pill on conscience grounds face qualifications bar

Same-sex marriage motion to be debated by NI Assembly

Democratic Unionist Party blocks same-sex marriage motion

Stormont to debate same-sex marriage but bid set to fail

Churches urge Stormont to oppose gay marriage

Max Clifford found guilty of sexual assaults

You don’t have to be a saint to be a saint

Cyril Smith scandal: New inquiry to look into sex abuse claims and allegations of council ‘cover-up’

An admission of IRA membership from Adams ‘would boost peace’ (Only an utter fool would embrace such a notion!!!)

Haass peace proposals under threat if Unionists agree to back ‘contract’

Fury at political signs on Black Mountain

Belfast Republican at centre of gun-running allegations delivers Easter address in Carrickmore

The weapons man: ‘I gave the IRA powerful anti-tank shells the US Army used in Iraq war’

Thousands take part in Larne UVF gun-running commemoration

Enda Kenny hopes Pope Francis will visit Northern Ireland – (Many of us don’t share Mr. Kenny’s hopes!!)

Sir Cyril Smith abuse ‘cover-up’ claims probed by police

Liberals had too many ‘guilty secrets’ of their own to confront Cyril Smith

‘Cover-up’ claims over Blair minister suspected of abusing children at home run by paedophile

Son of Sinn Fein TD stabbed at home

Pope Francis declares two former Popes saints – (The paganism of popery, Colossians 1:12)

Pope Francis makes saints of John XXIII and John Paul II in an historic day in Rome

Killer’s lost clippers net him £800

Thousands take part in Larne UVF gun-running commemoration

European and council elections give Northern Ireland chance to pass judgement on parties for first time in three years

Fury at petition on park name

Strabane Sinn Féin council vice-chair accused of assaulting SDLP man

Cyril Smith’s family welcomes inquiry into abuse claims

PPS to review prosecutions on IRA parade

EU costing you £1m every hour – Jim Allister

Garda silent on call to question Gerry Adams on bomb

SF leader ‘mired in IRA murder machine’

Too many unionists splitting the Euro vote, says DUP boss Robinson

The collapse of the Stormont institutions is not inevitable, but it is much closer than most people realise

Masked men escort funeral of paramilitary victim in Belfast

DUP’s fury over ‘paramilitary show of strength’ at funeral of republican Tommy Crossan

Diplomat: US will assist probe into IRA gun-running

Ex-IRA man claims Adams and McGuinness gave him bombing order

Adams and McGuinness ‘ordered transportation of explosives’

DUP: Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness must admit roles over IRA dynamite claim

Martin McGuinness a ‘traitor to Ireland’ – masked CIRA man’s chilling speech

The worst behaved pupils in the world? You’d better believe it: As a study says schools are even more anarchic than we thought, the shocking testimony of a once idealistic young teacher – (This all stems from the ban on Scriptural means of discipline)

Man to appear in court in connection to death of dissident republican

Europe has turned us into a begging bowl culture

David Cameron faking Christian convictions, suggests Alastair Campbell – (Given his support for sodomite marriage, it is difficult to see him as anything other than a fake!!!)

Martin McGuinness criticised by republican dissidents for toast to Queen

Why not voting might be the only way to change things

Comment: Alex Kane is wrong to waste his vote

Gesture by Apprentice Boys leads to call for respect from nationalists

Families’ fury as Omagh suspects bid to overturn £1.6m damages

Banner for IRA man Raymond McCreesh ‘an insult to terror victims’

Giro d’Italia: Armagh church services rearranged for race – (Cycling & Sabbath desecration comes before God and His Word)

Thousands die of thirst and poor care in NHS

Cardinal warns politicians over ‘alarmist’ immigration rhetoric – (Of course it is a mere coincidence that the majority of immigrants are from RC countries!!)

Illegal abortion doctors face no action

Why Tommy Crossan had so many enemies

Tommy Crossan murder: 26-year-old man released without charge

Adams accuses Government of dumbing down 1916 Rising

Arrest Adams now for McConville murder says ex-republican prisoner

Call for Adams to be arrested over McConville case

Arrest Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams over Jean McConville murder, says republican

After terrorists go to European court… Human rights law helps murderers not victims, say Omagh families

Tommy Crossan killers ‘just criminals masquerading as republicans’ – Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson – (Since she is a convicted member of the IRA she ought to know!!)

Judge Sir Paul Coleridge retires and calls for end to family breakdown

Prominent dissident Republican Tommy Crossan shot dead in west Belfast

Ex-IRA chief and ‘British spy’ is shot dead in Belfast in ‘tragic reminder of violent past conflict’

Man held over killing of former Continuity IRA leader

The big snag regarding an opposition in Northern Ireland Assembly

Anywhere else but here, Sinn Fein wouldn’t stand a chance

Magherafelt-born priest takes on Peter Robinson over Pope invite – (“I am interested to know why Mr Robinson has back tracked so quickly”)

Successor to Cardinal Brady would ‘love to see visit by Pope’

Fianna Fail attacks plans for royals to join 1916 celebrations

Only 46% think religion is good for the country

State schools in Birmingham discrimate against non-Muslim and restrict GCSE teaching to fit in with Islamic beliefs – official report

Peter Robinson: If Pope Francis visits Belfast as a head of state, then I would be there to greet him

€20m of fake notes seized after major sting on dissidents

Sinn Féin’s Paul Maskey says sorry to Bishop John McAreavey over abortion letter

Sinn Fein apologises to Bishop John McAreavey

Catholic bishops from England and Wales call for Church to allow priests to marry

Survey of Fermanagh Orangemen not a true reflection of Orange views

Sharia student loans: Will Muslim students avoid paying interest on finance for higher education?

Half of foreign doctors are below British standards

How UVF brought 20,000 guns into Ulster politics – April 1914.

Theresa Villiers: Stormont could fall if it cannot evolve and embody a normal opposition

Peter Robinson: Why Gerry Adams is at the heart of my problems with Sinn Fein

Roman Catholic Church refuses survey request

Frazer fails to get bail conditions relaxed for election canvass

Villiers comments ‘insensitive to thousands of victims’

Theresa Villiers: Stop fighting over past and start delivering for present

Why a royal presence at the 1916 Rising centenary would be a historical contrivance

Truth, lies and Martin McGuinness – (This the man Robinson does not seem to have problem!!)

Where are all Spike Murray’s mates now?

Republicans say McGuinness should stay away from Easter commemorations

Two arrested after fertilizer found in van

Two arrested as ‘bomb alert’ police swoop on van carrying fertiliser

Birmingham pub bombings: Victims’ families say third bomb revelations supports call for public inquiry

Sir Cyril claims ‘raised on floor’ – (Pervert network at Westminster protected this evil man)

Homes evacuated after van seized in Co Tyrone

DUP urges supporters to give Euro transfer votes to UKIP and UUP

Robinson “No TUV Transfers” Call Reveal Who’s Worrying him

Omagh bomb ‘suspect’ arrested

Catholic woman’s family to sue British Government for alleged collusion in UDA murder

Police refuse to reveal details of lost pub bombings evidence – days after admitting NO fresh probe

Video – Birmingham pub bombing campaigner: ‘I am ashamed to be British.’

The Young: Peace, what peace? 65% believe that conflict really hasn’t ended

Peter Robinson’s gesture to Pope Francis is encouraging – (Oh Oh! Ecumenists are encouraged by Peter R’s stance)

Robinson ‘open’ to having meeting with Pope Francis

Division is costing unionists dearly Robinson tells DUP Spring Conference – (He seems to forget that it was he and his party who divided Unionism by entering government with the unrepentant terrorists he now berates in order to garner votes!!)

REVEALED: How the Pope begged Margaret Thatcher to abandon the Falklands in 1982

The Queen and Martin McGuinness – the idea that victims would be expected to welcome ex-IRA commander at banquet sickens me

Turning a blind eye to IRA violence

Love-in with British shuns vile history

If the sight of Martin McGuinness at state occasions repulses you, blame the Tory Party

White tie and terror: proof that we gave in to the IRA

Comment: The Queen may forgive the IRA – but I never will

Omagh bombing: When will Martin McGuinness break the IRA omertà over this atrocity?

Lord Tebbit: ‘My wife is imprisoned in a wheelchair’

UKIP calls on Sinn Fein to drop claim Northern Ireland is an occupied territory

Sorry still the hardest word for SF even after all this time

Former IRA man Gerry McGeough to appeal conviction

Omagh: ‘At last, I am hopeful of justice for my son James Barker’

Monstrous cover-up: How the Liberal party, police and MI5 concealed MP Cyril Smith’s industrial-scale child abuse

I don’t think God exists, but faith is part of who I am, says ‘Jewish atheist’ Ed Miliband – (No God? – No Jews!)

Former shadow Tory minister Patrick Mercer expected to be banned for up to six months

Senior Tory steps down as rumours of lewd behaviour sweep ‘palace of sexminster’ – (More evidence of the rottenness of British political establishment)

Exclusive: Inquiry into Tory conference ‘gay-sex party paid on expenses’ – (Yet more evidence of the rottenness of British political establishment)

Tory Minister Alan Duncan slammed for saying ‘primitive cultures’ have anti-LGBT problem – (Yet even more evidence of the rottenness of British political establishment)

Baby on trial for attempted murder has charges dismissed

Sinn Fein say no change in Westminster seats stance

Queen greets McGuinness at Windsor Castle

Ex-IRA men slam banquet appearances by McGuinness – (Claims that McGuinness was “chief of staff of the IRA at the time Lord Mountbatten was killed”)

Sec of State for NI, Theresa Villiers in OTR Kingsmills row

Omagh bomb: Seamus Daly charged with 29 murders

Seamus Daly is remanded in custody

Norman Tebbit says Martin McGuinness shooting jibe was mistake

DUP MLA Jim Wells queries jail beauty salon treatments

Sister questions if murdered RUC men were used as ‘pawns’

Pressure mounting over ‘IRA’ playground in Newry

Drop Mass ban, say rural Orangemen – (This is the result of the influence of the ecumenical Church of Ireland in particular)

DUP Comments on Easter Lilies Shocking

Nigel Evans found not guilty: After MP is cleared of sexual assaults, parliamentary workers testify to alcohol-fuelled sexual harassment rife at Westminster after dark – (A clear indication of the nation’s moral condition)

Coroner: tell us if Kingsmills killers got letters of comfort

Hugh Orde leaves OTR blame at the feet of Fermanagh man Norman Baxter

Martin McGuinness dismisses Lord Tebbit’s Real IRA jibe

SF denounces senior Conservative’s wish to see McGuinness shot by dissidents – (“Then said Jesus unto him . . . . for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword,” Matthew 26:52)

Martin McGuinness attends a banquet with the Queen; families of IRA victims shiver outside. Such is the logic of the ‘peace process’

Provisional IRA gunrunning from Florida to be re-investigated by PSNI

DUP call for PSNI to answer questions over gun-running claims

Magherafelt Sinn Fein councillor says Easter lilies will not be removed

TUV Demand Removal of Terrorist Display in Magherafelt Council

Terror crimes must not go unpunished, Cameron says of Massereene murders – (What hypocrisy from one who heads a government which issued :Get out of Jail free” cards to IRA men)

Martin McGuinness toasts Queen at Windsor Castle state banquet – (Victims of IRA terror protest outside castle)

Birmingham pub bombings sister wants Martin McGuinness arrest

Birmingham bomb victim’s sister says arrest McGuinness

Dine with IRA killers, your Majesty, and it will be Al Qaeda terrorists next?

Maria Miller quits as culture secretary after expenses row

Post-ceasefire and Agreement, senior SF figure, Sean Murray, ‘imported guns used to kill’

BBC Spotlight’s expose of Sean Murray confirms the utter corruption which has lain at the heart of the ‘peace process

Senior Sinn Fein figure begins discrimination case against party

Tory peer Lord Tebbit calls for OTR probe terms extension

Norman Tebbit: I hope Real IRA dissidents shoot Martin McGuinness for attending State banquet with Queen at Windsor Castle

Victims voice ‘hurt and anger’ at McGuinness banquet invitation – (“The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” Psalms 12:8, KJV.)

Omagh victim’s father will protest as Queen dines with McGuinness: Solicitor whose son, 12, was killed in 1998 bombings will demonstrate outside Windsor Castle

Irish President Michael D Higgins in historic UK visit

President Higgins on UK trip: It is wrong to wipe slate clean and forget past

Higgins warns against forgetting the Troubles

President Higgins says pain of past must be dealt with

Video: Angry exchanges at police HQ after Birmingham pub bombings campaigners told there will NOT be a new investigation

Ancient Order of Hibernians leader slams Irish president’s state visit to Britain

Cabinet minister Maria Miller is being hounded – Johnson

Tory MPs call for Miller to be sacked

Maria Miller expenses row: Tory MPs grow restless as tide starts to turn against Culture Minister

Peter Hain’s ‘amnesty’ call condemned

Arlene Foster critices Hain’s call for amnesty

Allister the only voice to speak out on EU in Stormont debate

Royal tour: “gay dads” among 10 parents who will meet Cambridges and Prince George at playgroup

Gay Birmingham teacher resigns after parents complained that they did not want him to teach their children – parents complained that they did not want their children to “learn that it’s OK to be gay” – (Showing morse sense than the Royals!!)

Alex Attwood: Sinn Féin pulled out of welfare reform deal

Attending queen’s state dinner is not surrender – McGuinness (Someone is feeling the heat!!)

Troubles crimes should be ‘left unsolved’, says former NI secretary, Peter Hain

Amnesty for all terrorists vital for the North, says Hain

Norman Baxter highlighted a murky world

Gerry Adams ‘pulled the carpet from under Martin McGuinness’ on welfare reform deal

Robinson accuses Sinn Féin of putting Republic before NI

Robinson: if safe, Pope can visit

No prosecution ruling for 15 OTRs – “Public Interest” not justice was the deciding factor!!

OTR immunity ‘a perversion of justice’ – Jim Allister

DUP councillor shot by IRA calls for public inquiry over On-the-Run letters

PSNI chief Matt Baggott challenges Norman Baxter to prove government meddled in OTRs policing

Robinson: McGuinness couldn’t convince Sinn Fein to back welfare deal

McGuinness: Robinson ‘crossed the line’

Peter Robinson made big mistake misrepresenting me over cuts, rages Martin McGuinness

DUP ‘cosying up to Tories’, claim Republicans

Analysis: Welfare impasse raises question over Stormont’s future

Welfare stalemate ‘putting NI on brink of financial crisis’

‘Loyalist thugs are Protestant boys’ only role models’

Peter Robinson ‘crossed line’ says Martin McGuinness – (Things turn even more sour at Stormont – what fools men were to think that power-sharing with SF could work !!!!!)

Sinn Fein and DUP clash on welfare

Vatican launches investigation into Cardinal Keith O’Brien

Archbishop of Canterbury warns over gay marriage

TUV leader Jim Allister to run in European election

TUV will contest Euro election and 50 council seats

Northern Ireland Sinn Fein subservient to party in Dublin: Robinson – (Would it not be true to also say that the DUP is in turn, subservient to Sinn Fein??)

Peter Robinson: I’ll hand control of benefits back to Westminster if welfare row is not settled – (Another day, another threat – will PR really stand up to Sinn Fein??)

Peter Robinson: retired PSNI detective Norman Baxter’s evidence convincing and troubling

Jim Allister Calls for Police Investigation Following Baxter Revelations

Police chief ‘stands by apology’ following the collapse of the Hyde Park IRA bomb case

The Queen meets Pope Francis on visit to Rome – received a gift for Prince George

William and Kate’s Royal nanny ‘could have become nun’, friends say – (This was the pope’s REAL gift to the royal family!!!!)

BBC documentary reveals Thatcher was in talks with IRA at time of bomb

Tony Blair government ‘tried to get IRA suspects released’ – (When Blair became a papist, he was finding his natural home!)

Gerry Adams requested PSNI release of suspects in attempted murder of soldier, committee hears

OFMDFM information move like North Korea, says Nesbitt

Victims will never get justice, former police chief tells On The Runs inquiry

Victims of Gaddafi regime meet in London

Thatcher ‘betrayed unionists’ in 1985

Stormont Executive is incapable of making tough financial decisions

NI education: Poorer Protestant boys underachieving

School failure hitting Protestants harder

Queen in Rome ahead of Pope meeting – (Meeting a succession of popes, in defiance of God’s Word, has brought no blessing to her her and her family!!)


March 2014

A History of Ireland as It Relates to the Ulster Scots:

Heart of the Matter - History of the Ulster Scots

Patrick, the apostle of Ireland

The story of his life as told by himself

Providence has preserved for us two documents written by Patrick. Both of these documents, Patrick’s Confession and Patrick’s Letter, are accepted as genuine by both Protestant and Roman Catholic historians. Patrick wrote in Latin, the language of the scholar of his day. Read more

Kenneth Copeland Embraces “Unity” with the Roman Pope

by Shaun Willcock

It caused a huge stir – but really, should any Christian be surprised? At a conference in Texas, USA, under the auspices of the “ministry” of veteran Charismatic charlatan and false prophet, Kenneth Copeland, a man appeared on a giant TV screen and gave his “blessing” to the assembled congregation. That man was no other than the Jesuit pope of Rome, Francis I. Read more

Are you a window-dressing for error?

An extract from an article entitled “Bible Separation” by Fundamentalist Presbyterian stalwart, the late Dr Charles Woodbridge, (1902 -1980), which deals with the topic of “Secondary Separation”. The original article was written about 1970.

Advocates of Mere “First Degree” Separation

Mr. Jack Wyrtzen, of the Word of Life Fellowship, writes that he has “never gone along with secondary separation.” Dr. Tim La Haye, Baptist pastor of San Diego, California, confesses: “We consider ourselves rock ribbed uncompromising first degree separationists,” although he admits he does “share” a few second degree separation convictions! Read more

Latest news stories


More news

On the Runs: “a culture within the Northern Ireland Office to ensure that republicans were not prosecuted”.

‘Downing Street asked PSNI to release republican terror suspects on request of Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams’

Where was the Unionist Opposition to Further Concessions to Republicans?

Secret Thatcher-IRA memos as early as 1986

Belfast City Council to invite Pope Francis to the city – (Unionists abstain having no opinion, it appears, on “the Pope of Rome . . . . that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself, in the Church, against Christ and all that is called God.” Our forefathers were not so mealy-mouthed)

Pope set to be invited to Belfast – but no unionist support at city council vote

Belfast City Council to invite Pope to city as unionists abstain from historic vote

Republican event at Whiterock leisure centre breached council’s conditions of hire

Alliance party slams Sinn Fein over pictures of young people posing with replica weapons

Watchdog throws out bizarre ‘lost votes’ argument from Robinson and McGuinness

Orange Order demands meeting over US guns

Free Presbyterian minister condemns ‘propaganda’ around gay marriage

No common ground between papacy and Christianity

Removal of Bible from Trinity college crest ‘correctness gone mad’

Gerry Adams hits out at London for Stormont stalemate

‘We’ll never move on until Sinn Fein pays its respects to the UK and Westminster’

David Cameron orders review of Muslim Brotherhood

Second viable device found in Strabane

Dublin bomber ‘seen dripping with blood’ as he fled scene of car blast

British sniper in Afghanistan kills six Taliban with one bullet

Christian preacher wins £13k after wrongful arrest for telling gay couple homosexuality is a sin

Allister furious after ‘IRA terror fest’ held in council leisure centre

Every one of Northern Ireland’s top five schools is a Catholic grammar

Ulster Unionist leader Mike Nesbitt backs pact among unionists in May elections

Mike Nesbitt: UUP best placed to help Northern Ireland change for the better – (That does not say much for the rest if the pro-Romanism, pro-ecumenical, pro-sodomy UUP is the best!!)

Don’t be taken in by Gerry’s spin

UDA thugs in rampage: PSNI chief blames loyalist faction after two injured by mob

UDA ceasefire questioned after series of attacks in Antrim

UDA blamed for Larne, County Antrim, ‘rampage’

Belfast invite for Pope Francis a bad idea because of ‘mistrust, hatred and unrest’ in the city

Ulster Unionist Party ‘would back a papal visit to Belfast’ – (True face of ecumenical unionism)

Mortar bomb and command wire found at West Belfast alert

Why pictures of Martin McGuinness embracing Cherie Blair are so offensive. 

Disgust and fury over Queen’s banquet invite to Former IRA commander Martin McGuinness

Terrorist victims doubt all four OTR reviews

DUP veteran defects to UKIP, saying party has lost ethos it had under Paisley

Councillor at odds with his party on Pope

Senior “Protestant” cleric, John Mann, Dean of Belfast, has said he would welcome visit from Pope Francis – (Of course he would would, being of the same ilk!)

Covert officers believed to be behind mortar seizure

Gardai tried to warn gangland criminal hours before he was killed

Cross-border milk fraud investigated at Belleek, south Armagh

Former Bishop Peter Ball faces sex offence charges

Church will embrace gay marriage, says Archbishop Welby despite bitter divisions within clergy

Australian Cardinal Pell apologises to abuse victims from pulpit in farewell sermon

Church of England bishop charged with indecently assaulting two young males

On the Run scheme devoid of morality says Nigel Dodds

Hain ‘economy with truthfulness’

Tony Blair could face grilling over IRA ‘comfort letters’ row

Fugitives probe ‘will be rigorous’

Lady Justice Hallet Comments Expose DUP Bluster on OTRs

Denis Donaldson murder: Gardai uncover ‘significant’ new leads in hunt for spy’s killers, inquest hears

‘Reopen IRA-Garda collusion probe’

Martin McGuinness ponders historic invite to Windsor Castle event to attend State dinner hosted by the Queen

IRA membership trial halted over alleged garda telephone recordings

Secret recording of calls began during Troubles

Republican accused of murder of mother of 10 ‘said she shouldn’t be spared just because she was a woman’

Boston Tapes interviewer: Gerry Adams would find it difficult to lie in bed straight he’s so crooked

Omagh bomb atrocity could have been prevented – court is told

Loyalist anger over ‘two-tier justice’

Belfast invite proposal for Pope Francis

Derry explosion: Bomb in car in Creggan forces people from their homes

A republican killer jailed for moving Ardoyne riot gun

UUP Leader says he wants ‘single education system’ for Province – (Which must of necessity be Roman Catholic controlled!!)

‘All OTR cases under review’ – Robinson

On the Runs: Terms of judge-led inquiry ‘limited’

It’s Official – Robinson Got NOTHING of What He Demanded on OTR Review

Arrest Downey now – Jim Allister

Boston Project interviewer slams Sinn Fein president

Garda left in turmoil after Republic’s top cop Martin Callinan quits over bugging controversy

Life ban for sex abuse Church of England priest

I’ve sinned, says former Co-op boss and Methodist minister, Paul Flowers

David Cameron: elderly people could be ‘unfairly pressurised’ into ending lives if assisted suicide legalised

Hutchinson still refuses to say sorry to families

Billy Hutchinson interview transcript about his victims

Gerry Adams offers to answer questions about 1972 murder of Jean McConville

Adams could face new McConville probe

Instead of filming PSNI in case of drunk woman left in Derry bus lane, we should all be backing them

SF criticised over stance on parking enforcement

Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan resigns over whistleblower row

Three arrests over Gary Convie and Eamon Fox UVF murders

Anna Lo comments:Alliance councillor Geraldine Rice ‘shocked’ by united Ireland remarks

Anna Lo seeks to recover lost ground over united Ireland comments

Shock survey shows Irish Americans are more Protestant than Catholic

Ex-IRA commander accused of role in notorious Troubles-era murder

Case against McConville accused based on US interviews

Jean McConville murder: Police want to quiz writer and former IRA man Anthony McIntyre over his interviews about killing

PSNI ‘still interested’ in Gerry Adams’ alleged role in McConville killing

Time to arrest others named in Boston tapes

‘Gerry Adams, you’re next’: Jean McConville’s daughter tells Sinn Fein president he’ll follow IRA veteran Ivor Bell to dock

Jean McConville: Adams tells lawyer to contact police

Jean McConville: Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams asks solicitor to contact PSNI to check if they want to speak to him regarding murder

Billy Hutchinson chose to be a killer; he had alternatives

Billy Hutchinson’s actions were neither for God nor Ulster, says victims’ champion

Billy Hutchinson Interview Shows PUP Not the Party to Take on Sinn Fein

Paedophile priest Francis Paul Cullen jailed for 15 years

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals – (Judgment must follow such wickedness. Psalm 106:36-40.)

Jean McConville: Ivor Bell in court over Disappeared charge – (When will we see Gerry Adams charged and in court??)

Veteran republican due in court over Jean McConville murder

David Ford: Northern Ireland is better off within the Union

Man charged in McConville case

Martin McGuinness accused of ‘taking revisionism to new level’ – (Pro-IRA propaganda master)

SF-SDLP veto before MLAs even discuss flag proposals

TUV urges PSNI New York St Patrick’s Day parade ban

Alliance European candidate favours united Ireland

Cross-community Alliance assembly member: united Ireland is viable option

Anna Lo: ‘United Ireland’ remarks ‘insulting’, say unionists

Puzzle of European law and On the Runs

St Patrick’s Day: PSNI parading behind ‘anti-British’ banner in New York does nothing to improve unionist confidence

Condemnation after PUP leader Hutchinson ‘tries to justify the unjustifiable’

Victims campaigners say comments will cause distress

Ivor Bell: A leading Provo and ceasefire talks negotiator who ultimately fell out with his terrorist comrades

Jean McConville murder: PSNI granted more time to question IRA chief Ivor Bell

Jean McConville: The terrible case they tried to bury, but it just won’t go away

Never before seen photos of the capture of Dominic ‘Mad Dog’ McGlinchey 30 years ago

Assembly votes to make councils record their meetings, despite DUP opposition

Former ‘Good Friday Agreement’ supporter disillusioned by ‘OTR’s’ revelations.

Not Just Anti-Union Flag but Pro-Tricolour Anna Lo of the Alliance Party

Who murdered my dad? Son’s emotional plea

Dissident ‘IRA’ claims west Belfast mortar attack

Dissident bombers ‘planned to open fire on officers’

Man (77) arrested in Jean McConville murder probe

Jean McConville murder: Pensioner arrested by police

Jean McConville murder: Police arrest 77-year-old man

Man arrested in Northern Ireland over 1972 case of ‘disappeared’ mother


Police quiz senior republican figure, Ivor Bell, over McConville murder

Storm over PSNI parading behind ‘anti-British’ banner in New York

My murder of two Catholics helped prevent united Ireland – PUP leader Billy Hutchinson – (A very different view of murder from that of God!!)

PSNI chief challenged over police involvement in ‘anti-British’ New York parade

IRA and Islamist extremists may be plotting together, warns Jeffrey Donaldson – (Birds of a feather etc., etc.)

Experts play down dissidents’ claim of new Semtex supplies

Bomb attacks: Dissident republican technology that should have us concerned

Alliance in new proposal on flying Union flag

Alliance: Fly union flag on all NI council headquarters

St Patrick’s Day Tricolours ‘do little to foster community relations’ (See our article on the ‘True Patrick’ here)

Dissident republicans to join St Patrick’s parade in New York: PSNI face hardline hatred in Big Apple – (Where is USA’s anti-terrorist stance???)

SCOTS of an Irish-Catholic background are the most likely religious grouping to vote for independence in this year’s referendum – (Tail-end of the old Jacobite rebellion!!)

Call to fly union flag all year round

OTR letters ruined any chance of justice, says Enniskillen bomb survivor

Illegal abattoir linked to Provo fuel smugglers – (What did Ulster let itself in for when it linked up with Sinn Fein???)

Belfast Bomb blast ‘triggered by command wire’

Even as a Euro sceptic I can concede European Union can teach Northern Ireland a lesson about victims

Man and woman killed in separate Dublin shootings

Associate of criminal John Gilligan shot dead in Dublin

Dublin drug dealer’s associate shot dead

Belfast car bomb ‘was on its way to a police station’ when it was made safe

Three men and a woman to stand trial over ‘Real IRA training camp In Tyrone’

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams says Tony Benn was a ‘true friend of the Irish people’ – (Enough said !!)

PSNI officer’s miracle escape after dissident bomb falls from car in west Belfast

Bomb thrown at police vehicle

Bomb thrown at police vehicle

Hundreds flock to glowing Virgin Mary statue

Would you mind repeating that, Mr Congressman? US politician goofs during Northern Ireland debate – (Idiots who seek to put right that which they know nothing about!!)

Haass ‘violence’ comment ‘unhelpful’

‘Loveless’ households where 1 in 4 parents are unhappy with their relationships – (Further evidence of the break-down of society as prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:1-9)

Writer’s piece on Orange Order ‘censored’ by Fermanagh Council

Donegal Democrat Exclusive: The John Downey (suspect in Hyde Park bombing) interview in full

McCausland hearing halted after heckling from DUP members

DUP blasted as ‘human shield’ during adjourned Housing Executive inquiry with Nelson McCausland

Dublin takes control of Northern Ireland’s skies

Tony Blair’s chief negotiator during the peace process stands by his claim the DUP knew of concessions made to Sinn Fein over IRA On the Runs

Unionists angered at White House committee’s ‘one-sided’ briefing

Hyde Park bombing: John Downey says unionists knew about On the Runs letters

On The Runs: John Downey claims unionists knew about letters

Downey arrest ‘breached agreement’

DUP in fight for Korean Christians

DUP’s ‘human shield’ strategy seeks to thwart DSD Committee Inquiry

Richard Haass warns NI violence could re-emerge without progress – (He is taking on the role of IRA bully boy)

Violence could re-emerge in Northern Ireland, warns Richard Haass

Haass – the excuser of terrorism

Top female judge leads inquiry into OTR letters

Lady Justice Hallett to head IRA ‘on the runs’ inquiry

MPs could name IRA members who got ‘comfort letters’

Were Unionists Happy with Kelly’s Whitewash Over Castlederg?

Colonel Tim Collins’ proposal to draw a line under the past will remain so much simplistic nonsense

UUP calls for on-the-run letters to be rescinded

Villiers part of grubby OTR deal

Orange Order: Adams must say sorry for murders of our members

Republican and loyalist paramilitary decommissioning: The mystery of the missing arms inventories

IRA suspected of brutal attack on Dublin gym owner

Service to mark 40 years since IRA murder of Irish politician

Gerry Kelly did not breach MLA code during Castlederg parade

Pope says Catholic Church should not dismiss gay marriage

‘No sense of duty’ Today’s youth are ‘too selfish’ for the military, blasts Jeremy Paxman

Spy reveals that IRA tried to assassinate Prince Philip

Lord Justice Fulford backed paedophile campaign, paper claims

Lord Justice Fulford was founder of paedophile support group

Assisted suicide moves closer as UK Government allows free vote

Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrat justice minister, says the traditional Christian wedding ceremony should no longer have legal status

On-the-run deal ‘cover-up’ fury

Murdered man’s family must await outcome of inquiry for ‘amnesty’ answers, says NIO

Peter Robinson’s climb down over on the runs is the biggest ever performed by the DUP

TUV Responds to Sexual Orientation Strategy Announcement

Theresa Villiers says IRA’s most wanted not safe from arrest

I should have told Stormont about letters says Villiers

OTRs – Glimpse Into Political Corruption and Skulduggery that Drove the ‘Peace Process’

Justice needed for lasting peace, ambassador told UN last week

Peter Robinson slams Martin McGuinness ahead of US investment trip

Parcel bombs addressed to prison officers intercepted in sorting offices

Former head of a child protection watchdog may sue Catholic bishop over child protection report

Frazer to lead 60 victims to meet parties about letters, deals and negotiations

Letter from Belfast: support for Irish unity is at an all-time low

British, Irish and US governments should oppose DUP gunboat diplomacy

TUV hosts event for all victims of terrorism

NIO probe stinks of a cover-up, says Nesbitt

Families call for justice 25 years after Coagh IRA killings

On-the-run letters scheme over, vows Secretary of State Theresa Villiers

Chief Constable Matt Baggott insists Policing Board briefed over on the runs amid heated exchanges

TUV man asks if Claudy suspects got ‘OTR letters’

Ministers ‘may have misled Commons’ over IRA on-the-runs scheme

On The Runs: Still no name for inquiry judge

On the run inquiry could call Martin McGuinness

Angry exchanges at Policing Board over On the Runs

Matt Baggott is accused of ducking key questions on OTR scheme

Top Sinn Fein figure was on brink of murder charges, claims Tebbit

Secret letters ‘not immunity’ – (Why then was John Downey trial stopped????)

IRA murder victim’s relative speaks out about On the Run scheme

‘Comfort letter’ given to Sinn Fein councillor, claims DUP and TUV

Appeasers Blair and Hain are just like Chamberlain, says Enniskillen bomb victim

The IRA letters sealed the Good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland

Collapse of Hyde Park bomb trial undermines faith in judicial process

British and Irish governments’ ‘silence’ over evidence of collusion in killings criticised

The Troubles are over but organised crime is on the rise

Hundreds take to Twitter to lambast Sinn Fein leader in #AskAdams Q and A session

David Black murder: Woman charged with perverting course of justice

SDLP slams farms minister over illegal meat raid silence

Down the backroads of south Armagh lurks an illegal meat trade run by gangs prepared to risk public health in the search for a quick profit

David Cameron aide arrested in ‘child abuse imagery’ inquiry

PM aide resigns amid images probe

Cameron aide Patrick Rock arrested over allegations relating to child porn

Police refuse to treat armed robber as suspect in case it breaches his human rights

Justice minister instructs Prison Service: Tell me what you know about OTRS

Comfort letters to on-the-runs openly discussed – former British government press secretary Alastair Campbell

Hain told MPs he had no ‘on the runs’ proposals…three months after scheme began

Judge’s probe is not good enough, say victims

Police commissioner to investigate Birmingham pub bombing ‘immunity’ claims

Dublin officials pass the buck in response to query over names

Dromore Unionists outraged at local MLA Basil McCrea

DUP’s sham crisis

Discovery of ‘illegal abattoir’ fuels IRA suspicions

Pope Francis uses filthy term during mass in St Peter’s Square

OTR reaction: UDR man says best mate was killed in Downey-linked case

Peter Hain: Bloody Sunday soldiers should not be prosecuted

Hain calls for Bloody Sunday troops amnesty – (The cat is out of the bag – One amnesty deserves another!!!!)

Calls for Bloody Sunday soldiers’ amnesty ‘inevitable’

Peter Hain: Ignorance of IRA letters ‘risible’

Willie Frazer pickets home of Hyde Park bomb suspect

Birmingham pub bombers given secret letters promising immunity – claims Paddy Hill

Danny Kinahan MLA, questions if on the run letters inquiry is a ‘victory’

Deception by Labour Government is an affront to our democratic institutions – (And what about those of the DUP, Sam???)

Ulster’s dirty little letter of convenience

‘Gerry Adams gave order to take explosives into Britain’: ex-IRA man . . . . McGuinness also named

Tony Blair has ‘moral onus’ to face IRA inquiry, says David Ford

MPs to quiz Blair and Hain over deal

Five ongoing NIO-IRA letters must be halted, DUP demands

OTR reaction: Victims in ‘heated’ meeting with Villiers

Former RUC chief quits Victims’ Forum in protest over revelations

Analysis: Without the secret letters to IRA suspects there would be no peace in Northern Ireland – (Abandonment of justice is Sinn Fein’s price for peace and DUP continue to go along with it!!!)

Bitter divide widens between unionists over treatment of on-the-runs

Analysis: Peter Robinson gets some, but not all, of his demands – (What he has settled for is a ‘sham’!!)

Hyde Park trial saga only highlights unprincipled nature of peace deals

John Downey ‘welcome home dance’ cancelled

OTR reaction: Downey case shines light on link with Enniskillen bomb in ‘72

Jim Allister Assembly Speech on OTRs – Robinson got None of What he Demanded

Boisterous DUP MLAs back leader over response to letters revelations

Russia parliament approves Ukraine troops move

Ukraine: Russia launches ‘armed invasion’ as Obama warns Moscow of ‘costs’ of intervention

Ukraine: Tensions soar as 6,000 Russian troops enter the Crimea following Putin order

UN security council in emergency meeting after Russian parliament approves use of military against Ukraine- live updates

Diocese backs women bishops move

Poll: Majority against independence

Christian group behind controversial Creationist Museum to build 800-acre theme park with replica Noah’s Ark

Cardinal Keith OBrien’s accusers take fight for justice to the pope

Sick photos posted on Twitter show man having his hand CUT OFF by Islamist militants in Syria

Jonathan Edwards: I’ve taken a leap of faith and stopped believing in God, ‘I don’t miss my faith’ – (You don’t miss what you never had!!!)

Tony Blair accused of ‘deliberate deception’ over On The Runs

IRA letters: Despite the denials and posturing, at the heart of this remains a grubby, secret deal

IRA letters: Unionists were fully briefed about OTRs at Policing Board meetings: Bradley

UUP and DUP should quit Executive now, says ex-Trimble aide

Harriet Harman should apologise for paedophile group links, Cameron suggests

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore tells US Senate there is “no proof” humans cause climate change

On the Runs: Villiers says letters do not confer immunity – (Why then was Downey trial stopped???)

Tony Blair urged to come clean over secret letters to IRA fugitives

On the Runs: Peter Robinson accused of U-turn

Queen pardoned on-the-run IRA fugitive Gerry McGeough

Northern Ireland peace process on the brink: Sinn Fein call for Army prosecutions while holding get out of jail free cards

Independent judge to probe ‘on-the-run’ letters

Martin McGuinness: Unionist parties knew about republican on the runs deal

Irish government was ‘kept in the dark’ about IRA suspect letters

500 to attend Downey homecoming

Former IRA man John Downey: Embarrassing error raises questions over justice for victims

On the runs: Loyalists were also asked for a list of their fugitives

Stormont crisis: Spotlight falls on pardons granted by Queen to IRA men

If DUP really objected to list of IRA get out of jail free cards they would pull plug on the whole rotten Stormont setup

Hewitt apologises over PIE links

Patricia Hewitt takes responsibility for mistakes over paedophile campaign

Harriet Harman increasingly isolated as Patricia Hewitt says sorry for her own role in paedophile controversy

Patricia Hewitt’s full statement on the Paedophile Information Exchange

Patricia Hewitt called for age of consent to be lowered to ten

Kelly no longer suing PSNI

Northern Bank raid laundering sentence

Muslim boys’ school bans women from applying for job as science teacher

Irish Army reservist jailed over Fermanagh attack