February 2014

A prayer that England should pray in the midst of its present distresses.

floods_England_2014O MOST powerful and glorious Lord God, at Whose command the winds blow, and lift up the waves of the sea, and Who stillest the rage thereof; we thy creatures, but miserable sinners, do in this our great distress cry unto Thee for help: Save, Lord, or else we perish. We confess, when we have been safe, and seen all things quiet about us, we have forgot Thee our God, and refused to hearken to the still voice of Thy Word, and to obey Thy commandments: But now we see, how terrible Thou art in all Thy works of wonder; the great God to be feared above all: And therefore we adore Thy Divine Majesty, acknowledging Thy power, and imploring Thy goodness. Help, Lord, and save us for Thy mercy’s sake in Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer (1662)

A vital question

Can a gospel minister be considered faithful to Christ and His Word who promotes the sale of books by those who proclaim error and associate with the enemies of Christ?

That is the question which must be asked about Dr Joel Beeke’s activities as Editorial Director of “Reformation Heritage Books”. In this transcript of a sermon by Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Pilgrims Covenant Church, that question is asked and details of the character of the books Dr Beeke sells clearly detailed. The answer ought to be all too clear! Read more

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Use the link below to play or download the messages in this series.

Week of prophetic studies by Rev. Ivan Foster at Coragarry FPC, February 2014


Consequences for our children of the influence of the world’s education programme

Text: Nehemiah 13:23-27.

A synopsis of a sermon preached by Rev Ivan Foster at the morning session of the day of prayer for Christian Education held in Bethany Free Presbyterian Church, Portadown, on Saturday 1st February 2014.

After 35 years of involvement in and observation of the Christian Education scene, I am more than ever convinced that it is the will of God that God’s people support a Bible-based system of education. If anything, were I starting out again I would be more radical in my practices, for I have seen the consequences of failure and defiance of God in this matter. Read more

Or listen to the message using the player below:

Attack by Congregational minister upon our articles on Dr Joel Beeke

It has been drawn to my attention that Rev Paul Dowling, of Whiteabbey Congregational Church, has attacked me in a sermon he preached on January 19th this year.

He was highly critical of me because of the articles I have written about Dr Joel Beeke and his fellowship with certain individuals whose theology and associations are questionable, to say the least, his promoting of unscriptural writings through his book ministry and his links with highly unorthodox organisations in very recent days. Read more

Free Presbyterians Protest outside theatre hosting blasphemous mockery of the Bible

A protest led by Rev Brian McClung and the elders of Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian church took place outside the ‘Theatre at the Mill’ in Newtownabbey, County Antrim on Thursday evening, 30th January.

About 75 people supported the protest with many FP ministers and elders in attendance. The Moderator, Dr John Greer along with Rev McClung handed in a letter of protest to the theatre.

Recent revelations have exposed the chicanery of some of the Council’s Artistic Board in their actions in cancelling the play. It turns out that it was a cynical manoeuvre to make sure that the full Newtownabbey Council could not outrightly ban the play.

We quote from an article by Rev Brian McClung which appears on his blog

A letter sent out yesterday on behalf of the chair, Councillor Billy Webb, of the Artistic Board, which oversees the Theatre at the Mill in Newtownabbey, makes it abundantly clear that the first vote to cancel this offensive play, on Wednesday 22nd January, was purely a ‘tactical’ move by those determined to press ahead with this offensive production.

In explaining why events took the turn they did, Councillor Webb writes:

On Wednesday 22nd January, the artistic board voted tactically [emphasis mine] to withdraw the play from the programme. They had been shown a letter from a Councillor and member of the artistic board, which had been sent to the Chairman, appealing to him to stop the production. They were also made aware that, if they voted to keep the play in the programme, the likely outcome would be that, at a scheduled meeting of the council on Monday 27th January, the lay [sic] would be pulled.

Had this happened, a media furore would have ensued, similar to what we have witnessed since our original decision to withdraw the production. However, the artistic board would not have been able to reverse the council decision and as a consequence, the performance would not have been staged.

The Chair of the artistic board called a special meeting of the Board on Monday 27th January, prior to the council meeting. At this meeting a proposal was tabled to vote again on the decision made by the artistic board, the previous Wednesday. The vote was carried to reinstate the play by a majority of 9 to 2.

The artistic board have been criticised by some parts of the media, but it should be noted that through their actions, they have ensured that the programme of events for the Theatre at the Mill will go ahead as scheduled and in accordance with their original artistic judgement.

The Board remains committed to providing an artistic programme which aims to offer a diverse range of shows by leading arts performers at a venue we are all very proud of.”

By stopping the play and then rescinding that decision the Council’s Artistic Board hindered the full Council from cancelling the play outright because Council Standing Orders requires a full weeks’ notice of any motion overturning a recommendation by a Council Committee, which the Artistic Board is.

Such underhanded manipulations exposed the true nature of the play, its sponsors and those who connived to have it staged.

A letter of protest was handed in by the ministers who led the protest. Read it here.


Latest news stories

On the Runs: Villiers says letters do not confer immunity – (Why then was Downey trial stopped???)

Tony Blair urged to come clean over secret letters to IRA fugitives

On the Runs: Peter Robinson accused of U-turn

Queen pardoned on-the-run IRA fugitive Gerry McGeough

Northern Ireland peace process on the brink: Sinn Fein call for Army prosecutions while holding get out of jail free cards

Independent judge to probe ‘on-the-run’ letters

Martin McGuinness: Unionist parties knew about republican on the runs deal

Irish government was ‘kept in the dark’ about IRA suspect letters

500 to attend Downey homecoming

Former IRA man John Downey: Embarrassing error raises questions over justice for victims

On the runs: Loyalists were also asked for a list of their fugitives

Stormont crisis: Spotlight falls on pardons granted by Queen to IRA men

If DUP really objected to list of IRA get out of jail free cards they would pull plug on the whole rotten Stormont setup

Hewitt apologises over PIE links

Patricia Hewitt takes responsibility for mistakes over paedophile campaign

Harriet Harman increasingly isolated as Patricia Hewitt says sorry for her own role in paedophile controversy

Patricia Hewitt’s full statement on the Paedophile Information Exchange

Patricia Hewitt called for age of consent to be lowered to ten

Kelly no longer suing PSNI

Northern Bank raid laundering sentence

Muslim boys’ school bans women from applying for job as science teacher

Irish Army reservist jailed over Fermanagh attack


More news

Former Blairite Cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt’s civil rights campaign offered legal advice to adults who have sex with 14-year-olds

Downey Case – The Stormont Fallout – by Jim Allister

Northern Ireland crisis: I knew nothing about IRA fugitives deal – Lord Trimble

Tony Blair’s government struck secret deal with Sinn Fein, says Lord Trimble

Give soldiers same amnesty as IRA suspects, say ex-Army chiefs

There’s no justice for those who fought the IRA

Anger at welcome home party for John Downey

Northern Ireland First Minister, Peter Robinson, ‘incandescent with rage’ at Hyde Park bombing suspect debacle

Were McGuinness and Adams given letters of immunity???

Sinn Féin Alex Maskey: Robinson comments are ‘foolish’

Pressure on Cameron to defuse bomb row

British Attorney General defends IRA ‘letters of comfort’

Before becoming Northern Ireland’s DPP, McGrory was solicitor for IRA members seeking ‘letters of comfort’

Conniving Blair has betrayed victims 
of terrorism

Arizona vetoes bill allowing businesses to turn away gay customers on religious grounds

Peter Robinson quit threat over IRA Hyde Park bomb case – (Is he really only now realising the true nature of the dirty deal he agreed to ????)

Robinson: I’ll quit unless there is inquiry into IRA ‘amnesty’ letters

Peter Robinson threatens to quit over Hyde Park bomb case involving IRA suspect John Downey

Northern Ireland First Minister threatens to quit after Hyde Park bombing case dropped – (Rule of law ended when unrepentant murderers were accepted by him in government!!)

Why Doesn’t DUP Pull Out Now?

IRA Hyde Park bombing suspect walks free after ‘catastrophic’ police error

Hyde Park IRA bombing: 200 terror suspects told would not face prosecution in ‘comfort letters’

On The Runs: How court hearing revealed nature and extent of deal

Hyde Park bombing: Northern Ireland Police Federation ‘appalled at grubby secret deal’ that granted John Downey immunity

Evidence quickly led to convicted IRA member Downey

Details of private scheme for 187 on the run IRA members revealed

Betrayal of Hyde Park victims: IRA bomb suspect accused over slaughter of troops and horses walks free because letter from Blair’s blundering officials gave him immunity

Apology by PSNI for Hyde Park bomb error

‘Amnesty’ letters to 187 IRA suspects ‘a disgrace’

Hyde Park IRA bombing: families attack police blunder

Endgame for dissident republicans? Running out of Semtex, hardly any guns and only 30 members

New evidence casts doubt on Harriet Harman’s defence over paedophile links

Heretical Epicopal Church female leader speaks of Christ as “Our mother Jesus” and speaks of “the great Western heresy: that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God.”

Megachurch Pastors Lead ‘Son of God’ Campaign to ‘Take Over’ Multiplex Theaters Nationwide

Rick Warren among megachurch pastors and RC leaders who lead ‘Son of God’ Campaign to ‘Take Over’ Multiplex Theaters in USA

Martin McGuinness in ‘Maze problem-solving mode’

Former IRA guman Tom McFeely vows to ‘overturn bankruptcy’

‘Brass neck’ Gerry Kelly to sue chief constable over Land Rover incident

Gerry Kelly suing over Police Land Rover incident

Harriet Harman says she ‘regrets’ any link to paedophile campaign group

Harriet Harman denies Daily Mail paedophile ‘smear campaign’ – but paper says deputy Labour leader has ‘failed to answer charges’

Not one hint of remorse: Harman and Dromey’s statements, and the Mail’s replies

Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman expresses ‘regret’ after Daily Mail claims of links to pro-paedophile campaigners

NHS death rates ‘should be ignored’ – says expert leading the review into them

Victims’ champion slams politicians

UUP fury that Richard Haass briefed the President

Richard Haass talks cost taxpayer £250,000

Never on Sunday? An unholy row kicks off over Northern Ireland’s Euro 2016 tie

Roman Catholic Gerry Armstrong: We’re behind the times on Sunday football

Sunday football: Clergyman plans protest at stadium

David Cameron slammed by dad of IRA victim

‘McGuinness IRA northern Commander in 1995’, states republican’s prison note

Provos’ murder campaign copper-fastened partition

Why Christian faith is foremost for Ulster politician

Fuel crime must lead to more jail sentences

IRA campaign was morally wrong

Share-out of Maze centre’s £18.1m big blow to Sinn Fein

Northern Ireland football team to play first ever Sunday international at Windsor Park

IFA should fight Uefa Sunday game decision, says former footballer (Now a pastor)

IFA ‘had no say’ in first ever Sunday home game

Poll: Windsor Park gets first Sunday game – Protests feared over Euro 2016 home qualifier

Dunloy IRA parade ‘breaches commission guidelines’

‘Elvis’ crosses the line for peace in Belfast – (there are wiser beings in the window of a draper’s shop!!!)

Church of England bishops do not speak for own flock on welfare, study suggests

BBC chiefs meet MLAs in private to answer claims the broadcaster withheld child abuse allegations from cops

Arizona passes ‘anti-gay’ bill allowing business owners to refuse service on religious grounds

UKIP warns Unionists: Don’t get suckered into Haass deal

UUP boss visits Fountain and says estate is a litmus test for a shared society

Cookstown councillor backs Willie Frazer over Sinn Fein plaque row

Ireland is no cold house but influence of Church (of Rome) is overbearing

Flags must go, but terror shrines can stay!

Anger over Stormont policy on roadside paramilitary shrines

Gerry Kelly invited to Hydebank for jailbreak talk – inquiry launched

Northern Ireland got 94 per cent less than Republic from EU fund

Irish amateur boxers at Stormont over sectarianism

Sodomite, Graham Norton, ‘furious’ over RTE homophobia payout

Filipino-born nurse taped up patient’s mouth to keep him quiet

Women, divorcees and atheists are most likely to choose assisted suicide – with nearly 20% saying they are simply ‘weary of life’

The vicious schism between Sunni and Shia has been poisoning Islam for 1,400 years – and it’s getting worse

UK Supreme Court judge Lord Wilson backs gay marriage – (Wonders how long NI would “be able to hold back the tide in favour of same-sex marriages”!!)

Top judge backs gay marriage – (He has no regard for God’s Law!)

UUP joins criticism of Dunloy IRA parade

Willie Frazer’s defence team claims police struck deal with loyalists

Loyalists took photos of Belfast Lord Mayor Mairtin O Mulleoir in court

Peter Robinson is not trusted, claims Mike Nesbitt in stinging attack

Mike Nesbitt in blistering attack on Peter Robinson’s ‘hypocrisy’ and DUP dithering – (The pot calling the kettle black!!)

Time the Republic of Ireland paid for services its citizens avail of

Catholic clergy in loyal order talk

Sinn Fein organ grinders act as if it’s Tsarist Russia

Sammy Wilson: I’m not being shunned by DUP colleagues

‘No alternative to Haass’ – SF

Factional in-fighting at Stormont leaves us at mercy of Tories

‘My life was in peril’, says Lord Mayor on Woodvale attack

Irish soldiers questioned over County Donegal pipe bomb

Two soldiers arrested over suspected involvement with dissident republicans

Anna Lo ‘disappointed’ by racist abuse after flag and mural comments

Family of murdered Detective Garda Seamus Quaid silence after Sinn Féin apologies

Kingsmill: Haunted by nightmares, tortured by a survivor’s guilt, at last Alan feels he is being listened to

Uncertainty over Obama meeting

Northern Ireland: the peace process and the dissident menace

Smithwick cast a cloud on all gardai, say veterans

Kingsmill survivor says informers helped IRA murder 10 Protestants

Kingsmills massacre: Alan Black says state agents involved

Court of Appeal upholds principle of whole-life prison terms

Support for police officer in Gerry Kelly Land Rover case

Gerry Kelly Land Rover row driver may now face internal PSNI discipline probe

Row between councillors (some of them Roman Catholics) and Catholic church over Newcastle land deal

Protestant boy in Republic of Ireland school punished for not attending Catholic First Communion

Kingsmills massacre survivor fears state involvement in killings

Survivor’s state involvement fears

Pope Francis to receive formal invite for Irish visit

Willie Frazer fury over ‘GAA shirt’ in Eastenders – but it’s only a school PE top

Army office packages ‘sent by IRA’

IRA memories of Libyan tyrant secreted away

‘New IRA’ main suspects behind letter bombs

The easy option for harried terrorists

Gerry Adams’ tweets: Ducks, teddy bears and a dog called Snowie

Jim Allister: Once dismissed as ‘fringe player’ – few now would describe TUV leader in such terms

Why the Irish language is dying in Ireland

Tory John Lund: Villiers has done zilch for Northern Ireland

Anger at Celtic fans’ support for song ‘glorifying’ hunger-strikers

Pressure mounts for Spratt probe

Unionists call for UK chart ban for hunger strike song Roll Of Honour

Belgian MPs vote to extend euthanasia to children of all ages

Dutch euthanasia minister found dead in garage ‘likely killed’

‘Double effect’: ‘Sick kids secretly given deadly overdoses by British medics in illegal mercy killings’

Terminally sick children have been secretly given deadly overdoses by British doctors in illegal mercy killings, claims retired GP

Voters in Northern Ireland should have the right to kick out the Executive

Comment – Warren Little – Spectre of the terrified still hangs over Sinn Fein

Parcel bombs raise new dissident republican terror fears

Dissident republican campaign feared as letter bombs sent to military recruiting offices

Explosive package sent to British armed forces recruitment office had Irish postmark

Three pipe bombs and ammunition found after Newry security operation

‘Time to put an end to victim hierarchy’ says McCausland at Pat Finucane lecture

Naming playpark after IRA man was breach of equality commitments

Vice President Joe Biden will push First Ministers for a deal on Haass

‘Dissident republicans must learn from what happened’, says ex-IRA man

Trinity College Graduate Ursula Shannon found guilty of possession of handguns and ammunition

Newry explosion: Family escapes pipe bomb attack in Patrician Park

Alliance calls for new Spratt investigation

Welcome same-sex couples or be damned as bigots, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby tells Church of England – (What a fool! He has no understanding of ‘damnation’)

TUV write to Parades group over Dunloy Sinn Fein parade

Andrew Allen murder: Irish police claim they know killers’ identities

Eamon O’Cuiv is giving succour to some wicked people

Tape recording prompts call to re-examine Spratt ‘nutters’ report

Criticism over ‘disappeared’ US investment cash

Nazareth House RC care home abuse descended into hell, inquiry is told

Bryson claims flag protests are strong despite dwindling crowds

Former Irish defence minister Eamon O’Cuiv sorry for any offence after comments on David Black murder

Foreign Office Libya email heartless: victim

Claudy bombing: Anger as detectives tell victims probe has nowhere to go

Historical Abuse Inquiry: Nun ‘beat girl black and blue’

Historical Abuse Inquiry: Woman ‘sexually abused by nun’

IRA victims use Twitter to hijack Sinn Fein conference

Fury as TD accuses authorities over prison officer David Black’s murder

Scope for same-sex union says RC Archbishop of Dublin Dr Diarmuid Martin

Dublin and London must stop Haass impasse deepening: Sinn Fein – (SF keeps up pressure on the DUP, its Stormont partners)

McGuinness ‘gave orders to kill census worker’, claims informer – (British government and the DUP are well aware of this but will not act)

‘Martin McGuinness ordered murder of census worker’ – Fresh allegations from IRA supergrass Raymond Gilmour

Southern parties accused of ‘trying to criminalise’ legacy of Bobby Sands

Sinn Fein doesn’t have a future if it can’t acknowledge it has a past

Nigel Dodds hits back at Martin McGuinness’ remark on how he could learn from Boys’ Model pupils

Murdered Trillick councillor’s family ‘hopeful’ as Ombudsman set to re-open case

Government ‘does U-turn on Libyan compensation’

Will Martin McGuinness be a guest at the Queen’s Irish reception?

Henley-on-Thames councillor David Silvester expelled from UKIP because of his anti-sodomy stand

Man shot in both knees and ankles in west Belfast

Enniskillen bomb victim’s daughter angry over Libya snub

Victim’s view: Keeping us from meeting with Libyan PM a scandal

McGuinness reveals he met dissidents to call for end to violence

DUP ‘is now squandering the peace’

McGuinness tells Sinn Fein Ardfheis that unionist ‘rejectionists’ holding back progress

McGuinness apologises to family of garda killed by IRA

Protestant enclave in Fountain estate attacked for third time in five days

Protestants targeted by ‘scum of the earth’, says Donegal clergyman

Bomb found in Lurgan police raid

Troubles victims’ anger at latest IRA commemorations

Row over Bible spoof rumbles on – (‘Spoof’ – ‘to make a joke of’. The texts on the protest banner are right.)

McGuinness ‘hysterical’, claims DUP as bitter Executive spat continues

Martin McGuinness attack on DUP ‘part of Sinn Fein leadership battle’

Third petrol bomb attack in (Protestant) Fountain estate, Londonderry

Scots independence ‘would get republican tails up’ – Paisley Junior

Scottish ‘yes’ vote could spark crisis at Stormont: Tony Blair aide

Sixty young people treated for effects of drink and drugs at Odyssey dance event

Stormont urged to probe alcohol access after drink-and-drugs incident at Odyssey concert

Peter Robinson has said the Provisional IRA carried out “genocide” in Border areas of Fermanagh during the Troubles

Adelaide Fringe Festival won’t cancel show ‘Come Heckle Christ’ despite complaints from Christian Democratic Party

Victims’ disgust as IRA Castlederg parade cleared

Kingsmills families ‘have heard nothing from Taoiseach since 2012’

Gay marriage law in NI is ‘inevitable’ after Scottish landslide vote

Just a day after his election, new Presbyterian Church Moderator sparks row by telling gays to stop having sex – (Not God’s solution to their sin – 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

Next Presbyterian Moderator says he will not attend any service in a chapel organised by Catholic clergy (but . . . . . !!!)

No denial from Orange Order or UUP that Unionist Forum is dead

Why are ‘spokesmen’ with no mandate like Winston Irvine and Jamie Bryson allowed on the BBC as if they were elected representatives?

Dissidents blamed for Derry disorder

Yobs as young as 10 among gang of children behind sectarian petrol bomb attacks (on Protestant homes) in Derry

Michael Copeland quiet after reports he injured his own wife by accident at protest

Britain’s borders ‘a leaking sieve’, warns judge

UN accuses Vatican of adopting policies that allowed priests to rape children – (How can Popery survive such allegations as this and the innumerable others of this nature?)

UN demands Vatican ‘removes’ all known or suspected paedophiles in scathing report

UN denounces Vatican over child abuse and demands immediate action

New Afghanistan law to silence victims of violence against women – (After the price paid in soldiers’ blood and countless £ millions there has been no change in this Muslim country)

Big issues remain unresolved, says Peter Robinson

New Presbyterian moderator is Newry minister Rev Michael Barry

David Black: Man charged with prison officer’s murder

Northern Ireland: dissident republican charged with murder of prison officer

First Minister distances himself from Orangeman’s controversial Irish language comments

Anger at PSNI Chief Constable appointment plan

Londonderry attacks: ‘Ten year olds’ involved in Fountain disturbances

Protest at Workman Avenue ‘to highlight sectarian attacks’ on Protestant homes

If collusion is going to be widely defined, then Dublin is guilty

Anger as SF minister rejects Sandy Row boxing club support as ‘gossip’

Peers call for Northern Ireland Assembly opposition

Sinn Fein Gerry Kelly’s jail invite sparks fresh row

Haass’s modest proposals remain stuck while DUP calculates the electoral risks

Unionist Forum ‘finished’ as another party walks away

George Chittick’s ‘word of warning’ on Irish language backed by fellow Orangeman

US sporting chief comes out fighting for Sandy Row boxers

Sinn Fein: DUP must clarify stance over teacher forced out of job by online bigots

‘IRA thugs and conman’ nabbed after gardai smash major counterfeiting operation

Michael Copeland, not police, hit wife during loyalist protest

Bloody Sunday leaves UK in weak place to lecture others, says Ian Paisley Junior

Lawyer defends IRA-Garda collusion report

SF’s John O’Dowd refuses to apologise over Jim Allister letters

Stormont Speaker Refuses Urgent Oral question on IRA Escapee Visit to Discuss Prison Escape WITH INMATES

Birmingham Six man calls on IRA to ‘come clean’ – (That would take a lot of washing!!!)

Member of Birmingham Six challenges IRA pub bombers to come forward

Retired gardaí’s critique of Smithwick Tribunal report is highly selective

British commemorations of first World War ‘will reflect Irish involvement’

Senior Orangeman warns Protestants against learning Irish

RUC widow’s thanks for Jim Allister’s work

Orange Order stands by claims over Irish language

Orange Order not against learning the Irish language

Leaders clash over claims Lynch government helped create IRA

Uganda archbishop responds to Welby on anti-gay laws – “homosexual practice is incompatible with Scripture”.

NI’s Attorney General dismayed by top court’s gay B&B ruling

Dissident republicans behind bars: Police and MI5 surveillance – the weapon disrupting terror plots

Threats force Sinn Fein teacher out of the classroom

Protestant Coalition: Look at threatened teacher’s politics

British agent in IRA must pay damage to victim’s family, says court order

QUB academic regrets gay slur at centre of row with DUP

Abuse case has ’very profound’ implications for patronagte system of schools – Irish deputy prime minister

There’s no going back to the days when the church had a stranglehold on society

Prison bars Gerry Kelly from telling inmates about his IRA escape

Paisley jnr breaks silence on interview

Brighton bomber visit sparks loyalist outrage

Loyalist mob throw stones and fireworks as Belfast peace event hosts Brighton bomber Patrick Magee

Four PSNI officers injured during ex-IRA bomber protest

NI faced 30 national security threats

Fundamentalist Christian protesters finally make voice heard outside Bible play in Newtownabbey

Taoiseach backs Ballymurphy families

DUP confronts QUB academic over ‘gay suicides’ claim

RC Childrens’ home boy tells of ‘sadistic’ nuns

Priest told orphan boy: You are the product of an evil and Satanic relationship

Roman Catholic Church battles Brendan Smyth abuse victims in Dublin court

Newtownabbey FP Church to stage protest as Bible spoof goes ahead

Play’s rapturous reception proves folly of initial ban – (The decision to crucify Christ received a ‘rapturous reception’ also!!)

Bible play: The theatre row women on very different wings of the DUP, but can the party accommodate both of them? – (If it can accommodate power-sharing with McGuinness it should have no difficulty!!)

Paisley had star role at wedding of man he says helped oust him

It has been seven wasted years for the Executive after power-sharing resumed

Liam Adams refusing food at Maghaberry Prison

Irish dissident groups ‘thwarted by surveillance technology’

Justice has no monetary value, insists IRA victim

Family of murdered garda in SF protest

Who Killed Jean McConville?

The reform of local councils in Northern Ireland is a blatant DUP – Sinn Fein carve up


January 2014

Free Presbyterian minister speaks out against irreverent comedy

Rev. Brian McClung (Newtownabbey FPC) interviewed on RTE (News at One, January 24th), speaks out against the irreverent comedy “The Bible: the complete word of God” for ridiculing the Scriptures.

More on this story in our February edition.

A Biblical view of Christian education

by Dr. Douglas Wilson, Dean of Christian Education at Foundations Bible College, NC, USA. To listen click on a player below:

Listen to Part 1:

Listen to Part 2:

Lessons learned from the last 30 years

By E A Foster B.A. Principal of Kilskeery Independent Christian School 1979-2007

(The substance of an address given at the 2010 Annual Education Board Dinner in Lisburn, Friday 28th May, in the presence of Education Board members, teaching staff of the Free Presbyterian Christian schools and their spouses)

It is good to learn lessons from the past. The Bible records the past for our learning, comfort and encouragement. The past thirty years have taught me much about the true nature of Christian Education. Read more


The Return of Christ – Pre-millennial

by Rev Ivan Foster. (This message was given at the first meeting of 2000 of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony in London.)

 “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever” (Daniel 2:44).

When it comes to the study of prophecy, this subject is a very elementary one, yet it is a subject to which many give little thought. Many Christians have a general view of the return of Christ, that it is going to happen, but they are not well versed on what the Bible has to say about that glorious event. That ought not to be. It is a subject with which God’s people should be well acquainted. Read more

God making bare His arm in revival power – the need of the hour.

“The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God,” Isaiah 52:10.

The synopsis of a sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church, Lord’s Day morning, 1st December 1991, by Rev Ivan Foster.

This strong metaphor or symbolic phrase is used to denote God rising up to the aid of His people. The prophecy primarily refers to that day when the Lord will arise to recover and restore Israel to His favour and the enjoying again of His mercy and salvation. The opening verses of the chapter clearly indicate that. Read more

Latest news stories

TUV delivers for RUC widows

Historical Abuse Inquiry hears Sisters of Nazareth nuns ‘were almost psychotic’

RC Children’s homes ‘like Auschwitz’

Care children ‘forced to eat their own vomit’ by nuns

Child abuse inquiry: Church-run ‘hell hole’ homes were ‘like Nazi concentration camps’

Chief constable rule change: David Ford ‘little Nero’ says DUP

Martin McGuinness and DUP bicker on eve of Haass process talks (McGuinness seeking to wriggle out of his guilt as an IRA leaders)

UK ‘must help fund peace deal’ (This from a man who was chief amongst those who brought conflict to Ulster)

Priest pays tribute to murdered IRA man amid investigation breakthrough (Calls this “arranger of assassinations of policemen” a “wonderful person”!!)

‘Compensation the only form of justice available to IRA victims’

Three former gardai call on the Government to reject Smithwick findings

Council’s U-turn over theatre ban

Bible show back after U-turn: Council lift ban on controversial comedy show based on the Bible

Newtownabbey council reverses decision to cancel Bible play

‘Ridiculous’ ban on ‘blasphemous’ play lifted


More news

NI abuse inquiry to examine children’s homes run by nuns

Murder of Eamon Collins, former informer: Police obtain DNA from death scene

Ballymurphy Army killings: campaign to lobby MEPs

Church maintains vow of silence despite founder’s fierce attack

Despite Paisleys’ blast, Robinson can feel relieved

IRA victims plan to sue Tony Blair over Libya ‘conniving’

Retired garda group slams Smithwick

Gerry Adams “proud” of his past links with the Provisional IRA – (So much for repentance!!)

Banned play: Arts minister ‘saddened’ by council decision– (Supporter of IRA’s murder campaign “sad” at demise of blasphemous play!! – That says it all.)

Haass proposals: Deal could secure extra money says Villiers – (Blatant bribery.)

Teenage couple ‘made bombs for dissident republicans’ at Armagh home, court hears

Adams: SF doesn’t know who killed Garda Adrian Donohoe

Row as ‘blasphemous’ Bible spoof play cancelled by Northern Ireland council (Indication of the increasing boldness and arrogance of the enemies of Christ)

UUP’s plan for Stormont opposition: Empey tables Lords move, but party may not take on role

£5.7m of work ‘unaccounted for’ in Northern Health and Social Care Trust

‘Serious concern’ as health trust audit finds millions unaccounted for

Garda whistleblower ‘destroyed’

IRA Hyde Park bomb: John Downey denies murder

Philippa Reynolds: Fatal crash car travelling at 80mph

Million sickness benefit applicants ‘fit for work’

Campaign on the Irish State forced adoption records

The Troubles gallery – 40 years of conflict in Northern Ireland from the Belfast Telegraph archives

Northern Ireland Christians force cancellation of comedy based on Bible

Comedy Bible play axed after Evangelical Christians in DUP complain it mocks their religion

McGuinness admits ‘difficulties’ in relationship with Peter Robinson

UUP in Northern Ireland Assembly opposition proposal

Former police officer ‘wouldn’t touch top PSNI job with a barge pole’

Peter Robinson: I gave Ian Paisley Jnr fatherly advice over TV storm

We had a real friendship and still have, McGuinness says of Ian Paisley

Ombudsman probing new information on Teebane massacre

DUP veteran: Robinson wrong to attend murdered PSNI officer Ronan Kerr’s funeral mass

Gerry Kelly cleared over Maze escape comment

Killing of Protestants not ethnic cleansing, claims Irish War Of Independence author

Ian Paisley interview ‘puts son in difficult position’ says Robinson

Revealed: Secret files on Ian Paisley’s ousting sent to Washington

Ex-DUP MLA Paul Berry shocked by Paisley decommissioning ‘insult’

Ian Paisley: Remarks on IRA decommissioning could be overlooked but deserve scrutiny

Ian Paisley was pushed out in purge by Peter Robinson, says TUV leader Jim Allister

Former deputy speaker of the House of Commons, Nigel Evans, in court to face sex charges

Councillor O’Loan casts doubts on Paisley recollections

Doubts over accuracy of Ian Paisley’s Tony Blair recollections

Has the doc perished on the sword of his own ego?

Newtownabbey theatre: Play cancelled after council row

DUP veteran: Robinson wrong to attend murdered PSNI officer Ronan Kerr’s funeral mass

Comment: Ian Paisley lambasted O’Neill for policy now pursued by DUP

Shameless MPs (including Ian Paisley Jr) use parlimentary positions to declare ‘crack cocaine’ of gambling is HARMLESS

Stormont Speaker Rejects Question on McGuinness Orange Comments

Paisley: Robinson is a beast; his ways are not mine

Ian Paisley: They worked behind my back to get me out

Paisley: My family never now enter the church I built

Ian Paisley says DUP told him to quit as leader

Paisley: The vitriolic tongue of an ambitious and self-important leader

Haass proposals: Irish Government may intervene says Eamon Gilmore, Irish foreign minister – (This is the danger into which Robinson’s placating of McGuinness and inviting Haass over has brought Ulster)

UK ‘will not impose solutions’ – (Northern Ireland Office)

Haass proposals: DUP reacts angrily to Irish Government’s proposal of intervention

US government wants North talks resolution for St Patrick’s Day

McGuinness is the epitome of inextricable links between terror and politics

Former DUP Lord Mayor Gavin Robinson to confront Martin McGuinness over Orange Order claims

Man fears for life after spending £50,000 of ‘IRA cash’ on booze and women

Irish Labour Party chief whip Emmet Stagg mocks Gerry Adams on Dail Bar

‘BBC staff ignored up to 1,000 attacks on children by predatory DJ Jimmy Savile’ according to new damning report lifting the lid on entire scandal

Ukip councillor blames floods on gay marriage – (criticised but NOT answered!!)

UKIP suspends councillor who blamed flooding on gay marriage

Benefits ‘to be stripped from immigrants who cannot speak English’

Vatican accused of lack of transparency over 384 priests defrocked for assaulting children

Lord Rennard accused of bringing Lib Dems into ‘disrepute’

Al-Qaeda training British and European ‘jihadists’ in Syria to set up terror cells at home

Matt Baggott to step down as NI chief constable

Lib Dems warn of ‘bloodbath’ as Lord Rennard considers legal action over sexual harassment allegations row

SF Mid-Ulster MP urges British parties to express support for Haass

McIlveen: Paisley deserves respect of the church

Ian Paisley still living in Free Presbyterian Church manse and £300k luxury retirement flat – despite alleged ‘campaign of poison’

In Ballymena – the stronghold of Paisleyism – the surprise reaction to Ian’s revelations is one of indifference

Many ‘keeping their own counsel’ in Paisley heartland

TUV’s Mid-Ulster Chairman Walter Millar warns against trying to ‘rewrite’ Teebane history

Two years after cuts led to closure, ‘scaled-down’ Irish Vatican embassy opens

Vatican monsignor re-arrested for allegedly using his Vatican bank accounts to launder money

Paisleys’ allegations are met with silence

Church tight-lipped in wake of Paisley’s views

Comment: Paisley revelations have roots in 2007 interview

Smithwick aftermath: Dublin urged to probe extent it ‘nurtured the fledgling IRA’

TUV anger at McGuinness linking Orange Order to UVF fails to make floor of Assembly

DUP bid to block ‘irreverent’ Bible comedy play

Pro sodomy protesters picket Ballynahinch Baptist Church event on ‘converting’ gays

Haass report buries truth about the past

Analysis: Though like warring spouses, Robinson and McGuinness need each other

Orange Order angry over Martin McGuinness UVF comments

Unionist leaders should sue over McGuinness’ claims about UVF-Orange links, says Jim Allister

Paisley: BBC buckles under DUP onslaught with last-minute changes made to interview

BBC to air brutal Paisley critique of DUP and Free Presbyterian church

TV viewers unmoved by Ian Paisley the provocateur

Ukip councillor blames floods on gay marriage

Gay marriage decision to blame for bad weather, claims UKIP councillor

UK storms are divine retribution for gay marriage laws, says Ukip councillor

Pensioner blasted in chest by gunman in Ballycastle is a child rapist

Communities ‘take law in own hands’ – (This is anarchy as multi-culturism produces its inevitable harvest)

Shocking figures reveal Pope Benedict defrocked child-molesting priests at a rate of more than one every two days during his last years of office

Pope Benedict XVI defrocked nearly 400 priests for child abuse

Haass talks: Peter Robinson attacks ‘dictator’ McGuinness – (McGuinness was that and worse when the DUP embraced him in a power-sharing coalition)

McGuinness in denial over Haass, says Robinson

Martin McGuinness: Unionists agree Orange Order, UVF and PUP ‘acting as one and the same’

Northern Ireland political row threatens power-sharing

Ian Paisley discharged from Ulster Hospital

Ian Paisley Junior silent on father’s TV programme

Analysis: Getting tough with Paisley will suit some in the new DUP

Unionists reject Euro report on Irish language

Dissident threat a factor in major police operation

The overall failure to confront republican terrorism

New teachers ‘being left to flounder with unruly pupils’: Ofsted chief says it is ‘national scandal’ that trainees are unprepared for the job

Man recalls childhood abuse in Rubane House, Kircubbin – (Unspeakable wickedness!!)

Party on edge as it awaits Paisley’s parting verdict

White House piles on pressure over Richard Haass’s proposals

Dodds accuses SF of ‘wallowing in murder’ – (Haass and his likes are happy to join McGuinness in his ‘wallowing’ by avoiding the use of words like ’terrorism & terrorist!)

Councillor condemns ‘sectarian’ attack on school bus in north Belfast

Policeman Ronan Kerr murder: Police ‘know killers’ identities’

Comment posted in the name of person who met Meghan O’Sullivan as part of the Haass talks – said it is a ‘pity the police officer didn’t have his throat cut’

Nick Clegg admits personal failings over Lord Rennard sex allegations

Women wanting abortions will not have to see doctor – new draft guidance proposed by UK government ministers

The lost girls: Department of Health to launch investigation into reports of illegal abortions in ethnic communities in Britain

Vatican confronted on child abuse at UN hearing

First-grader (in California school) told to stop talking about Bible

Martin McGuinness: Extremists are being allowed to hijack Haass proposals by unionists

DUP slams Sinn Fein analysis following further talks on Haass

O’Loan responds to Paisley Civil Rights statement – (Leaders and members of CRA were to be blamed for allowing themselves to provide cover for IRA!!)

SF candidate launches legal challenge against party’s decision to suspend him

NI abuse inquiry: Two Roman Catholic orders apologise

Priest found not guilty of sex abuse

Haass plan: NI leaders meet after Stormont rejects implementation vote

TUV leader repudiates Haass proposals in Assembly debate

Outcome of talks ‘disheartening’, says Church of Ireland Gazette – (Pro-republican stance of the C of I is a matter of record)

Kilclooney rejects Paisley criticism of ‘unfair’ Stormont Government

DUP members’ wall of silence stands firm

The new Paisley, pretty much the same as the old Paisley

Any talk of compromise with traditional enemy is a red rag to unionists

Haass talks: I object to term ‘the past’ as it sanitises actions of republican and loyalist terrorists

Child abuse inquiry: Northern Ireland Executive failing victims of clerical abuse

Belfast City Hall Union flag: Unionists have only themselves to blame

Willie Frazer praises Victims Commissioner Stone

Child abuse probe ‘will examine soul of society’

Nuns ‘battered boys stupid’ in Derry children’s home, victim tells child abuse inquiry

December 2013

History Without the Humbug – Countering the Re-Writing of History

The Media Myth anMandelad Global Cult of Nelson Mandela,

by Shaun Willcock

The ugly truth about the world’s favourite terrorist-turned-politician, Nelson Mandela, has been buried deep beneath the media-created myth of the man, who for decades was given such a whitewashing by the liberal/Socialist media that the real Mandela disappeared from the world’s eyes, and in his place appeared a messiah, a saviour, a demigod, whose only resemblance to the real Mandela was the outer shell. The man who emerged from prison and became president of South Africa was at heart the same man who had gone into prison so many years before, a Communist revolutionary, much older but just as committed to the ideology and the revolution as he had been when the prison gates slammed shut on him. Yet by the time he emerged from prison, the worldwide liberal/leftist media had repackaged him, presenting him to the world as a wise, big-hearted, moderate, decent man, who had been unjustly imprisoned for his stand against apartheid, and who would, when he became president of South Africa, govern this complex and diverse country with wisdom and magnanimity, creating a wonderful earthly paradise where all would live happily ever after. Read more

Here in Northern Ireland, it was noted that Gerry Adams, long time leader of Sinn Fein/IRA, was part of the Guard of Honour by invitation of the ANC at the funeral of Nelson Mandela. – Editor

What is ‘Christian Rap’ & ‘Holy Hip Hop’ music?

An article by Rev Brian McClung of Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church.

‘Christian Rap’ is a form of music that comes from the ‘Holy Hip Hop’ music culture. ‘Holy Hip Hop’ in turn comes from this secular ‘Hip Hop’ music culture. ‘Rap’ music is closely associated with the ‘Hip Hop’ music culture.

This particular style of music came out of the gangland culture of New York city in the 1970s, when ‘Block Parties’ became increasingly popular, particularly among African American youth residing in the Bronx. Click here to read more

“Failing to protect Sunday as non North West race day erodes Christian principles”

Letter by Free Presbyterian minister on the subject of the further desecration of the Christian Sabbath.

“As a Christian Minister I am saddened that many within our government, some of whom are professing Christians themselves, have not actively sought means to safeguard a fundamental principle which is based solidly in the Word of God.” Read more

The NCFIC and a Firestorm of Controversy over Rap

Recently a firestorm of outrage, including even charges of racism, erupted over the remarks made against rap “music” during a panel discussion at a conference of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC). The controversy prompted a flurry of apologies, including one from Dr. Joel Beeke.

Pastor Ovadal gives some perspective on those apologies, but perhaps even more importantly, sounds a warning concerning the unfaithful, corrupt nature of the NCFIC. This is the issue which has truly been neglected in the recent controversy.

Listen to the broadcast here.

The Church of Rome is in truth a pagan system with a thin veneer of “Christianity” as the following incident illustrates adequately

Yolanda Murillo looks to the sky as she performs a spiritual dance in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013, in Houston. The annual event commemorates the official Church feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12.
Yolanda Murillo looks to the sky as she performs a spiritual dance in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013, in Houston. The annual event commemorates the official Church feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12.
Brenda Soto dresses in a traditional Aztec costume while dancing outside of Our Lady of Perpetual Help church in Wichita as part of the Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration.
Brenda Soto dresses in a traditional Aztec costume while dancing outside of Our Lady of Perpetual Help church in Wichita as part of the Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration.

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration (wonderment, astonishment, amazement),” Revelation 17:4-6.

Free Presbyterian supporters of Dr Joel Beeke – Its time to waken up!!!!

The following article is taken from Pastor Ralph Ovadal’s website. It should alarm every believer who has a concern for the honour of God and the truth of the gospel. It should especially send a shiver down the spines of those who have stubbornly refused to give any credence to the alarm calls issued for some time now regarding the direction taken by Dr Joel Beeke.

It is pretty clear that Dr Beeke cares very little for those few “loyal” supporters from the United Kingdom, and others like them across the world, who are insignificant when compared to the very much larger and financially lucrative “rapper”, “new Calvinist” bloc out there in “New Evangelical land”!!

Surely the end of the garden path has been reached and it is time for a humble turning around!!

“ . . . . having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage,” Jude 1:16.

Rev. Ivan Foster

Read more

The Birth of Christ — When and Where??

The substance of a sermon preached on Lord’s Day 23rd December 2001, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by Rev. Ivan Foster.

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief,” 1 Timothy 1:15. This is a timely topic since we are surrounded by the many evidences of the world’s celebration of the birth of Christ. It has to be said that many people have expressed reservations about the nature of the celebrations and whether they really have any relationship to the coming into the world of the Son of God.

I suppose you do not have to search very far to see the reasons for such concerns. That the police and the various authorities, linked with safety on the roads, should be required to make special appeals at this time of year to try and curtail people from drinking to excess in celebration of Christmas, does raise the question of whether such activity is in keeping with a marking of the birth of the Redeemer of men from sin. Very obviously, it is not. Read more

Listen to this message using the player below.

Has Dr. Joel Beeke Finally Left Refo500?

A Response by Pastor Ovadal and Rev. Foster

We have been asked by more than one person if we know that Dr. Joel Beeke has left Refo500. To our knowledge, Dr. Beeke has not publically uttered a single word to that effect, though it does not mean that he has not left Refo500. Read more

What is apostasy and how should we react to it?

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not,” 2 Peter 2:1-3.

The Lord’s battle against apostasy is of long standing. It is almost as old as time itself. Many Christians tend to believe that the controversy with “apostasy” began with the emergence of the modern “Ecumenical Movement” and its campaign for church unity which metamorphosed into a movement for the unity of all religions.

In truth, the Lord’s controversy with apostasy began with the devil’s rebellion in heaven when he sought to establish himself as a rival, a conqueror of the Lord, overthrowing Him and replacing His rule with his own. Read more


Latest news stories


More news

Bishop urges politicians to ‘push forward’ in pursuit of pact – (If Haass deals pleases Rome, BEWARE!!)

Flags issue hasn’t gone away – and won’t

‘Offensive’ RAF poster torn down ahead of Sunday anniversary

MoD apologises for RAF recruitment billboard placed near Bloody Sunday massacre site in Derry

Row erupts over RAF billboard near Bloody Sunday site

TUV: 22 flaws in Haass document

Government considered handing west Belfast to Republic

IRA Brighton bomb slowed British-Irish peace talks

TUV Responds to Haass Outcome

Alliance denies claim it scuppered Haass process by rejecting deal

Haass document needs clear response says Gerry Adams

Missed opportunity of signing pact leaves DUP with questions to answer

Six key areas that split negotiators in Haass talks

It is Unionist cowardice that is largely to blame for the failure to reach an agreement in Northern Ireland

Police officer slashed on face by youth cutting down loyalist banners

Government papers: Jim Allister’s devolution proposal privately torn apart by NIO man

McGuinness ‘reacted angrily’ when told he could not visit IRA prisoner

Belfast papers reveal fears over exodus of Protestant students in 1982

10 wounded in Kenya grenade attack

Northern Ireland talks collapse as main unionist parties reject Haass proposals

Meghan O’Sullivan and Richard Haass’ peace vow: ‘We’re not going away, you know…’

N. Ireland’s US-led talks end without deal

Car linked to Fermanagh police station attack

Son’s fury after evidence into shooting of garda father lost

Ayatollah tirade tops center’s list of biggest anti-Semitic slurs of 2013

Northern Ireland: Richard Haass talks end without deal

Unionist ‘wrongly escaped charges in Kincora boys home paedophile scandal’

Lord Wolfson warns European Union has become ‘hungry for power’

Former DUP leader Ian Paisley in hospital for tests

Richard Haass talks: Final day under way

Peter Robinson: Crunch day that could define First Minister’s place in history books

Parties inch towards agreement on Haass proposals as White House weighs in on talks

Time to remember Nelson Mandela’s soft touch with the IRA

Nelson Mandela had ‘soft touch’ with IRA

Enormous RUC sacrifice must never be forgotten

Tory activists call on David Cameron not to open borders to Romanians and Bulgarians

Haass talks team issue a final appeal for compromise on the eve of return

Ex-Provo rubbishes Haass truth recovery plan

Unionists demand police action over Twaddell camp attacks in north Belfast

Judge rules Michelle O’Neill breached ministerial code in farm court case win for DUP

State papers: Hierarchy halts plan to unite teachers

State papers: Stormont’s officials wanted ban on sex shop

Smacking children should be illegal, says Children’s tsar Maggie Atkinson

Haass decides a deal before New Year’s Eve is possible – (Doesn’t want to give up while there is still hope of double-crossing unionists!!)

Future MLA ‘shot prison officer’ during mass Maze escape, papers claim Gerry Kelly also alleged to have threatened van driver at gunpoint during 1983 breakout – (Should we not all be thankful to the DUP for bringing the like of him into Government????!!!!)

State papers: Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly told warder to obey or be blown away

Government papers: Reluctance to arrest ‘untouchable’ McGuinness

Paisley’s US ban was ‘more about him personally than his policies’

SDLP thought priest wrote Gerry Adams’ early speeches

American Ireland Fund chief Kieran McLoughlin paid $619,000 in 2012

Haass tells Northern Ireland politicians to give him good reason to come back – (We could suggest a few why he should NOT come back!!!)

Costs of G8 summit in Fermanagh revealed

Pope Francis tells of hopes for ‘a better world’ – (What saith the Scriptures? “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. . . . evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived,” 2 Timothy 3:1, 13.)

More talks due on plans for Northern Ireland’s first casino

Politicians unite to condemn dissident gun attack on Fermanagh police

Northern Ireland flag-flying ex-PM Brown opened Pandora’s box

Dublin collusion claims should not be ignored – veteran Troubles journalist

Garda ‘mole’ revelations damaging force’s reputation

South African broadcaster ‘warned not to report on calls for Jacob Zuma to step down as president’

No Haass deal reached after overnight talks

Row over Troubles inquiry unit delays Northern Ireland talks

Parties’ failure to reach deal in Haass talks ‘pathetic’

Ulster Unionist MLA, Michael Copeland, U-turn over Richard Haass ‘go home’ apology

Gun attack reported on police station in County Fermanagh

Dissident attack on Lisnaskea police station condemned

Breaking: McGuinness: Gun attack on Lisnaskea police station “must be condemned”

NI parties to hold round-table talks with Richard Haass

Crunch Haass talks set to go on late into Monday evening

Row over Troubles inquiry unit delays Northern Ireland talks

Al Qaeda rocket sparks fresh IRA smuggling feud

Notorious terrorist sentenced to 490 years found dead

IRA sniper Bernard McGinn found dead in Ireland

Off-duty drunken garda abused PSNI officers who arrested him in taxi row

Muslim checkout staff can refuse to sell pork and alcohol, says M&S. This will backfire

Archbishop pleads for progress on peace deal (So begins the chorus of deception !!)

Adams feeling pressure after big drop in support

Abandoned by his mum, raised in an orphanage, recruited at 22 and later hanged by the IRA in Long Kesh. Isn’t it time there justice for Paddy Joe Crawford?

Haass, like Mitchell, is a placeman to deliver an anti-unionist agenda

Northern Ireland parties examining Richard Haass proposals – (Negotiations will take place on the Lord’s Day according to reports!)

Sinn Fein barracked in west Belfast over Casement plans

Man held after shop bomb attack

Nelson Mandela ‘received training in use of weapons and sabotage techniques from Mossad agents in 1962’

Mandela condolences letter proposal divides city councillors

Fury as BBC gives airtime to extremist cleric who refuses to condemn Lee Rigby killing

Securing justice for victims of fanatical murderers

‘Duck Dynasty’ debate explodes from TV to dinner tables, water coolers

Haass proposals: DUP says agreement before Christmas unlikely

Major bomb plot foiled in Northern Ireland

The establishment opposed NI flag, says heraldry expert

DUP’s Ruth Patterson’s Facebook charge dropped

Ruth Patterson Facebook prosecution: charge is dropped

Sinn Fein needs to tell dissidents: The IRA failed

Two “soldiers of Allah” guilty of Lee Rigby murder

Islamist fanatics Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale found guilty of murdering Lee Rigby

Methodist minister, Paul Flowers arrested over drugs scandal

Elderly patient left to starve after ‘nil by mouth’ sign left on bed in error

TUV warns against Haass sell-out – (It was Robinson & his partner, McGuinnes, who brought Haass to NI)

Haass deal hopes in balance

Analysis: Parties’ views, not those of Haass, crucial in negotiations

Haass teams must halt attempts to legitimise terror

Dissident campaign bolstering Sinn Fein support, says former IRA man

Dissident republicans drawing on flawed IRA view of history

Anger at Lisburn’s snub for Mandela

Two republicans found liable for the Omagh bombing have had their appeals dismissed by NI’s highest court

Richard Haass Talks: Tricolour at Stormont proposal the first major sticking point

Haass talks: Details in the draft document under consideration

Haass talks countdown: It’s decision time on shared future we were promised

Fire bomb attack in Belfast city centre ‘shows serious upsurge in dissident republican activity’

Dissident campaign madness and it should stop, say former IRA men – (Of course what they did was sane!!!???)

Dissident Republican Colin Duffy in police murder plot charge

Supporters arrested outside court as Colin Duffy charged with IRA membership and plot to kill police

Haass proposes new body to investigate Troubles killings

Haass talks: Peter Robinson says draft plan ‘unacceptable’

DUP ‘outraged’ at draft Haass proposals

More polarized now 20 years on from Downing Street Declaration

Tricolour could fly over Stormont during visits by Taoiseach

Belfast fire bomb: Man burst into flames in shop

Incendiary ignites and is carried out of store

Corn Market fire bomb attack: Belfast worker carries device from shop

‘People fear next bomb won’t be a warning’ – Belfast business manager

Prominent republican charged with attempted murder of Belfast police

Mandela death: Gerry Adams joins ANC guard of honour

Covert soldiers killed unarmed civilians in Belfast? Prove it

Haass talks: DUP mixed reaction to draft document

Esa’s Cryosat sees Arctic sea-ice volume bounce back

UK’s £millions in aid to China criticised as ambitious space programme is announced

Philly archbishop removes 5 priests from ministry over sex abuse or misconduct allegations

Flag report says loyalism feels abandoned by unionist parties

Growing sense of alienation and disengagement among loyalists’

Victims defiant: immunity is just not acceptable

Ann Ogilby was beaten to death by a gang of UDA women – why would they come forward and tell all now?

Terrorist immunity: Caution and opposition among politicians

Ex-RUC man says IRA will ‘glory’ in immunity

TUV sets out case against immunity

Belfast Bomb ‘despicable’ say Robinson and McGuinness

Belfast Cathedral Quarter bomb could have killed, say police

Bomb explosion in Belfast as Christmas revellers evacuated from city centre

Row erupts between DUP and Richard Haass

Culture of turning a blind-eye is now in clear view – The rumours that gardai on the Border were in ‘the pockets of the IRA’ have been substantiated

Most senior detective taken off HET investigation of ’87 Enniskillen bomb (No one was ever interviewed by the police at the time of the massacre!)

How much do we pay for pupils who cross the border to get a northern education?

Ulster Unionist MLA Tom Elliott compares IRA to Al Qaeda during the Haass talks

Ann Travers: Who gives us the right to deny justice to our dead?

Garda chief backtracks on Smithwick findings

Swithwick standard could show collusion in other cases, TDs told

Garda Commissioner Comments Beyond Comprehension

“Independent Bishop” Pat Buckley admits sham marriage charges

I officiated at 14 sham marriages, says rebel priest Pat Buckley – (In keeping with the fact that he is a ‘sham’!!)

Nelson McCausland sorry for ‘inadvertently misinforming’

Victims’ group’s ‘covenant’ plan wins TUV backing

Jim Allister calls for DUP U-turn on Sexual Orientation Strategy

Speak English or lose benefits, warns Work and Pensions Secretary

Flags protester, Jamie Bryson, expects arrest after releasing tapes

Australia reverses gay marriage law less than a week after first weddings

Australian court halts gay marriage

Post-abortion counselling soars

Willie Frazer: I would consider immunity for my father’s killers

DUP would back limited immunity if sought by victims

New Northern Ireland flag is not an option, loyalists tell Richard Haass

Dublin Coalition boost as Fine Gael and Labour up while Sinn Fein down

Boxing club owed apology by those who doubted their claims – Jim Allister

Boxing on the ropes as report says it failed to tackle sectarian problems

Gay adoption: Northern Ireland ban lifted

‘No discussion’ over McGuinness attending Mandela memorial

The ugly sound of a howl of joy haunts Sinn Féin’s account of IRA killings

Immunity offer to get the truth about our past is on the table

Peter Robinson ‘not averse’ to Troubles immunity plan

Immunity ‘an option’ says Peter Robinson, as Haass talks continue

Kenny challenges Adams on IRA past

Kenny: Nobody believes Adams on his IRA past

Gerry reminds us he was never in the IRA – for the 4,976th time!

Fionnan Sheahan: SF outcast can’t break away from party control

Nationalists blamed for attacks on nuns’ car in loyalist area

Smithwick collusion findings raise more questions

Donegal North East TD Padráig MacLochlainn has said Sinn Féin will not distance itself from the actions of the IRA

SF TD hints at party exit as anger with Adams grows

Sinn Fein TD set to quit over Gerry Adams’ comments

Let’s not kid ourselves, a new flag won’t solve root problem

Catholic church reveals Down and Connor abuse figure

Child abuse report: 325 Christian Brothers were accused since 1975

Cardinal Sean Brady ‘truly sorry’ for child abuse

Same-sex weddings to begin in March

Sandy Row Boxing Club Vindicated by Report of sectarianism

Families of victims killed near Border call for Garda-PSNI inquiry

Gerry Adams challenges party leaders to a debate on the past

Eilis McDermott: From student radical to inquisitor-in-chief of Gerry Adams

Gerry Adams says facts were twisted in his brother’s abuse trial coverage

Blind to his failings, Gerry Adams keeps truth at arm’s length

‘Unionists did not repeat mistake of Sunningdale’

Ceremonies held in memory of slain UUP idealist, who still inspires today

UUP tribute marks 30 years since MP Edgar Graham was murdered outside Queen’s University

Unionist Jim Allister hits out at BBC ‘uncritical Nelson Mandela coverage’

He was a giant – but how absurd for the BBC to compare Mandela to Christ

Nelson Mandela ‘was against IRA decommissioning’

‘Cult-like’ Sinn Fein not suitable for coalition – (That goes for Belfast as well as Dublin!!!)

Robinson slams Adams over ‘appalling’ views on RUC murders – (But he leads your coalition partners, Peter!!)

Sinn Fein’s laissez-faire attitude to terrorism

Adams now has more baggage than an A380 aircraft

Gerry Adams’ callous remarks about Smithwick Report murders remind us why we can’t vote for Sinn Fein

Dublin gardai didn’t trust Dundalk and kept them in the dark for years

Belfast police attacked twice in two days – Dissident republicans blamed for ‘reckless’ shooting

Second gun attack on PSNI in two days

Don’t have children unless you are ready to marry, says judge

Mandela death: Gerry Adams to attend service at weekend

Adams sticks to his guns on RUC comments

‘People know all too well how different the terrorist is’

A Garda Chief Superintendent tells court he believes accused is IRA member

Swatragh IRA killer refused to listen to sentencing

RUC man’s killer Seamus Kearney gets 20 years … but he’ll walk free in just two – (This is justice in the much lauded “Good Friday Agreement” Northern Ireland)

Abortion: Justice Minister David Ford to consult on changing NI’s laws

Former garda Corrigan rejects findings of Smithwick Tribunal

Former colleague of slain officers rejects Adams’ security comments

Gerry Adams’ Smithwick comments ‘grossly offensive’ says Arlene Foster

Peter Robinson says Gerry Adams’ Smithwick comments ‘offensive’

We need to know if there were any further cases of collusion with IRA

Adams’s callousness reveals gulf between Sinn Fein and Irish public

As UDA confirms major split, a dangerous tussle for power is now brewing

Willie Frazer seeks legal advice over ‘bed push’ plans

‘Justice worth the wait’ for RUC widow

Police say gun attack in north Belfast could have killed

Comment: Adams ignoring inconvenient truth

Judge’s rejection of IRA account does not bode well for any truth and reconciliation process, warns lawyer

IRA victims claim Smithwick findings ‘tip of the iceberg’

Smithwick tribunal findings could trigger a torrent of compensation claims against Irish state

Gerry Adams branded an “apologist for terrorists” by family of slain RUC officer

Sinn Fein defend Gerry Adams ‘laissez faire’ comments over RUC deaths – (They are all pigs of the one sow’s litter, as the old saying goes!)

‘Insulting, offensive, quite outrageous’: Sinn Féin criticised over Smithwick response

Smithwick Report: Garda Commissioner brands actions of Gardai who colluded with the IRA as a “betrayal”

Evidence shows Owen Corrigan passed information to the IRA – but it cannot be proved he colluded in the murders of Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan

Smithwick report: A terrible glimpse into a very dark time

MLA brands Sash jail term for a bass drummer ‘draconian’ (How do you play the “Sash” on a bass drum??)

Britain ‘too generous’ with welfare payments to EU immigrants says European Commission

Gardaí ‘tipped off’ IRA ahead of RUC officer murders

‘Ex garda helped IRA obtain false documents’

Irish police colluded in IRA killing of Northern Irish officers

Link to Loughgall ambush sealed RUC officer’s fate

Taoiseach describes Smithwick Tribunal findings as shocking

Tánaiste apologises to families of murdered RUC officers

Smithwick Tribunal: Murders report poses Irish challenge – (Report says Irish police colluded in murder of Ch Supt Harry Breen and Supt Bob Buchanan)

Smithwick will be seen by unionists as vindication of long-held beliefs

Dublin ‘must acknowledge role in creation of PIRA’

Gerry Adams: Two murdered RUC officers had ‘laissez faire’ attitude to own safety

Adams: Murdered RUC officers ‘disregarded safety’

Gerry Adams claims RUC officers murdered by IRA ‘disregarded their own safety’

Gerry Adams’ Smithwick comments nauseating: Alan Shatter

Ex-Garda rejects tribunal findings

Findings are incredible and shocking says Bob Buchanan’s son

Does outcome of Smithwick tribunal strengthen arguments for what Sinn Féin terms an independent international truth recovery process?

Belfast court: Provisional IRA membership denied

Man held over Black murder released

Gay marriage ‘a flawed social experiment’

David Black murder: Suspected dissident republicans held over killing of prison officer

David Black murder: Two arrested in Republic of Ireland

Hypocrisy of Sinn Fein exposed for world to see

More loyalist protests on the way despite low turnout

Union flag protesters back on Omagh streets

City hall flag issue continues to divide our politicians

End to Troubles inquiries could let IRA leaders off the hook

Will Enniskillen bomb victim families ever see justice? (Not as long as the continuation of the power-sharing regime at Stormont counts more than truth and justice)

European election dilemma for Jim Allister

Find a neutral flag for all of Northern Ireland: Richard Haass issues challenge to parties

No Flag Is Neutral

TUV Conference 2013 – Press Officer Sammy Morrison

Republicans in Northern Ireland look to Taliban for weapons – (Birds of a feather etc., etc!!)

Allister claims DUP bluffing over second Euro candidate

DUP is out to bamboozle you over Euro elections, Jim Allister warns the Ulster Unionists

Documentary examines the ‘cult’ of Sinn Fein

First woman bishop installed by Church of Ireland

UDA blamed after home of loyalist victim Tracey Coulter is firebombed in Belfast’s Shankill Road

Gerry Adams to meet woman ‘raped by top republican’

Horror of IRA rape cover-ups slowly revealed

‘SF knows that republicans “investigated” cases of abuse. I know, because it happened to me’

Belfast’s Deputy Mayor Christopher Stalford warned of threats by ‘criminal elements’

Shock four-country poll reveals widening gulf between Britain and EU

Larkin prosecutions proposal worth considering – RC Bishop McKeown – (Support from such a quarter is to be expected!!)

BBC sports presenter Clare Balding’s grandmother called her sexuality ‘disgusting’

Veteran reveals secrets of life inside British Army ‘ghost squad’ accused of murdering IRA suspects during the Troubles

DUP MP criticises first Northern Ireland meeting of atheist ‘church’ (Yet Dr McCrea is a fan of ‘Dr Who’, an atheistic fictional ‘Time Lord’!!)

Sinn Fein call for IRA killer Kearney’s release after ‘vindictive’ murder trial branded as callous

RUC man John Proctor’s widow tells how killer Kearney lived just a mile from her home

Soldier Lee Rigby attacked with meat cleaver

Irish Anglicans to install Rev Pat Storey as bishop

Video: Parade – Loyalists in Belfast Union flag protest breach Parades Commission ruling

PSNI search for McConville van driver

Bobby Sands willing to suspend hunger strike for deal, new book claims

Voters will make up minds on what Gerry knew – (On the other hand, his supporters just might not care!!)


November 2013

Jeremiah 30 – The future fulfilment of its prophetic teachings

By Rev Ivan Foster

I recently was at a meeting in which Dr John Douglas was preaching the first message in a series entitled: “The Land and the Book – God’s future dealings with Israel.” He introduced his subject by saying that Jeremiah chapters 30-33 are a mini “Apocalypse”. The parallel is there for all to see! The opening words of Jeremiah 30:1 remind us very much of Revelation 1:1. Just look at the opening verses of both portions and you will see a link. Read more

The Land and the Book: God’s future dealings with Israel

A special series of messages by Dr. John Douglas

preached in Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church, November 2013.

Subjects include:

  • The great tribulation, Jeremiah 30
  • God’s covenant with Israel, Jeremiah 31
  • The title deeds of the land, Jeremiah 32
  • The message in the old bones and two sticks, Ezekiel 37
  • The removal of the veil, Zechariah 12
  • Israel in the millennium, Isaiah 66

Click here to listen to/download the series of messages.

Not a word of regret . . . not a word of apology . . . . but every attempt to justify, explain away and glorify  . . . the killers

The following is a speech delivered by TUV leader Jim Allister during yesterday’s (5th November, 2013) debate in Stormont’s Parlimentary Buildings, Belfast, on terrorism in the Castlederg area. It highlights essential points regarding the IRA terrorist campaign, the perpetrators of which are hailed as heroes by Martin McGuinness and his fellow Sinn Fein leaders. Read more

The two great cities of Scripture

By Rev Ivan Foster

This is a message given at one of the monthly meetings of The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony in London, 26th January 1992.

I wish to state very clearly that I believe God has an eternal purpose. Of course, such a doctrine is not new amongst those who support the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony. The Westminster Confession of Faith states in chapter 3, paragraph 1, “God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of His Own will freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass.” The decree of God embraces all things that shall ever come to pass. Nothing comes as a surprise to God. Nothing ever happens that is outside His decreed will. Read more

Missionary report from Spain

by  Rev. Lyle Boyd.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have remembered us in prayer and have sacrificed in supporting us for the past twenty-seven years, labouring in the land of Spain. We are indeed indebted. Read more

Latest news stories


More news

Crossmaglen security alert ‘an elaborate hoax’

Crossmaglen security alert continues into fourth day

Dissent group, Oglaigh na hEireann claims bomb responsibility

Belfast council workers fear for safety over Irish flag

Villiers confirms there will be no inquiry into IRA Enniskillen bombing – (Why was not one person even interviewed over this massacre? Is it because exposure would topple “peace” process??)

Murders have no sell-by date, says Jim Allister

Conviction for Constable Proctor Murder Shows folly of Amnesty Call

Family hails ‘justice process’ after convicted IRA man found guilty of murdering RUC officer John Proctor

Murder conviction ‘vindictive’ – SF (Another example of Sinn Fein’s perverted view of justice and truth)

Conviction prompts fresh commentary on past

Garda ‘collusion’ report delivered

Smithwick report on Garda-IRA collusion allegations to be handed to Irish Government

Jim Allister: I would be at flag protest if it didn’t clash with TUV conference

If things fall apart in the North, don’t blame the flag protesters – (If things fall apart in the North, it will be because ‘Peter Robinson and his ilk have short-changed them for years and now don’t want to know them at all’)

Formal complaint made about RUC’s handling of Claudy

John Proctor 1981 murder: Seamus Kearney convicted

The injured: forgotten casualties of the Troubles

Crossmaglen alert: Object abandoned near electricity pylons

Paramilitarism is hideously grounded in base criminality

Suspicious device left beside north-south electricity connector

Family appeal to find ‘third Birmingham pub bomb’ – lost by the police!!

Liam Adams’ conviction ‘too little, too late’, says daughter he raped

As Liam Adams is convicted, focus turns to what SF leader knew

‘There was no tension or animosity’ between Liam and Gerry

Gerry Adams ‘knew of other abuse’ – Micheal Martin, leader of Fianna Fail

Other cases ‘dealt with internally’ by Sinn Fein

Republicans ‘like (RC) Church’ in dealing with abuse: Martin

Former Irish minister’s criticism of PSNI “harassing” innocent people in battle against republican terrorists could be misinterpreted by some who will support dissidents

‘Under threat’ DUP MLA speaks out

Liam Adams jailed for raping and abusing daughter

Former PSNI chief brands dissidents ‘wannabe Provos’ (More apt to call them ‘former provos’)

Terrorist immunity may be price to pay for truth about atrocities, says victims’ solicitor

Was Gerry Adams in IRA? It’s irrelevant, says McGuinness – (Further evidence of the meaningless nature of ‘TRUTH” to Sinn Fein!!)

David Cameron does not have the ‘guts’ to restrict migrants, Ukip says

David Cameron in pledge to restrict benefits for immigrants

At last, David Cameron reveals a crackdown on new EU migrants

Nationalists must support efforts to prevent a massacre

DUP does U-turn by voting for designated flag days at Down District Council

Ecumenical service for ‘pilgrim of peace’ Fr Alec Reid – (The man who revealed his true character by calling Gerry Adams a man “sent by God”)

Party conference: Teach creationism in science class – 40% of DUP – (Needless to say it will never happen – light and darkness cannot occupy the same space!)

Rapist Adams could serve 8 years

Supreme Court rules in favour of sodomites

Ecumenists and DUP representatives at RC priest Alec Reid’s requiem Mass

The return of police vehicle checkpoints to Belfast: PSNI responds to terrorist bombs with ‘very visible’ presence over Christmas

Nightmare of man who drove across Belfast with a huge bomb in the back seat of his car

Northern Ireland police chief warns of dissident attacks in runup to Christmas

Concern at surge in use of IRA proxy bomb tactic

MLAs almost united on ‘Fr’ Alec Reid and Victoria Square bomb

Paul Quinn’s mother tells Haass post-Good Friday Agreement victims must be remembered

Even the Germans agree! Cities beg Angela Merkel not to allow Bulgarian & Romanian influx

A priest on the podium as Robinson prepares DUP troops for election battle – (Surely this must challenge the loyalties of those who profess faith in Christ within the DUP)

Most Catholics opposed IRA violence, says priest at DUP Conference

No distinction between loyalist and republican violence, says Robinson

Analysis: Robinson takes plaudits but Sammy Wilson’s absence raises questions at DUP conference

Paramilitaries are loyal only to crime, Peter Robinson tells DUP (And yet he entered a coalition with the Sinn Fein/IRA)

Are they relics of St Peter? The Vatican says it doesn’t matter – (So says the system built on lies and which propagates deceit!)

“Father” Alec Reid: ‘Gerry Adams was a man sent by God’ – (That statement truthfully tells us more about the priest of Rome than do the lying eulogies of ecumenists and apostates)

Sinn Fein leader Adams was sent by God, said Fr Alec Reid

Car bomb partially explodes in Belfast city centre

Video: Dissident republicans blamed for partial car bomb explosion in Belfast city centre

‘I would forgo court to quiz IRA man who killed dad’

UKIP warns Haass talks will not benefit unionists

Victims are part of the present – and their voices must no longer be ignored

History written by gunmen who glory in their bloody deeds

Van driver told to take package to Strand Road police station

New TV3 documentary challenges Gerry Adams

Sinn Fein lining up Mary Lou McDonald to follow Gerry Adams as president

Man in 70s arrested in shooting probe

Doctor Who, the DUP and the Commons – (DUP MPs honour a programme which was atheistic, anti-God and evolutionary)

Gerry Adams apologised to IRA Disappeared victim Jean McConville’s family

McConville son speaks of ‘Adams apology’

Corruption rife in the Pakistani community, says Government’s chief legal adviser

Dominic Grieve, government’s chief legal adviser, ‘sorry’ for minority corruption remark

JFK assassination: President’s man came from Tyrone to Texas

Jean McConville’s son speaks of ‘Adams apology’

Mum’s weekly flight to Ireland to visit grave of son ‘Disappeared’ by IRA

Killer Sinn Fein adviser no longer working at Stormont

Amnesty wants probe into British army ‘death squad’

Col Bob Stewart and Nuala O’Loan call for ‘Army killings’ investigation

Army not above the law and can be probed, says Donaldson after Panorama revelations

Why doesn’t Panorama investigate the IRA’s secret hit squads?

Ian Paisley: Larkin has gone beyond his brief in Troubles ‘outburst’

ANALYSIS: In proposing an amnesty QC might have stopped it happening

Old Bailey bomber Marian Price guilty of providing phone used to claim the murders at Massereene Army Barracks

The Lord will judge Darkley gunmen – pastor

School wrote to parents telling them their eight-year-olds had to attend workshop on Islam – or be branded RACIST on their permanent record

Under fire housing minister Nelson McCausland accused of ‘wriggling’

McGlinchey pleads guilty to purchasing ‘Massereene’ phone

Time to make a change and rid education of Sinn Fein ministry

Parades Commission allows 10,000-strong loyalist flag protest to go ahead

Undercover soldiers ‘killed unarmed civilians in Belfast’ – (That is IRA men!)

Secret army unit killed unarmed nationalists, BBC Panorama claims – (That is IRA men!)

Bus driver ordered to take bomb to Derry police station

Bus driver in police bomb ordeal

Dissident republicans blamed for planting bomb on bus in Derry

Darkley 30 years after terrorist gun attack: Justice will be done, says pastor

Gay marriage in Scotland backed in principle by MSPs

Victims united in outrage at Larkin proposals

No way, Mr Larkin

Kenny and Cameron rally against end to Troubles prosecution

Politicians and police react to John Larkin’s Troubles proposals (Where did the eejit Larkin come from? – O yes, he was appointed by Robinson and McGuinness!!)

TUV leader: Murder has no sell-by date

Ulster amnesties just bring more bloodshed

John Larkin’s appalling comments follow the logic of the Belfast Agreement’s ‘unseemly and immoral sham’

Susan McKay: Call to halt Troubles inquiries is an insult to families of dead

NI attorney general John Larkin calls for end to Troubles prosecutions

Attorney General John Larkin: It’s time to call halt to all Troubles cases

Can we draw line under Troubles murders like Attorney General John Larkin suggests?

Criticism of Attorney General’s calls for end to Troubles prosecutions

Troubles prosecutions call slammed

Call to end Troubles prosecutions ‘wrong’

TUV denounces Attorney General’s amnesty call

Not everyone will like John Larkin’s radical call to halt Troubles cases… but it can’t be ignored

Old Bailey bomber Marian Price’s phone used to claim Massereene killings, court told

MLAs heap pressure on Gerry Adams over Disappeared

Assembly supports motion on Disappeared

Republicans ‘lying through their teeth’ about Disappeared, claims Poots

Nelson McCausland accused of disrespecting Assembly after refusing to answer allegations that he misled MLAs

Church Of England Backs Women Bishops Move

Northern Ireland assembly to debate fate of IRA victims

We know things that could undermine Northern Ireland peace process, say retired police officers

Ex RUC’s plea to Haass: ‘History must not be rewritten to equate police with criminals

Sinn Fein accused of ‘bad faith’ over publishing paper on its submissions to envoy Richard Haass

Sinn Fein Haass paper calls for truth commission (because TRUTH is a meaningless concept to Sinn Fein/IRA)

Tebbit: IRA Ceasefire was motivated by fear of imminent arrest (Far removed from the miraculous change of heart and mind it has been declared to be by the friends of power-sharing)

Jamie Bryson ‘delighted’ media ban has been lifted

Ulster Volunteer Force is no longer on ceasefire, police warn

Northern Ireland Assembly Speaker William Hay to stand down (Likely standing down in order to step up!!!!)

Claudy bombing: Police must probe claims after emergence of new evidence

Birmingham pub bombings: Paddy Hill hands over evidence to family

Assembly Speaker William Hay says three MLAs ‘used offensive remarks’ – (Read the report and see if you anything offensive or untrue was said by Mrs Allister MLA or Mr Elliott MLA??)

MLAs warned over debate standards

NI21 party could radically reshape politics but cannot be all things to all people

Sinn Fein event lauds prolific IRA killer

Boy, 15, shot in Northern Ireland

Co-op Bank ex-boss Paul Flowers, who is a methodist minister, ‘filmed buying drugs’

Former chairman of the Co-op bank, Reverend Paul Flowers, ‘uses crystal meth and crack cocaine’

Ex-soldier’s book claims Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were on list to ‘shoot-on-sight’

Official IRA’s terror trip to North Korea

IRA bomb victim family want inquiry

Call for new Claudy probe after IRA bombers named

Calls for inquiry into British shoot-to-kill policy in Ulster

Exposed:_ The army black ops squad ordered to murder IRA’s top ‘players’

Same-sex marriage to be legalised in Scotland despite public opposition

Charges against union flag protester Jamie Bryson withdrawn

DUP ran 47 Maze visits: Party accused of ‘ill-conceived charm offensive’ on peace centre

Victims’ families sue over UVF Glenanne gang collusion claims

Irish Premier, Enda Kenny, rejects that government could have done more to halt IRA

EU funding for cross-border bridge withdrawn

Education Minister facing questions about why findings of survey on cross-border education were not discussed at an inter-governmental meeting

Victims of IRA Terrorism from GB, Republic and Northern Ireland to Feature at TUV Conference

Northern Ireland A&E departments treat children for effects of alcohol

James ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s, US mobster convicted of 11 murders, and his IRA links

Gerry Adams – Past and present

Nelson McCausland ordered me to alter contract talks memo: civil servant

Nelson McCausland has questions to answer

Northern Ireland’s parties and politicians are lining up for Euro election bloodbath

Flag group’s backing for renewed protests

Hunger striker defends Adams over Disappeared – refuses to say whether Adams was in the IRA

Smithwick Tribunal: Bob Buchanan’s son asks if tribunal was worth it

McGuinness wrong over IRA’s civilian victims – Letter

Executive Ducking and Diving to Save Sinn Fein Blushes on Ann’s Law

Labour made a ‘spectacular mistake’ on immigration, admits Jack Straw

Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early

Britain faces a liver disease ‘epidemic’ because of heavy drinking

Glenanne Gang: Collusion raised in Commons by Foyle MP Mark Durkan

Loyalist killings linked to Ulster Defence Regiment should be investigated ‘thoroughly’, says British minister

God bless. I love you. Watch yourself’… last words of wife to RUC officer John Proctor just before he was shot dead

RUC officer Buchanan did not have a lax attitude to security, says Smithwick probe son

Slain RUC man’s family: we felt used politically and hadn’t sought probe into collusion

Flag rioters jailed after suspended sentences judged ‘unduly lenient’

Northern Ireland Troubles victims ‘treated as political embarrassment’ (The Status Quo will not suffer Sinn Fein to be embarrassed in case Stormont topples!!!!)

Sinn Fein Belfast mayor: Attending Armistice Day commemoration hardest decision of my career (WHY ????)

Gerry Adams faces growing Republican criticism

Councillor quits Sinn Féin amid ‘serious fractures’

Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson tells IRA memorial event SF wants a ‘branch in every parish’

Corrupt American firms give to party war chest

What will the future hold for increasingly split unionism?

Bombers who tried to murder former policeman have direct link to Provisional IRA says Hussey

New dissident group vows to wage a campaign of violence

Amnesty International is ‘perpetrator centric’

RUC man murdered 32 years ago after he visited wife and newborn son in hospital – man on trial

Taxpayer could be forced to hand thousands of pounds to foreign paedophile

Video: Soldier returns to scene of Ballygawley Bombing for Remembrance

Jean McConville ‘killer’ is named

Jean McConville’s daughter urges Gardai to probe claims

Should McConville murderers be tried as war criminals?

Sinn Féin’s problem is not so much with the past as with the truth

Gerry Adams: Poots ‘to be pitied not scorned’

US firms helping SF build war chest to fight 2014 elections

Haass process likely to see Dublin brought in to help resolve standoff, says McNarry

MoD ‘knew Belfast man Christopher Quinn was innocent’

Adams under pressure as McConville’s daughter says IRA murder should be treated as war crime

Will McConville controversy sink Adams?

Former policeman and 12-year-old daughter escapes bomb attempt

Vigilant ex-officer thwarted blast

Poots cleared over judicial attack

Christian preachers, buskers and peaceful protesters could be driven off the streets under draconian new powers designed to clamp on anyone deemed “annoying”

Exit from Stormont Executive on agenda for SDLP

SF members guilty of ‘moral cowardice’ on Disappeared

Gerry Adams playing well in the US, but not Ireland

Why disillusioned republicans breached IRA’s code of secrecy

7,500 apply for just 100 PSNI officer posts … and one in three is Catholic

Sinn Fein MLA Gerry Kelly cancels Maze Prison book event after outcry

Robinson: I have never talked to McGuinness about Enniskillen bomb

Assembly to debate Disappeared documentary

Victims reject McGuinness claims that IRA did not target civilians

Sinn Fein denies Anglo (bank) tapes a smokescreen for Adams

Outrageous Comments from McGuinness on IRA Terror

Martin McGuinness refuses to condemn IRA ‘human bomb’ attack in 1990 dubbed the ‘work of Satan’ by Catholic bishop

Pressure mounts on Gerry Adams over Disappeared

Gerry Adams has become a liability to Sinn Fein – it’s time for him to go

‘Sinn Fein supporters must now be questioning if Gerry Adams can continue as leader’

‘Disappeared’ spotlight back on SF leader

Gerry Kelly urged to cancel book signing near Massereene murder site

Sin, salvation – and Ian Paisley: the life of Trevor

Was priest’s role in The Disappeared a bystander to evil or a pawn in the IRA’s game? (No mention of the failure of the priest to inform the police of the crime he was witness to)

NI21’s Tina McKenzie: My politics are very different to my IRA terrorist dad’s

Deputy First Minister says civilians died where IRA made ‘ mistakes’ and were not deliberately targeted – (What a lie in the light of the La Mon bombing and the many others like it)

Ex-Provo: Republican movement damaged by Disappeared revelations (We repeat: How can the DUP, and especially those professing Christians within its ranks, continue in their coalition which such a gang of cold-hearted, ruthless killers??)

Brother of Disappeared teen demands McGuinness meeting after describing his offer to help as “unsatisfactory”

Irish Premier, Enda Kenny call to Gerry Adams on disappeared

Adams and the IRA criticised following documentary on the Disappeared

SF Dáil Éireann Deputy Pearse Doherty says party are fully behind Gerry Adams after ‘Disappeared’ documentary

Edwin Poots in ‘paedophile-protecting’ taunt at Gerry Adams

Gay blood donor ban: DUP Health Minister Edwin Poots erupts over row

Liam Adams ‘should get at least 15 years’ for raping daughter

Gerry Adams to speak at Sinn Fein’s New York fundraiser

Lisa Dorrian: Disappeared Jean McConville’s son urges unionist leaders to press loyalist paramilitaries over what happened to missing woman

Provisional IRA boss accuses Gerry Adams of murder of mother of 10: Tape recording only released after death of leader claims Sinn Fein president ordered 1972 killing – (How can the DUP, and especially those professing Christians within its ranks, continue in their coalition which such a gang of cold-hearted, ruthless killers??)

Stop or Leave the Chamber – Stormont’s Attitude to Attempt to Raise the Disappeared

Viewers react to Adams’ denials in Disappeared interview

‘BBC documentary on the Disappeared and Gerry Adams reminds us of Sinn Fein’s unfitness for government’

Martin McGuiness says Brady and Adams cases ‘not the same’

The Disappeared: IRA secret killings and burials ‘cruel and unjustified’ says Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness

Gerry Adams asked what he knew about the Disappeared

‘Disappeared’ spotlight back on Adams

Irish theologian tipped to be Catholic Church’s first female cardinal

Irish Premier, Enda Kenny, to give gay marriage vote green light

PUP man on policing board made sinister sectarian speech in disguise

UVF criminal gang will destroy us if not dealt with, says PUP man

PUP needs new leadership to have any chance of progress

‘Loyalists shot pensioner in the back’

Lord Falconer’s (buddy of Tony Blair) right-to-die bill a ‘blank cheque’ for suicide, says Baroness Butler-Sloss

‘How can a human do this to another human?’ Son of IRA victim Jean McConville says he still has nightmares about her violent abduction and murder 40 years on – (and how can the DUP, and especially those professing Christians within its ranks, continue in their coalition which such a gang of cold-hearted, ruthless killers??)

Don’t equate killers with innocent victims, warns Orange Order leader

Bonfire Night (5th November) should be banned because its ‘anti-Catholic’, say campaigners

Police ‘Cover-up’ over VIPs who abuse children in care

The IRA’s ‘disappeared’ return to haunt Adams

Gerry Adams suffers “grotesque amnesia” over alleged role in the Disappeared

Time for Gerry Adams to say goodbye

Gerry Adams pressed in Disappeared documentary over alleged role in Jean McConville death

Gerry Adams ordered Jean McConville killing, says ex-IRA commander on tape

Jean McConville’s daughter recalls mother’s abduction by IRA

Jean McConville’s son: IRA tried to silence me days after they killed my mother (Yet Adams, McGuinness, Kelly etc glory in the deeds of these murderous thugs)

Priest prayed with ‘Disappeared’ man hours before he was ‘executed’ by IRA – (But he never informed the police of the murder!! How can so many Irish people trust the Church of Rome??)

Ban court witnesses from giving evidence in veil, says Ken Clarke, former justice secretary

Irish police: Components for a massive dissident bomb in Co Monaghan

Smuggler with links to IRA now ‘number one’ Garda’s Criminal Assets Bureau target

Irish Priest faces sex abuse inquiry

Counter-terrorism police hunt missing suspect

Doherty and McDonald out front as SF seeks Adams successor

Family’s frustration as Prison Officer, David Black’s killers still at large one year on

Catholic Church might reinvent itself as Fianna Fáil has done, says priest (What a scam popery is!!)

Haass’s Dublin mission under fire from unionists (Though DUP & UUP leaders happy enough it seems)

Why is Dublin Involved in Haass Talks?

IRA victims accuse Haass of refusing to meet them

‘Hundreds of women may have aborted perfectly healthy babies’ after NHS staff at a major teaching hospital routinely failed to make vital checks

Loyalists ‘left behind’ in peace process led to flag protests – Jonathan Powell

Escalating series of bomb attacks, hoaxes and disruptions that underscore rising tensions

Police hold sixth man over ‘dissident plot to kill loyalist Johnny Adair’

Private memorial service at Maghaberry one year on from David Black murder

Blair felt inquiry into Enniskillen bomb would have slowed peace process (It always has been a case of “peace” at the cost of justice and truth)

Fuel laundering plant in South Armagh raided and 73,000 litres seized (Again, no report of any arrests!!)

Majority of Orangemen say Stormont is failing

Gay marriage issue as contentious as ever among Ulster public

Belgium considering whether to allow sick CHILDREN to end their own lives through euthanasia if their parents approve

Amnesties could play a positive role in North’s reconciliation process

Letter bomb: Reminder of threat that the dissidents still pose

How on earth did letter bomb addressed to Theresa Villiers get all the way to Stormont?

Greysteel: Killer’s apology too little, too late, says MLA

Greysteel: A night no one wants to talk about

Stormont gay marriage debate position ‘unacceptable’

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly: Dissidents think I’m the worst quisling, and I’m a hate figure for unionists… but I don’t regret my life

Christian values must not sway courts, says top judge

Rare Italian ‘San Gennaro’ collection of gems said to be worth more than England’s crown jewels

IRA Old Bailey bomber turned Sinn Fein politician accused of cashing in on ‘shooting guard’ with book on Maze prison break