October 2013


An atheist’s empty boasting

“Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth,” Proverbs 27:1, KJV.

An Irish biopsychologist, Dr Nigel Barber, believes that religion will be all but replaced by 2041! Dr Nigel Barber’s new book, published earlier this year, “Why atheism will replace religion” says the market for formal religions is being reduced by modern substitutes such as sport and entertainment, especially in more developed countries. Barber pointed out that atheists are more concentrated in richer countries and religion will decrease as personal wealth increases. Of religious groups Barber said, “Noisy as they can be, such groups are tiny minorities of the global population and they will become even more marginalised as global prosperity increases and standards of living improve.” Read more

Dr Joel Beeke Recommends a Book on Contemplative Prayer!!

It is difficult to believe that any professing Christian could ever be deceived into thinking that ‘Soul Recreation’, written by Tom Schwanda deserved their glowing commendation. And yet this is exactly what Dr Joel Beeke has done by posting the following recommendation on his Reformation Heritage Books website! (Link to RHB website)

“While mystical ideas must always be sifted with biblical discernment, it is undeniable that the Reformed and Puritan tradition contains a richly experiential emphasis on delighting in God through Christ. Tom Schwanda has done us a great service in probing that tradition in this study of Isaac Ambrose in his historical context. He offers a nuanced explanation of Ambrose’s view of being ravished with Christ, the Bridegroom of the church. He . . . encourages evangelicals to return to our Reformed roots in order to grow in authentic spirituality.” —Joel R. Beeke-President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids

What Dr Beeke has omitted to say is that Schwanda’s book not only considers and draws on the teachings of Ambrose, Calvin and commendable others, but he also promotes and encourages evangelicals to imitate the practices of The Desert Fathers, Ignatius of Loyola, (yes, founder of the Jesuit Order!!!) Richard Foster, Thomas Merton, and other apostates, whose mystical teachings are based on New Age/occult philosophies.

Why are men so trusting of this man despite the accumulating evidence of his compromise and disobedience to God’s Word? Read more here

Beeke in bad company – and taking good men with him!!

In September past, Joel Beeke was advertised as preaching at Bell Creek Community Church in Livonia, Michigan, USA.

The church website contains quite a bit of information about itself. For instance, under one link it tells us “What happens during the church service?” “Each week is different, but some common elements include the following: Uplifting worship by a great band.” Read more… [Updated in response to communication from Mr Malcolm Watts]

The candle burns low

There were two news items which made the headlines in the United Kingdom recently and which are indicators of the spiritual and moral downward spiral of the nation.

God, in His mercy, through the labours of men such as William Tyndale, the translator of the first English Bible, caused the light of His holy Word to shine brightly in our nation, more brightly than in many other nations. It was William Tyndale who said to a blaspheming, ignorant popish priest: “If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause the boy that drives the plough to know more of the scriptures than you!” Read more

Roman Catholic participation in Refo500 – a fruit of its ecumenical approach

Refo500 was an ecumenical organisation from its commencement as this blog article, which includes a speech by a Roman Catholic Bishop, from a Refo500 press conference in the Netherlands in February 2010 proves conclusively. The ecumenism of the organisation did not merely develop over time, but was foundational in the approach of Refo500 to the Reformation.

It is difficult to accept that anyone could be directly involved in such an organisation and be fully engaged as a partner at the North American launch, as was Dr Joel Beeke, and not be aware of its ecumenical nature!

Latest news stories

Amnesties could play a positive role in North’s reconciliation process

Letter bomb: Reminder of threat that the dissidents still pose

How on earth did letter bomb addressed to Theresa Villiers get all the way to Stormont?

Greysteel: Killer’s apology too little, too late, says MLA

Greysteel: A night no one wants to talk about

Stormont gay marriage debate position ‘unacceptable’

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly: Dissidents think I’m the worst quisling, and I’m a hate figure for unionists… but I don’t regret my life

Christian values must not sway courts, says top judge

Rare Italian ‘San Gennaro’ collection of gems said to be worth more than England’s crown jewels

IRA Old Bailey bomber turned Sinn Fein politician accused of cashing in on ‘shooting guard’ with book on Maze prison break


More news

Provo Letter Bombs Were Wrong Too

Letter bomb targets Northern Ireland secretary Theresa Villiers

McGuinness condemns ‘bitter and twisted minds’ of dissidents after letter bomb was sent to Secretary of State Theresa Villiers

Robinson: Those behind letter bomb to Theresa Villiers ‘won’t further objective by vile deeds’ (Unlike his friends in Sinn Fein!!)

Gerry Kelly speaks: ‘I looked at him and said: “Don’t move or I’ll shoot.” That’s all I’ll say…’ (Kelly’s comments on shooting of prison officer during ’83 jail break)

Nationalist rewriting of history must be urgently challenged

Five held in Scotland on terrorism charges ‘sympathetic to dissident republicanism’

Four men and one woman charged in Scotland with terror-related offences

Letter bomb found in Derry security alert

Willie Frazer is issued ‘most serious threat’ yet

‘Locked-in mentality’ of Church of Ireland members criticised

Outrage after troops bring shame on Scots regiment in Afghanistan by making Nazi salutes in picture

TUV Challenges PSNI on Recruitment Process

Northern Ireland must have an opposition to hold the powers to account’

Sinn Fein councillors express reservations at Sinn Feiner, John O’Dowd’s school funding reform

Halloween: An ungodly thing to celebrate

Ex-BBC driver for Jimmy Saville, David Smith, found dead

Gerry Kelly’s jail break interview on BBC Radio Ulster ‘an insult’

Shankill bomb: ‘I’d have killed bomber I rescued if I had realised just who he was’

‘SF and IRA talk about truth but lied to Saville and Smithwick’

Protests at divided Ballynahinch church escalate

Security alerts disrupt residents and rail services

C of E Synod to consider women bishops ‘ombudsman’

Reception held as City Hall lights up red for launch of Poppy Appeal

Dissidents blamed for PSNI letter bombs

Ryan brother faces death threats after release from prison

I blame Shankill bombers for the loyalist revenge killing of Martin

Shankill bomb: Massacre lit the blue touchpaper on a week of deadly reprisals

Shankill bombing was criminality no cause could justify

Book claims ‘indisputable evidence of security forces collusion’

Northern Ireland’s police ‘colluded with loyalists to cover up Catholic murders’

Book lifts lid on over 120 killings by loyalist gangs

Historical Enquiries Team exposes Northern Ireland collusion

Terrorism should not be publicly honoured – MP

Shankill bomb: Murderous week when Ulster was teetering on brink

Getting to truth of sectarian slaughter

IRA was sending Government mixed signals before 1994 ceasefire – but Shankill bombing was the point of no return

‘After appearance at GAA event can the DUP now walk Robinson’s talk?’

Police in Scotland arrest dissident republicans under Terrorism Act in series of raids

RUC boycott threat over bomb report

Paisley: I don’t want to smash Sinn Fein now

In pictures: Shankill remembers bomb victims 20 years on

Shankill bombing: Hundreds turn out for moving vigil to mark 20th anniversary of atrocity

Hundreds attend Shankill bombing church service

Shankill bomb clergyman says NI Troubles victims used for political gain

PSNI probe ‘unnotified’ Begley memorial parade

Analysis: Paedophile revelations wound Gerry Adams as never before

Joe Brolly’s ‘pride’ in INLA hunger striker Kevin Lynch will make it hard for unionists to work with him

Northern Ireland happiest place in UK says National Statistics Office

National Statistics Office: The people of County Fermanagh are the happiest in the United Kingdom

Loyalist flag anniversary march plans resubmitted

Joe Brolly’s offensive outburst only highlights huge gulf that remains in North

Dissident attack on security forces before Christmas highly likely: David Ford

Use Maze centre cash to care for Troubles victims’: Nesbitt

Troubles victims back calls for trauma centre as an alternative to Maze

Gerry Adams: ‘I failed my niece over sex abuse’

The unravelling of Gerry Adams

Bloody Sunday warning

This is no time to prosecute the perpetrators of ‘Bloody Sunday’

Husband of Shankill bomb victim dismisses bomber’s apology

Thomas Begley commemoration rakes over coals as burning hurt reignites once more

Claudy bombing: ‘Police suspension of investigation beggars belief given wealth of evidence uncovered’

Kelly describes Maze escape shooting

‘Catholic’ confession is good for the soul – says Archbishop of Canterbury

Police begin Bloody Sunday investigation

Anger as Bloody Sunday soldiers could face criminal prosecution

Prosecution of soldiers for Bloody Sunday could be ‘disastrous’ – MP

Wrong to prosecute Bloody Sunday soldiers

John Kelly: Murdering Bloody Sunday soldiers should be in prison already

Parades: Loyalist flag protesters plan to bring Belfast to a standstill again

Gun murder suspect Kieran McLaughlin at centre of week-long manhunt hits out at media as he denies guilt

Loyalists protest over commemorative plaque to IRA bomber Thomas Begley

Shankill bomber Thomas Begley commemorated amid loyalist protest

Victims’ stage peaceful protest against Shankill bomber rally

Shankill bomb 20 years on: I get angry when outsiders say ‘forgive and forget’ – they did not see what I saw

Sinn Fein deny Gerry Adams allegedly ‘led inquiry into allegations of sex abuse by IRA and Sinn Fein members’

Not so fast, Adams

IRA victims’ relatives clash at Gerry Adams speech in England

Chief prosecutor urged to clarify advice to Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams on abuse probe

Outrage at Brolly’s ‘pride’ over club named after INLA man

Joe Brolly Comments Expose Outreach to GAA is a One Way Process

What has Changed in the GAA in Four Months?

Robinson challenges unionists to shed ‘siege mentality’ to overcome problems

Peter Robinson: Shared and united society way forward for NI (Shades of Terence O’Neill – Dup where Unionist Party was in 1960s)

Church of Ireland row over sectarianism comments by Dublin archbishop

‘Institutionalised’ abuse led to death of 19 pensioners at care home

DUP leader Peter Robinson praises GAA for role it has played in helping build peace in Northern Ireland

Thaw slowly setting in between GAA and unionism after years of mutual suspicion

DPP in North under pressure over Adams investigation

Order invites Haass to Drumcree and Twaddell protest sites

Orange to ‘upscale’ protests at Twaddell

Sinn Fein denies secret abuse unit claim

Dail flare up between Adams and Ceann Comhairle (or Speaker of the Irish Parliament)

It’s a bit late in the day for Adams to whinge about media treatment

DUP’s Ruth Patterson back in court over Facebook charge

Facebook case: Ruth Patterson not barred from loyalist protests

Shops move to ban police officers in wake of loyalist protests

Willie Frazer to protest at IRA bomber commemoration

The brother of Claudy bombing victim: I’ll keep fighting until I get justice

Well done Claudy victims

IRA man Paul Norney jailed for drunken attack on wife

Jail for IRA man turned wife beater

You can’t force Irish language down the throats of those who don’t want to learn

First ministers could dig deep for a deal to resurrect Maze peace centre

Peter Robinson to speak at GAA club

PUP claims police brutality against Protestants

Willie Frazer insulted outside Sinn Fein office

Garda killers let out of jail early is disgrace to us all

Suspension of Claudy bombing investigation is “latest betrayal families have faced”

Claudy families ‘heartened’ by support for civil court action

No ‘grey area’ on criminal prosecution over abortion advice, says Barra McGrory

Claudy relative: I’ll keep fighting until I get justice

Gerry Adams: ‘I knew Liam was working with young people’

Unionist claims Republican group ‘dealt with’ abuse victims

Sinn Fein denies secret abuse unit claim

Condemnation as Gerry Kelly set to launch book reliving Maze jail break

DUP’s Ruth Patterson back in court over Facebook charge

Both Adams and Sinn Fein are now in serious trouble

Adams must face same fate as bishops for abuse failures

Adams unlikely to face trial for not reporting sex abuse, say experts

‘Frustration and anger’ as Claudy bomb probe halted – (The reason is Rome’s involvement in bombing and cover-up)

Families shocked as Claudy probe ends

Claudy bomb: Families to continue fight for justice

Gay marriage support at PUP (the UVF party) conference

Public are tired of broken promises

Video: Furious DUP MLA calls on cops to investigate his own dad for dealing fake cigarettes

Boy, 10, held over pensioner death

Pressure grows on Edwin Poots for swift review of abortion law in Northern Ireland

Dissidents blamed for double murders linked to criminal disputes

Killings demonstrate to wider world that dissident threat hasn’t gone

Belfast conference: Political institutions ‘rock solid’ says Martin McGuinness

Liam Adams stayed in youth role after telling Gerry of abuse

Adams is badly wounded and his enemies can smell blood

Gerry Adams’ credibility is now beyond repair

Bomber Thomas Begley’s brother says family are ‘very sorry for what happened’

Letter – Sinn Fein only want shared future on their terms

I would like to meet gunmen who attacked church, says Darkley victim

Gerry Adams not concerned over abuse review (Why should he be? The government is afraid of upsetting the “Peace Process” to to take up any issue which might annoy SF!)

Is Gerry Adams above the law – that is the question of the moment

Stormont Speaker Rejects Matter of the Day on Shankill Bomber Commemoration

Supreme Court hears guesthouse case

Revealed: Scandal of the Southern medical card fraudsters who cross border to access free NI healthcare

Orange Order’s threat of civil disobedience is wrong, says man who advised Nigel Dodds

Irish terrorists are ‘ragged remnants of bygone age’, spy chief says

Gerry Adams acknowledges head of Public Prosecution Service, Barra McGrory, was his legal adviser when interviewed about abuse allegations against his brother

Police ombudsman gets Gerry Adams complaint

North’s health minister accuses Adams of ‘letting down’ niece

Party remains loyal but Adams’ reputation is irreparably damaged

Kathryn Stone’s refusal to label IRA and UVF as terrorists is sickening

Republicans insult families with deeply offensive actions

Shankill bomb victim’s mother pleads for no IRA commemoration

Sinn Fein defends decision to commemorate Shankill bomber

Tell the truth, Gerry Adams, it will set you free… and the rest of us

Culture Minister Caral Ni Chuilin accused of alienating unionists

How are you advancing our interests, victims ask Kathryn Stone

Shankill IRA bomber memorial plans spark row

Shankill bomber Thomas Begley event ‘will distress families’

UUP councillor’s family grave defaced with republican stickers

Poll delivers a massive vote of no confidence in Stormont politicians

Health Minister Poots meets police chief over Liam Adams case

Gerry Adams faces investigation for failing to report sexual abuse by brother

North’s AG to review decision not to take case against Gerry Adams

DUP want external police probe as Gerry Adams prosecution decision is reviewed

Scouts announce alternative promise for atheists

Director of Public Prosecutions to review decision not to prosecute Gerry Adams

Decision not to prosecute Gerry Adams over brother’s abuse to be reviewed

Adams prosecution decision reviewed

Gerry Adams tried to prevent the public finding out about his paedophile brother Liam

Why Gerry Adams must resign – former hunger striker calls on Sinn Fein president to quit trust over handling of Aine abuse case


September 2013

Roman Catholic participation in Refo500 – a fruit of its ecumenical approach

Refo500 was an ecumenical organisation from its commencement as this blog article, which includes a speech by a Roman Catholic Bishop, from a Refo500 press conference in the Netherlands in February 2010 proves conclusively. The ecumenism of the organisation did not merely develop over time, but was foundational in the approach of Refo500 to the Reformation.

It is difficult to accept that anyone could be directly involved in such an organisation and be fully engaged as a partner at the North American launch, as was Dr Joel Beeke, and not be aware of its ecumenical nature!

No lie is of the truth

Despite the plainest of documented evidence, there are those amongst Fundamentalists who refuse to see that Dr Joel Beeke has established and maintained links with those whose teaching and practices are contrary to the Word of God.

Abuse has been directed at Ralph Ovadal of Pilgrim Covenant Church and me for daring to raise on radio programmes and articles on both our internet sites, the issue of Dr Beeke’s associations. The latest abuse is contained in a letter written by a brother in Christ to a Christian lady who contacted this minister, asking about the assertions that brother Ovadal and I had made regarding Dr Beeke. The minister’s response was to state that our allegations regarding Dr Beeke were false and specifically that Ralph Ovadal was telling lies. That is a serious matter indeed and must be answered. There are times when a believer is required to “suffer in silence” and bear reproach but there are times when to remain silent is to appear to give credence to false accusations. In Matthew 26:61-64, you have the Saviour remaining silent as false accusations were thrown at Him, but answering when He was asked the question by the high priest: “I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God,” verse 63. For Christ to have remained silent would have appeared that He was denying His divinity and so He answered. “Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven,” verse 64.

Likewise, it was necessary to refute publicly the false allegations and respond to this unjustified and unsubstantiated attack upon the integrity of two ministers of the gospel contained in this minister’s letter.

Please read carefully all the information set forth in Ralph Ovadal’s reply and investigate the evidence set forth in the programmes and articles, the links to which are included in this article.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev Ivan Foster (Retired)

Read more


The danger of tolerating sin in the Church.

An article based upon sermons preached by Rev Ivan Foster in September 1995. (Listen using the players below)

“Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?” 1 Corinthians 5:6.

Man by nature is insensitive to sin but the Lord is not! Man will see little cause for concern about that which deeply grieves and angers the Lord. Those who seek to share the Lord’s view of sin will often be seen as those who make “mountains out of molehills”. Their concerns are deemed an unnecessary disturbance of the peace of the Church.

This sad truth is illustrated by the incident recorded in 1 Corinthians 5. Paul did not share the deplorable view to which we have referred. He was determined to disturb the sinful tranquillity of the Church at Corinth. Read more


Latest news stories


More news

Continuing apathy with Stormont, despite progress made by politicians

Prosecutors advised no investigation of Sinn Fein chief over claims he withheld information about his brother’s sex abuse from detectives

Victims’ Commissioner defends role

Victims’ dismay at commissioner’s IRA comments

Shatter takes sideswipe at Sinn Fein leader following Gerry Adams’ failure to immediately report his knowledge of sex abuse allegation against his brother

Gerry Adams evidence at brother’s trial ‘examined by police’

Liam Adams claimed 15 years ago: ‘I know names of people in child sex ring’

Gerry Adams ‘wanted to conceal sex abuse allegation’

Police to investigate ‘UVF gangsterism‘ (Hopefully they will get round to the gangsters of the IRA)

SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell challenged on IRA playpark name

Tory pledge to scrap Human Rights Act

EU body withdraws Maze Prison peace centre money

Maze peace centre offer withdrawn

Nationalist councillors on Magherafelt Council snubs UDR greenfinches

Backlash grows over Victims’ Commissioner comments

Folk musician Francis McPeake to face sex abuse trial

Senior republican warns that Sinn Fein-DUP tensions could lead to collapse of Northern Assembly

Conservative Party conference: Theresa Villiers raises alarm about ‘lethal’ Republican violence

Alliance anger at Ulster Unionist query over policing bill for protecting MP’s office

Gerry Adams defends nine-year failure to contact the police over sexual abuse of niece

Liam Adams: Tears of vindication as ‘guilty’ rang out

Liam Adams revelations sent shockwaves through Sinn Fein

Gerry Adams speaks of brother’s abuse of his niece, Áine Adams

Liam Adams: The quest for justice that took 36 years

How Liam Adams’ daughter Aine challenged the most powerful republican family on the island

Gerry’s moral high ground is crumbling beneath him

Sectarian concerns over Protestant church attacks

Victims chief who won’t say if IRA and UVF were terrorists

Victims Commissioner Unfit for Office

Liam Adams, brother of Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams, convicted of raping and abusing daughter

Adams found guilty of abusing daughter

Liam Adams – brother of Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams – found guilty of raping his daughter

The shadow that abuse cast over the family of Gerry Adams

Gerry Adams’ brother, Liam, found guilty of raping his daughter (Adams’ father also guilty of abuse)

Adams’s silence on his brother’s abuse strips him of all credibility

Editor’s Viewpoint: Gerry Adams must go over abuse failings

SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell regrets Raymond McCreesh Newry park distress

McGuinness slammed over ‘insult’ to IRA victims

‘A wolf in sheep’s clothing’: Don’t be fooled – Iran still wants nuclear bomb, says Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

US begins shutdown amid budget row – (Maybe Richard Haass is more needed at home since the USA’s problems are greater far than Ulster’s !!!)

Congress misses deadline, sending government into partial shutdown

Chief Constable Matt Baggott hits out at failure of politicians to back his officers

No Maze development ‘without peace centre’ says McGuinness

Unionists welcome Orange offer to Ardoyne residents

Big partnership experiment at Stormont faces acrimonious split

Violence poses ‘real challenge’ to institutions, warns Martin McGuinness

Columba McVeigh relatives appeal for help to find IRA victim’s body after latest search failure

Anguished family of murdered Columba McVeigh release his last letter

Ulster Unionist leader Tom Elliott says Republic of Ireland’s decision to use map of island on new Irish passport is a ‘stupid decision’

Samuel Morrison: Republicans would have us believe we didn’t have terrorism but rather endured a conflict

Jim Allister: Maverick voice on winning run

Ellis Island Medal Of Honor awarded to leaders of Northern Ireland

Strenuous objections to appointment of first woman bishop by Church of Ireland group

Thousands take part in Belfast UVF commemoration parade

Martin McGuinness: ‘I think there are people aggravated by me and Sinn Fein being in power’

‘We feel let down by our politicians’ – local IRA victims speak out

Orange Order offer of talks with nationalists if given green light for north Belfast parade gets frosty reception

Catholics land sale row: farmer left £536K in will

DUP-Sinn Fein spats hit Executive business

SLIDESHOW: Willie Frazer arrives at court dressed as radical cleric Abu Hamza

Terror victims slam Maze project architect over views on ‘shrine’ fears

‘UVF shot woman as scapegoat for deaths caused by their own drugs’

Stormont DUP MLA Robin Newton’s family earn £800,000 of public cash – Stormont urged to tighten rules

Sinn Fein special adviser paid thousands

The Catholic church is losing control of Ireland’s schools

Tory vice-chairman Alan Lewis arrested over historical rape allegation

Maze prison peace centre will go ahead says architect Daniel Libeskind

Barnardo’s say NI sexual abuse cases are ‘just tip of the iceberg’

Red Notice for White Widow: Interpol issues global arrest warrant for Samantha Lewthwaite – the world’s most wanted woman who was born in Banbridge

Fermanagh land row: Allister releases letter from solicitor

ANALYSIS: Allister-Robinson row shows questions count

Divided unionism helps advance a republican agenda

Protestants need not apply says McQuillan

Loyalist paramilitaries blamed for ‘barbaric’ shooting of young Belfast woman

Silence over use of northern scenes on new Irish passports

I was warned never to talk about Gerry Adams, says brother accused of raping daughter

Eire PM: €200,000 found in McFeely’s former home ‘smacks of Celtic Tiger years’

Bryson facing two trials over flag protests

‘No crisis at Stormont’ – Robinson

Liam Adams told his daughter he had abused her sister, court hears

Another €60,000 (total of €200,000) found in IRA hunger striker Tom McFeely’s bathroom

Drug mule guilty pleas rejected

Impartial Reporter Editorial – Is it not all right to sell land to the ‘other side’ – (‘You would have thought delving into a wife’s business was something Peter Robinson would think twice about.’)

Republicans mark the 25th anniversary of the deaths of three IRA men shot as they sought to ambush a part-time UDR man delivering coal

Sinn Féin’s Gerry Kelly says power sharing in crisis

Powersharing in crisis, claims Sinn Fein

Land sale to Catholics row sparks Stormont crackdown

Shadow Secretary of State Coaker: Republicans must accept that Northern Ireland is British

Probe to see if Banbridge-born ‘White Widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite took part in Kenya attack

Peru drug accused pair guilty

Peter Robinson in row over sale of land to Catholics

Apology sought by ‘land row’ family

Speaker’s Ruling Shows Stormont Operates Below Established Standards

Pressure on Robinson over farm spat with Allister (The sight of smirking DUP MLAs, some professing Christians, as the lie is told by their leader is indicative of the spirit of the party that sold out to the lie in 2007)

Bringing politics into the property market

Kelly’s Castlederg speech to be probed

Gerry Adams’ brother denies abuse claims confrontation

One in thirty deaths in Holland are from euthanasia with most choosing to end their lives due to cancer

Samantha Lewthwaite_ The shame of White Widow’s father who fought terrorism as British soldier in Northern Ireland

18,000 loyalists expected for ‘Ulster Day’ march to commemorate UVF formation

Loyalist protests: PSNI will not buckle, whatever the cost – (Buckling only takes place is the face of Republican demands!!!)

Peter Robinson and Jim Allister row over land remarks

Exchange in Assembly – Allister Responds

Gardai ready to swoop on dissidents after arms find

‘I was right about IRA horse burgers’ – Frazer

IRA bomber had mobile phone in maximum security jail

Super-council proposals ‘are a slap in the face for unionists’

2,400 homes occupied illegally in Northern Ireland

Probe into cash found in mansion of former IRA hunger striker – €140,000 hidden under bath !

Probe under way after €140,000 is found hidden under bath in mansion seized from bankrupted former Provo

Poll: Alliance on the rise as unionists lose ground in voting intentions survey

Al Qaeda rocket blows lid on IRA cigarette cargo

PSNI’s bid for Catholic recruits is divisive and ill-judged: Campbell

Campbell is right to raise concerns about PSNI recruitment

Protestant women under-represented in PSNI – Ian McCrea

Belfast SF mayor Mairtin O Muilleoir under poppy day pressure

More than 3,000 protesters join loyalist parade in Belfast

RC Bishop’s appeal over ‘Disappeared’ murdered by the IRA

Adamant Orange Order rules out DUP/Sinn Fein parades plan

Orange Order accuses Parades Commission of provocation on eve of Haass talks

Anglicans appoint first female bishop in UK and Ireland

US nearly detonated atomic bomb over North Carolina – secret document

Audio Report: Gregory Campbell calls on McGuinness to inform on ex-comrades after Warrington speech

Maze tripped us up says McGuinness

Castlederg parade a defining moment in difficult summer

County Meath ceremony remembers the “Disappeared” – IRA murder victims secretly buried

Rosslea reinstates Bobby Sands plaque

Council erection of Bobby Sands memorial slammed by unionist

Elliott questions Council decision to reinstate Bobby Sands plaque in new wall

Sodomite marriage: Northern Irish opinion poll shows wide generation gap – (The fruit of years of anti-Biblical preaching in ecumenical churches)

Unionist delight and nationalist silence at Queen rating

N I public satisfied with PSNI – but not Chief Constable Matt Baggott

Christian B&B owners who refused to let sodomite couple share a room are forced to sell-up

Filth in the holy water. So what? (The height of superstitious absurdity)

First woman bishop is appointed in Church of Ireland

Birmingham pub bombing families’ fury as Martin McGuinness speaks at peace conference

Boys’ deaths ‘absolutely shameful’, says McGuinness – (Glory in bombings in Ulster, pretended mourning in England – an example of Sinn Fein hypocrisy)

IRA victim: McGuinness at peace event is like Hindley at childminding conference

Listen: Tom Elliott tells Haas IRA bombers must be treated the same as New York bombers

Trial of Liam Adams (brother of Gerry Adams) – daughter retracted initial evidence against father, court told

Health Minister Edwin Poots feels heat as Sinn Fein calls for inquiry on Northern Ireland care home failings

NHS patients have right to demand their doctor or nurse does not wear a veil, says Jeremy Hunt

24-hour drink law disaster: Police chiefs brand round-the-clock pubs a terrible mistake as they call for ‘drunk tanks’ to cope with late-night mayhem

Richard Haass faces Northern political process going into reverse

Haass jets in as UUP issues IRA challenge

Martin McGuinness: Ex-IRA commander gives Warrington peace lecture

McGuinness peace talk in Warrington an ‘audacious event’ says IRA victim’s father

IRA victim slams Sinn Fein appeal to Lib Dems on ‘miscarriages of justice’

Poll: Just 3.8% want a united Ireland now

Paramilitaries ‘a fact of life’ in Belfast, says Orange leader

Rural Orange support for Ardoyne protest ‘is strong’

Frazer: Abu Hamza court costume ‘not a gimmick’

McKinney: I would support bid to remove IRA hunger striker name from park

Sinn Féin TD criticises Tánaiste’s speech to British-Irish Association

Four year-old boy found ‘mummified’ in cot after starving to death, court hears

MP Nigel Evans – former deputy speaker – appears in court over sex offence allegations

The Queen gets a surprise endorsement by Northern Ireland’s Catholics – and is more popular than Martin McGuinness

Women are legally free to terminate pregnancies if they are unhappy with the sex of their baby

Jim Allister Backs Justice 4 the 21 Protest Against McGuinness Warrington Visit

Splits in unionism as Haass flies in for crucial talks

Video: Children trafficked around Northern Ireland in taxis, say police

Dreary steeples of Winston Churchill still casting a shadow

Two tribes still want a different kind of Ulster

PSNI wants to recruit 500 including more Catholics, young people and poorer people

Belfast Telegraph Poll 2013: Two communities at loggerheads? It’s no longer that simple

Northern Irish people to Orange Order: you can’t walk where you want

SDLP’s Fearghal McKinney under fire over play park comments

Roman Catholic church fire-bombed in north Belfast

DUP-SF talks deal on parades can’t be starting point for talks: Order

Haass talks: (Ecumenical) NI church leaders endorse Hope and History campaign

Politicians seeking an extra year on the hill

He’s already trying to solve parades and flags… now Richard Haass wants to sort out segregated education and housing

Willie Frazer relieved at progress over flag protest charges

New SDLP MLA Fearghal McKinney defends park vote – (Gone is the ‘bonhomie’ of his UTV days!!)

McGuinness’ views on Omagh cut little ice with IRA victims

Could Dublin have done more to defeat IRA campaign?

South did nothing and let the IRA get away with murder

Poots takes fight against gay adoption to Supreme Court

Bomb hoaxers ‘signalling to Haass’

Haass must tread political minefield

Loyalists vow to maintain protest at north Belfast flashpoint until Christmas and beyond

Police fear loyalist parade

Fearghal McKinney chosen as MLA to replace SDLP’s Conall McDevitt

New Omagh bombing inquiry ruled out by government

Governments have let us down, say Omagh families as they admit defeat

Omagh bomb: Peter Robinson & Martin McGuinness criticises inquiry decision

PSNI discover haul of ammunition near Forkhill in Co Armagh

Dublin silent on historian’s call for probe into IRA links

Female bishops voted in by Church in Wales – C of E now under pressusre to follow

Policewoman who tripped up on duty drops claim for damages against petrol station owner

Unionists ask questions about Sinn Fein knowledge of Omagh bombers

Not so pure after all: Most holy water ‘is contaminated with faecal matter’ and could be harmful to health

Pope’s right hand man says priests may be allowed to marry and celibacy is ‘tradition, rather than law’

Analysis: Robinson’s vow to go on will unsettle internal adversaries

Labour councillor quits Labour for Sinn Fein

FAIR director claims flag protest comments were behind VAT fraud arrest

MLAs debate Real IRA compensation

Amnesty calls for new way to deal with past after Troubles victims ‘failed’

Amnesty says victims of Troubles ‘disgracefully let down’

Alcohol brands ‘pervade’ football broadcasts – (Something for Christians to think about!!)

Professor Richard Dawkins: we are winning the war against religion – (Not in the end, Professor, Psalm 2:1-6; Isaiah 5:14-16; 2 Thess 1:7-9)l

Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven – (What a fool! “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God,” John 3:18.

MI5 and Special Branch ‘covered up Lib Dem MP Cyril Smith’s abuse of boys’: Police dossier handed to prosecutors in 1970 ‘went missing for four decades’

DUP whistleblower is still waiting for apology from DUP adviser, Stephen Brimstone

Alex Kane – The windbag shoots back at First Minister Peter Robinson

Fianna Fail leader, Micheal Martin: Chris Andrews ‘no loss’ to Fianna Fail

British government trying to distance itself from North’s past – MP

Conservative MP Nigel Evans quits as deputy speaker amid sex charges

DUP Assembly motion, seeking cancellation of compensation payment to the family of Kieran Doherty, a member of the Real IRA and murdered by it, is called ‘appalling’ by SDLP

Compensation rethink urged – (Are the floodgates of compensation to terrorists about to be opened???)

Fine Gael Protestant councillors fear for future of their schools in Irish Republic

Historian, Lord Bew: Dublin should ‘open everything’ for IRA collusion enquiry

Peter Robinson: I’ll be DUP leader until at least 2016 – (Now where have we heard a boast like that before!!!)

Fuel launderers being tipped off, claim MPs

Army tackles Belfast pipe bomb

Deputy Speaker faces new sex claims

First Minister Peter Robinson: ‘I haven’t gone away. There is still a huge job to do to keep us moving ahead’

Willie Frazer among those to welcome Dublin offer on ‘security failings’

UUP leader Mike Nesbitt to ask Gilmore to follow up on speech offer

Gerry Kelly eulogy for IRA terrorists at Castlederg sparks a bitter bust-up on day one of new term

Ann’s Law gets Royal Assent

Marriage ‘no longer the foundation stone of British family life’

IRA victims welcome Irish politician’s recognition of group’s ‘murderous activities’

IRA diesel racket costs the Irish State €150m in lost tax

Robinson and McGuinness meet in New York for US talks

Ballynahinch Congregational Church members walk out in protest

Protesters abandon pews as row simmers on

VIDEO: Church protestors address media

Police investigating loyalist paramilitary threat to Roman Catholic school pupils

Loyalist groups condemn ‘Red Hand Defenders’ threat to children and staff at Roman Catholic schools

Bloody Sunday Colonel Edward Loden shot dead in Kenya

Irish RC priest threatened with excommunication calls for debate on whether clerical celibacy has contributed to the number of clerics who abused children

Why did HET not probe Sinn Fein, asks Ulster Unionist

Ballynahinch Church Trustees ‘do not accept’ minister’s statement

1982 Hyde Park IRA bomb blast: suspect appears in court charged with murder

Criminal who burned woman’s face can stay in Britain because of his human rights

Ballynahinch Congregational row: Minister says no to mediation

Is it time to take a gamble on casinos? Ex-NIO minister urges law change to boost economy

US Air Force cracking down on Christians – Senior Master Sgt ordered to share his views on homosexuality and then relieved of position !!!!!

‘Sly’ Seamus Heaney failed to condemn terrorists, says Charles Moore

SDLP in turmoil

Conall McDevitt had strong internal foes

How will the SDLP fill void left by Conall McDevitt?

Dissidents now threaten young people ‘almost daily’

Louisiana legislature calls for a United Ireland and for U.S. to help achieve it

Ex-Fianna Fail TD Andrews may be shock SF candidate

Abortion laws left ‘meaningless’ as doctors put ‘above the law’

Russia denies calling Britain a little island no one cares about

Fresh bid to create EU superstate

‘Cover-up’ on British gaffes in Taliban raid on Prince Harry’s base

Outspoken Orangeman Mervyn Gibson to be DUP negotiator at Richard Haass talks

Martin McGuinness may yet become first minister

Ballygawley loyalist teenage band bomb rescuers still scarred

SDLP rising star resigns over undeclared payments from former employer

Conal McDevitt: The ‘mouth from the South’

McDevitt resignation ‘big loss to SDLP’

Greater Manchester Police does not investigate 60% of crimes

Cameron rushed into holding ‘quick’ Syria vote by Americans, Ken Clarke suggests

Gender abortions: criminal charges not in ‘public interest’ says CPS

Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt demands ‘urgent clarification’ over lack of prosecutions in gender abortion case

Railway worker suspended after rescuing disabled woman

Why are there discussions on “continued viability” of Maze project?

More than 300,000 attempts made to access pornographic websites at the UK Houses of Parliament in the past year

SDLP’s Conall McDevitt confirms paying wife for research work

Loyalist heartland could get Irish language centre

‘Police inside a church? You don’t expect Christianity to be like that’

Clergyman offers to help resolve parishioner standoff after police storm church amid furious protests

Baptism row over boy with two mothers

NHS blunders double in past year

Abandoned bombs represent ‘unfinished business’ – ONH claim responsibility

Ongoing church feud at Ballynahinch Congregational Church

RC poses ‘Questions for Catholic Church over Sinn Fein’ – LETTER

Australia’s prime minister, Kevin Rudd, a professed Christian, ‘cites scripture while delivering a stirring defence of gay marriage (In truth, he gives a most pathetic response)

Pope Benedict’s righthand man turns on ‘vipers’ within Catholic church

The British public has its say: Two-thirds oppose strikes on Syria

DUP criticises Lord Mayor’s absence from RAF appeal launch

THE Provisional IRA – and not a dissident republican group – was responsible for planting the two mortars near the Border in south Armagh

Mortars found on border not the work of PIRA – Sinn Fein

Tanaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) Adams? It’s closer to reality than you think . . .

UK is Europe’s ‘addictions capital’, says think tank

Think-tank claims UK has drink epidemic and drug addiction levels threatening society

Are Evangelical Christians, Catholics ‘extremists’ – on par with al-Qaida as claimed by US military briefing?

Robinson in warning over Syria as MPs veto bombing

Can Peter Robinson keep the peace with DUP hardliners?

Castlederg republican monument deemed ‘illegal’ by Planning Service

Cullyhanna mortars: Three-day security operation over

LETTER – Gulf between IRA killers and vast majority

BBC revelations a challenge to Poots

August 2013

The Mastermind behind the modern drugs craze

“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived,” Revelation 18:23.

This article, based upon a sermon preached at the evening service in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church some 20 years ago on 28th March, 1993, was prompted by a recent spate of newspaper reports on drug-related deaths in Northern Ireland of which this news report is an example.

The Bible tells us just what is the source of drug-abuse and who it is promotes it and to what end it is promoted. The finger is pointed straight at the Devil! Read more

Use the player below to listen to the original message.

Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots

by Bishop J C Ryle, (1816 – 1900)

This is the fourth chapter from JC Ryle’s book on Holiness and is worthy of our consideration. It highlights the the struggle, the battle that is involved in living for God in a wicked world.

The attitude of all too many believers toward the holy commandments of God is that of Saul and the Israelites toward the command given the king of God, regarding the slaying of the Amalekites and all that was theirs. Where they were in agreement with the commands of God they obeyed, but where their carnal appetites and desires differed from God they defied Him and yielded to their own cravings. So it is oftentimes with God’s people. Where they disagree with God’s law they find reasons to defy it and indulge their fleshly desires. There are some things they see “no harm” in and so refuse to obey. Such picking and choosing angers God and brings down His judgment on the disobedient. “It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments,” 1 Samuel 15:11.

Bishop Ryle shows the battle that is involved in yielding full obedience to God and following the path of holiness. May we be given the grace enjoyed by Joshua and Caleb and “wholly” follow the LORD, Numbers 32:12.   Read more…

An example from Australia of the dreadful suffering endured by Roman Catholic families at the hands of pervert priests and the deceitful, lying hierarchy

Nothing could be further removed from the merciful dealings of the God of Heaven with sinful men than the ‘Roman Catholic Church’.

In recent times, the most horrific revelations have been disclosed of what takes place behind the walls of her institutions and chapels worldwide. The cesspool of iniquity thus uncovered is nothing compared to the final revelation of her satanic activities and corruptions when God shall remove the veil of her pretended ‘holiness’!

She is the foremost element in that dreadful Antichristian amalgam portrayed in Revelation 17:4-6. “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”

John Gill comments on the final statement in those verses – i.e. the writer John’s ‘admiration’ or ‘amazement, astonishment, wonderment’ : “it was astonishing to him that one bearing the name of a Christian church should rise to such grandeur; and he wondered at the name upon her forehead, what the whole of that inscription should mean; but, above all, at her drunkenness with the blood of the saints; at her inhumanity and cruelty, being as savage as the beast she rode on; and also at God’s forbearance of her, that He, Who is a pure and holy Being, a lover of His saints, an avenger of His elect, should suffer such a brutish, barbarous, and bloodthirsty creature, to live upon earth.”

There are few who see Romanism as such today but a day is coming when all the world will see her for what she is.

The following document is the personal testimony of a father and mother who have encountered firsthand the bitterness of life under Popery. Read more

Is it ever right to do what former generations considered improper?

or, “A plea for the old paths”.
“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein,” Jeremiah 6:16.
The drift that takes place amongst the professing people of God from generation to generation is a matter of Biblical record. Who, as a serious student of God’s Word, has not read with trembling the words found in Judges chapter 2? Read more

Latest news stories


More news

Planning probe in Castlederg focusing on who owns IRA monument site

Limerick TD calls out Adams on comments on identity of killers made by Sinn Fein colleague on Donohoe murder

Pro-IRA priest, ‘Fr.’ Sean Mc Manus chosen for World Peace Awarding Council

DUP: no U-turn over the downsizing of local government

€3.7m grants in cross-border projects probed (Regarding Families Acting for Innocent Relatives, run by Mr Frazer, Public Prosecution Service NI has said that there is no suggestion of money spent improperly)

Cameron backs down on urgent Syria strikes

Archbishop of Canterbury: My gay marriage view can be seen as ‘akin to racism’

No compensation for terrorists – DUP

Dissident republican mortar ‘had helicopter target’

Two mortars found in County Armagh security alert

McConville family to sue police and MoD

Jim Allister calls for review after RIRA man’s family compensated

LETTER – Money for IRA man an insult to law abiders

Old Bailey bomber Marian Price McGlinchey in legal bid to prevent the media showing what she looks like

China: Boy, Six, Has Eyes Gouged Out By Woman

Thousands Of Hospital Patients Dying Of Thirst

RIRA man’s family get payout as Omagh victims left waiting

Britain cast as villains in one-sided history of Troubles – Lord Bew

La Mon bombing: A split second of evil… and then they were orphans

Girl Guides ‘should not be allowed to use church premises’

Violent Bosnian criminal overturns deportation bid to win ‘right to family life’ in Britain

Family of a Real IRA man murdered by his own paramilitary gang are to be compensated

Real IRA member Kieran Doherty’s family to receive ‘substantial’ compensation

Anger at compensation for Real IRA man

Rumours of Peter Robinson’s demise may prove to be premature

Victims of republican violence call for Maze Prison to be demolished

Judge criticises delays in Willie Frazer flags case

PSNI unable to cope with pressure – NI21 leader Basil McCrea

Security alert in Rasharkin ahead of annual band event

Pipe bomb found in Rasharkin alert

Senior party figures in court, jostling supporters outside… and Ruth smiles through it all

Church of Ireland archbishop preaches the old ecumenical lie – Christians are all part of one church

Irish priest held over abuse claims

Commissioner’s IRA march comments are questioned

Mayor’s eight chaplains resolve to calm tensions

Loyalists and republicans clash in Belfast

Festival bus on jail tour is attacked by loyalists

We shouldn’t let Gerry Kelly write history of Troubles

Angry Omagh families launch legal action

Cardinal Keith O’Brien ‘blocked church sex abuse report’, says archbishop

Shamed Ballycastle-born Cardinal ‘blocked sex abuse audit’

Hospital workers jailed for cruelty

Ruth Patterson in court over Facebook comment

Girl Guides split warning as Christians back rebel troop over pledge

‘On the edge of a precipice’ – Welby’s doomsday warning to feuding Church

Northern Ireland violence brings number of police injured to 350

NI violence ‘back to 1990s levels’

UUP Cllr Wilson welcomes DUP’s shrine u-turn

Sinn Fein colluded with British Government to block IRA arrests lest it destable peace process

Frazer and Dowson support Ruth Patterson as she appears in court on Facebook charge

DUP woman on Facebook post charge

European officials have expressed fears over Maze peace centre funding

Sinn Fein Council Chair labels DUP colleague as a “hero” for standing firm in face of loyalist protest

Sinn Fein must come clean on murder of Paul Quinn says SDLP man Dominic Bradley

Officials’ bizarre plan: axe jobs to prevent discrimination

‘Religious bias’ claim adds insult to injury for staff facing job losses

DUP now backs victims’ charter

Northern Ireland is in big trouble, and Haass can’t fix it

Ballygawley IRA bomb rescue heroes still suffer scars

DUP U-turn urged over on revamp of councils

Protestant family to move out after another sectarian attack in west Belfast estate

DUP slam Deputy First Minister over his Maze criticism

Sinn Fein confrontation of DUP next month at earliest

DUP keeps up pressure on Sinn Fein to back 5,000 jobs at Maze

Relative of IRA victims calls for buildings on Maze site to be razed to the ground

The day Sammy Wilson told Peter Robinson he had to do a U-turn on Maze plan

Wilson denies ‘stand-up’ row with first minister

DUP leader has played a blinder, says Trimble aide (Belfast term meaning ‘a brilliant move’)

Questions still remain despite DUP’s apology to whistleblower: MLA

RTE fails to press IRA’s bomb man over Farc – (“a cover-up?”)

Marian McGlinchey convicted over republican protest charges

DUP adviser, Stephen Brimstone, may face investigation over Red Sky contract

Conduct of special adviser Stephen Brimstone to be examined

Lord Maginnis guilty of road rage

Joint Letter on Maze Conflict Centre

Pentecostal pastors are telling HIV positive patients to ‘rely on God’ instead of taking medication

McGuinness says DUP move on Maze peace centre was a ‘mistake’

McGuinness: Stalling Maze peace centre a mistake

Stalling peace centre ‘a mistake’

Maze peace centre: board seeks urgent clarification

Former RUC officers unhappy Maze plans shelved not scrapped

Sinn Fein furious at DUP’s sudden shift on Maze that caught it on the hop

Lost in the Maze – DUP can keep winning elections but Peter Robinson has to stand down as leader

DUP urges Sinn Fein to allow rest of Maze plan to go ahead

Fight on terror shrine will continue, says Willie Frazer

Decision on Republican IRA memorial built without planning approval awaited by unionists in Castlederg

Peru drug arrests: Spanish police ‘doubt’ over women’s claims

Spanish police doubt Michaella’s ‘forced’ drug smuggling claims

DUP man to apologise to Jenny Palmer over Red Sky pressure

Northern Ireland coalition divided over Maze prison peace centre

DUP leader Peter Robinson’s about-turn on Maze ‘a humiliating retreat’

Are the cracks starting to emerge in Peter Robinson’s iron grip?

Maze peace centre: Peter Robinson’s letter to DUP members

Cunning plan or return of the old tough Robinson?

DUP caught up in Maze

Unionists hail U-turn over Maze proposals

Call for Maze site to be bulldozed

TUV welcomes Maze u-turn

What now for Maze site?

Vital Omagh bomb evidence hidden from police ‘to save IRA ceasefire’ (justice must give way to political expediency!)

First Minister Peter Robinson stalls Maze peace centre

Dramatic DUP U-turn on the Maze

Orange Order: if new parades body is a fair one, we’ll accept rulings

Orange Order will accept the banning or rerouting of marches if the Parades Commission is replaced by a body it approves of

PSNI must attempt to mend fences with loyalist community

Gerry Adams’ ‘regret’ is not enough – give us facts

Secretary of State Villiers ‘considers’ La Mon inquiry

Violence justified if you’re defending yourself – Protestant coalition chair

Orange Order’s concern over drop in Protestant support for police

Fracking threatens “God’s glorious creation”

Children pick up unexploded bomb at Woodbourne police station in west Belfast

Children find unexploded bomb outside police station

Order chaplain labels PSNI chief’s remarks ‘an utter disgrace’

Attacking police justified, says Protestant Coalition

La Mon victims demand review

Prosecutions sought in wake of Kelly speech to Castlederg IRA commemoration rally

Parades Commission challenged why so few restrictions on controversial republican parade in Castlederg

Loyalist rioters lose battle for the moral high ground

Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers says calling halt to contentious parades not viable

Storm over Troubles deaths files: Villiers and PSNI launch gagging bid as Sinn Fein minister releases sensitive inquest documents to families seeking truth over killings

Sorry Mr Spence, We Don’t Want a Police State – TUV response to comments of the chairman of the Police Federation, Terry Spence

Sinn Fein Challenged on Bombs and Children

Chief Constable has “little sympathy” for MLA claims he was assaulted by police

Micheal Martin says Gerry Adams meeting was ‘grossly offensive’

IRA ‘telling lies’ about murder of Brian Stack – claim that prison officer was murdered by ‘mavericks’ dismissed

Victims call for police to probe IRA parade

Sinn Fein MLA Gerry Kelly’s speech in breach of code, claims DUP man – (DUP better get used to it as SF will continue to push the boundaries with impunity)

Jim Allister Lodges Official Complaint with Assembly Commissioner Against Kelly

Police union boss calls for ban on contentious marches following Belfast violence

Release of Troubles’ killings documents sparks legal row

International Development Secretary, says it was “regrettable” that £480,000 of British taxpayer-funded aid and equipment has fallen into the hands of al-Qaeda

I was born a British citizen, and want to die as one

Riots in Belfast – Police chief condemns ‘mindless anarchy’ after 56 officers injured during loyalist protest

Sinn Fein vows Castlederg parade will be ‘dignified’

War of words over who’s to blame for Twelfth riot

Secretary of State condemns city violence

Admission that IRA killed prison officer Brian Stack

Journalist from nationalist newspaper attacked at republican bonfire

Anti-internment parade is ‘recipe for disaster’

Police on alert ahead of Belfast city centre internment parade

The unchanging and true colours of Sinn Fein displayed over Castlederg

Presbyterian Minister in Castlederg “disgusted” by the IRA parade planned for this Sunday

Two stories that show the depth of feeling among those opposed to IRA procession

Eight police officers injured in Belfast bonfire trouble

Woman charged with having bomb components in her car

David Cameron on Jesus, pancakes and Sunday mornings

Professor Richard Dawkins embroiled in Twitter row over Muslim comments

DUP minister backs SF Mayor’s right to visit anywhere in city

Kingsmills massacre: Chilling chapter in our dark and bloody past

Known IRA murders relating to Castlederg

Sinn Fein both ‘condemning and commemorating bombers’

West Tyrone victims group in Castlederg parade meeting

Secretary of State Villiers and parades body face legal threats over Castlederg

DUP minister condemns attack on SF mayor but defends loyalist protesters

Inquest into IRA massacre ordered

Fresh enquiry brings new hope of justice for Kingsmills families

New inquest into Kingsmills murders

Intelligence on Omagh bomb ‘withheld from police’

Omagh case is ‘a blot on governments’

Omagh bomb: ‘Government intelligence failures mean fresh public inquiry needed’

Omagh bomb families make new call for inquiry

Now police probe TV investigation into Red Sky and DUP minister

Legal threat to IRA Castlederg parade

War of words erupts between DUP and Sinn Fein after SF Lord Mayor jostled by loyalists

DUP: We warned Lord Mayor he would not be welcome at park

Row erupts after Lord Mayor attacked by loyalists

Justice Minister condemns attack on Belfast Lord Mayor

SDLP opposes IRA parade

Mounting speculation within DUP about who will succeed Robinson

Robinson must take care not to repeat Trimble’s mistakes

Irish speaking police officers drafted in for fleadh in Derry

McDevitt should ‘do the right thing and pay back expenses’ says Sinn Fein

Police shield SF mayor from protestors

Sinn Fein Lord Mayor Máirtín Ó Muilleoir ‘jostled by loyalists’

Sinn Fein Lord Mayor jostled at Woodvale

Willie Frazer to hold rally at Facebook’s Dublin HQ

Controversial republican memorial in Castlederg has no planning permission

Families of people killed by soldiers sue NI’s chief constable

DUP’s Ruth Patterson to plead not guilty to Facebook message charge

New insights into origins of Anglo-Irish Agreement

Man arrested over 2007 Paul Quinn murder in Castleblayney

Man arrested over murder of Paul Quinn who was beaten to death by a (IRA) gang in Co Monaghan

Man in Ireland arrested over killing linked to Provisional IRA

Revealed: Warning signs that could have stopped the Omagh bombing

Russia: Pensioners in trouble over “antichrist” comments

Scottish RC Bishop to apologise for abuse at Fort Augustus School

Bishop of Aberdeen to apologise for child sex abuse at Fort Augustus Abbey School

Investigation after sectarian attacks on cars by nationalists

McConvilles to mount civil case in bid for justice – Adams could be forced to give evidence

Man suspected of being the former head of the Provisional IRA in the Republic arrested in Spain after police raid a cannabis grow houseJim Allister Comments on The Charging of Ruth Patterson

Green light for 5,000-strong dissident internment anniversary rally without restrictions

Call to ban IRA parade in Castlederg

Northern Ireland parade to commemorate IRA men chills atmosphere in Castlederg

IRA parade: A whiff of smart aleck game-playing from Sinn Fein

DUP councillor Ruth Patterson apologises for parade comments

DUP’s Ruth Patterson apologises for parade “massacre” comment on Facebook

Ruth Patterson arrested over Facebook comments

DUP councillor arrested in probe over controversial internet comments

DUP’s Ruth Patterson arrested over Facebook parade “massacre” comment

Why is DUP councillor defending terrorist memorial?

TUV Respond to Parades Commission Decision on Castlederg Terror Commemoration

Castlederg republican parade gets restricted go ahead (Still pass site where IRA murdered Protestant)

Castlederg IRA parade will pass three murder sites

Roman Catholics defy IRA march in Castlederg

Robinson and McGuinness differ on Castlederg parade

Green light is given for Maze peace centre work (Confirmation of the plans the DUP deny)

Power-sharing: Just a little bit of history repeating (The sad path of betrayal that brought us power-sharing with terrorists)

Quarter of SF’s votes attributed to cheating in 1983 Westminster election

Robinson’s Belated Interest in the World Police and Fire Games Flags and Anthem Snub Welcome

Christian Students in Eritrea Punished for their Faith

Further attack in Protestant estate

Praise for solidarity amid riot, but alleged police advice causes anger

Sinn Fein move to re-route Castlederg Republican march dismissed by DUP

Political parties press Parades Commission over contentious IRA march

Security threat ‘severe’ as dissidents agitate for a kill

Is it necessary for a true Christian to have had a personal conversion experience? “Absolutely not” says tongues-speaking Archbishop of Canterbury

Documents reveal Bank of England sold stolen Nazi gold

San Antonio Proposal Could Bar Christians Who Oppose Sodomy From City Council


July 2013

The New Golden Boys in the Military

written by Lt. Colonel John Lewis Cook, USA (ret.)

Just when you think the Obama administration cannot possibly engage in any more stupid, embarrassing episodes, you suddenly discover that you are wrong. This administration’s capacity for insanity appears to be limitless. The latest example of this occurred on Tuesday when the Pentagon hosted something called the Second Annual Gay Appreciation Day. Read more

Pope Francis shows his true colours

By Richard Bennet.

Pope Francis’s performances and writings give a picture of a man that is two-faced. To build a public image for himself, Bergoglio, once elected, chose the name Pope Francis in honor of St Francis of Assisi. St Francis was known to be a softhearted lover of nature; thus, Pope Francis adroitly implied that he would be similarly unassuming, kind, and harmless. Then following his election, he paid his own hotel bill for his stay during the enclave. He then took up residence, not in the usual papal apartments, but rather in a smaller more humble suite. On the other hand, from his first speech and subsequent presentations, he has shown himself as a totalitarian dictator. Thus, as the media and many ecumenical Evangelicals fawn over Pope Francis, it is necessary to biblically analyze his speeches and performances. The mind boggling conclusions are documented in the attached article. Read more

Will we never learn?

As one who has vivid memories of the Terence O’Neill campaign against Bible Protestantism in the early and mid-60s, I see much that is reminiscent of that time of betrayal, which was seeded by the foolish notions of the ecumenical church leaders back then. Read more

When lightning flashes this is not what you want to see!

This is a picture that someone took who works on an oil rig. He was going to take a picture of the lightning and was unaware of the tornado until the lightning illuminated it.

This picture, sent to me by my friend Ralph Ovadal, is a wonderful illustration of the great mercy of God to careless unthinking sinners.

This lightning flash is so like that flash of divine light which shows the sinner the danger he faces, the danger he was utterly unaware of until that light from heaven shone down and in a moment informed him of that which the witness of friends had been unable to get across.


Refo500 to celebrate ‘The Catholic Reformation and its Lustre’!!

Joel Beeke is still linked with Refo500 and participating in events it organises. On His church page there is a promotion for: “THE LEGACY OF THE REFORMATION TOUR”, JULY 11 – 19, 2013. This is your invitation to be part of a truly transformational travel experience led by Dr. Joel R. Beeke and Dr. Jason P. Van Vliet!

That same tour is advertised here on the same site as the announcement of ‘The Catholic Reformation and its Lustre’. See it here.

Read more

“A Popish Octopus with a Very Long Reach”

The Transcript of a Heart of the Matter Documentary on Refo500. Read it here.

What a difference 25 years make!!!

Stealing away our children“How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!” 2 Samuel 1:27.

The following article – “Stealing away our children” – was produced by the Presbytery Education Board and circulated amongst Free Presbyterians some 25 years ago. The government proposals it exposed were greatly stymied and resisted so that they never truly got off the ground as it was hoped, chiefly because they were opposed in the educational and political arena by Free Presbyterians loyal to the teaching of the Word of God. However, those very proposals form the bedrock of what it is that the Democratic Unionist Party has now embraced and which it would have Ulster Protestant parents adopt with open arms. Read more

See a copy of the original article here.

When Elijah comes

“Elias Truly Shall First Come” (Matthew 17:11). Thus spake Immanuel, the Greatest of all the Prophets, reminding us of the certainty that Elijah shall come again to the earth before the Lord returns in glory. Few realise the wondrous fact that Elijah is coming in the weakness of the flesh, though with super-natural powers, to testify to the truth of thee Scriptures in the last days. The coming of Elijah is mentioned several times in the Scriptures. In Malachi we find the plain and clear statement that Elijah shall come before the Lord Jesus is revealed in judgment (Malachi 4:5). The disciples believed, though they did not then fully understand this Scripture. Therefore they were perplexed, and asked the Lord, in effect, “As Thou art the Christ, why has not Elijah first come?” They were not then able to distinguish clearly between the first and second comings of the Lord. Read more

Latest news stories


More news

Suffolk residents plan to report PSNI response to Police Ombudsman following attack by republicans

Another Protestant enclave comes under attack

No DUP writ to BBC, a month after broadcast

No national anthems to be played for medal winners at World Police and Fire Games

Yet further evidence of abuse as former Roman Catholic boarding school is investigated

Mount Zion Chapel which appears in Lowry painting will become a mosque

Pope says he will not judge priests for their sexual orientation

Pope Francis: Who am I to judge gay people?

Milltown Killer Michael Stone to serve rest of term

Rampaging mob in west Belfast are ‘an affront to their community’

Ejected party gatecrashers attack Protestant enclave

Hundreds step out to mark centenary of historic rally

Boston tapes name gaffe: Confessions may be useless after identity codes lost

McGuinness: Apprentice Boys’ Memorial Hall attack shameful

Attack on wreaths commemorating murdered soldiers branded ‘sick’

Omagh depravity haunted suspect, Seamus McKenna – (A revelation of the true character of a Republican ‘hero’)

Thought for the week: Flying the flag of peace – (An example of the puerile, ecumenical drivel with which the Protestants of Ulster are bombarded!)

Official migration statistics ‘little better than a guess’, says report

Anger mounts ahead of Castlederg IRA parade

DUP puts pressure on Parades Commission to ban Castlederg IRA tribute march

Most people in Irish Republic still favour a united Ireland but don’t expect one any time soon

Roman Catholic and Controlled Sector schools flooded by demand while Integrated Schools have empty desks

Irish Deputy Prime Minister to swear an oath in the presence of a God in Whom he does not believe

Archbishop of Canterbury: Church can invest in pornography and gambling

“You cannot find Jesus outside the Church,” says Pope (Same old popish lie peddled that has deceived and damned millions)

Sectarian rampage in Protestant area by republicans condemned

West Belfast attack ‘sectarian’

Petition calls for chaplains move at Antrim hospital to be scrapped

Republicans urged not to ‘flaunt hatred’ with anti-internment march

Another group comes out against Maze plan

Shamed Ballycastle-born Cardinal Keith O’Brien replaced in Scotland

Jim Allister makes Formal Complaint to Assembly Commissioner for Standards on Phil Flanagan, SF MLA

Flanagan sorry for Royal baby tweet

DUP man condemns attack on memorial to IRA volunteers

Unionist ‘concern’ over Castlederg IRA commemoration parade

Dissidents plan Belfast rally: Permission sought for 5,000-strong internment anniversary parade

Irish Deputy PM and Northern Secretary urge Orange Order to reconsider parade strategy

Records show political parties’ earnings and losses

Teenager hits out at Maze plan

Challenges await new Stormont ministers Durkan and Hamilton

Irish government vows to pursue religious orders for half the 1.46 billion euro cost of compensating their victims

Royal Birth Shows Urgent Need to Address the Issue of Flying Union Flag at Stormont

Royal Baby: Flag flies at City Hall but not Stormont

Allister warns against Parades Commission ‘under a new name’

Sinn Fein calls for Orange to cancel protests

Flag protester, Jamie Bryson’s lawyer raps PSNI over case delays

I’ll fight any claims that I was guilty of fraud, says former Red Sky boss Peter Cooke

David Cameron’s online porn ban unravels amid debate over internet censorship

Unionism can learn from Sinn Fein

Columba McVeigh: Brother calls for more information from IRA

Order praised for ensuring protest remained peaceful

Service held to commemorate victims of one of the worst days of republican violence during the Troubles

Ecumenical Presbyterian moderator urges Orange Order to call off its protest

Cameron’s crackdown on illegal pornography criticised

Every home to have a ‘porn block’ by default: David Cameron cracks down on online pornography

Loyalist parade protest at Ardoyne passes peacefully

Gerry Kelly interviewed by police over landrover incident

Northern Ireland police prepare for renewed protests over Orange march

PSNI vows to hold the line again at parade flashpoint

East Belfast representatives raise concerns with police to PSNI ACC Will Kerr

No respect being shown to victims of terrorism

Real IRA bomb plotter Larry Keane found murdered in Ireland

Pope’s bank clean-up man ‘found stuck in elevator with rent boy’

Pope’s bank clean-up man ‘found stuck in lift with rent boy’

Sinn Fein Lord Mayor criticises IRA tactics

Willie Frazer: PSNI are stalling my trial to silence me

Unionist fury over IRA tribute rally

Orange Order appeals for calm ahead of latest parade ban protest

FINALY, Police to quiz Gerry Kelly over jeep row

Paramedics refuse to enter ditch to help dying man

LATEST – Parades Commission refuses north Belfast march plan

Orange lodges refused permission to walk past Ardoyne shops

The Vatican Bank is rocked by scandal again

Nuns say they will not pay Magdalene compensation

“Unionism must admit wrongs and face facts” – (‘Belfast telegraph’ prints edited version of the Editor’s statement on the recent riots. Full version here)

Accusation of ‘double standards’ over IRA commemoration parade

William Frazer arrested, but why wasn’t it Gerry Kelly

Willie Frazer released again after bail breach

Farcical PSNI Case Against William Frazer Thrown Out

Police attacked with petrol bombs in east Belfast during fifth night of loyalist violence

Irish Minister for Justice Alan Shatter says he cannot strip religious orders of charitable status following their refusal to contribute to the Government’s multi-million euro redress scheme for survivors of the institutions

Donations to Magdalene fund from religious orders guilty of abuse for survivors of the Magdalene laundries urged by Irish PM

Same-sex marriage officially legalised – churches claimed marriage has been “stripped” of its meaning

Pope Francis offers reduced time in Purgatory for Catholics that follow him on TwitterFlags protester Jamie Bryson banned from Stormont parades debate

Willie Frazer arrested at cafe for visiting Parliament Buildings, Stormont (No such “justice” for Gerry Kelly!)

Jim Allister statement on the arrest of William Frazer

DUP motion on Parades Commission decision carried – (Is not the DUP guilty of the same ‘crime’ as the Parades’ Commission – placating militant republicanism??)

NHS inquiry: thousands of patients died amid ‘fundamental breaches of care’

Dying patients are suffering a “fundamental” lack of care, left in agony outside normal hours, according to a report which accuses nurses of brutality and callousness

Sodomite marriage clears the House of Lords

Gay marriage set to become law as peers approve Same Sex Couples Bill

MPs back singing and smiling lessons for parents of newborns – (just unbelievable!!)

Belfast riots: Child’s lucky escape after dissidents republicans throw blast bomb

Robinson slams anti-police violence

Anger at media’s ‘blind eye’ over attacks on loyalists

Mervyn Gibson: Parade riots ‘train crash waiting to happen’

Analysis: Orange Order damaged by lack of a plan

IRA leaders’ right to life was breached by UK, European court finds (More evidence that the lunatics are running the asylum!!)

IRA inquests: European Court of Human Rights criticises UK government

Roman Catholics to seek forgiveness for their sins via social media

Adams faces quiz over murder of McConville

Sinn Fein’s dismissal of Boston College tapes is utter hypocrisy

Financial scandals keep piling up for the Vatican’s money-men

Black flags fly as dissident accused of Omagh atrocity dies in scaffold fall

Police attacked again in third night of loyalist riots in Belfast

‘PSNI has serious questions to answer’ says Orange Order in Belfast

Orange Order says police have questions to answer on riots

Twelfth riots: Orange Order blames Parades Commission for creating crisis on Belfast streets

Female member of flute hospitalised after attack by republicans

David Ford warns loyalist rioters: ‘You will face court within hours’ (No such swift justice for IRA murderers!!)

Ten appear before special court sitting over Twelfth riots

Violence in Belfast is driven by the few who feel ignored

Northern Ireland Orange Order leaders warn of cultural war

DUP and Parades body lock horns over Garvaghy

The Twelfth: Live pictures and video as Orange Order marches staged across Northern Ireland

Grand Master leads blistering Orange riposte to DUP on Maze

Loyalists all fired up – Union flag dispute fuels trend for even bigger Eleventh Night pyres

Virgin Mary holy statue rescued from Belfast bonfire

IRA seizure enough for 180 bombs, say gardai

Would-be Canadian citizens set to fight oath to Queen

Irish Republic’s parliament approves ‘life-saving’ abortion

Lee Rigby: Military funeral for killed soldier

5,000 dissident republicans ‘due to march through Belfast’

Gardaí say arms find includes IRA weapons that should have been decommissioned

Most children will be born out of wedlock by 2016

What has ‘honest’ DUP got to hide from us? – Letter

Stormont assembly is recalled over Ardoyne parade ruling

Nigel Dodds thrown out of Commons chamber over parades comment

Parades Commission ruling is a reward for violence, says Robinson (He was happy to see Sinn Fein so rewarded when he entered government with them!!!!)

Flagpole cut down at Orange Hall near Dungannon

Irish Government wins two Dáil votes on abortion law

Ireland abortion debate stretches into second day

Terror victims ‘frozen out’ by First Minister and Deputy First Minister over Maze plans

Stormont Executive can set up Spotlight inquiry, says Villiers

North Belfast bomb was ‘attempt to kill police’

Taoiseach challenges Gerry Adams on Jean McConville death

Taoiseach challenges Adams over ‘Price Tapes’

Adams again insists he had no involvement in killing of Jean McConville

UUP: Blame for deaths lies with the IRA bombers, not police

BBC: There is no DUP legal action against us

No DUP MLAs speak in favour of Jenny Palmer’s Spad allegations

Monument unveiled to victim’s of the IRA’s Kingsmills massacre

“DUP have been hoodwinked by republicans” – UUP’s Tom Elliott

DUP does itself no favours in it’s defence of Nelson McCausland

DUP accused of ‘chicanery’ after veto on inquiry into its minister

Democracy is turned on its head when 54-vote majority is beaten by 32 votes

US Senator warns Boston Tapes could threaten NI peace – (In other words : ‘The price of peace is a licence to murder’!)

US Preacher Arrested in London for Calling Homosexuality a Sin

Boston College project: PSNI get Dolours Price interview transcripts

PSNI get tapes of IRA interviews over McConville case

Revealed: Secret murder tapes that ‘name’ Gerry Adams over IRA execution of mother accused of passing information to British

Pressure on Adams grows as secret tapes handed to police

SF leader’s version of past is insulting nonsense

IRA ‘lied to Government on decommissioning’

Irish tricolours removed from Belfast council depot after almost two weeks

Assembly recalled to discuss Spotlight Housing Executive allegations

North Wales care abuse: Jillings report published after 17 years

Tony Blair pays tribute to Roman Catholic priest who converted him to Rome

A ‘Rubicon’ as Orange Order agrees to face-to-face talks with residents’ group

Orange lodges widely praised over talks with Ardoyne residents

Fear and loathing as marching season gets underway

Police send file to prosecutors about Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly Land Rover incident

DUP seeks veto on assembly decision over Red Sky affair

Dissident republican investigation: Eight charged after Dublin arrests

EU referendum: MPs call for public to have their say

DUP Housing Executive whistleblower ‘too stressed to think’ amid row

Police dispel drug deaths ‘myth’

Archbishop of Canterbury Welby calls for Church to join the sexual ‘revolution’ (God and His Word count for nothing!!)

Don’t use ‘gay’ as an insult or joke, says Michael Gove (It should be seen as a reference to a vile and damnable sin)

Former Sinn Féin councillor Briege Meehan gets suspended sentence for child cruelty

Vatican to make John Paul II a saint

Priest James Donaghy jailed for two years for further abuse – He told youngster he could get his dead grandfather into heaven as he abused him

Paedophile priest who told boy (7) he could get dead grandfather into heaven is given fourth jail term

First Minister has said he does not know who to believe in the row over political interference in public housing contracts.

TUV Asks Head of Northern Ireland Civil Service to Investigate McCausland’s SpAd

Nelson McCausland: No intention of standing down

Red Sky panel too soft on minister

Housing Executive contracts: Polite tone of Stormont committee session belied the seriousness of the matter

Storm brewing for DUP in Red Sky row

McCausland: I and my advisor did nothing wrong on Red Sky

DUP councillor: I was tortured by what happened

McGuinness and Allister clinch ‘View’ (political commentators) awards

Another victims’ group comes out against the Maze

Lack of police progress on Kingsmills massacre, says MLA

MPs to vote on ‘in-out’ EU referendum

The foreign rioter we cannot deport because of his ‘right to family life’

Women bishops on agenda as Church of England General Synod meets in York

UVF blamed for pushing backstreet Belfast drugs after eight deaths

Drugs: the poison that is polluting communities

Vatican calls on Brazilian government to provide bailout to cover £26m shortfall in funding for Pope’s visit to Rio

DUP woman hits out at party action

Probe urged after DUP accused of meddling in housing contracts row

Nelson McCausland summoned to appear before Stormont committee

McCausland and his Special Advisor must go

DUP deny BBC ‘Spotlight’ allegations (the assembly and the wider community will demand answers, Sinn Fein)

‘Recall Assembly over BBC claims’

Outrage at McGuinness’ “Provos hero” comment (So much for his repentance and regret over the years of murder & mayhem)

True toll of mass migration on UK life: Half of Britons suffer under strain placed on schools, police, NHS and housing

Historical Enquiries Team criticised: reaction to HMIC report

Army killings to be re-examined in the wake of probe into HET

Will HET reports into IRA atrocities also be re-examined, asks TUV

IRA suspects held after gardai raid terror summit

Nelson Mandela ‘was against IRA decommissioning’

Londonderry pastor, Dr Ian Brown, to replace Ian Paisley at Belfast Church

Unionist leaders in war of words over Maze conflict centre

UUP leader Mike Nesbitt’s open letter to First Minister Peter Robinson over the proposed peace centre at the Maze

First Minister Peter Robinson’s open letter to UUP leader Mike Nesbitt over the Maze peace centre

Obama’s school views inaccurate says Church of Ireland minister

Peter Robinson: Northern Ireland must be ‘genuinely shared society’ (Note Ecumenism & Economics linked – Antichrist’s recipe for success, Revelation 18)

Robinson Declines to Condemn Culture Minister’s Protests Against Unionist Culture

Hospitals routinely using the threat of legal action to block investigations into medical blunders

In sickness and in health? That’s too religious for a civil wedding

Dive-bombing seagulls force postmen to abandon deliveries

Vatican bankers resign over finance scandal

Channel 4 to broadcast Muslim call to prayer live every morning during Ramadan

Unionists celebrate victory over Armed Forces Day flag

UUP files formal complaint over Spratt’s ‘nutters’ row

G8: final cost for Fermanagh summit was £80m

Anglo tapes: Ex CEO David Drumm apologises

Bishop Donal McKeown says DUP views seen as ‘nakedly sectarian’

DUP’s Mervyn Storey defends his party’s call for Integrated Education

EU concern over Der Spiegel claim of US spying

Germany ready to charge UK and US intelligence over alleged bugging operations

New NSA leaks show how US is bugging its European allies

US intelligence services spied on 38 ‘targets’ – report

Royal Black to pledge support for flag

Spratt ‘should seriously reflect on role as committee chairman’ after he admitted telling untruths

Rent boy scandal rocks the Vatican

Union flag complaint made against roads service employee by Sinn Feiner (for erecting flags in his own time!!!)

DUP anger over ‘pro-IRA songs’

Republican websites reported to police

Willie Frazer can ‘quietly’ attend Twelfth events

Spratt won’t be disciplined for his ‘nutters’ comment

Only the DUP and UDA back Maze, says Nesbitt

Sinn Fein are on a ‘wrecking mission’ in education: UUP

Church of Ireland female minister caught up in scandal which cost senior cleric a bishop’s post