June 2013

Public School Teacher Unions Back Supreme Court Rulings on Gay Marriage

The nation’s two top public school teachers unions expressed their support for the dual U.S. Supreme Court decisions on Wednesday advancing recognition of homosexual “marriage.” Read rest of article…

Separation or Integration – Which is God’s plan?

The Democratic Unionist Party, in its ongoing mutation from orthodox unionist party to the vanguard of the ecumenical thrust in Ulster, has become the champion of Integrated Education

…Sadly, indeed, tragically, the whole mish-mash of ecumenical deception has been embraced and endorsed by some Free Presbyterians, who, in utterly blind and stupid devotion to the DUP, have abandoned the Biblical principles undergirding Free Presbyterianism. Read more


Sammy-Gerry-G8-wave…or the cost of being in coalition with those you loathe !!

A picture Sammy Wilson of the DUP most likely would rather forget – Gerry Adams grabs his arm as they take part in a ‘Mexican wave’ while waiting for US President Barack Obama during his visit to the Waterfront Hall, Belfast ahead of the G8 Summit in County Fermanagh.

Jerry Falwell’s college had practicing sodomite student on campus!!

Liberty University is coming under fire following a recent essay released by a former student who shared his story of being a practicing homosexual on campus. Read more…

“Popish Octopus with a Very Long Reach”

A brand new, thoroughly researched, fact-packed documentary on Refo500 by Pastor Ralph Ovadal with a short closing commentary by Rev. Ivan Foster.

A popish octopus with a very long reach

To read the text of Rev. Foster’s closing comments in this broadcast, click here.

“Impartial Reporter”, Enniskillen runs story with outrageous headline.

The “Impartial Reporter”, based in Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh and dating back to 1825, is deemed a family newspaper. It breached that status in its 5th June 2013 edition when it used the words of a foul-mouthed drunken lout as its headline for an article on the incident in which the lout was being questioned by the police regarding drunken driving.

Anyone who has read the newspaper will know the article in question.

Rev Ivan Foster emailed Mr Denzil McDaniels, the Editor to complain about the offensive headline and has also lodged a complaint with the Press Complaints Commission. Here is the email he sent with the link to the article removed for the sake of decency. Read more

The Renewal of the Near East

A Lecture given at Mildmay Conference Centre By B. W Newton, dating back to the mid-1850s (Reproduced from “Watching and Waiting” magazine, August 1937)

My object is to show that both these chapters (Isaiah 13 and 14) in their completeness have not yet been fulfilled! It is generally assumed that they have been; therefore, it is important to know the grounds for the assertion that they are unfulfilled. You will observe that in chapter 13, A City — Babylon — is chiefly considered. In chapter 14, A Person — Antichrist — the king of that City. Read more

Latest news stories


More news

Jimmy Spratt denies Maze ‘nutters’ claim

Jimmy Spratt apologises for Maze ‘nutters’ remark (after vehemently denying he made it!!??)

DUP’s Spratt sorry for calling Maze opponents ‘nutters’ (Doubtless his apology is as genuine as his denial)

The Maze: DUP’s Jimmy Spratt also ends up full of regret for calling plan’s opponents ‘nutters’

Allister deplores ‘gay’ Adoption Ruling

Washington National Cathedral Rings Bells Celebrating Gay Marriage Rulings

Latter day Pentecostal deceptions & delusions

Chancellor Merkel regards the content of the leaked Anglo Irish Bank tapes with contempt

Italian Monsignor arrested in Vatican Bank investigation

Men can be ‘wives’ and women ‘husbands’ as Government overrules the dictionary

Real IRA warns sleeper cells have plans to attack major cities in England

Gay and lesbian adoption rights: Edwin Poots’ legal challenge is dismissed

TUV resigns from Unionist Forum over Maze ‘conflict centre’

Sinn Fein should act on Gerry Kelly’s behaviour, says DUP MP Nigel Dodds

Dissidents funded ‘by armed robbery, extortion and drug pushing’

GAA should look again at the awarding of IRA medals to youngsters involved in sport

Hezbollah meets the IRA at the European Union

DUP’s Paul Girvan withdraws flag burning bonfire comment

Flag protester, Jamie Bryson allowed to attend Somme parade

N I Assembly members vote to block gay marriage


DOWNFALL OF JULIA GILLARD – Kevin Rudd ousts Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard ousted as Australia prime minister

OFMDFM’s planning ‘power grab’ approved

PUSH FOR ECUMENICAL EDUCATION CONTINUES – Separate education systems in Northern Ireland are unsustainable, claim business leaders

Would the real Sinn Fein please stand up?

What did Gerry Kelly think he was doing?

A pagan people?

SDLP leader calls the DUP ‘bigots’ during Westminster debate

Peter Robinson says Gerry Kelly was ‘reckless’ during Land Rover incident

Police pledge to investigate Gerry Kelly footage

Catholic heads slam Obama

Board expected to vote for end of academic selection

Church without God

Smiling and beautiful countryside of G8 summit hides dreadful record of sin – Fermanagh was the scene of some of the worst sectarian violence in the North.

Unionist politicians have criticised Sinn Fein members over incident involving a police Land Rover in north Belfast

Unionists call for probe into Gerry Kelly police footage

Investigate Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly over police vehicle drama, unionists urge

Sammy Wilson should be ashamed of Gerry Adams antics

Maze centre would “dishonour” former comrades: UDR group

DUP continue to defend Maze project

Tour of the North parade: Sinn Fein’s Carál Ní Chuilín injured after march protest

Ombudsman called in after Sinn Féin minister hurt by police car in Belfast

Nationalist residents join forces to oppose marches

Sinn Fein theory on memorials break law by glorification of terrorism

Willie Frazer released from hospital

Hope in the air as Northern Ireland Disappeared families tell harrowing stories of loss and pain

Adams doesn’t know if Disappeared will be found

Garda Commissioner Callinan accuses PSNI of failing to co-operate with Smithwick Tribunal

Smithwick Tribunal: Gardai and PSNI in open warfare over RUC deaths probe

Bomb victim ‘disgusted’ at Libyan PM decision not to meet

Prison for ex-pastor whose sex abuse of three girls covered up for 30 years by Baptists

Ex-UUP chairman: why I no longer back the Maze plan

RUC widows urge Maze plan rethink

Maze peace centre: RUC widows call for halt to ‘shrine’

Crowds rally against Maze ‘peace centre’

Hate crime probe over Cluan Place petrol bomb attack

Jean McConville murder: Son says IRA killers should stand trial for war crimes

Church of England creating ‘pagan church’ to recruit members

Orange Order set to pledge support for the Union flag and oppose gay marriage at this year’s Twelfth celebrations

Stornoway High Church congregation votes to leave Kirk

The Greeks who are turning back to worship their ancient gods

Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans ‘refutes all allegations’

God vow dropped from Girl guiding UK promise

PM chose remote Fermanagh to put off G8 protestors: Northern Ireland Secretary of State

Obama’s Belfast speech – (Economics mixed with Ecumenism – Antichrist’s strategy)

EU and US ‘in biggest trade deal’

Willie Frazer ‘was not at protest’

Loyalist campaigner Willie Frazer in court over Maze protest – but released

Willie Frazer freed again after being held over bail breach

Minister overrules order to remove Kingsmills memorial

Does this video tell the real truth concerning the UK’s crippling debt?? – (worth a look)

UUP councillors oppose Maze plan at Cookstown meeting

Anniversaries serve to highlight the IRA’s toll of terror

Summit protesters in short supply

4,000 lives a year lost by poor hospital care at weekends

Obama Sees ‘Turning Point’ for Gay Marriage: ‘We’ve Become More Loving As a Country’

Obama family plans visit to Dublin

Putin critic ‘refused entry to UK

No protest events planned for the Irish Republic

Pope tells Archbishop of Canterbury to stand firm on traditional family values – (Archbishop says he “felt at home” in the Vatican!)

Jesuit-Educated Lawmakers Shine in 112th Congress

DUP Should Listen to Unionist Concerns Over Maze

Tide continues to go out on Irish Government parties as Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin gain in popularity

New unionist party tweets in Irish

DUP councillor drank Bacardi Breezer during meeting

DUP ‘mystified’ by Orange Order’s appeal to halt Maze centre

Call to expand clerical and Magdalene laundry abuse inquiry remit

Could Cameron buy DUP votes with corporation tax?

An openly sodomite Alliance Party mayor has been appointed to North Down Borough Council for the first time.

Paedophile priest James Donaghy admits molesting a fourth victim

Sinn Fein’s cultural war on unionists will only intensify

Why can’t we bring terror godfathers to account over foul crimes?

Memorial service held in Coleraine to mark 40th anniversary of car bomb – Six civilians all aged over 60, all Protestant, were killed

Jim Wells may not replace Poots as Health Minister

Female head of Methodist church installed

SDLP refuses £5k pay rise…but other political parties in Stormont accept their 11% hike in salary

Orange Order asks unionists to halt Maze conflict centre

How dare killers blame victims for threatening peace

Public rally in opposition to Maze plans

UUP backs ex-RUC on Maze

Northern Ireland remains sharply divided over national identity but with no strong desire for Irish unity

Commentator claims Gerry Adams and Bobby Sands are of Scottish Protestant extraction

AND NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS!! – Ireland will have no Catholic priests in twenty years predicts a senior cleric

Priest Matt Wallace suicide ‘shows pressure on priests’

Heather Morris to be installed as first woman to lead major Irish church – the Methodists

Contractors threaten legal action against Housing Executive

Exclusive: UK is warned it is losing fight against modern slavery

Major Rally Against Maze Prison Plans

‘Gay lobby’ in the Vatican, says Pope Francis

Remove flag at Castle for good says Sinn Fein MLA (TRUE HEART OF SINN FEIN – If the flag is so hated by republicans just what are their feelings for the people of the flag – the Protestant population??)

Tom Elliott defiant in St George flag row

Belfast journalist gets death threat over paedophile story

G8: Courts ‘can deal with 260 protest arrests a day’

Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) has overpaid £18m on contracts for planned maintenance of homes

Housing overpayments ‘a scandal’- McCausland

US to allow girls of any age to take morning-after pill

Terror shirts make university cold house for Protestants, warns Order

Fears suspected ex-IRA paedophile is in capital

DUP’s heir apparent after a flawless reign as mayor – (This only Liam Clarke’s opinion. God has yet to give His!)

G8 scare: Bomb planted along Donegal Fermanagh border – newspaper claims

Angry former officers in last-ditch effort to stop Maze ‘peace’ centre

A million children grow up without fathers, report warns (The disintegration of society which apostasy has brought)

Loyalists heckle Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness at Sinn Fein conference

Loyalist protestors gather as Matt Baggott attends Sinn Fein conference

Hours after launching, NI21 in polygamy row

IRA’s cigarette-smuggling millionaires: Former terrorists flooding the UK with potentially lethal fakes, cheating taxpayers of billions

New pro-union party launched in Belfast will be modern and inclusive, its leaders pledge (They might have added ‘a total flop” as well!!!)

NI21: A Bridge Too Far?

NI survey finds more than 40% of people think united Ireland ‘very unlikely’

IRA weapons still in use, claims UUP MLA

Flag airbrushed out of G8 leaflet

Jim Allister Speech in Assembly on Ann’s Law

Man in court over RUC Constable John Proctor murder

Plastic bullets should have been used earlier in flag riots – Police Federation chief

Number of unionists at record low, research shows

Former IRA Chief of Staff and Sinn Fein president, Ruairí Ó Brádaigh dies

McCrea won’t confirm ‘NI21’ party name

Professor’s views on Troubles victim’s ‘flawed’

Child porn teacher ‘not a risk’

Teacher with indecent images of children allowed to resume career

Jimmy Savile: BBC warned 40 years ago of risk to teenage girls

Church of England gives up fight against gay marriage

Emotional scenes as ‘Ann’s law’ passed at Stormont

Analysis: Spad bill a rare, and significant, defeat for Sinn Fein

Finance Minister role to change hands

The reasons behind Marian Price’s release must be explained

Threat of terrorism in Northern Ireland ‘will last for years’

Gay rights campaigner defends Ulster Unionist membership

Former Sinn Fein councillor, Briege Meehan admits child cruelty and assault

Former Sinn Fein councillor Briege Meehan weeps in court as she admits abusing stepdaughter

Sinn Fein tries to rewrite history of Troubles

Special adviser bill passed after marathon Stormont debate

Bill barring ex-prisoners passes

Sinn Fein fails to stop new law on special advisers that blocks those convicted of serious offences

NI Bill will end roles for former prisoners

SF will challenge ‘discriminatory legislation’

Sinn Fein Mayor will not remove Royal portraits

Willie Frazer in court over alleged bail breach

PSNI bid to censor Willie Frazer fails

Paramilitary attacks treble in (republican) west Belfast

Lord Laird resigns Ulster Unionist whip after lobbying scandal

McGuinness’s special adviser branded ‘dirty murdering scumbag’

Kavanagh must lose advisers job says soldier hurt in IRA bomb

Call to widen historic abuse probe

Gay marriage bill: Lords to debate ‘wrecking amendment’

Bishops under pressure to abstain in gay marriage vote

Dying IRA man asked Travers father for forgiveness

Bloodbath fears grow as RIRA man (70) to go free

US court rules McConville tapes must be handed over to PSNI

IRA wanted to kill whole Travers family, says HET report

Smithwick Tribunal: Judge seeking Garda bank statements

Smithwick Tribunal: Officer refuses to give bank details

Iraq violence: May was deadliest month for years – UN

PM urged to halt gay marriage plans

May 2013

Why We Believe in Total Depravity

A message preached by Rev Ivan Foster at a Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony meeting, London, May 24th, 2013.

“And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man,” Mark 7:20-23.

Read more

Rev Robert Ormerod dies in sad circumstances

“One day we will all see him again because we will all see him in heaven” – his son Timothy

Robert_OrmerodLong-serving Free Presbyterian minister from Northern Ireland has died in an accident on the M6 in the north of England. The Rev Robert Ormerod, minister of Cloughmills Free Presbyterian Church, was driving between visits to family members in Birmingham and Coventry yesterday when he suddenly took ill.

Speaking on behalf of his devastated family, the Rev Ormerod’s son Timothy last night said they were all in complete shock. “He had a heart attack and died at the wheel while driving,” he said. “The biggest thing we can hold to is that he is in heaven, he’s a saved man, we can rest assured that whatever pain and suffering he had, there is none now because he is in heaven with Jesus. “And one day we will all see him again because we will all see him in heaven.”

The Rev Ormerod served as minister of Cloughmills Free Presbyterian Church for more than 30 years. He also served as the Convenor of Government and Morals Committee within the Free Presbyterian Church.

He is survived by his wife Julie, their sons Jonathan and Timothy, and daughters Naomi, Hannah and Danielle. All who knew and appreciated his labours as a minister and as the Convenor of Government and Morals Committee will miss his witness in the Presbytery and the wider church.

Rev. Foster’s radio broadcasts on Q101.2 FM Omagh during May.

The Let the Bible Speak broadcast on this station goes out at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday morning. Tune in this Sunday!

If you missed the live broadcasts you can listen to an archived version of the programmes.

  • Sunday May 5th: What is the gospel?  click here

separation_leafletThe Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster reaffirms its position on Biblical separation

Calls for separation from apostasy and from those “brethren who maintain fellowship with those who deny the faith”.

Read the statement here.

Our glorious hope

by Alan Toms.

Believers are promised special strength for those days (known as the ‘Great Tribulation’ and also as ‘The Time of Jacob’s Trouble’, for Israel will suffer too). In fact, I believe it is when Israel’s suffering is at its height and Jerusalem is at the point of final destruction that the Lord will appear to deliver her and bring peace to the earth. This is not the ‘end of the world’ but the time when the Lord Jesus takes His place as King of the Jews and all nations for one thousand years. This is known as the Millennium. After this age the Judgment of the Great White Throne will take place and then the world as we know it will be destroyed.

Read more…

Israel’s Messiah King

A study in Psalm 45. A message preached by Rev Ivan Foster at the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony evening meeting in London, 23rd April, 2010. There is a natural sequence from the close of the previous Psalm 44 (see previous article) to the opening of this Psalm 45. Psalm 44 ends with Israel crying upon the Lord to arise to the aid of His people as they face destruction under Antichrist. “Arise for our help, and redeem us for thy mercies’ sake,” Psalm 44:26. This Psalm 45 carries us even further into the future than did the previous. In this psalm the Saviour has come and it is no longer Antichrist who is reigning. Christ has taken unto Himself His great power and rules and reigns amongst the kingdoms of this world.

Read more…

Israel’s time of trouble under Antichrist

A study in Psalm 44. This is a familiar psalm, the contents of which have provided much support and comfort to the people of God in this New Testament era as the Church of Christ has appropriated this psalm to itself. What truth there is in verses 1-8.

Read more…

Democracy versus God

  • Democracy may be defined as “popular government by the will of the people.”
  • Given that the will of man is fallen and depraved as a result of Adam’s transgression, it will be easily seen that a clash with the mind and will of Jehovah is inevitable.
  • The final conflict in this world will be between the will of the people and the will of God.

Read more…

Today’s featured news stories


More news

Willie Frazer slams sentence for rioter: Jailing carer mum ‘wouldn’t have happened if she was a republican’

SDLP leader denies party split over Special Advisers Bill

Sinn Fein: Staff may lose jobs through bill

UK security ‘linked garda to crime’

Security services ‘tried to frame a garda sergeant in bid to cover up British collusion’

Man faces soldier murder charge

Woolwich attack: Michael Adebowale charged with murder of soldier Lee Rigby

Scale of abuse in Magdalene laundries ‘will never be known unless State inquiry is extended’

Opponents of gay marriage like supporters of apartheid, says senior bishop

Floundering SDLP bows to pressure

Loyalist civil rights campaigners plan to protest at G8 summit

Complaint over ‘bias’ in tour of Maze prison

Catholic priest steps aside during investigation

Pope’s proclamation that atheists will go to heaven has led to a rebuke from officials who declared they will go to hell – so much for ‘infallibility’!

SDLP unlikely to support Stormont ex-terrorists ban (Guess who they are running scared of???)

Former SDLP deputy leader Seamus Mallon warns his party against blocking SPAD bill

Seamus Mallon urges SDLP not to block victim bill

SDLP ‘will not block SPADs bill’

SDLP won’t block special advisors bill

SDLP won’t block bill on advisers

Christians’ cases rejected by court

Terror police called in after prison warden stabbed in attack ‘inspired by Woolwich murder’

Ulster Unionists call for councils to mark funeral of murdered soldier

Ninety-two per cent favour united Ireland in local ‘poll’ (In Crossmaglen !!!!)

Gay marriage part of wider attack on society – Ian Paisley

‘Not a single parking ticket’ issued in Coalisland (Surprise, surprise !!)

In London as in Boston, terrorist-killers were known to security services

Pope Francis: Being an atheist is fine as long as you do good – God has a very different view – John 3:36

Woolwich attack: Somalian terrorists warn Britain: ‘Your chickens are coming home to roost’

Woolwich suspect ‘inspired by cleric banned from UK after urging followers to behead enemies of Islam’ – ‘Under Islam, this can be justified’

‘He is a hero’: Radical Muslim cleric who is banned from Britain applauds terror suspect’s ‘courage’

Woolwich attack: David Cameron wants to know ‘what went wrong’ in MI5

Fears are growing that the killing In Woolwich will lead to a long-term rise in attacks on Muslims in this country

Paint attack at Belfast Islamic centre

New strategy for shared education unveiled by Stormont leaders

John F Kennedy was a fan of Hitler and Nazi Germany, diaries reveal

Brussels gravy train is like ‘last days of Rome’: EU MEPs earn up to 740% more than average citizen and enjoy free haircuts and gallons of petrol

‘Miraculous’ escape of Rev Robert Ormerod’s sisters

Ann Travers: IRA victim’s sister to meet SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell over decision to block bill to prevent former prisoners guilty of serious offences becoming Stormont special advisors

Sinn Féin say John Downey arrest for 1982 Hyde Park bombing is “vindictive, unnecessary and unhelpful”

Jim Allister Blasts Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly’s Interference in Judicial System over 1982 Hyde Park bombing arrest

Nigel Dodds hits out at Sinn Fein call for Hyde Park accused release

Attack on Woolwich soldier is ‘not like IRA’ terror threat

Woolwich attack: Killed man ‘was soldier’

Woolwich attack: latest

Woolwich attack: terrorist proclaimed ‘an eye for an eye’ after attack

Full decommissioning ‘not certain’ – despite all the lying assurances given at the time!!!

Free Presbyterian minister dies in car accident

Rev Robert Ormerod killed in car crash on M6, England

Senior Free Presbyterian clergyman Rev Robert Ormerod dies in motorway collision

IRA victim’s anguish as SDLP shapes to veto advisers’ bill

Ann Travers fury as SDLP blocks terror aide ban

Presbyterian Church in Ireland & Church of Scotland relations strained by gay clerics

UUP fury over ‘hunger strikes’ teaching guide – pupils asked “to put themselves in the shoes” of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands

Ulster Unionist leader calls for ‘Bog Child’ to be removed from schools reading list

Politicians must decide on terror amnesty, insists DPP

Man arrested over 1982 IRA Hyde Park bomb

David Cameron pledge to Tories: No more divisive issues like gay marriage

Prisoner elite getting millions, says Attwood

Sinn Fein accused of hiding abortion talks at conference

I expect terror attacks during G8 summit, admits police chief

Thousands of British police sent to Northern Ireland amid fear of terror attack at G8 summit

Ban on political advisers with jail record set to fail – thanks to SDLP

SPAD bill: SDLP will try to block new special advisers legislation at Stormont

Labour saves David Cameron’s gay marriage bill

Ex-Church of England priest jailed for sex attacks

Westminster Deputy Speaker’s office searched in connection with an investigation into allegations of rape and sexual assault

Next coronation to involve other faiths besides Christianity

Boris Johnson aides ‘misled’ court in sodomite bus poster row

Tory activists urge Cameron to drop gay marriage backing

MPs to debate gay marriage plans

David Cameron facing another defeat in the Commons over his plans to legalise gay marriage

More than 500 Muslim imams in landmark gay marriage protest

Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, abandons his support for civil partnerships for heterosexual couples

Church of Scotland General Assembly in sodomite ministers debate

G8 summit will put Northern Ireland under security lockdown

Headteachers want four-year-olds to be taught about dangers of porn

Cleric slams Peter Robinson’s ‘wicked misuse’ of prophet’s name

Paisley focuses on Jeremiah after Robinson quip

France gay marriage: President Hollande signs bill into law

Pakistani community must tackle grooming gangs, justice minister insists

Belfast republicans’ staged burglary lures police into armed ambush

Bomb found at Foxes Glen in west Belfast after attack

Further dissident republican violence is feared after bodybuilder shot in Dublin

Northern Ireland’s top policeman gives wake-up call on paramilitaries (Does he not shamefully appear to give justification for terror campaign!!??)

Pervert priest Father John McCullagh takes his abuse secrets to the grave

Archbishop of York to launch inquiry into Church sex abuse claims

Church to set up inquiry into claims of abuse by former dean of Manchester

Willie O’Dea: Jerry McCabe killing still haunts Sinn Fein

Westminster government ministers would back move to leave the European Union

EU referendum: cabinet crisis for David Cameron as ministers break ranks

Tory rebels want a referendum on gay marriage as 150 MPs threaten to wreck new law

Fr Conleth Byrne gets suspended sentence for £145,000 fraud

Details emerge of DUP MPs’ mortgage expenses

Obama to press for fresh impetus on ‘shared future’ during Belfast visit (Tell that to the Muslims engaged in terrorism in USA!)

Loyalist concern over secret parading talks organised by police !!!????

Sinn Fein members know who murdered my father, claims Irish prison officer’s son

Dutch media owner reveals youthful dalliance with IRA – (Soon saw them as gangsters, which undermines their justification of war against the protestant people)

Boston bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s secret Virginia burial upsets locals

Prison block and former Army barracks set aside for G8 protestors

Design row over Daniel Libeskind’s Maze peace-building centre in Northern Ireland – (Paralleling events here to Holocaust is wicked)

Family disappointment as police drop investigation into pensioner who starved to death

Happy 65th anniversary, Israel: From pioneers to the present day, remarkable pictures show the struggle and celebration of the Jewish homeland (Large file with a lot of pictures!)

DUP six repay £144k profits from second homes funded by taxpayer

Former Archbishop of York ‘did not report’ sexual abuse claims

43% of births in Northern Ireland are to unmarried parents. Is it a lifestyle choice or are weddings too costly?

Robinson & McGuinness plan to build “Utopia” !!!!

TUV responds to Joint First Ministers’ announcements

Online Petition to stop a “terrorist shrine” at the Maze Prison site is launched by Unionists

Family of murdered prison officer Brian Stack ‘now know who killed him’

Family claim to know killer’s name

UUP: If Executive won’t guard free speech, we will

Robinson and McGuinness to outline shared future plans

RC priest takes part in installation of woman minister is installed in local Presbyterian church

You’re running scared, Cameron told as controversial gay marriage legislation is dropped from the Queen’s speech.

Integrated teaching ad slammed for requiring Catholic certificate (this is the real nature of the ‘Integrated Schools’ that DUP is promoting – they are at heart Romanist)

DUP flags move ‘a ploy to get care homes off the front page’

IRA man’s bid to overturn attempted murder conviction fails

WWII Irish ‘deserters’ to finally get pardons

PSNI chief ‘is a disgrace’ – DUP councillor Ruth Patterson

Former Tory chancellor Lord Lawson calls for UK to exit EU

‘Taking Belfast’s peace walls down solves nothing. They should be higher’: Protestants and Catholics agree time is not right to dismantle barriers

Analysing the threat from Irish republican dissidents

Adams’ TV non-confession leaves us further from truth

SF and SDLP should pay to remove IRA signs: Ringland

Arnold Hatch dubs DUP ‘hypocrites’ over Dickson Plan

Irish PM Enda Kenny hits back at Catholic Church threat to excommunicate TDs who voted for abortion legislation – (Rome never excommunicated any IRA murderers!!)

Cardinal Sean Brady’s homily on truth was utter hypocrisy

Brian Shivers cleared of murdering two soldiers at Massereene barracks

Murdered soldier’s mother shocked by Massereene verdict

Northern peace process a stalemate between enemies who loathe each other

DUP respond to mounting Maze plan anger

Health minister Edwin Poots does U-turn on care homes

Irish Roman Catholic Bishops: Abortion plan unacceptable

Abortion legislation morally unacceptable – Cardinal Seán Brady

Nigel Evans: Deputy Speaker accused of rape was interviewed four years ago about ‘inappropriate sexual behaviour‘ (Cameron will yet learn that there is a price for defying God’s Law)

Deputy Commons speaker slams ‘false’ claims

Australian Catholic church child sex abuse inquiry begins

Christian-run NHS surgery criticised for refusing to prescribe morning-after pill

Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ across Europe

RTE’s O’Callaghan ‘not worried’ as Sinn Fein threatens legal bid

Time Adams gave us straight answer

Irish anti-abortion vigil at Knock draws thousands

Ford compares gay marriage debate to civil rights campaign (which was the forerunner of 30 years of IRA terrorism so watch out!!)

UUP leader Mike Nesbitt repeats call for health minister Edwin Poots to resign

Assembly ‘has power to create an Opposition’

Shivers not guilty of Massereene soldiers murders

Six Catholic and Protestant Tyrone schools may form new campus (DUP pushing ecumenical integrated education)

Call made for Poots to resign over care homes

Poots showed ‘abject lack of leadership’ – Northern Ireland’s Commissioner for Older people

Poots apologises to elderly ahead of summit with trust chiefs

Embattled boss of heavily criticised Norther Ireland health trust axed

Irish historical myths pose problem for unionists

Boston brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had planned 4 July attack, says official

‘The civil war in Iraq has already begun’: Politician claims conflict has started and warns it will be ‘worse than Syria’

Pakistan’s rulers accused of turning to underworld in battle to stay in power

The Somalian sex offender the UK can’t deport thanks to Strasbourg judges

Don’t ignore unionist anger on Maze, warns Orange Order

Boston College tapes: IRA recordings on Jean McConville death ‘may bring about Gerry Adams’ downfall’

Eamon Delaney: Adams digs yet another hole for himself on ‘Prime Time’ TV

Report into Omagh bomb claims atrocity could have been prevented

Garda collusion probe poised to enter final stage

RUC memorial move sparks concern

Duke of Kent lays wreath honouring Easter Rising dead (!!??)

British Duke honours Irish rebels – Democratic Unionist MP Jeffrey Donaldson joins him on his visit

DUP abandons proposal for Union flag at Belfast City Hall Cenotaph

Stalled UDR ceremony go-ahead sparks row

No threat to anthem at NI international matches – DUP

Man facing charges linked to death Real IRA boss Alan Ryan disappears

Gerry Adams repeatedly denies knowledge of string of IRA murders

Fuel launderers along the border are “dumping the diesel where once they were dumping the bodies”

SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell ‘annoyed’ at cannabis factory in rented house

Controversial abortion bill in Republic of Ireland does not amount to a change in the law – Irish prime minister

239 people arrested over flag protests

SDLP leader’s shock as cannabis factory discovered on his property

“Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills” says: teach about pornography in sex education lessons – (the depths to which the nation has sunk!)

Same-sex marriage rejected at Stormont

Same-sex marriage motion fails at Stormont

Street snapshot shows polarised views on gay marriage

Nationalist parties misjudge Catholic voters on sodomite marriage

Unionists betrayed by DUP U-turn over ‘shrine’

More than 10,000 violent crime cases escaped conviction in England and Wales last year – (Hence government claims of a ‘more peaceful’ society)

Thatcher papers disclose efforts to resolve 1981 hunger strikes (and Gerry Adams’ prominent position within the IRA)

April 2013

Ralph Ovadal and Ivan Foster hold a conversation to mark the 150 anniversary of the Ulster Revival of 1859

Use the player below to listen.


Rick Warren’s ideal strategy for the Church

He expresses his view on this subject in an interview with Christianity Today.

Christianity Today – What is the ideal strategy for the church?

Rick Warren – Working with moderate Muslims.

Click here to read article on Standstillawhile.net

49 years ago this month. . .

On 27th March 1964, I along with a good friend, was travelling from Belfast by train to Portrush, Co Antrim, to join with the many other young people in a weekend of worldly activities. I was 20 years old and unconverted and as dark as hell’s midnight!

On that train journey, we encountered a young lady, Hazel, and her friends. They were Christians travelling to a Christian convention in Portrush. During the 1-hour non-stop journey they witnessed to us of the Saviour and our need of His saving mercy.

I did not listen. Rather I argued and verbally abused the girls with rather uncouth language. So much so that when I providentially met Hazel in downtown Belfast, some two weeks later, she ran into the C & A department store to avoid another meeting when she spotted me approaching her in Donegal Square! I followed and when I caught up with her and told her that I had been converted 10 days after she and her friends had witnessed to me – on April 4th – she almost fainted with astonishment!

It is my pleasure to share with you, on this day of happy and grateful memories, the story of God’s mercy to me in this recording made in Lewes Free Presbyterian Church just one year ago. Use the player below to listen!

“Christian Rapper” uses explicit language which causes some controversy

You may well need an interpreter to understand the mutilated syntax that purports to be English grammar in one of the articles we have listed here but it seems to be a defence of the uncouth and totally unchristian and unscriptural language employed by this so-called “Christian Rapper”, one of those so beloved of the modern “New Calvinists” of the John Piper camp. Read the Christian Post report

The following two videos will help the concerned Christian to understand the depths of the departure from the “old paths” along which many prominent so-called Fundamentalists such as John Piper and John MacArthur are leading the flock of God by promoting these gibberish-spouting “hip-hoppers” as servants of Christ.

Read the rest of this story

Video #1: Lecrae says he’s not a gospel rapper but a Hip Hop artist

Video #2: John MacArthur’s Master’s College Facebook page features ‘gospel rap’ artists.

Joel Beeke has also been guilty of promoting this satanic delusion as this quote from his blog illustrates.

“October 25, 2012 By Joel Beeke

A new rap song by Propaganda has caught the attention of a number of Christians in the blogosphere (lyrics here). It styles itself as a series of questions to a pastor who loves to quote the Puritans, criticizing them for their culpability in the slavery of African-Americans. The rap repeatedly uses the phrase “your precious puritans” in a way that is ironic, to say the least. It is sad that “precious” becomes a piece of sarcasm, for the Lord Himself said to His people that we are “precious in my sight” and “I have loved thee” (Isa. 43:4). To his credit, Propaganda promotes the gospel of Christ in other raps, and says that he has learned a lot from reading the Puritans. But his rap song forcefully portrays them as deeply flawed men, profoundly guilty for their participation in the Atlantic slave trade and slave economy. (http://www.joelbeeke.org/2012/10/propaganda-giving-the-puritans-a-bad-rap/)

Below is a video of Propaganda ‘promoting the ‘gospel of Christ’.

This is not a setting forth of the gospel. For Dr Joel Beeke to say that this man is a gospel witness is a shameful and deceiving statement. What a contrast is the clear, succinct, easily comprehended, Spirit-inspired statement: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” John 3:16, KJV; or Paul’s response to the jailer’s anxious enquiry: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house,” Acts 16:30-32, KJV.

Is this endorsement of Jason Petty (the rapper’s real name) by Dr Beeke an acting out of the philosophy of “infiltration” which I understand he favours rather than the Bible’s truth of the believer separating from all that is contrary to true holiness?

Does Dr Beeke believe that it is “hip” or “cool” or ”with it” to speak well of the modern phenomenon of “hip-hoppers”? Is this his keeping in with the religious “in crowd” as he did with John Piper etc., when “New Calvinism” was emerging?

To give his approval to such coarse and uncouth mouthings as this man manufactures and call it the gospel is wrong, deceitful and degrading to the Son of God, His work of redemption and the Word of God.

Is this not a repeat of Jehoshaphat’s mistake? “And Ahab king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Wilt thou go with me to Ramothgilead? And he answered him, I am as thou art, and my people as thy people; and we will be with thee in the war,” 2 Chronicles 18:3, KJV. How wrong to mingle ourselves with the forces of Ahab and affiliate ourselves with his cause. That is made very clear in the message the Lord sent to Jehoshaphat after his allying himself with Ahab. “And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD,” 2 Chronicles 19:1-2, KJV.

This is what Dr Beeke has done in promoting this “rapper” and calling his incoherent nonsense the gospel. At best Jason Perry’s outpourings are a parody of the gospel. Dr Beeke has allied himself with that which is not of God.

There was a time when the devil was required to disguise himself in order to be welcomed amongst God’s people. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11:14, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” How dark is the day when Satan can send his agents amongst Christians undisguised and they are welcomed and embraced as servants of God? Is this not what Dr Beeke would encourage us to do when he speaks of this man as a gospel witness?

Rap artist Propaganda complimented by Dr. Beeke
Propaganda, the rap artist complimented by Dr. Beeke for promoting the gospel of Christ.

What a day of confusion has come upon the professing church of Christ. Do we not see with a vengeance that of which Jude and Paul spoke?

“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. . . . . But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit,” Jude 1:4, 17-19, KJV.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was,” 2 Timothy 3:1-9, KJV.

May the Lord Jesus, in mercy to His poor people, open the eyes of our understanding that we may discern the signs of the times and obey His Word and turn from such blasphemous deceits and delusions.

– Rev Ivan Foster
Updated 27th March 2013

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March 2013

Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) minister converts to Rome

For 8 years Jason Stellman was an ordained minister in the PCA. He converted to Rome in 2012. His experience is a solemn and timely warning about the dangers posed by those evangelicals – even ministers within Reformed churches –  who are soft on Rome and co-operate with her in ecumenical organizations of various kinds. Many prominent evangelicals signed the Manhattan Declaration endorsing the ‘christianity’ of Rome. To this day many ministers do not see the need to separate from such men but feel at liberty to preach with them in various conferences or work with them in other ways. Most recently we have highlighted the errors of the deeply ecumenical Refo500 organization which involved co-operation with Rome at every level.

You can read Jason Stellman’s personal account of his conversion to Rome here. There is also an audio link to an MP3 recording of his testimony.

Patrick, Apostle of Ireland

The story of his life as told by himself.

Providence has preserved for us two documents written by Patrick. Both of these documents, Patrick’s Confession and Patrick’s Letter, are accepted as genuine by both Protestant and Roman Catholic historians. Patrick wrote in Latin, the language of the scholar of his day. Read more

Pope Francis I has opened his pontificate with an idolatrous act

I was most surprised to read the headlines in the “Belfast Telegraph”, once known amongst Protestants as the “Belfast Bellylaugh”, early this morning,Thursday, 14th March. It is a newspaper renowned of old for its support for all things ecumenical and popish. Read more….

John Piper prays that God will appoint next Pope!!!

We are thankful to God for the exposing of the ecumenical wolves in sheep’s clothing which is taking place at this time. First it was Rick Warren and now it is John Piper. It is plain that they are among those who have drunk of “the wine of her (the system of antichristianity) fornication,” Revelation 17:2, KJV. Read more

Rick Warren prays for new Pope

Link to article on Standstillawhile.net

The cruelty of compromise

Compromise in the Christian life and in the Christian church is simply departure from the clearly revealed demands of God’s word. The demands of God’s word for holiness, separation from the world, separation on a corporate and ecclesiastical level from apostasy and disobedient brethren, etc. are set aside by compromise. Sadly, this process of setting aside is often made-over as a spirit of loving concern to reach out to others. That which is evil and deadly is therefore often masqueraded as good and desirable.

Yet there is a savage cruelty about compromise. Link to article on Standstillawhile.net

An exchange of E-mails with Dr Joel Beeke on the subject of his fellowshipping with those from whom he ought to be separated.

In reaction to Dr Beeke’s response and the ongoing rather dishonest and devious campaign by Dr Beeke’s defenders, I have decided to publish the email exchange that I had with him. I have concealed the names of third parties and a private phone number referred to in these emails. Read more

Thank you, Dr Murray!!

The article entitled “Jesus the Ecumenical Separatist” was written by Dr David Murray. He is a close colleague and associate of Dr Joel Beeke. The article appears on his blog. Now I feel thankful to Dr Murray for writing this article for the simple reason that in it he sets down the unscriptural philosophy which he and Dr Joel Beeke espouse. Dr Beeke is frequently on platforms with New Calvinists, Ecumenists, Roman Catholic and Orthodox priests, Charismatics etc. Dr Murray has been known to likewise share platforms with those from whom he should be separated.

It has been impossible to get Dr Beeke to commit himself to giving an explanation in writing of the position he takes. Though his activities have been challenged on a number of occasions, Dr Beeke has not stated why he believes he can act so. He has declined to commit to writing any response to the challenges mounted.

Now, thanks to Dr Murray, we have their position expounded. I am thankful to Rev Stephen Hamilton for his examination of Dr Murray’s article and that examination follows. Read more

Standing With Christ in the Day of Battle

“Fight the good fight of faith,” 1 Timothy 6:12. “Then the spirit came upon Amasai, who was chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse: peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers; for thy God helpeth thee. Then David received them, and made them captains of the band,” 1 Chronicles 12:18.

The child of God is a warrior. He takes after His Heavenly Father Who is a man of war. “The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. Pharaoh’s chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea,” Exodus 15:3-4. “Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle,” Psalm 24:8. Read more…

Matthew 18:15-17 and the public rebuke of sin

Very often the first response to any public witness against sin, or the public censure of a Christian who has sinned publicly, is an accusation that to make such a public denunciation is contrary to the Saviour’s teaching in this passage. Usually it is asserted that there cannot be a public censure of sin until private overtures have been made to the offender. This has the effect of diverting attention from the original error and focuses attention on the one trying to protest against it. But what does this passage teach? Is it addressing the matter of public sin at all? Link to article on Standstillawhile.net



More news

Release IRA tapes says Jean McConville’s daughter

RAF Chinook helicopters stood down by Department of Agriculture (Sinn Fein employ Irish Republic’s helicopters instead – and DUP acquiesces!!)

DARD stops using RAF helicopters

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Dissidents daub McGuinness’ home in black paint (Shades of what the Provos did on Gerry Fitt)

No barrier over Catholic and Protestant schools merger

Flag protest leader freed on tough bail conditions

Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland archbishops to lead walk through Dublin

Pope Francis to wash offenders’ feet on Maundy Thursday (much easier than ridding his ‘church’ of the stains accumulated over the centuries)

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Labour council tells families to take in a foster child to avoid benefit cuts (What a motive for what should be an act of love!)

G8 security assessed amid bomb plot

Real IRA victim’s sister says mother died of broken heart

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One of the nastiest and most immoral political acts in modern times

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Sinn Fein concedes on Advisors Bill – SDLP

Republic must address failure to protect lives in border area – Kenny Donaldson

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Bomb found was meant for G8 host hotel, claims dissident IRA group

Terror group claims car bomb was meant for Northern Ireland G8 summit

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Northern Irish actress (niece of SF’s Conor Murphy) given four year prison sentence for her part in film bid scam

Sinn Fein select Francie Molloy replacement – a convicted IRA murderer

Another Provo Promoted by SF

EU finance ministers approve Cyprus bailout deal, funded by bank assets seizure

Diana funeral marked return to ‘Catholic’ England, Archbishop

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Women hooked on online betting up from 44 per cent

Secret DUP-UUP unity paper wanted one party

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Talks bid to scupper ‘terror shrine’ at Maze

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Sinn Fein Contempt for All Things British Exposed Again

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Grief stricken mother of murdered Massereene soldier dies

HET nearing probe into IRA murder of corporals

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Republic must address failure to protect lives in border area – Kenny Donaldson

Advisor bill passes consideration stage

An attempt to ban killers and other serious criminals from serving as ministerial advisers has cleared significant hurdle in Stormont

British government apology over man killed by soldiers

Warder ‘scarred for life’ by IRA killings

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Argentina’s Kirchner raises Falklands with Pope Francis

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Sinn Féin MP, Conor Murphy’s actress niece in multi-million gangster movie scam

Irish politician’s shocking IRA torture revelations from beyond the grave

Special report: The damning documents that show new Pope DID betray tortured priests to the junta

Archbishop of Canterbury:does not drink alone for fear of becoming an alcoholic like his father

Catholic Church is ‘irredeemably corrupt’, David Starkey claims

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Sinn Fein walk out of Newry policing partnership meeting in protest at IRA charges

Cardinal: Paedophilia – psychological illness and not “a criminal condition” (So much for repentance and change)

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Leading unionists split over plans at Maze site

Mortar bomb found near Belfast police station ‘failed to go off’

Vatican denies Dirty War allegations against Pope – (and so the cover-up begins)

Prime Minister at odds with pope over Falklands

Dissident death threat to Willie Frazer hours after release

Video: Willie Frazer says no cause is worth prison

Cardinal Keith O’Brien being sued by alleged abuse victim

Roman Catholic priest accused of sexual assault reveals he is secretly married

Argentina basks in papal glory – but what about Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s support for a murderous dictatorship?

Pope Francis may do great things, but radical change won’t be one of them

Suspected mortar ‘pointed at police station’

SF presses for release of IRA bomber

Pope Francis: Church leaders in Northern Ireland welcome appointment

Union flag protests: campaigner Willie Frazer granted bail

Willie Frazer granted bail

Anger at lack of arrests after 19 illegal fuel raids across 10 Irish counties

Jim Allister Speaks In Defence of the Unborn

Christian group urges legal move on abortion in NI

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles pays £6.7m abuse settlement

Man who took part in IRA funeral awaits fate

Jamie Bryson moved to loyalist wing of prison for ‘safety’

Pope Francis branded Britain ‘usurpers’ over Falklands conflict

Coleraine DUP claim ‘police bias’ over white-line protests

Sinn Fein MPs sitting pretty despite refusal to take seats

Gardai to block RIRA military display at funeral

James Glynn: The life of an Irish policeman (Captain AC Lendrum, mentioned in the article, came from Klskeery)

Major cross border operation against illegal fuel trade

300 officers in cross-border raids on criminal gangs

DUP and UUP discussed merger

NI Assembly fails in bid to change abortion law – voting record

Tom Elliott: I didn’t sanction Unionist merger talks

Jim Allister censured for IRA comment

Terror victims remembered at Stormont

Rick Warren asking God to guide in the election of Antichrist

Dissident bomb ‘detonated by mobile phone’

Robinson welcomes Justice chief’s vow to restore confidence

Allister offers Stormont opposition advice to UUP

MLAs debating abortion amendment at Stormont

Petition amid Stormont abortion debate

British tradition of voting on Thursday could be overturned by Europe

Stop wasting millions translating leaflets into foreign languages, Eric Pickles tells English councils – (Take note Stormont!!)

TUV Leader speaks on Unionist Unity

Queen to sign equal rights charter (but Queen withholds personal endorsement because of her apolitical status)

Unionist anger is growing in Limavady claims politician

Three charged in Dublin over Peter Butterly murder

North Belfast bomb blast ‘was attempted murder’

Police were targets of M5 blast

Provos on the rise while gardai struggle to hold Thin Blue Line

Flag protestors told of ‘political bias’ by PSNI

Yesteryear’s pan-unionist and nationalist blocs are returning

Father Alec Reid reveals how he tried to save two British soldiers killed in one of the most shocking episodes of the Troubles – (Have you heard the one about Goldilocks and the three bears ???)

Family of IRA victim criticise SF award for gang driver

Two Stormont ministers clash – Poots hits out at Ford on abortion

Church of Ireland bishop, Rev Harold Miller, elected co-chairman of the Anglican-Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission

Convicted IRA man suspected of laundering money from Northern Bank robbery in Belfast ordered to pay £600k in Irish tax probe

Sammy Wilson hits out at Judge remarks in Bryson case

Aftermath of rioting in Newtownabbey

Five police officers hurt during rioting in Newtownabbey

Record low turnout in Mid-Ulster by-election

Five men arrested after ex-Real IRA leader shot by rival group in Rep of Ireland

Mid-Ulster by-election: campaign eerily quiet as IRA murder victim’s son faces alleged killer in polls

Mid Ulster election – unionist Lutton will not shake Sinn Fein man Molloy’s hand even if he wins

Mid Ulster test for unionist unity

Flag protest group issues rallying call

Anger after suspect out on bail goes to IRA event

Judges ‘must act without external influence’

Londonderry mortars: Bombs ‘within minutes’ of launch

Jamie Bryson’s mum claims he is ‘a scapegoat’

Parts of Unionism has lost confidence in police: Robinson

Unionists ‘think police are biased’ (Just like the DUP!!)

Union flag dispute: Baggott defends PSNI impartiality

Northern Ireland: Terrorist attack foiled in Londonderry just minutes before mortars due to be fired at police station

Northern Ireland police hail ‘major coup’ after foiled IRA mortar plot

Tip-off from gardai helped stop rocket attack on police station

Jim Allister Exposes SF Double-Speak on Londonderry Bomb

LATEST: Frazer and Bryson in same prison cell

DUP & Sinn Fein united against loyalist people – Jim Allister refused opportunity to raise Judicial double standards in cases of Willie Frase and Jim Dowson

Stormont Refuses Discussion of Double Standards on Bail

Frazer hecklers disrupt Assembly session

Adams repeats: I was never in IRA – No it is not April 1st!!

Nurse’s CPR refusal sparks outrage in USA

Vatican accused of cover up over Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s ‘sexual conduct’

Gay marriage will destabilise family life, sociologist warns parliament

Kennedy to meet Baggott over ‘political policing’

Cardinal Keith O’Brien admits that his moral conduct had “fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal”

Cardinal Keith O’Brien faces Vatican sexual conduct inquiry

Cardinal O’Brien makes ‘sexual conduct ‘admission as new gay accusations emerge

Londonderry bomb alert: four mortar bombs found in van

Police arrest three men as they foil ‘planned bomb attack by Republican dissidents’

Roman Catholic bishops back abortion bill amendment

Was Mother Teresa not so saintly after all? Researchers spark controversy by claiming her care of the sick was ‘dubious’ and handling of cash ‘suspicious’

Jamie Bryson remanded in custody over Belfast union flag protests

Bryson refused bail as he appears alongside former BNP man

‘Willie barred from media’ – his wife’s forthright comments to the media.

Nigel Lutton not ready to shake hands with man named by an MP in Parliament as being linked to his father’s murder

Bryson ‘refusing food and water’ while in custody

Jamie Bryson due in court on flag protest charges

Jim Dowson arrested in union flag protest probe

Republican charged over IRA investigation following murder

Republican bailed over McCartney probe must not contact witnesses

Different treatment of two men from South Armagh is bringing our system of justice into disrepute

Detectives arrest ‘The Surgeon’ in connection with IRA’s probe into killing of Robert McCartney

David Cameron faces backlash from Conservative right as Ukip attract votes from ‘blue-collar Tories’

David Cameron must toughen up, say senior Tories

Flag protest: Willie Frazer refused bail by judge

Willie Frazer charged with possession of taser

Willie Frazer calls for arrest of Martin McGuinness

Frazer charged, Bryson arrested

Voters’ questions for Nigel Lutton on Union Flag protests vanish from web

Police chaplain ‘forced out after criticising gay marriage’