February 2013

Biblical separation and “platform fellowship”

“Platform fellowship’ is a phrase coined to describe the artificial distinction some see in the relationship, or fellowship, experienced among participants in a conference situation. Sometimes this conference scenario primarily involves preaching, while in others it is primarily academic in nature. However, when a conference is theological or involves handling the truth of God in any form, it cannot simply be regarded as academic, whether it involves preachers or seminarians. Link to article of Standstillawhile.net

Southern Baptists praise the Pope!

“[Benedict XVI] has offered a brave and intelligent defense of truth against a relativist tide, and he has been a stalwart friend of life.”- R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Link to article on Standstillawhile.net

The blasphemous charade of the false “Christianity” of some so-called fundamentalists


RC Sproul’s endorsement of the “Christianity” of rock ‘star’ Alice Cooper in an interview with Mark Driscoll has to be seen to be believed.

A step forward or a leap backward

House of commons’ vote on sodomite marriage

‘ . . . this is an important step forward for our country.’ – David Cameron, Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party.

We will look back on today as a landmark for equality in Britain.’ – Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats.

‘ . . this Bill is about one thing—fairness.’ – Maria Miller, the Minister for Women and Equalities who moved the motion for the government.

The debate last night in the House of Commons demonstrates clearly the character of the leadership this nation endures. What fools dominate the Westminster Parliament! The decision made last night does not take England and Wales forward but backward. Backward to the days of darkness out of which the Word of God, defied and discarded last night, delivered us in times past. This is a not a step toward justice and fairness. Rather it is a trampling of truth and righteousness underfoot. The just and fair views of those who perceive sodomy as it is characterised by God in His Word are today classified at best as archaic and at the worst as unlawful. Click here to read the article

Can We Take the Prophecies Literally?

This article by Mr Thomas Houghton appeared in the April/May 2006, edition of the Watching and Waiting magazine, published by the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, though the article was penned well over 60 years ago. Time has not diminished the relevancy of it’s message. If there ever was a need for God’s people to take heed to the prophecies of God Word it is now.

For too long, an interpretation has been placed upon such Scriptures that makes what God says to be so general and unspecific, so vague and unfocused, as to be almost meaningless as far as their usefulness in our understanding of the times is concerned. Such prophecies were intended as signs (warnings, portents). If they are not understood literally of what use are they? What purpose can they serve in the future?

Mr Houghton shows how prophecy served God’s people in the past and therefore how we may expect them to serve us today and in the future. Here is a timely word for God’s people today. Click here to read the article.

Selected news stories


More news…

Willie Frazer arrested, as Bryson home ‘ransacked’

Belfast flag demos organiser held

McCartney murder police arrest man

Basil McCrea and John McCallister set up new unionist party

Almost 3,000 police officers volunteer for G8 security duty

Gardaí will not be asked to help PSNI police G8 summit

Rocket launcher and warhead discovery ‘saved lives’

Rocket launcher discovered during police raid on dissident Republicans

Rocket launcher believed to be Provisional IRA weapon

Garda Adrian Donohoe shot by ‘one person’

Catholic Church needs reform – Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor

Italy halts austerity plan leaving EU in turmoil

‘Homosexuality is a ticking timebomb for the Catholic Church’

Scotland’s Roman Catholic Church faces ‘grave crisis’, says historian

‘Historic crisis’ for Catholics

American gangster’s arms deal mission for Provos revealed

Thousands of police from Britain set to help guard G8 summit in Fermanagh

£11,243,000 Annual Cost to NI Taxpayers of Cross-Border Co-Operation

The picture Cardinal Keith O’Brien probably wishes he had never posed for: UK’s top Catholic was long-standing friend of Savile

Put IRA in Government and you get IRA policies – Jim Allister

FBI ‘soft’ on IRA in the ’80s

Little scrutiny of UK money for Northern Ireland

UK’s top cardinal accused of ‘inappropriate acts’ by priests

Cardinal Keith O’Brien resigns as Archbishop

Cardinal Keith O’Brien ‘accused of inappropriate acts’

Allegations Cardinal ‘should be allowed Pope vote’

Pope probes priests’ claims of ‘unwanted behaviour’

Revealed: Nick Clegg was personally told of Lord Rennard claims in September 2008

Orange Order ‘playing dangerous game’ with parade threat

Orange Order urged to tread carefully over strategy

Cardinal Keith O’Brien: ‘Allow priests to marry’

Republican areas less favourable to neighbourhood watch

Omagh bomb: Colm Murphy and Seamus Daly ‘not to give evidence’

Row over teacher criminal records

Orange Order may not give police notice on parades

Orange Order: ‘Growing discontent’ among members over parade curbs

Abuse survivor calls on Cardinal Brady not to attend conclave

Savile inquiry: Paxman said DJ rumours ‘common gossip’

Jeremy Paxman condemns ‘contemptible’ BBC behaviour over Jimmy Savile investigation

Government Doesn’t Know or Care How Many Teachers Have Criminal Convictions

UDR parade won’t halt loyalist flag demo

‘Flag trouble can’t be compared to London riots’

Has Catholic education body learned nothing from our history?

Religious satellite TV show Miracle Hour ‘risking lives’

UUP members were driven by egos – Danny Kinahan MLA

Mike Nesbitt slams cost of MLAs’ St Patrick’s Day trip to US

George Galloway storms out of debate with Israeli student

Jobless mother-of-11 with council ‘mansion’ and horse now said to have bought flying lessons

Those in office must admit their part in our dirty war (should read . . . “and suffer the punishment of their crimes”)

How an IRA kidnapping that ended in murder set in motion a terrible chain of tragedy

Memorial plea to flag protesters

‘Forget flag protests’ – IRA bomb victim

2,000 horses go missing every year in Northern Ireland

Massachusetts forces schools to let ‘transgender’ boys use girls’ restrooms, lockers

La Mon: Widower calls for justice

La Mon group seeks meeting

‘Finucane-style review’ urged over La Mon

Three-man band’s tune may sound too much like Alliance

Alliance offers a ‘welcoming door’

Justice for Eileen Doherty after 40 years

IRA plans ‘big show’ to mark Easter Rising

Mike Nesbitt does not rule out more joint candidates

Detectives examining “information not in the public domain” in Mid Staffs hospitals where up to 1,200 people died needlessly between 2005 and 2009

Mid Staffs scandal: police ‘examining new evidence’

‘Claim jobseeker’s allowance and plan holy war’: Hate preacher pocketing £25,000 a year in benefits calls on fanatics to live off the stateIRA murder victim’s son to face alleged killer in election

New unionist party could be on the cards

“They burnt us alive, yet it’s forgotten about” La Mon survivor

DUP and UUP agree single candidate for Mid-Ulster by election

John McCallister quits UUP over unity candidate

Basil McCrea and John McCallister quit UUP over unionist by-election pact

Ex terrorists should not be teachers

Derry Bloody Sunday families offered £50,000 compensation

Outrage at £50,000 Bloody Sunday Payment

Equality call over £50k Bloody Sunday offer (La Mon bomb victim was offered £90 for loss of his wife!)

Sean Kelly released unconditionally

Tensions mount as IRA bomber released over shooting

Senior republican Sean Kelly questioned over shooting

Sean Kelly arrest could have ‘grave consequences’: Robinson

IRA bomber questioned over teen shooting

IRA bomber quizzed over shooting

‘Answers needed’ over school job for IRA spy

Parents unaware vice-principal of college had spied on police for IRA

TUV slams CCMS appointment of IRA convict

We do have forecasts of Eastern European immigration, insist Whitehall (but they still won’t be released)

Disgraced LA Cardinal Mahony off to Rome to vote in Pope Benedict replacement

Former FBI agent claims he witnessed CIA boss John Brennan convert to Islam – VIDEO

Austerity certainly doesn’t work for high-flying Gerry

Ratzinger was behind great Catholic cover-up

UK the only member to increase EU payments

UK slaughterhouse and meat firm raided

Horse meat scandal: One in 12 samples in the UK could contain banned substance

Shadow environment secretary, Mary Creagh, apologises for wrongly claiming 70,000 horses are unaccounted for in Northern Ireland

Adams and band of blood brothers

Why Willie Frazer continues to live on the edge

Horsemeat scandal: Up to 70,000 horses unaccounted for in Ireland

Lone parents ‘are less effective’

70,000 horses ‘unaccounted for’ (IRA at work!!??)

Jim Allister Expresses Condolences to Reynolds and Hillis Families and Commends PSNI Action on Attack on William Frazer

Pope Benedict XVI in shock resignation

Terror attack on William Frazer’s home condemned

Orangemen to vote for gay marriage

Police woman killed in crash with suspected stolen car

Stafford scandal: Jeremy Hunt calls for police inquiry into NHS

Council knew about widow who starved

Why have so many nurses stopped caring?

Martin McGuinness accused of walking out of a prestigious City of London dinner in order to avoid toasting the Queen

Flag protests expose ‘leadership vacuum’

Ulster People’s Forum: Bryson and Frazer ‘united’ after row

National Crime Agency agency will work in Northern Ireland despite opposition

Gardai quiz RIRA suspects over rocket launcher haul

SF ‘fears crime agency could probe their party funding’

This will not be some shadowy new force, it will be an international crimebusting partner

Attwood and Robinson on a collision course over John Lewis

Frazer to meet Bryson over flag forum schism

Dublin premier criticises SF for drawing distinction between killing of gardaí and RUC officers

Jim Allister slams Sinn Fein over Orange boycott site

Gerry Adams must give evidence to Smithwick Tribunal probing claims of Garda collusion in the 1989 murder

Massive support for the Union

Leaders handled flag crisis badly – poll

‘The nuns have destroyed my life’

Gang leaders suspected of murdering Real IRA leader Alan Ryan are arrested

I’m a marriage man, says Cameron

Gay marriage ‘weakens’ David Cameron within party, MPs say

German warning over Romanian and Bulgarian migration

Triple killer granted anonymity ‘to protect human rights’

Hundreds of UK hospital patients died needlessly as a result of substandard care and staff failings

Gay marriage: MPs back legislation

Cameron accused of dividing Conservatives as MPs rebel on gay marriage vote

Gay marriage Bill support urged by senior Conservatives ministers

Half of unionists still back protests

NI terror threat ‘very dangerous’

Gardai swoop on RIRA gang in kidnap plot

National crime force blocked in Stormont

National Crime Agency must be allowed to play role here

Adams initial reaction betrays his hypocrisy

Politicians voice disgust over SF ‘sham apology’

SF ‘opposes National Crime Agency (NCA) because it’s British’

Ex-UDR soldier’s fight for justice goes on

Senior local Conservatives urge PM to delay decision on gay marriage until after next election

Grassroots Tories ‘betrayed’ by David Cameron over same-sex marriage

IRA chief ‘no longer wanted’ over killing of McCabe

DUP joins revolt over gay marriage

Adams’ apology for IRA murder raises many questions

Gay marriage could cost Conservatives power, poll suggests

UUP’s split decision… whatever its ruling on flag maverick Basil McCrea, rush for exit door is inevitable

Crucial moment for Mike Nesbitt

No sign of flag protests flagging

Apology shows SF leader’s convoluted sense of reality

January 2013

Men on the run

During the Sinn Fein/IRA terrorist campaign, which has been replaced by a more subtle scheme whereby, having obtained their goal of political power, they now use that power to pursue the objectives they formerly sought by terror and murder, the term OTR referred to IRA killers “on the run” from the law and the just desserts it would mete out to them. Since the commencement of the power-sharing deal between the DUP and Sinn Fein/IRA, the term has fallen out of use, since part of that deal included a virtual amnesty for all republican terrorists. However, there is another use for it that has arisen within the confines of the Church of Christ – ministers “on the run” from their duty before God in this evil day. Read more…

What a Difference Six Months Does Not Make!

Attention readers! – The programme above has been removed from the SermonAudio site because of its criticism of Dr Joel Beeke’s compromise and of his disobedience of the Word of God regarding his fellowship and associations with men who teach error. SermonAudio states that the programme has been removed because it is contrary to its unwritten policy forbidding broadcasters to criticise other broadcasters. However, it is plain that this policy has not been consistently applied since there are quite a number of sermons on the site which contain critical comment of other broadcasters.

Such a policy is in conflict with the duties of a faithful man of God who is required to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints,” Jude 1:3, KJV. This duty must be fulfilled, irrespective of the cost. We would urge readers to courteously contact SermonAudio regarding this matter at info@sermonaudio.com

We believe that there is something more behind this removal of the HOM programme. It seems to have touched a particular nerve! Time will doubtless tell! You may listen to the broadcast which has been removed by using the audio player link below.

Ivan Foster (Editor)

Joel Beeke’s Involvement with Refo500, ETS, and WRF by Ralph Ovadal, pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin

As I take pen in hand to write this article, I do it with the fervent hope that it will be the last time I address the issue which is the subject of this report. I write now only because circumstances dictate that to not write would be to leave a duty partially undone, given certain developments of the last six months. What follows is anything but a “hit piece.” Rather, it is a simple setting forth of very public information which is of very great importance to the spiritual welfare of the Lord’s own people. The facts shared in this report are as they were meticulously documented at the time this article was written.

On the May 20, 2011 edition of the Heart of the Matter program, my guest Rev. Ivan Foster and I voiced our concerns about the very influential Dr. Joel Beeke yoking in preaching fellowship with the charismatic, deeply compromised John Piper as a guest speaker at Piper’s 2011 “Conference for Pastors.” Then on the June 15, 2012 edition of HOM, I did a report on a Roman Catholic-Protestant ecumenical consortium called Refo500. And when I say “Protestant,” I am using the term in the broadest way imaginable! For instance, as I reported in the course of that HOM program, Refo500 partner organizations which are apostate Protestant include, among others, Fuller Theological Seminary (Richard Mouw, president), Beeson Divinity School (Timothy George, dean), and the Remonstrant Church which openly denies essential doctrines of the true faith and just as openly boasts of being “the first church in the world to open marriage for same-sex couples” and “one of the first churches in the Netherlands to ordain women as ministers.” During the course of that June 15, 2012 HOM report, I documented the deep involvement of two Reformed ministers, Dr. Albert Mohler and Dr. Joel Beeke, in Refo500. Read more…

Use the player below to listen to the Heart of the matter broadcast dealing with this matter featuring Pastor Ovadal and Rev. Ivan Foster.

The program is approximately 75 minutes long.

Click here for a transcript of Rev. Foster’s contribution to the broadcast.


The DUP’s Pathway of Departure and Decline

From the defying of the fourth commandment to the disregarding of the Sixth Commandment. Read more…

The rise and fall of amillennialism

For the first two and a half centuries Pre-Millennialism was the universal doctrine of the Church as it had been of the Apostles. No other doctrine was so much as known, far less received. A-Millennialism was not heard of in the Church during this period. In the third century, however, Origen promulgated his false teaching. He contended that practically all Scripture; historic as well as prophetic, was allegorical and should be understood in a figurative sense with an underlying esoteric meaning, seen only by the initiated. He not only regarded the Revelation as mythical but also the records of Creation in the first two chapters of Genesis. He taught that the fires of hell were purgatorial and that the whole human race would eventually be saved and brought to glory. Read more…


Selected news stories

More news…

No-one jailed for fuel smuggling ‘in decade’

RUC widow, Phyllis Carrothers, asks for an IRA apology

Garda Adrian Donohoe murder sparks political row over Troubles deaths

No fair deal for victims’ – Sammy Brush

Sinn Fein ‘still linked to organised crime’ (Is this the company DUP keeps at Stormont!!??)

Sinn Fein spin merchant, Declan Kearney, presents IRA-Sinn Fein’s latest ransom demand

Loyalist protesters in strategy change

Leading flag protester a surprise candidate in Mid-Ulster by-election?

Ireland won’t be united so let loyalists fly flag – Seamus Heaney

Alliance: Sinn Fein councils should fly flag

Robinson’s car attacked

The Folly and Farce of devolving Policing and Justice

Blocking new crime agency ‘is mistake’ says David Ford

DUP call to bar Sinn Féin’s £100,000 Westminster grant

Ex-IRA man to go free after serving under two years for murder bid

Adams’s reaction to this senseless killing reeks of hypocrisy

Ex-IRA woman Dolours Price’s funeral under way

Ulster Unionists back unity move

About 1,000 people take part in Derry Bloody Sunday march

Protestant civil rights parade takes place in Londonderry

Omagh bomb incident: Assembly member believes police officer was targeted

Off-duty policeman forced to fire his weapon during failed attack on his home by suspected terrorists

Toxic Sinn Fein veto aids criminality

Scores of violent offenders able to walk out of jail

Dolours Price is a lesson in the ugly futility of Irish republican terrorism

Irish detective shot dead ‘without warning’ in Louth robbery

Irish detective shot half mile from home

Off-duty police officer fires shots during Omagh incident

David Cameron’s wife Samantha is the ‘driving force’ behind gay marriage

How the Vatican built a secret property empire using Mussolini’s millions

Toxicology tests after IRA’s Dolours found dead

No Garda enquiry into Dolours Price death

Dolours Price – Disappeared murder role disclosed during meeting

Death of IRA veteran could unseal documents allegedly implicating Sinn Fein head Gerry Adams in abductions, executions

Troubled soul who never found peace when the fighting ended

Robert McCartney’s sister: IRA must hand findings of internal probe to police

Border poll considered by DUP, says Arlene Foster

TUV Responds to Border Poll Developments

President Obama puts gay equality at centre stage

United Ireland border poll call: diversions and u-turns

You cannot deny an Opposition in Stormont and be surprised when it emerges on the streets

David Cameron speech: UK and the EU

Major showdown looming within the Ulster Unionist PartyDUP joined at the hip to Sinn Fein flag snatchers

Sinn Fein’s support group that flew Adams to US for operation has $750,000 in the bank

Mike Nesbitt scuppers united front by not signing statement

Unionists talking tough on protestors’ concerns

Agreement has been recognised for what it is

Strabane bomb intended for police inspector

Nesbitt warns of Maze centre losses

TUV Challenges Republic’s Involvement in Talks

East Belfast pleads for an end to the violence

Riots don’t deter Belfast tourists

Gerry Adams – He hasn’t gone away, you know

Eamon Martin set to become head of Ireland’s Catholics – as Sean Brady gets the shove

One-sided inquiries angering people – Mervyn Gibson

Bringing loyalists in from the cold

Double standards seem to be a Sinn Fein policy

Adams to lead Sinn Fein for three more years

Surrender to IRA set example for rioters

Demand from MPs for return of law-making to Westminster and cut Britain’s EU bill by £billions each year

Heated exchanges at Stormont over flag trouble

Massereene barracks murder conviction quashe

Mother of soldier killed in Northern Ireland says court decision to overturn verdict is scandalous

Real IRA murders: Brian Shivers faces Massereene retrial

I’m no hypocrite, says Adams over private health treatment

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi called Zionists “bloodsuckers” and descendants of pigs

Sinn Fein complains as CNN links Gerry Adams to IRA role

Stormont severely lacking in moral authority in condemning violence

Church teaching on homosexuality ‘is like justifying slavery’, says neo-evangelical Steve Chalke

Police decision to block bridge ‘led to trouble’

Maskey condemned for stone-throwing comments

One by one, Nesbitt’s generals are leaving

Debate exposes Stormont’s brittle forced relationships

Campbell defiant on flags protests

Almost half of Dubliners brand flag decision wrong

Let’s be honest, how would we feel if our Tricolour was taken down?

IRA attitude to Irish serving in British military belongs in 1913

Peter Robinson pressed by new young Turks

Heated debate cocooned from sounds of dissent

TUV Leader Blasts Stormont Failure to Fly Flag for Royal Birthday

Minister accuses loyalists of holding Northern Ireland to ransom (Why not bring them into government – as was done with the IRA ???)

Belfast flag violence: New clashes as police use baton rounds on loyalist rioters

Willie Frazer urged to keep flag protest out of Dublin

Belfast’s rioting loyalists feel abandoned by their politicians

McGuinness relative denies dissident link

Protestors call on Peter Robinson to resign

Gerry Adams called ‘hypocrite’ over US operation

If only the Government hadn’t rewarded violence

Surge in Belfast violence blamed on resurgent UVF

Belfast union flag dispute is lightning rod for loyalist disaffection

DUP MP to raise IRA role in Bloody Sunday

Belfast flags trouble: Police use water cannon in east Belfast

Mother beat her seven-year-old son to death when he failed to memorise passages from the Koran

Dissident IRA warn Irish in British military

Ruling on gay bishop welcomed by Church of Ireland cleric

Gay cleric, Jeffrey John, should be made bishop in Wales, says friend

DUP slams direct rule call

Suspect in prison officer’s murder marched at Ryan funeral, court told

Nine officers injured, 18 arrests in latest flag violence

Anglican church lifts ban on gay men in civil partnerships becoming bishops

Church of England rules gay men in civil partnerships can become bishops

Don’t let hardened criminals out early, says Justice Secretary Chris Grayling

Girl Guides Could Drop God And Queen From Oath

In pictures: Officers injured after flag protest violence

New flag protest group want ‘direct rule’

Group considers protests outside politicians’ homes

Man in court over David Black murder

Exploding the myth of EU dependency

Church of England drops gay bishop opposition

Dissidents step up racketeering to fund fresh murder campaign

‘Intelligence war’ against dissident threat

Why Ann Travers won’t be silenced over sister’s murder

Widow of UDA leader: I’m spellbound by pagan way of life

Jim Allister in the NI Assembly

How can we have let two key war criminals of 20th Century in Dail? (They have done even better in Northern Ireland, they’re in government – thanks to the DUP)

Sinn Fein needs to come clean on past

Dissident republicans ‘remain determined to kill’

Two held after bomb found under PC’s car

Kincora file conspicously absent from government records

Monumental deceit: How our politicians have lied and lied about the true purpose of the European behemoth

December 2012

“Jesus is NOT the reason for the season!!!”

This slogan seems to have become as popular as once did an equally fatuous statement – “Let’s put Christ back into Christmas!” Christ never was in Christmas and the origins of this season of the year have nothing whatever to do with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many years ago I wrote a little tract called: CHRISTMAS – The Facts and the Fiction. A look at what many believe to be a ‘Christian Festival’. It is still very relevant today. Would that God’s people would give heed.

Hacker attacks

Our website has been the subject of persistant hacker attacks over recent months. On several occasions hackers have successfully added material to the site. Some visitors may have seen warnings from their browser about malware being present and therefore to avoid the website. We make every effort to prevent such attacks and to respond immediately when they happen in order to keep the site clean and safe. All of this goes to show the importance of using an up-to-date internet security program to protect your browsing online. Even good sites can become a source of ‘infection’ through hacker attack.

We apologise for any downtime that this results in but it is necessary to make sure everything is ok. Please pray for the Lord to protect this witness and, even as we use the means we have to keep the site secure, that the Lord Himself will keep it.

Roman Catholic “Year of Faith” Unfaithful to Christ and His Gospel

By Richard Bennett and Timothy F. Kauffman

The Roman Catholic Year of Faith began on October 11, 2012, and will conclude on November 24, 2013. The intent of Year of Faith is a beguiling deception cleverly presented. Nonetheless, in studying official documents outlining its agenda, it is seen to be a repackaging of the dogmas of Vatican Council II. Consequently, Ecumenical affiliation with Rome is a major factor of the whole endeavor; in fact, the Baptist World Alliance has already been ensnared. In newspapers, magazines, videos, and across the Internet, there are invitations to people to participate. As Christians, it is our duty to withstand these assaults on the Lord’s Gospel of grace. Read more…

Selected news stories


More news…

Ellis pressured to make parliament statement over claims he has links to 50 murders

SF denies British claims from 1982 linking Ellis to 50 murders

Republican terror gang aims to kill more in each attack

The Sinn Fein TD (member of Dublin parliament) who is linked to 50 murders

Sinn Fein rejects claim that TD was linked to 50 murders

Hunger striker and member of party’s old guard

Dissidents determined to launch ‘spectacular’ attacks

Flag protests set to continue

Loyalists to continue demonstrations at Alliance MP’s office

High Court judge criticises same-sex marriage plan

Hospital apologises to 38 families for appalling care that saw a patient starve to death (“ . . in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be . . . . without natural affection,” 2 Timothy 3:1-3, KJV.)

Our leaders hold seven-hour crisis talks on flags… and come up with not much

Leaders’ statement a bland Christmas gift (Compromise catching up with DUP ????)

Protest App creator ‘overwhelmed’ by its success (Protests in the electronic age)

Peace initiative for Irish churches (Same old ecumenical rubbish!)

MP says Bloody Sunday murder inquiry is “misguided” (Jail for soldiers – Government positions for terrorists!!)

Nesbitt: Unionist forum no guarantee of full flag return

Forum receives guarded welcome from loyalists

Lisburn council to review flag policy

Dissidents planned to kill family of Irish soldier serving in British army

Former IRA sympathiser and girlfriend held over murder of prison officer David Black

Jim Allister suggests flag resolution package

IRA Christmas plot to shoot British soldier here is foiled

200,000 have migrated to North

Sinn Fein Mask Slips Again

Sammy Brush in his own words: We’ve had 20 years of this abuse with not one conviction

Sinn Fein facing a big bill for malicious libel

End flag protests say Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness

Same-sex marriage: ‘No mandate’, say MPs

MPs and Peers launch gay marriage rebellion saying Cameron has ‘no mandate’

Reg Empey hits out at Finucane inquiry calls

Tom Elliott bid to ban naming of parks after terrorists

Sinn Fein TD Toibin censured over abortion stand

Trimble slams DUP over flag rowSinn Fein libelled water chiefInternal rows are destroying Ulster Unionist Party

DUP in muddle because it clings to Sinn Fein

Around 1,000 people have taken part in a loyalist flags protest outside the gates of Belfast City Hall.

Families like mine pay more for food to subsidise binge drinking, says David Cameron

Europe is ‘for life’, Francois Hollande tells David Cameron in EU power spat

‘Border Fox’ at funeral of slain gang boss Kelly – (hypocrisy that could only be seen amongst Irish Republicans!!!)

Politicians defend roles in flag protests

Pat Finucane was shockingly murdered, but that doesn’t make him a human rights lawyer

Memorial to three Scottish soldiers murdered in north Belfast by the IRA vandalised

Sinn Fein councillors given police escort after Limavady flag protest 

Poots and Donaldson under death threat

Senior Democratic Unionists received death threats, says first minister

Detective talks ahead of Finucane report

More protests planned despite Nesbitt’s ‘Stop’ plea

Speaker Hay: I will take part in peaceful street protests

Confusion hits UUP as MLA claims party policy supports flying flag for 17 days

No move against Basil McCrea

DUP urged to drop Stormont flag issue amid continued tension

Stormont flag meeting is postponed

Dail suspended as Kenny calls on Adams to tell truth on McConville

Gay weddings not the answer, David Cameron told

Rocket found in car in Creggan, Derry

Hillary Clinton ‘distressed’ by Northern Ireland tensions as two bombs found

Peter Robinson condemns those behind Alliance death threat

Erosion of Britishness and Identity a Long and On Going Process

Riot police under attack as tensions over flag rage on

Major security operation planned

Belfast flag violence: UUP MLA Basil McCrea tells BBC that Alliance were right on City Hall vote

Ulster Unionist trio want Basil McCrea disciplined

No Twelfth flag would be gross insult, says Orange Order

Man arrested during flag protest in Omagh

Loyalist protest outside Enniskillen Townhall

Flag could fly more days at Stormont

Northern Ireland: It’s about sovereignty, stupid

Man charged with murder of crime ‘Godfather’ Kelly

Gay marriage: David Cameron backs church role

David Cameron warned Lords will ‘massacre’ gay marriage laws

Northern Ireland police injured trying to defend office from rioters

Violence is not the answer

Dublin’s gangland in state of violent flux

Gardaí hope to link chief suspect to Kelly murder

SDLP councillor defends IRA playground vote

Minister urged to condemn park name

Droppin’ Well bombing: Atrocity remembered 30 years on

In pictures: Droppin’ Well atrocity remembered 30 years on

Belfast city hall attacked by loyalist demonstrators over union flag vote

Police injured as loyalists riot in Belfast city centre after Union flag vote

15 police officers injured during Belfast City Hall violence

Ford slams DUP and UUP after City Hall violence

No excuse for violence, Peter Robinson warns

Tearing Down National Flag a Shame and Disgrace

Council ignores unionist pleas over ‘IRA playground’

Scouts welcome atheists a century after Baden-Powell demonised them

Scouts and guides consider adopting atheist oaths

Catholics’ beliefs not always by the Book

Northern Ireland councillors end Gaza twinning

US Secretary Hillary Clinton to visit Belfast

Border trail where IRA killed 42 people – (a record of IRA terror around the Editor’s home town)

New book for sale! Things that announce, accompany and follow the return of Christ

Studies in the prophetic Scriptures

by Rev. Ivan Foster

I believe with all my heart that there is a need for the people of God to return to that spiritual state in which the early church was – a waiting expectantly for the return of Christ. So it was in Thessalonica.

“For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come,” 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10.

The early church was a waiting church. It was not that they expected Him to come any day. Paul makes it clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that they were not to anticipate such an early return. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,” 2 Thessalonians 2:3. No, before the return of Christ there was to be a great apostasy, a falling away and out of it was to develop the Antichrist, the man of sin and son of perdition, verse 4. (From the Introduction) (more…)