August 2012

Carrying the torch for burning spiritual beliefs

This report appeared in the “Irish Times” on August 6th and is of the Free Presbyterian young people’s witness in London during the Olympic games. The Dublin newspaper has given a very fair report only it will be recognised that Dr Pollock is not in the habit of referring to “luck” as having any place in the outworking of God’s sovereign purpose!!

Some thoughts on an inter-church musical event in Penticton.

Rev. Andy Foster was invited to participate in an inter-church musical outreach event in Penticton. His refusal to join in was not well received by the representative of the local Pentecostal church who gave the invitation. This short article comments on some of the arguments commonly used in defence of such ecumenical events.

Samson: Ulster Protestantism’s plight illustrated

This sermon was preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on August 2nd 1998 and published in this printed form in “The Burning Bush” that same month. Fourteen years have passed by since then but what was said back then is still very relevant today. If anything, it is even more relevant!

Selected news stories

Maginnis claims ‘vast support’

Former mayor is back in party fold

‘Shameful disrespect for Maginnins exposes Nesbitt’s flaws’

Fall of Maginnis leaves UUP leader Nesbitt exposed

Victims’ group to meet Taoiseach over Republic’s role in Troubles

Police ‘could have solved Narrow Water’

Ken Maginnis quits Ulster Unionists in row over gay marriage comments

Maginnis quits UUP, tells Nesbitt to resign

Allister Challenges Parades Commission on Sinn Fein Parade

Warning over Boston tapes; Testimonies could be used to destabilise peace process: McGuinness

DUP’s Jim Wells: Abortion should be ruled out for rape victims

Call for clarity after DUP man’s ‘make homosexuality illegal’ comments

New legal bid to block release of Boston tapes

Task force call as Church of Ireland funds drop £9.5m

Papal Nuncio calls for ‘authentic’ faith in Ireland (Faithful must embrace even more tightly the religion which has blighted the lives of tens of thousands of children !!!)

Ireland’s papal nuncio calls for the adoption of ‘authentic’ Catholicism

NI bucks the national trend in GCSE exam results

Irish RC bishops may be planning ‘priestless parishes’

US ruling means Vatican not liable over paedophile priest

‘Violent’ preacher refused visa ahead of Portadown talk

‘Hate campaign’ against Protestant boxers

Jim Allister Welcomes Belated Investigation into Sandy Row Boxing Club Concerns

Ulster Unionist Councillor regrets gay ‘disease’ term

A reading from the gospel according to Gerry Adams

Church of Ireland cleric defies God and backs sodomite marriage

Gay marriage costs Tories support in the pews, poll shows

No member of Sinn Fein makes a public statement until the contents has been approved by the leadership

How truth is still a casualty in dirty war

Why Gerry, or Martin, can’t admit to having been in the IRA

So, is it true that the IRA has not really gone away?

Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams absent from one in four Dail days

The case against Europe: MEP Daniel Hannan reveals the disturbing contempt for democracy at the heart of the EU

New rogue garda claim is hammer blow to inquiry

Ulster abortion figures concern

Kids dressed as IRA terrorists

If England and Wales had 143 abortions to save the Mum’s life in 43 years how has NI managed 79 per annum over the past 5 years?

The end of Catholic Ireland

Downing St: longer Sunday opening hours could stay

‘We feel let down by our politicians’ – IRA victims speak out

George Galloway brands Iris Robinson and DUP hypocrites

Unionism ‘forced’ to share power – McDonnell -SDLP Leader

Is Irish Catholicism dead?

The divide in Ireland is not one between various faiths — but between religion itself and secularism

Top expert warns Northern Ireland economy is facing meltdown – (The DUP promised an economic utopia as a result of their deal with Sinn Fein/IRA and the “peace” that would follow. What fools Ulster Protestants were to believe them !!)

SDLP scorn for ‘Soviet-style’ SF

Republic of Ireland abandoning religion faster than almost every other country

Survey finds Ireland second only to Vietnam in loss of religious sentiment

Goodbye Team UK: Is Northern Ireland too awkward to be included formally?

Sinn Fein finds new Northern Ireland border signs hard to welcome

Quinn case ‘shows SF opportunism’

Maginnis blasts UUP colleague in gay row

Sinn Fein are wealthiest party and biggest spenders

Peace process could unravel over tapes fight

Equal marriage fuels Gay Pride protest

Irish law would ‘disadvantage Protestants’

SDLP spat over stance on same-sex marriages

Sinn Feiner John O’Dowd denies infiltrating schools with Sinn Fein governors

Sinn Fein divisions on Sean Quinn support reopened

Irish Roman Catholic Church facing ‘Eucharistic famine’ due to shortage of priests

Jim Allister stirs pot in job bias ruling row

‘IRA’ graffiti appears in Derry

Mid-Ulster MP should ‘tell all’ about Claudy – Allister

Families remember Claudy victims

New Bloody Sunday probe to include ‘terrorist activity’

Gavin Robinson is first DUP representative to attend a gay pride event – “The DUP are on a learning curve . . . ” Sinn Fein.

July 2012

Separation – A doctrine in need of reiteration

Leviticus 20:1-8. This is the substance of a message preached by Rev Ivan Foster on a recent visit to the Czech Republic and Romania.

Separation is no new doctrine. It is not the invention of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster or any other separated denomination.

You are not necessarily living a separated life just because you attend a separated church. There are many who attend services in a denomination which espouses a proper Biblical and separated position regarding the ecumenical movement and the worldly music that increasingly pervades the worship of many churches and yet they themselves do not embrace a holy separated walk with God. They are no more separated unto the Lord than was Judas Iscariot who was associated with the Lord Jesus during the most of His earthly ministry. Read article…

The Second Advent

by Bishop J. C. Ryle.

In language that is both uncomplicated and unambiguous, Bishop Ryle deals with a subject that is so relevant for the Church of Christ today. The indifference of many toward the Bible’s teaching on the Second Advent, the slumbering and sleeping of many regarding the Saviour’s return and the inconsistencies of those who reject a literal interpretation of Scripture prophecies are all dealt ably and graciously by the great man.

“Exclusive Psalmody” — is it commanded of God?

The substance of a submission by Rev. Ivan Foster in his debate with Rev. Angus Stewart of Covenant Protestant Reformed Fellowship, Ballymena, on 14th January 2005. (reprinted from 2005) Click here to read.

Report of Rev. Ivan Foster’s visit to Czech Republic and Romania

Below is an audio report of Rev. Foster’s recent preaching trip to the Czech Republic and Romania. This report was originally broadcast as part of a Heart of the matter programme.

Some photographs from the trip.

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Selected news stories

June 2012

Dr Joel Beeke update.

Dear Readers,

Last week, Pastor Ralph Ovadal and I sent out, including to a good many ministers, an article titled “Of Ducks and New Calvinists.”

The thesis, and conclusion, of that much read warning which we reluctantly sounded is that the very influential Dr. Joel Beeke is very much a New Calvinist. By way of justifying such a warning, we supplied copious amounts of documentation. That documentation included, but was very far from limited to, Dr. Beeke’s deep involvement in a grossly ecumenical organization called Refo500. Previously, some of this same information was also shared on the “Heart of the Matter” program.

Now this week, we have been informed by a minister close to Dr. Beeke that he has just agreed to sever all ministry connections to Refo500.

It is to be greatly wondered at how Dr. Beeke could ever have become involved in such a blatantly ecumenical venture in the first place! It is to be mourned that such pressure was necessary for him to withdraw from what was literally a partnership with the Refo500 consortium.

We ought now to pray that Dr. Beeke, who has so much influence with so many evangelicals, will move forward to reform his still deeply and broadly compromised ministry. See Dr. Joel Beeke – an enigma.

We hope the very best from, and for, him in that regard. We thought it only right, in view of the development mentioned, to send out this P.S. to our earlier article and ask that you forward it on to all with whom you shared that article. Thank you.


Ralph Ovadal, Pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin

Ivan Foster, Minister of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster (Retired)

The sinister peace behind the handshake

Never was there a more joyless ‘jubilee’ for the faithful child of God than that which we have witnessed here in Ulster!

The cynical mandarins of deceitful diplomacy, in company with ecumenism’s graceless wretches who masquerade as God’s servants but who are in truth the servants of the devil (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) have manipulated the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Northern Ireland on her Jubilee tour of the United Kingdom, in a most wicked and nefarious manner. Read more…

Dr. Joel Beeke – an enigma

Dr Joel Beeke is a well known and very well liked Calvinist from the United States. He is “Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan USA, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, and editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth” (Dr Beeke’s Sermonaudio site).

Many would speak of Dr Beeke’s pleasing persona and preaching style. None of these things is denied in the least. However, the company that Dr Beeke keeps on his conference-circuit perambulations does cause great concern to those anxious to obey God’s commands on separation from error, wickedness and apostasy. Read more…

Dr Paisley shares service with man he once condemned as a Romaniser and a liar

A memorial service was held on 4th June in Carrickfergus Town Hall for those involved the Bryantang bus crash 20 years ago. Not everyone involved in that tragedy was invited along to attend as a memorial plague was unveiled! A number who were involved those 20 years ago and who were also injured were never informed about it taking place.

Would it have anything to do with the fact that among those taking part in this ‘memorial service’ was Rev David Armstrong? Read more… (Link to Sound of an alarm website)

Selected news stories

Crime wave that is bankrolling terror

INLA gang ‘threatened to kill man’ over £35,000

Bloody Sunday investigation ‘must include Martin McGuinness’

John Hume knighted by Pope Benedict

Bloody Sunday probe ‘should include Martin McGuinness’

DUP Lord Mayor’s delight at launching annual Feile an Phobail

Jim Allister challenges both DPP and Chief Constable on Bloody Sunday investigation

Second SF minister in ‘jobs for Catholics’ row

Trust defends Causeway creationist display

Bloody Sunday: Police to investigate Derry deaths

Belfast City Council first in Ireland to support gay marriage…but unionists walk out before vote

McGuinness: IRA not apologising

MP’s horror at Queen, McGuinness meeting

Pope visit to NI ‘in near future’

Papal visit speculation dismissed

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke: UK plainly losing war on drugs

Anti-Protestant Bias in another Sinn Fein department

‘Giant step’ as NI leaders shake hands

IRA apology claims linked to reconciliation talks – Martin McGuinness

Sinn Fein plays down IRA general apology reports

McGuinness ‘told Queen he recognised her loss’

I recall what Martin McGuinness lent his hand to

Ruth Dudley Edwards: McGuinness embraces his defeat

Conor Murphy ‘hasn’t a sectarian bone’ says McGuinness (Then he must have no skeleton!!)

Details of north-south forum to be announced

The Queen meets Martin McGuinness: a cruel gimmick forced on the Monarch by Cameron’s government

US Congressman Peter King on how Queen’s historic handshake could lead to a United Ireland

Protestant (slight exaggeration) clergyman hails meeting

The Queen-McGuinness handshake: what the body language revealed

Sinn Fein Royal gesture will seal move to the middle ground

By shaking the Queen’s hand, Martin McGuinness accepts her sovereignty

Monsignor William Lynn becomes first US priest convicted for abuse cover up

Outrage at picture of armed IRA men

IRA still have a big say in Sinn Fein, says ex-MLA and RUC man

Violent Londonderry-based Irish republican group boasts it ‘can do everything the IRA used to do’

Sinn Fein minister found guilty of discrimination

Institutionalised sectarian discrimination under Sinn Fein Rule

Sinn Fein under fire over Westminster expense claims

Sinn Fein faces two inquiries over abuse of TDs’ expenses

One in four in IRA members were informers Smithwick Tribunal told

Infanticide and bestiality advocate given Australia’s highest civic award

Exit one Terrorist, Enter Another

Former Sinn Fein MLA believes Martin McGuinness will meet Queen

Lord Maginnis has whip withdrawn by Ulster Unionists over gay slur

Maginnis hits out at UUP leader’s ‘gross mistake’ to remove party whip

Anglicans threaten rift with government over gay marriage

Priestly sins have shaken faith of Irish Catholics, says pope

Taoiseach’s promise on Kingsmills

May 2012

The International Eucharistic Congress 2012. Is this a Christian event?

By Richard Bennett (Berean Beacon). A major news item across the Catholic world for the summer of 2012 is that the International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) is to be held in Dublin, Ireland from June 10th – 17th. The Congress is expected to attract 25,000 people a day, including “12,000 international pilgrims representing 99 different countries.” Read more…

What a critic has to say of our report on Ballymena Ecumenical service

Free Presbyterians attend Ballymena ecumenical service for Queen’s Jubilee

…But what was most heart-breaking for many was the attendance at the service of Dr Ian and Mrs Paisley. The man, who for many Christians, was an instructor in righteousness and a guide on the solemn issues of separation from ecumenical apostasy, sat through a service in which a Romanist priest led the congregation in prayer and the Church of Ireland Bishop of Connor, among other things, prayed for the dead!

Among those political figures who attended were Mr. Ian Paisley Jr., MP and his wife, Mr. Mervyn Storey and his wife. Mr. Storey is an elder in Ballymoney Free Presbyterian Church. The Mayor of Ballymena was also in attendance and participated in the service. He attends Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church. Other DUP councillors from a number of District Councils were also in attendance. Read more…

  •  Report of this ecumenical service on the Diocese of Connor website.

Selected news stories

McGuinness claims unionists open to idea of a united Ireland

Reverend Harold Good says Sinn Fein reconciliation talks ‘open and frank’

Remember IRA victims as Adams lectures you on TV

‘Independent’ policing board member is SF councillor

Orange frustration over Covenant centenary failings

NI leaders to unveil gay rights blueprint

Secret files link ‘Gerry Adams linked to ruthless IRA death squad that murdered mother-of-ten they believed to be British spy’

Sinn Fein men accompany convicted double murderer Martin Corey at funeral

15m euros spent on Archdiocese of Dublin abuse cases

Concern over Republic’s plan to cut Protestant school funding

Robinson slams ‘boycotter Ford’

Unionists question Sinn Féin’s commitment to truth and genuine reconciliation

Irish nun quits Catholic church after claiming abuse at hands of priests

Smithwick Tribunal hears RUC source ‘warned of ‘mole’ in Dundalk station

Cameron rebukes Northern Ireland Secretary over gay marriage

Stephen Carroll sentence referred to Court of Appeal

Concern after IRA bombs van and police base

Priest claims schoolgirl Emanuela Orlandi was kidnapped for Vatican sex parties

Sinn Fein now minders for dissidents

Residents outraged as bombs are found in Derry flats

The secret war games terrorists can never win

David Cameron urged to stand up to Europe over prisoner vote row

Northern Ireland Secretary, Owen Paterson says he cannot support David Cameron’s gay marriage plan

Protestants losing out on jobs – report

Smithwick Tribunal handed extension

Evangelicals hit out at bishop in same-sex row

Ministers spent £36,000 (£1,000 per day on hire cars) on US trade mission

Mother charged with directing terrorism in Northern Ireland

Seven in court after Northern Ireland swoop on alleged dissident republicans

Sinn Fein denies Martin McGuinness wants Cardinal Sean Brady to face court

Four remanded over ‘terror training camp’ near Omagh

Two brothers and a cousin of prominent dissident republican Colin Duffy appeared in court on terrorism offences

Free Presbyterian Church leaders horrified by ‘tacky’ musical

Stormont told to release SF papers

Fresh blow for Cardinal Sean Brady as priests snub rally

The Roman Catholic Church has protected evil for too long

Questions which are too hot for OFMdFM to handle

Why a mother took her teenage son to be shot by vigilante terrorists Republican Action Against Drugs

Kennedy “unsurprised” by Smithwick revelations

100,000 forgotten victims of the Troubles

Sinn Fein’s forked-tongue approach just doesn’t cut it

Thatcher ‘advised not to fuel Garda collusion talk’

Margaret Thatcher ‘played down collusion’

Members of IRA ambush squad named during tribunal sitting

I’m not apologising for my £10,000 Stormont postage bill: Ian Paisley jnr

Peter Robinson in bid to keep Stormont advisers row out of the courts

IRA man was ‘bravest of the brave’ – McGuinness

Setting the Scene to Mark the 1916 Rising at Stormont

Jim Allister Calls for Official Marking of RUC Centenary

McGuinness urges people to help police jail RAAD members

‘Sinn Fein intent on removing British tradition’ – McCrea (Why are you in coalition with them then???)

Sam Smyth: SF’s policy is hypocrisy — on both sides of Border

Real IRA brothers use an axe to hack off victim’s fingers

Fury as Sinn Fein oppose soldier’s name going on town war memorial

Gerry Adams is in no position to lecture anyone on abuse

Under-fire church to break from tradition – (Update on ecumenical shenanigans in Ireland!!

How ecumenical Protestants fare in Roman Catholic Ireland

Differences over “gay marriage” in Conservative Party

Catholic Church is not for respectable people

US election: Mitt Romney leads Republican attack on Barack Obama and gay marriage

Church of Ireland Synod blasted for ‘homophobia’ after vote on marriage

Church of Ireland U-turn on gay row motion

Northern Bank robbery man’s conviction overturned

Man who warned RUC that former Det Sgt Owen Corrigan of Dundalk Garda was an IRA mole, later abducted, tortured and killed by the IRA

Heated exchanges over unmasking of RUC source at Smithwick Tribunal

Cardinal Brady Should Resign

‘No healing until cardinal resigns’, abuse victim Brendan Boland says

Front page of historic Ulster Covenant missing

Police could have stopped Omagh bombers: relatives

Martin McGuinness signals he is ready to meet Queen if Sinn Fein leadership green lights historic U-turn

DUP asleep at the wheel on Higher Education Strategy

Obama touts gay marriage stance at Hollywood fundraiser, as event raises nearly $15M

DUP criticise DPP for dropping Derry Easter rally charge

Catholic Church braced for new child sex abuse scandal in Republic of Ireland

We’re ready to back TUV Bill banning ex-prisoners from adviser roles, reveals SDLP man

Justice Minister Dodges Reporting to Assembly on Police Investigation into Roman Catholic Child Abuse Scandal

A former Garda sergeant was named as a trustworthy IRA informer

Gay backlash ahead of CoI debate on sexuality

Former Christian Brother John McCabe jailed for abusing three boys

Vatican ‘miserably failed’ abuse victims says Martin McGuinness (or the case of the kettle calling the pot black!!!!)

DUP-Sinn Fein tension over advisers

Questions about McGuinness haven’t gone away, you know

Victim says church hasn’t changed and demands Cardinal Brady resign

Dissident republicans ‘have remote detonation capability’

SF advisor’s pay held over ‘security checks’

Salary row over Sinn Fein aide

Association of Catholic Priests discuss Church’s future

Scientists Admit IVF Has High Rate of Abnormalities

Finance department will not pay for McArdle replacement

Dublin archbishop in Brendan Smyth inquiry call

Republican Action Against Drugs admits shooting two men and says it will shoot more

RAAD’s campaign of terror must be brought to an end

Can Good Friday Agreement compare to the Easter Rising?

Cardinal Sean Brady: McGuinness and Gilmore critical

RC Theologian calls on Cardinal Sean Brady to resign

Poots voices concern at Cardinal’s actions – (What about your Department’s killing of embryos, Mr Poots??)

Pope donates $250,000 for disaffected Anglicans

Police urged to probe abuse claims

Cardinal Brady will not resign over ‘abuse failure’

Cardinal Sean Brady vows to remain as former RUC officer says failures let abuse go on

Victim, Brendan Boland calls on Cardinal Sean Brady to resign

Another man abused by Brendan Smyth blasts Cardinal Seán Brady and calls on him to resign

Pressure mounting North and South on Brady amid calls for police to step in

Convicted IRA bomber opened a “harrowing” exhibition about 9/11 victims in Belfast

Martin McGuinness denies contact with Smithwick Tribunal

Allister Hits Out at Anti-Unionist Higher Education Strategy – While DUP are Absent

Cardinal Brady ‘failed to act on sex abuse claims’

Victim of pervert priest says cardinal Brady took notes as he told of vile assaults

Cardinal Brady ‘failed to warn parents of abuse claims’

Vatican adds voice to support for Cardinal Brady

Brady ‘betrayed’ by officials over abuse

Time for Police involvement in Brady Affair

McGuinness is really in charge (Letter to the Editor)

Donegal shooting was paramilitary-style attack

Police patrol may have spooked terrorist team with 600lbs van bomb

PSNI says republicans have lied to tribunal

Smithwick Tribunal told IRA ‘believes evidence deliberately false’

Collusion probe ‘is a significant issue for top republicans’

Stormont accused over pro-Irish student plan

€10 Million of Euro Money to Terrorists

McGuinness calls for end to UK link

Jim Allister slams Sinn Féin over terrorism

Allister Pays Tribute to Army During Newry Bomb Matter of the Day debate – and raises MPs “personal experience”

Unionists pan ‘leprechauns and donkeys’ all-Ireland tourism drive

A Mecca for Terror Tourists

UUP MLA hits out over Robinson speech

Not a ‘City of Culture‘ but ‘A city of murderers’