November 2005

Articles from the November 2005 edition.

Priest Alec Reid voices official Roman Catholic view of Protestantism

No coalition with Sinn Fein—Bertie Ahern

Widow of an RUC reservist murdered in 1981 to be new “victims commissioner”

Five year ban on Nationalist councillors

Irish government inquiry uncovers over 100 allegations of sexual abuse by priests

Presbyterian minister takes Alec Reid to task

Irish Methodism’s departure from God’s word

Earthquakes—God’s messengers of judgment

October 2005

Articles from the October 2005 edition.

The bombs and guns have gone—or have they?

Television programme lays blame for the Northern Bank raid at IRA’s door

“Alpha” on course for Rome

Northern Ireland safer than England and Wales

Roman Catholic priest given four years from sex abuse

Irish Methodism’s departure from God’s word

It’s official! – Roman Catholics do not read the Bible regularly

Pope immune from abuse suits says USA government

Church of England Bishop defends transsexual curate

US Baptists break with denomination because of tolerance of sodomy

The protest against ecumenism

September 2005

Articles from the September 2005 edition.

Tony Blair’s “deal with the devil”

Ecumenical agenda bans Trinitarian Bible Society from Aberdeenshire schools

Columbia three are back to trouble in Dublin

Sacrificed to placate the IRA

God at work behind the Bamboo Curtain

Christian School principal retires after twenty years

News from around the world

Judges warn that new drink laws will increase street crime

Excellent results in Kilskeery Independent Christian School examinations

Standing firm in the midst of a sinking world