A message from 35 years ago . . .

This article is the substance of a message preached at the Annual Easter Convention in Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church on 29th March, 1986. It was remounted on our website in 2010. Now 11 years later we remount it once more. It contains information and Biblical instruction which is even more relevant today. I challenge

News review for week ending Friday 27th July 2018

News review for week ending Friday 27th July 2018. “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?” Romans 9:20.   Baby born with half a heart defies doctors to start nursery “Doctors offered to terminate the

July 2018

Audio sermons KICS talks. These have finished for the school year. They will recommence, DV, in September. All recently added audio sermons can be seen here. Prayer meeting, Cookstown FPC, July 24th, 2018. . Open air service July 22nd, 2018. . Preacher Rev. Ivan Foster Sunday service July 15th, 2018. . Preacher: Rev. Gordon Ferguson Sunday